Handbook of Input-Output Economics in Industrial Ecology

Handbook of Input-Output Economics in Industrial Ecology PDF Author: Sangwon Suh
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1402057377
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 885

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Book Description
Industrial Ecology (IE) is an emerging multidisciplinary field. University departments and higher education programs are being formed on the subject following the lead of Yale University, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Leiden University, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Carnegie Mellon University, University of California at Berkeley, Institute for Superior Technology in Lisbon, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, and The University of Tokyo. IE deals with stocks and flows in interconnected networks of industry and the environment, which relies on a basic framework for analysis. Among others, Input-Output Analysis (IOA) is recognized as a key conceptual and analytical framework for IE. A major challenge is that the field of IOA manifests a long history since the 1930s with two Nobel Prize Laureates in the field and requires considerable analytical rigor. This led many instructors and researchers to call for a high-quality publication on the subject which embraces both state-of-the-art theory and principles as well as practical applications.

Handbook of Input-Output Economics in Industrial Ecology

Handbook of Input-Output Economics in Industrial Ecology PDF Author: Sangwon Suh
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1402057377
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 885

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Book Description
Industrial Ecology (IE) is an emerging multidisciplinary field. University departments and higher education programs are being formed on the subject following the lead of Yale University, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Leiden University, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Carnegie Mellon University, University of California at Berkeley, Institute for Superior Technology in Lisbon, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, and The University of Tokyo. IE deals with stocks and flows in interconnected networks of industry and the environment, which relies on a basic framework for analysis. Among others, Input-Output Analysis (IOA) is recognized as a key conceptual and analytical framework for IE. A major challenge is that the field of IOA manifests a long history since the 1930s with two Nobel Prize Laureates in the field and requires considerable analytical rigor. This led many instructors and researchers to call for a high-quality publication on the subject which embraces both state-of-the-art theory and principles as well as practical applications.

Waste Input-Output Analysis

Waste Input-Output Analysis PDF Author: Shinichiro Nakamura
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1402099029
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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Book Description
Industrial ecology (IE) is a rapidly growing scienti?c discipline that is concerned with the sustainability of industrial systems under explicit consideration of its int- dependence with natural systems. In recent years, there has been an ever-increasing awareness about the applicability of Input-Output Analysis (IOA) to IE, in particular to LCA (life cycle assessment) and MFA (material ?ow analysis). This is witnessed in the growing number of papers at ISIE (International Society for Industrial Ec- ogy) conferences, which use IOA, and also by the installment of subject editors on IOA in the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. It can be said that IE has become a major ?eld of application for IOA. The broadening of users of IOA from various backgrounds implies a need for a self-contained textbook on IOA that can meet the needs of students and practitioners without compromising on basic c- cepts and the latest developments. This book was written with the aim of ?lling this need, and is primarily addressed to students and practitioners of IE. As the title suggests, the core contents of the book have grown out of our research in IOA of waste management issues over the last decade. We have been fascinated by the versatile nature of IOA with regard to various technical issues of waste m- agement in particular, and to IE in general. For us (both economists by training), IOA has turned out to be extremely useful in establishing productive communi- tion with scientists and engineers interested in IE.

Ecological Economics and Industrial Ecology

Ecological Economics and Industrial Ecology PDF Author: Jakub Kronenberg
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134099088
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 387

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Holistic in approach and rooted in the real world Ecological Economics and Industrial Ecology presents a new way of looking at environmental policy; exploring the relationship between ecological economics and industrial ecology.Concentrating on the conceptual background of ecological economics and industrial ecology, this book:provides a selection

Industrial Ecology

Industrial Ecology PDF Author: T. E. Graedel
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 388

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Book Description
To a significant degree, the first edition of this book defined the new field of industrial ecology, the restructuring of technological activity to incorporate environmental concerns. Important topics from that book are updated here, among them life-cycle assessment product design for the environment the incorporation of environmental considerations into product development integrating industrial ecology into corporations budgets and cycles In addition, the new edition includes entire chapters on topics that are becoming or have become newly important to the field: the biological model applied to industrial systems the status of resources the transition from products to services systems analysis Earth systems engineering and management While still serving as a practical guide to product designers and corporate managers, the new edition also provides guidance for the broader task of mapping a societal evolution to a more sustainable world, thus justifying industrial ecology's label as "the science and technology of sustainability."

