Essays on Firm-level Dynamics of Innovation

Essays on Firm-level Dynamics of Innovation PDF Author: Hyuk Chung
Category : Research
Languages : en
Pages : 120

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Essays on Firm-level Dynamics of Innovation

Essays on Firm-level Dynamics of Innovation PDF Author: Hyuk Chung
Category : Research
Languages : en
Pages : 120

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Essays on Firm Dynamics, Endogenous Growth and International Trade

Essays on Firm Dynamics, Endogenous Growth and International Trade PDF Author: Cristiana Benedetti Fasil
Category : Business enterprises
Languages : en
Pages : 96

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Recent empirical firm level studies reveal the structural heterogeneity of firms in process and product innovation, as well as the central role of product quality in determining world trade patterns and intensities. This calls for a better understanding of the link between firm heterogeneity and the innovation and export decisions of firms which are at the base of productivity growth and, hence, economic growth and development. My dissertation contributes to this debate focusing on the supply side. I propose a novel way to model the production technology of firms by introducing two attributes of firm heterogeneity: cost efficiency and product quality. The goal of the first thesis chapter is to study the effects of process and product innovation on firm dynamics, productivity and endogenous long run growth. In the second chapter an open economy framework with trade between symmetric countries is analyzed. Here the focus is on quantifying the impact of trade as well as trade liberalization on firm innovation dynamics and productivity- and aggregate growth. The third chapter abstracts from endogenous growth and examines the role of the two attributes of firm heterogeneity in shaping the trade patterns and intensities within and across developed and developing countries.

Essays on Young Firms' Dynamics

Essays on Young Firms' Dynamics PDF Author: Pietro Santoleri
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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In light of the prominent role played by young firms in shaping the creative destruction process and contributing to overall job creation, this thesis provides novel evidence on the dynamics of these segment of the productive system. In particular, the dissertation revolves around the following topics: i) the role played by innovation activities in fostering employment growth in young firms; ii) the impact of the economic recession of the growth rates of young vs. small firms; iii) the role played by public policies in supporting innovative entrants. In more detail, Chapter 1 examines the under-researched nexus between innovation activities and employment growth in newly born firms. Based on a representative dataset for a cohort of US firms born in 2004, the results highlight the relevance of R&D and patenting to foster growth and, especially, high-growth performance for newly-born firms. Chapter 2 provides additional evidence on the relationship between innovation and growth by using Chilean data and focus on how returns to innovation differ for young and mature firms. Results show that innovation benefits high-growth firms. However, these results materialize especially for mature firms and in the case of process innovation whereas innovative activities do not appear to be a prerequisite for high-growth performance in young businesses. These findings highlight how the returns to innovation might be context specific. Chapter 3 focuses on the impact of the double-dip recession on the growth performance of young vis-à-vis small firms. Using data for ten Eurozone countries, the findings show that small firms were not particularly affected - if anything they performed better - whereas young firms experienced a marked decrease in their growth rates. In the analysis we also find that the financial constraint channel appears to be one of the forces responsible for the above results. In Chapter 4 the main focus is the investigation of the role of public policy in providing support for the performance of innovative new firms. In particular, we investigate the impact of a recent policy implemented in Italy (i.e. the “Start-up Act”). The analysis indicates an overall positive effect of the program on a wide range of firm-level outcomes.

Essays on Finance of Innovation, Firm Dynamics, and Economic Growth

Essays on Finance of Innovation, Firm Dynamics, and Economic Growth PDF Author: Sina T. Ateş
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 386

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Aggregate productivity, fundamental cause of long-run economic growth, plays a crucial role in determining economic development and living standards of nations. The main source of aggregate productivity growth is technological advances that are the outcomes of firms' and entrepreneurs' innovative activity. Complementary to the growing literature that studies how firm dynamics shape technological change, my dissertation focuses on how financial decisions of these agents affect this process. The three chapters of my dissertation provide theoretical, empirical, and quantitative investigation of the interplay between financial and innovative actions of heterogeneous firms along with its implications on aggregate productivity growth. Chapter one studies the impact of financial system on net firm entry, an important source of aggregate productivity growth. Selective funding of most promising ideas by financial intermediaries creates a trade-off between the mass of entrant firms and their average contribution to aggregate productivity. This chapter highlights the relevance of firm heterogeneity for the relationship between finance and growth, and discusses the theoretical and empirical implications of the resulting trade-off in firm entry. Chapter two also builds on the above mass-composition link, and uses it to study the permanent productivity losses due to sudden stops (SS). The model embeds the main mechanism into a real business cycle small open economy framework to measure the forgone productivity contribution of entrants deprived of funding. The theoretical prediction is that, during SS, smaller yet on average more productive cohorts enter the market. Chilean plant-level data that cover the 1998 SS verify this prediction, while the calibrated model demonstrates the quantitative significance of heterogeneity and selection in measuring the long-run productivity loss. Chapter three focuses on a specific financial intermediary that is especially relevant to innovation and growth, namely venture capital (VC) finance. It studies VC's quantitative impact on firm dynamics and economic growth using a new dynamic equilibrium model of technological change with heterogeneous firms and an explicit VC market. Distinctively, the model incorporates a unique feature of VC firms: their operational knowledge (OK) bundled with their investment. Experiments based on the estimated model highlight the quantitative relevance of OK and analyze policy implications.

