Forest Microbiology

Forest Microbiology PDF Author: Fred O Asiegbu
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128225432
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 438

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Forest Microbiology, Volume One: Tree Microbiome: Phyllosphere, Endosphere and Rhizosphere places an emphasis on the microbiology of leaves, needles, stems, roots, litter and soil. This comprehensive title is split into five sections, including the phyllosphere microbiome, endosphere, rhizosphere, archaea, viruses in forest ecosystem and microbiota of forest nurseries and tree pests, challenges and potentials. Microbial communities associated with various host trees and different tree tissues are compared, and generalists and specialists among tree-associated microbes are identified. In addition, biotic and abiotic factors determining the composition and the structure of forest tree microbial communities are presented, along with the concept of microbial 'hubs.' Together, the book's editors have 25 years' worth of experience teaching and conducting research on forest microbiology, making this an essential read for any scientist interested in the forest microbiome. - Addresses the microbiology of living organs of forest trees including needles, leaves, stems and roots - Highlights the potential impact of microbiota inhabiting forest trees on the health and fitness of, and disease progression in, forest biomes - Focuses on the phyllosphere, endosphere and rhizosphere forest microbiome

Forest Microbiology

Forest Microbiology PDF Author: Fred O Asiegbu
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128225432
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 438

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Book Description
Forest Microbiology, Volume One: Tree Microbiome: Phyllosphere, Endosphere and Rhizosphere places an emphasis on the microbiology of leaves, needles, stems, roots, litter and soil. This comprehensive title is split into five sections, including the phyllosphere microbiome, endosphere, rhizosphere, archaea, viruses in forest ecosystem and microbiota of forest nurseries and tree pests, challenges and potentials. Microbial communities associated with various host trees and different tree tissues are compared, and generalists and specialists among tree-associated microbes are identified. In addition, biotic and abiotic factors determining the composition and the structure of forest tree microbial communities are presented, along with the concept of microbial 'hubs.' Together, the book's editors have 25 years' worth of experience teaching and conducting research on forest microbiology, making this an essential read for any scientist interested in the forest microbiome. - Addresses the microbiology of living organs of forest trees including needles, leaves, stems and roots - Highlights the potential impact of microbiota inhabiting forest trees on the health and fitness of, and disease progression in, forest biomes - Focuses on the phyllosphere, endosphere and rhizosphere forest microbiome

Forest Microbiology

Forest Microbiology PDF Author: Fred O Asiegbu
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0323984487
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 490

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Forest Microbiology, Volume Two: Forest Tree Health highlights a range of emerging microbial phytopathogens of forest trees, along with novel approaches for managing tree pests and diseases in a changing climate. The book provides an overview of selected microbial pathogens of forest trees, with an emphasis on their biology, lifecycle, spreading mechanisms, impact on affected tree species and current and prospective control strategies. At the same time, the impact of tree microbiomes on host fitness is discussed. Beneficial components of tree microbiota are presented, along with their functional role in tree nutrition, immunity and disease resistance. In addition, this volume addresses the many functions of microbial disease agents of trees including fungi, bacteria, viruses and phytoplasma. Strong emphasis is placed on the genetics, biochemistry, physiology, evolutionary biology and population dynamics of the microorganisms involved. This title is a key resource for foresters and forest pathology practitioners, as well as plant biologists. - Provides an overview of selected microbial pathogens of forest trees, with an emphasis on their biology, lifecycle, spreading mechanisms, impact on affected tree species and current and prospective control strategies - Highlights novel approaches to managing tree pests and diseases in a changing climate - Addresses the many functions of microbial disease agents of trees, including fungi, fungi, bacteria, viruses and phytoplasma

Wood Microbiology

Wood Microbiology PDF Author: Robert A. Zabel
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0323139469
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 498

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An in-depth examination of deterioration caused by fungi and other microorganisms, Wood Microbiology explores the major damages to wood and wood products during growth, harvesting, storage, and conversion to finished lumber. The characteristics, causes, detection, effects, and control measures for wood damage are stressed. - Reviews characteristics, classification, and metabolism of fungi responsible for wood deterioration and discoloration - Examines the anatomical, structural, and chemical features of decay - Covers effects of decay on physical and structural properties of wood - Presents methods for preventing biodegradation and for preserving wood - Extensively classroom tested--suitable for a two-quarter or one-semester course - Each chapter contains a summary and detailed references

Women in Microbiology

Women in Microbiology PDF Author: Rachel J. Whitaker
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1555819540
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 355

