Estimation of Dynamic Econometric Models with Errors in Variables

Estimation of Dynamic Econometric Models with Errors in Variables PDF Author: Jaime Terceiro Lomba
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642488102
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 126

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A new procedure for the maximum-likelihood estimation of dynamic econometric models with errors in both endogenous and exogenous variables is presented in this monograph. A complete analytical development of the expressions used in problems of estimation and verification of models in state-space form is presented. The results are useful in relation not only to the problem of errors in variables but also to any other possible econometric application of state-space formulations.

Estimation of Dynamic Econometric Models with Errors in Variables

Estimation of Dynamic Econometric Models with Errors in Variables PDF Author: Jaime Terceiro Lomba
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642488102
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 126

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Book Description
A new procedure for the maximum-likelihood estimation of dynamic econometric models with errors in both endogenous and exogenous variables is presented in this monograph. A complete analytical development of the expressions used in problems of estimation and verification of models in state-space form is presented. The results are useful in relation not only to the problem of errors in variables but also to any other possible econometric application of state-space formulations.

Dynamic Econometric Modeling

Dynamic Econometric Modeling PDF Author: William A. Barnett
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521333954
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 389

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This book brings together presentations of some of the fundamental new research in dynamic econometric modeling.

Econometric Models For Industrial Organization

Econometric Models For Industrial Organization PDF Author: Matthew Shum
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 981310967X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 154

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Economic Models for Industrial Organization focuses on the specification and estimation of econometric models for research in industrial organization. In recent decades, empirical work in industrial organization has moved towards dynamic and equilibrium models, involving econometric methods which have features distinct from those used in other areas of applied economics. These lecture notes, aimed for a first or second-year PhD course, motivate and explain these econometric methods, starting from simple models and building to models with the complexity observed in typical research papers. The covered topics include discrete-choice demand analysis, models of dynamic behavior and dynamic games, multiple equilibria in entry games and partial identification, and auction models.

Omitted Variable Tests and Dynamic Specification

Omitted Variable Tests and Dynamic Specification PDF Author: Björn Schmolck
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642583245
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 149

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This book deals with the omitted variable test for a multivariate time-series regression model. The empirical motivation is the homogeneity test for a consumer demand system. The consequences of using a dynamically misspecified omitted variable test are shown in detail. The analysis starts with the univariate t-test and is then extended to the multivariate regression system. The small sample performance of the dynamically correctly specified omitted variable test is analysed by simulation. Two classes of tests are considered: versions of the likelihood ratio test and the robust Wald test which is based on a heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent variance-covariance estimator (HAC).

Nonstationary Panels, Panel Cointegration, and Dynamic Panels

Nonstationary Panels, Panel Cointegration, and Dynamic Panels PDF Author: Badi H. Baltagi
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0762306882
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 351

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In the 16th Edition of Advances in Econometrics we present twelve papers discussing the current interface between Marketing and Econometrics. The authors are leading scholars in the fields and introduce the latest models for analysing marketing data. The papers are representative of the types of problems and methods that are used within the field of marketing. Marketing focuses on the interaction between the firm and the consumer. Economics encompasses this interaction as well as many others. Economics, along with psychology and sociology, provides a theoretical foundation for marketing.

Time Series Models

Time Series Models PDF Author: D.R. Cox
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000152944
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 243

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The analysis prediction and interpolation of economic and other time series has a long history and many applications. Major new developments are taking place, driven partly by the need to analyze financial data. The five papers in this book describe those new developments from various viewpoints and are intended to be an introduction accessible to readers from a range of backgrounds. The book arises out of the second Seminaire European de Statistique (SEMSTAT) held in Oxford in December 1994. This brought together young statisticians from across Europe, and a series of introductory lectures were given on topics at the forefront of current research activity. The lectures form the basis for the five papers contained in the book. The papers by Shephard and Johansen deal respectively with time series models for volatility, i.e. variance heterogeneity, and with cointegration. Clements and Hendry analyze the nature of prediction errors. A complementary review paper by Laird gives a biometrical view of the analysis of short time series. Finally Astrup and Nielsen give a mathematical introduction to the study of option pricing. Whilst the book draws its primary motivation from financial series and from multivariate econometric modelling, the applications are potentially much broader.

The Econometrics of Panel Data

The Econometrics of Panel Data PDF Author: Lászlo Mátyás
Publisher: Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 992

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This volume provides a general overview of the econometrics of panel data, both from a theoretical and from an applied viewpoint. This third edition provides a presentation of theoretical developments as well as surveys about how econometric tools are used to study firms and household's behaviors.