Primary Exergy Cost of Goods and Services

Primary Exergy Cost of Goods and Services PDF Author: Matteo Vincenzo Rocco
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319436562
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 152

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Book Description
This book describes the Exergy-based Input – Output (ExIO) framework, a comprehensive methodology for assessing the primary fossil fuels requirements for the production of goods and services within a given economy from a lifecycle perspective. In the ExIO approach, exergy is assumed to be the best suited thermodynamic metric for characterizing fossil fuels. The mathematical formulation of ExIO is based on Input-Output analysis, which defines boundaries in time and space for any system or product analyzed, encompassing its entire lifecycle. The Hybrid-ExIO approach has been developed to increase the accuracy of results and to analyze energy systems in detail, leading to the definition of criteria and indicators for identifying and optimizing the primary fossil fuels requirements of system products. Lastly, the Bioeconomic ExIO model has been proposed to account for the side effects that the working hours required for producing goods and services have on the total primary fossil fuels consumption. As such, the book will be of considerable interest to both researchers and engineers in industry, offering them essential guidelines on the utilization of exergy and thermoeconomic analysis.

Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology

Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology PDF Author: Roland Clift
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319205714
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 373

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How can we design more sustainable industrial and urban systems that reduce environmental impacts while supporting a high quality of life for everyone? What progress has been made towards reducing resource use and waste, and what are the prospects for more resilient, material-efficient economies? What are the environmental and social impacts of global supply chains and how can they be measured and improved? Such questions are at the heart of the emerging discipline of industrial ecology, covered in Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology. Leading authors, researchers and practitioners review how far industrial ecology has developed and current issues and concerns, with illustrations of what the industrial ecology paradigm has achieved in public policy, corporate strategy and industrial practice. It provides an introduction for students coming to industrial ecology and for professionals who wish to understand what industrial ecology can offer, a reference for researchers and practitioners and a source of case studies for teachers.

Handbook of the Circular Economy

Handbook of the Circular Economy PDF Author: Miguel Brandão
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1788972724
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 545

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Book Description
This crucial Handbook brings together the latest thinking on the circular economy, an area that has increasingly caught global attention. Contributors explore a broad range of themes such as recycling systems and new business models, as well as consolidating the many ways in which the topic has been dealt with in research, business and policy-making. The Handbook of the Circular Economy is not only relevant, but also essential for students, academics, and policy-makers trying to make sense of the plethora of ways in which the term has been applied and interpreted.

A Handbook of Industrial Ecology

A Handbook of Industrial Ecology PDF Author: Robert U. Ayres
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 9781843765479
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 712

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Book Description
'The editors of this handbook have brought together 58 of the world's greatest environmental systems experts. These professionals have, in 46 specific topic headings, divided into six major sections, provided very insightful information and guidance as to what industrial ecology entails, how it can be implemented, and its benefits . . . a very valuable tool . . . This book provides essential information to mid- and top-level management that can enable industry to make more prudent business decisions regarding the manufacturing of its products.' - Robert John Klancko, Environmental Practice Industrial ecology is coming of age and this superb book brings together leading scholars to present a state-of-the-art overviews of the subject.

Handbook of Input–Output Analysis

Handbook of Input–Output Analysis PDF Author: Thijs ten Raa
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 178347632X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 513

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Book Description
In this authoritative Handbook, leading experts from international statistical offices and universities explain in detail the treatment and role of input-output statistics in the System of National Accounts. Furthermore, they address the derivation of input-output coefficients for the purpose of economic and environmental modeling, the building of applied general equilibrium models, the use of these models for efficiency analysis, and the extensions to stochastic and dynamic input-output analysis. As well as revealing and exploring the theoretical foundations, the Handbook also acts as a useful guide for practitioners.

Ecological Economics

Ecological Economics PDF Author: Stanislav E. Shmelev
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400719728
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 261

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Book Description
In a concise and crisp manner, this book presents the state of the art in ecological economics, an interdisciplinary field focused on the analysis of sustainability of global, national and regional economic systems. An elegant guide, the book offers a range of cutting edge methods used in sustainability research including multicriteria decision aid (MCDA), input-output analysis, and life cycle analysis. This book is packed with references for students with some background in economics, environmental science or mathematics who aim to develop the analytical skills required for redirecting our development path towards sustainability in government, international organisations, academia, non-profit sector and business. As such, the book is primarily aimed at MSc and first year PhD students reading for degrees in Environmental Change and Management, Ecological Economics, Environmental Management, Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and those taking part in similar programmes. The book strives to develop the idea that a significant adjustment of the current economic theories is required, an idea supported by the emerged world economic crisis, the climatic and biodiversity crisis the world is currently facing and the enormously slow progress that has been made in the field of reorientation of the global economy towards sustainability. The practical case studies provided focus on the most pressing topics of today, and the book adopts a positive approach for problem solving and strategic development, which is aimed at educating the future decision makers and business leaders.