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Many girls want to become scientists when they grow up, just like many boys do. But for these girls, the struggle to do what they love and to be treated with respect has been much harder because of the discrimination and bias in our society. In Women in Microbiology, we meet women who, despite these obstacles and against tough odds, have become scientific leaders and revered mentors. The women profiled in this collection range from historic figures like Alice Catherine Evans and Ruth Ella Moore to modern heroes like Michele Swanson and Katrina Forest. What binds all of these remarkable women are a passion for their work, a zest for life, a warm devotion to mentoring others—especially younger women—and a sense of justice and fairness that they are willing to fight tirelessly to obtain. Each story is unique, but each woman featured in Women in Microbiology has done so much to expand our knowledge of the natural world while also making it easier for the next generation of scientists to work collaboratively and in an atmosphere where people are judged by their intellect, imagination, skill, and commitment to service regardless of gender or race. Women in Microbiology is a wonderful collection of stories that will inspire everyone, but especially young women and men who are wondering how to find their way in the working world. Some of the names are familiar and some are lesser known, but all of the stories arouse a sense of excitement, driven by tales of new, important scientific insights, stories of overcoming adversity and breaking boundaries, and the inclusion of personal tips and advice from successful careers. These stories are proof that a person can live a balanced and passionate life in science that is rich and rewarding.

Subject Heading List

Subject Heading List PDF Author: National Agricultural Library (U.S.)
Category : Agriculture
Languages : en
Pages : 660

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Subject Heading List, Preliminary Edition

Subject Heading List, Preliminary Edition PDF Author: National Agricultural Library (U.S.)
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 1236

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Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry

Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry PDF Author: Eldor Paul
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0123914116
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 603

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The fourth edition of Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry updates this widely used reference as the study and understanding of soil biota, their function, and the dynamics of soil organic matter has been revolutionized by molecular and instrumental techniques, and information technology. Knowledge of soil microbiology, ecology and biochemistry is central to our understanding of organisms and their processes and interactions with their environment. In a time of great global change and increased emphasis on biodiversity and food security, soil microbiology and ecology has become an increasingly important topic. Revised by a group of world-renowned authors in many institutions and disciplines, this work relates the breakthroughs in knowledge in this important field to its history as well as future applications. The new edition provides readable, practical, impactful information for its many applied and fundamental disciplines. Professionals turn to this text as a reference for fundamental knowledge in their field or to inform management practices. - New section on "Methods in Studying Soil Organic Matter Formation and Nutrient Dynamics" to balance the two successful chapters on microbial and physiological methodology - Includes expanded information on soil interactions with organisms involved in human and plant disease - Improved readability and integration for an ever-widening audience in his field - Integrated concepts related to soil biota, diversity, and function allow readers in multiple disciplines to understand the complex soil biota and their function

Forest genetic resources conservation and management: status in seven South and Southeast Asian countries

Forest genetic resources conservation and management: status in seven South and Southeast Asian countries PDF Author:
Publisher: Bioversity International
ISBN: 9675221216
Category : Forest germplasm resources conservation
Languages : en
Pages : 188

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Exploring Microorganisms

Exploring Microorganisms PDF Author: Antonio Mendez-Vilas
Publisher: Universal-Publishers
ISBN: 1627346236
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 310

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Exploring Microorganisms: Recent Advances in Applied Microbiology, contains a selection of papers presented at the VII International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology - BioMicroWorld2017 (Madrid, Spain). This book offers the outcomes of completed and outgoing research works and experiences of several microbiology research groups across the world. The volume is divided into the following sections: * Agriculture, Soil, Forest Microbiology * Environmental, Marine, Aquatic Microbiology. Geomicrobiology * BBB - Biodeterioration, Biodegratation, Bioremediation * Microbiology of Food and Animal Feed * Industrial Microbiology * Microbial Production of High-Value Products: Drugs, Chemicals, Fuels, Electricity ... * Biotechnologically Relevant Enzymes and Proteins * Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Microbiology * Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Antimicrobial Resistance * Biofilms * Microbial Physiology, Genetics, Evolution and Adaptation Readers will find this book a useful opportunity to keep up with the latest research results, insights and advances in the microbiology field.

Effects of Acid Rain on Forest Processes

Effects of Acid Rain on Forest Processes PDF Author: Douglas L. Godbold
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9780471517689
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 438

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A detailed analysis of acidification effects on forest soil, rhizosphere and plant life and on the processes connecting them such as nutrient uptake and mineral cycling. Presents findings from the Solling project, an important long-term study on acid rain results in Germany's Black Forest, as well as other European forests which have experienced severe acid rain damage as a means of evaluating and predicting similar harm to U.S. forests.