Fachtagung "Cognitive Verfahren und Systeme," Hamburg, 11.-13. April 1973

Fachtagung Author: Theodor Einsele
Category : Artificial intelligence
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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Fachtagung "Cognitive Verfahren und Systeme," Hamburg, 11.-13. April 1973

Fachtagung Author: Theodor Einsele
Category : Artificial intelligence
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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Barriers to Entry

Barriers to Entry PDF Author: C.C.v. Weizsäcker
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642464262
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 227

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I was originally induced to think about barriers to entry by some re search done for Charles River Associates, Inc., Boston, on behalf of their client IBM Corporation, Armonk, N.Y. After the end of this re search project I continued to work on entry barriers and related is sues of market structure. The results of this effort are reported here. What I present is not a book in the traditional sense of the word. Due to other research and administrative obligations I could not, without substantial delay, present a more finished product. The rapid progress in the field of industrial organisation theory made me fear that my results could become obsolete if I further waited with their publica tion. I hope that the early presentation of a progress report rather than a much later publication of a finished product is not only in my interest but also in the interest of economics.

Stochastic Dynamic Properties of Linear Econometric Models

Stochastic Dynamic Properties of Linear Econometric Models PDF Author: J. Wolters
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642953794
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 163

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Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes

Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes PDF Author: W. Hock
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642483208
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 188

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................................................................. The performance of a nonlinear programming algorithm can only be ascertained by numerical experiments requiring the collection and implementation of test examples in dependence upon the desired performance criterium. This book should be considered as an assis tance for a test designer since it presents an extensive collec tion of nonlinear programming problems which have been used in the past to test or compare optimization programs. He will be in formed about the optimal solution, about the structure of the problem in the neighbourhood of the solution, and, in addition, about the usage of the corresp,onding FORTRAN subroutines if he is interested in obtaining them -ofi a magnetic tape. Chapter I shows how the test examples are documented. In par ticular, the evaluation of computable information about the solu tion of a problem is outlined. It is explained how the optimal solution, the optimal Lagrange-multipliers, and the condition number of the projected Hessian of the Lagrangian are obtained. Furthermore, a classification number is defined allowing a formal description of a test problem, and the documentation scheme is described which is used in Chapter IV to present the problems.

Optimization with Disjunctive Constraints

Optimization with Disjunctive Constraints PDF Author: H.D. Sherali
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642487947
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 168

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The disjunctive cut principle of Balas and Jeroslow, and the related polyhedral annexation principle of Glover, provide new insights into cutting plane theory. This has resulted in its ability to not only subsume many known valid cuts but also improve upon them. Originally a set of notes were written for the purpose of putting together in a common terminology and framework significant results of Glover and others using a geometric approach, referred to in the literature as convexity cuts, and the algebraic approach of Balas and Jeroslow known as Disjunctive cuts. As it turned out subsequently the polyhedral annexation approach of Glover is also closely connected with the basic disjunctive principle of Balas and Jeroslow. In this monograph we have included these results and have also added several published results which seem to be of strong interest to researchers in the area of developing strong cuts for disjunctive programs. In particular, several results due to Balas [4,5,6,7], Glover [18,19] and Jeroslow [23,25,26] have been used in this monograph. The appropriate theorems are given without proof. The notes also include several results yet to be published [32,34,35] obtained under a research contract with the National Science Foundation to investigate solution methods for disjunctive programs. The monograph is self-contained and complete in the sense that it attempts to pool together existing results which the authors viewed as important to future research on optimization using the disjunctive cut approach.

Information Structures in Economics

Information Structures in Economics PDF Author: M. Nermuth
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642464475
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 246

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This book is intended as a contribution to the theory of markets with imperfect information. The subject being nearly limitless, only certain selected topics are discussed. These are outlined in the Introduction (Ch. 0). The remainder of the book is divided into three parts. All results of economic significance are contained in Parts II & III. Part I introduces the main tools for the analysis, in particular the concept of an information structure. Although most of the material presented in Part I is not original, it is hoped that the detailed and self-contained exposition will help the reader to understand not only the following pages, but also the existing technical and variegated literature on markets with imperfect information. The mathematical prerequisites needed, but not explained in the text rarely go beyond elementary calculus and probability theory. Whenever more advanced concepts are used, I have made an effort to give an intuitive explanation as well, so that the argument can also be followed on a non-technical level (cf. e.g. the treatment of the "generic" viewpoint in Ch. 9). In the same spirit, discussion of mathematical assumptions is limited to those which have economic sig- ficance, whereas purely "technical" assumptions (like differentiability or integrability of certain functions) are usually made without comment whenever convenient. The logical interdependence of chapters is as follows: Ch. 3 . Ch. 1 /~I--=---- Ch. 4 Ch. 2 Ch. 8 ~I -=--- /"'-.... Ch.