Applied Econometrics with R

Applied Econometrics with R PDF Author: Christian Kleiber
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387773185
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 229

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R is a language and environment for data analysis and graphics. It may be considered an implementation of S, an award-winning language initially - veloped at Bell Laboratories since the late 1970s. The R project was initiated by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, in the early 1990s, and has been developed by an international team since mid-1997. Historically, econometricians have favored other computing environments, some of which have fallen by the wayside, and also a variety of packages with canned routines. We believe that R has great potential in econometrics, both for research and for teaching. There are at least three reasons for this: (1) R is mostly platform independent and runs on Microsoft Windows, the Mac family of operating systems, and various ?avors of Unix/Linux, and also on some more exotic platforms. (2) R is free software that can be downloaded and installed at no cost from a family of mirror sites around the globe, the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN); hence students can easily install it on their own machines. (3) R is open-source software, so that the full source code is available and can be inspected to understand what it really does, learn from it, and modify and extend it. We also like to think that platform independence and the open-source philosophy make R an ideal environment for reproducible econometric research.

The Statistical Analysis of Time Series

The Statistical Analysis of Time Series PDF Author: Theodore W. Anderson
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118150392
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 722

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The Wiley Classics Library consists of selected books that havebecome recognized classics in their respective fields. With thesenew unabridged and inexpensive editions, Wiley hopes to extend thelife of these important works by making them available to futuregenerations of mathematicians and scientists. Currently availablein the Series: T. W. Anderson Statistical Analysis of Time SeriesT. S. Arthanari & Yadolah Dodge Mathematical Programming inStatistics Emil Artin Geometric Algebra Norman T. J. Bailey TheElements of Stochastic Processes with Applications to the NaturalSciences George E. P. Box & George C. Tiao Bayesian Inferencein Statistical Analysis R. W. Carter Simple Groups of Lie TypeWilliam G. Cochran & Gertrude M. Cox Experimental Designs,Second Edition Richard Courant Differential and Integral Calculus,Volume I Richard Courant Differential and Integral Calculus, VolumeII Richard Courant & D. Hilbert Methods of MathematicalPhysics, Volume I Richard Courant & D. Hilbert Methods ofMathematical Physics, Volume II D. R. Cox Planning of ExperimentsHarold M. S. Coxeter Introduction to Modern Geometry, SecondEdition Charles W. Curtis & Irving Reiner Representation Theoryof Finite Groups and Associative Algebras Charles W. Curtis &Irving Reiner Methods of Representation Theory with Applications toFinite Groups and Orders, Volume I Charles W. Curtis & IrvingReiner Methods of Representation Theory with Applications to FiniteGroups and Orders, Volume II Bruno de Finetti Theory ofProbability, Volume 1 Bruno de Finetti Theory of Probability,Volume 2 W. Edwards Deming Sample Design in Business Research Amosde Shalit & Herman Feshbach Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Volume1 --Nuclear Structure J. L. Doob Stochastic Processes NelsonDunford & Jacob T. Schwartz Linear Operators, Part One, GeneralTheory Nelson Dunford & Jacob T. Schwartz Linear Operators,Part Two, Spectral Theory--Self Adjoint Operators in Hilbert SpaceNelson Dunford & Jacob T. Schwartz Linear Operators, PartThree, Spectral Operators Herman Fsehbach Theoretical NuclearPhysics: Nuclear Reactions Bernard Friedman Lectures onApplications-Oriented Mathematics Gerald d. Hahn & Samuel S.Shapiro Statistical Models in Engineering Morris H. Hansen, WilliamN. Hurwitz & William G. Madow Sample Survey Methods and Theory,Volume I--Methods and Applications Morris H. Hansen, William N.Hurwitz & William G. Madow Sample Survey Methods and Theory,Volume II--Theory Peter Henrici Applied and Computational ComplexAnalysis, Volume 1--Power Series--lntegration--ConformalMapping--Location of Zeros Peter Henrici Applied and ComputationalComplex Analysis, Volume 2--Special Functions--IntegralTransforms--Asymptotics--Continued Fractions Peter Henrici Appliedand Computational Complex Analysis, Volume 3--Discrete FourierAnalysis--Cauchy Integrals--Construction of ConformalMaps--Univalent Functions Peter Hilton & Yel-Chiang Wu A Coursein Modern Algebra Harry Hochetadt Integral Equations Erwin O.Kreyezig Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications WilliamH. Louisell Quantum Statistical Properties of Radiation All HasanNayfeh Introduction to Perturbation Techniques Emanuel ParzenModern Probability Theory and Its Applications P.M. Prenter Splinesand Variational Methods Walter Rudin Fourier Analysis on Groups C.L. Siegel Topics in Complex Function Theory, Volume I--EllipticFunctions and Uniformization Theory C. L. Siegel Topics in ComplexFunction Theory, Volume II--Automorphic and Abelian integrals C. LSiegel Topics in Complex Function Theory, Volume III--AbelianFunctions & Modular Functions of Several Variables J. J. StokerDifferential Geometry J. J. Stoker Water Waves: The MathematicalTheory with Applications J. J. Stoker Nonlinear Vibrations inMechanical and Electrical Systems

Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Volume 3

Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Volume 3 PDF Author:
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471743844
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 706

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