Essays on Dynamic Capabilities

Essays on Dynamic Capabilities PDF Author: Andrew M. Hess
Category : Consolidation and merger of corporations
Languages : en
Pages :

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Following the dynamic capabilities perspective, I suggest that antecedents to innovation can be found at the individual, firm, and network level. Thus, I challenge two assumptions common in prior research: (1) that significant variance exists at the focal level of analysis, while other levels of analysis are assumed to be homogeneous, and (2) that the focal level of analysis is independent from other levels of analysis. Accordingly, I advance a set of hypotheses to simultaneously assess the direct effects of antecedents at the individual, firm, and network level on innovation output. I then investigate whether a firm s antecedents to innovation lie across different levels. To accomplish this, I propose two competing interaction hypotheses. I juxtapose the hypothesis that the individual, firm, and network-level antecedents to innovation are substitutes versus the proposition that these innovation mechanisms are complements. I test my multi-level theoretical model using an unusually comprehensive and detailed panel dataset that documents the innovation attempts of global pharmaceutical companies within biotechnology over a 22-year time period (1980-2001). I find evidence that the antecedents to innovation lie across different levels of analysis and can have compensating or reinforcing effects on firm-level innovative output.

Essays on Firm Innovation and Operational Performance

Essays on Firm Innovation and Operational Performance PDF Author: Senali Amarasuriya
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Author's abstract: The majority of the OSCM literature suggests that firm innovation is positively associated with firm performance. However, as evidenced by some of the innovation failures in the real world, this seemingly intuitive relationship between innovation and firm performance has the potential to be quite nuanced and counterintuitive. Hence in this dissertation, I seek further understanding related to (1) extant OSCM research regarding the innovation-performance relationship and (2) types of firm innovation strategies- being a leader or a laggard- which will financially benefit a firm according to the market they operate in, essentially informing the management how the industry will determine whether they need to innovate or not. Essay 1 systematically reviews the extant OSCM literature on innovation focusing on research utilizing Patent and R&D data. Based on a total population of 176 Patent and R&D data-based empirical papers, I develop a novel framework based on patent measurement class data and R&D operationalization method, to guide the consistent application of patent and R&D data in future OSCM research. I also identify fifteen measurement issues falling under three classes categorized by the magnitude of their impact (high/medium or low impact) on data analysis that can impair the inferences drawn from interpreting the results. In Essay 2 I explore the conditions under which firm innovation could benefit (impede) firm performance. This specifically involves investigating the financial and operational implications of a firm’s choosing to be leading (lagging) innovators within the context of innovative (non-innovative) industries. Using generalized structural equation modeling on a sample of 18,870 firm-quarter observations belonging to the manufacturing organizations of the United States for the period from 2000 to 2020 obtained from Compustat, I find out that a firm playing in a highly innovative market will be financially better off by opting to be a laggard instead of a leader, and that being a leader or a laggard doesn’t essentially make a difference for a firm operating in a non-innovative market. Accordingly, contrary to the conventional belief that being innovative is always associated with superior firm performance, management should choose their innovation strategy based on how innovative the industry is.

Essays on the Economics of Innovation

Essays on the Economics of Innovation PDF Author: Minji Kang
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 97

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This collection of essays considers three cases where two firms innovate in an imperfectly competitive market. In the first chapter, I introduce a novel model that represents the vertically differentiated industry, wherein the leader and the follower innovate continuously. I uncover the determinants of the innovation of firms, focusing on the ratio between the quality levels of their products, a key factor in deciding to innovate. Firms innovate to receive more profits from higher quality. Moreover, they choose the effort of innovation to widen the distance between the quality of two products. Consequently, firms tend to keep the distance of the quality constant. The second chapter extends the model in the first chapter, adding radical improvement to the quality by innovation, leapfrogging. I show that two firms are likely to innovate actively with the possibility of leapfrogging. The momentum of leapfrogging is powerful when the quality of two firms is similar to each other and when the possible size of the jump from the innovation is larger. Finally, in the last chapter, I introduce the model with the dynamic innovation of firms, which produces complementary goods: the platform and the software. This model focuses on the software innovation induced by the innovation of the platform. I uncover the determinants of innovation for the platform firm and the software firm as well as the interdependence of the two firms' innovation choices.