Optimal Decisions under Uncertainty

Optimal Decisions under Uncertainty PDF Author: J.K. Sengupta
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642877206
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 166

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The theory of optimal decisions in a stochastic environment has seen many new developments in recent years. The implications of such theory for empirical and policy applications are several. This book attempts to analyze some of the impor tant applied aspects of this theory and its recent developments. The stochastic environment is considered here in specific form, e.g., (a) linear programs (LP) with parameters subject to a probabilistic mechanism, (b) decision models with risk aversion, (c) resource allocation in a team, and (d) national economic planning. The book attempts to provide new research insights into several areas, e.g., (a) mixed strategy solutions and econometric tests of hypotheses of LP models, (b) the dual problems of efficient estimation and optimal regulation, (c) input-output planning under imperfect competition, and (d) linear programs viewed as constrained statistical games. Methods of optimal decision rules developed here for quadratic and linear decision problems are applicable in three broad areas: (a) applied economic models in resource allocation, planning and team decision, (b) operations research models in management decisions involving portfolio analysis and stochastic programming, and (c) systems science models in stochastic control and adaptive behavior. Some results reported here have been published in professional journals be-. fore, and I would like to thank the following journals in particular: Inter national Journal of Systems Science, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applica tions and Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.

Multiple Attribute Decision Making

Multiple Attribute Decision Making PDF Author: Ching-Lai Hwang
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642483186
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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This mono graph is intended for an advanced undergraduate or graduate course as weIl as for the researchers who want a compilation of developments in this rapidly growing field of operations research. This is a sequel to our previous work entitled "Multiple Objective Decision Making--Methods and Applications: A State-of-the-Art Survey," (No. 164 of the Lecture Notes). The literature on methods and applications of Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) has been reviewed and classified systematically. This study provides readers with a capsule look into the existing methods, their char acteristics, and applicability to analysis of MADM problems. The basic MADM concepts are defined and a standard notation is introduced in Part 11. Also introduced are foundations such as models for MADM, trans formation of attributes, fuzzy decision rules, and methods for assessing weight. A system of classifying seventeen major MADM methods is presented. These methods have been proposed by researchers in diversified disciplines; half of them are classical ones, but the other half have appeared recently. The basic concept, the computational procedure, and the characteristics of each of these methods are presented concisely in Part 111. The computational procedure of each method is illustrated by solving a simple numerical example. Part IV of the survey deals with the applications of these MADM methods.

Multiple Criteria Decision Making Theory and Application

Multiple Criteria Decision Making Theory and Application PDF Author: G. Fandel
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642487823
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 590

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He consider a cone dominance problem: given a "preference" cone lP and a set n X ~ R of available, or feasible, alternatives, the problem is to identify the non dominated elements of X. The nonzero elements of lP are assumed to model the do- nance structure of the problem so that y s X dominates x s X if Y = x + P for some nonzero p S lP. Consequently, x S X is nondominated if, and only if, ({x} + lP) n X = {x} (1.1) He will also refer to nondominated points as efficient points (in X with respect to lP) and we will let EF(XJP) denote the set of such efficient points. This cone dominance problem draws its roots from two separate, but related, ori gins. The first of these is multi-attribute decision making in which the elements of the set X are endowed with various attributes, each to be maximized or minimized.

Organizations: Multiple Agents with Multiple Criteria

Organizations: Multiple Agents with Multiple Criteria PDF Author: J.N. Morse
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642455271
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 519

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The Fourth International MCDM Conference follows a tradition that began with an exploratory gathering at the University of South Carolina in 1973. The First International Conference was held in Jouy-en-Josas in 1975. The second and third were held in Buffalo (1977) and KOnigswinter (1979). We are grateful to the Office of Naval Research for years of advice and funding, and to Springer-Verlag for providing a widely dispersed series of proceedings volumes. In the case of the Delaware Conference we gratefully acknowledge new support from the corporate sector, coordinated by the University of Delaware's Development Office. Now that I have attended to the formal recognitions, I wish to place my recollection of the human side of the conference into the record. This is justi fiable because multiple criteria problem solving has been nurtured by a close-knit group of people whose interactions are not fully captured by the standard journal format. This was the conference in which an animated discussion between Dave,Bell and Paul Schoemaker caused Mathilde Stephenson to stand up and say, "Don't stop it; this is the best part of the conference. " Another sort of moment occurred when Lucas Pun was asked to explain a certain Chinese character in one of his transpar encies. He replied, "No alcohol allowed. " From Erick Duesing, speaking with an historical perspective, we had the insight that multiple criteria methods lan guished because "McCarthyism had made planning suspect.