Essays on Firm Strategies and Consumer Dynamics in Socially Embedded Technology Networks

Essays on Firm Strategies and Consumer Dynamics in Socially Embedded Technology Networks PDF Author: Rajiv Mukherjee
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 326

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It is of deep interest to researchers and practitioners in Information System (IS) to understand the efficacy of the traditional IS and economics theory in modern business environments such as online social networks. In the pursuit to understand such new IS phenomenon and address the gap in extant literature, my dissertation, identifies the strategies that the firms should incorporate in the presence of network effects; i.e., the increases in benefits accrued by a network user with an increase in the number of users, and its impact on consumer behavior. My first essay, challenges the traditional notion that network effects create a strong protective moat for the incumbent in network competition. I show that network effects are over rated in multi-homing setting, where users can co-exist across multiple networks under resource constraints. Over reliance on the strength of network effects by the incumbent firm in multi-homing setting, stems from extant economic theory that is applicable to single homing networks, where users has to choose one of the available networks. The first essay recommends strategies for the level of innovation and its time of delivery that firms should incorporate in order to survive and succeed in multi-homing environment. While the first essay focuses on multi-homing and the strength of network effects, the second essay revisits firm's preemption strategy in single homing setting with network effects, in order to prevent its users from migrating to a new entrant with better technology. I find that, for moderate levels of price and innovation competition, an incumbent with high reputation is better off being non-committal in its preemption. In contrast, committal preemption is apt for other combinations of reputation, innovation and price. While the first two essays focus on the impact of consumer behavior on firm strategies, the third essay delves into the impact of firm strategies on consumer behavior. In particular, I identify identity revelation policies that increase the number of successful transactions and collaborations in a socially embedded marketplace. The results imply that revealing social identities may be detrimental to negotiation and collaboration in a socially embedded marketplace -- a notion that is counter intuitive to networks that are inherently social.

Three Essays on Globalization and Innovation

Three Essays on Globalization and Innovation PDF Author: Daewoong Choo
Category : Globalization
Languages : en
Pages : 129

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Globalization is a key variable associated with technological change. This dissertation examines not only the correlation between globalization and innovation, but also the interacting effect of globalization with firm-specific variables on innovation and performance. Essay 1: Why Do Some Countries Hardly Innovate? Evidence from Zero Inflated Negative Binomial Model The patent data from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) indicate that among 175 countries, between 1977 and 2010, about 45% hardly generated any innovations. We argue that this group of countries is systematically different from the others who have been innovative, and that non-innovative countries need to possess a minimum level of ability and incentive in order to progress. By employing a zero-inflated negative binomial model based on the patent data from the USPTO, the results show that the significant determinants turning a non-innovative country into an innovative one are active international trade, improved quality of civil liberties, a high level of human capital, and less economic reliance on natural resources. Essay 2: Two Different Effects of R & D on Innovation in South Korea: Evidence from The Firm Level Data At the firm level, innovation can be made through two different effects of research and development (R & D), which are the creative effect and the learning effect. It should be noted that export activities can offer an important source of learning--as important as foreign direct investment (FDI)--and may be exceptionally meaningful for firms in countries with export-oriented economies. Using longitudinal firm-level data for the period of 2000-2009 in South Korea, empirical tests show that the creative effect of R & D is far more important than the learning effects through export and FDI in generating innovation. Essay 3: The Dynamic Relationship between Female Employment and Firm Profitability: A Three-Stage Sigmoid Curve Model and the Influence of Export Female workers are sources of competitive and intangible assets that can enhance a firm's profitability. I present arguments that the correlation between gender diversity and organizational performance needs to be investigated in terms of more complex corporate circumstances. Empirical analyses of longitudinal firm-level data from South Korea for 2000-2009 show that a firm's female workers are more positively related to a firm's profitability when the firm actively exports. In addition, the results demonstrate a sigmoid curve relationship between female workers and profitability.

Innovation, Globalization and Firm Dynamics

Innovation, Globalization and Firm Dynamics PDF Author: Anna M. Ferragina
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317810228
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 445

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This book is about the relationship between firm dynamics, innovation and globalization, the processes that are essential for long term economic growth and welfare creation. This volume deals with these three issues in three sections titled respectively: entrepreneurship, new firm formation and growth; productivity-innovation-growthnexus; globalization, multinational firms and producers’ dynamics. The book presents new studies written by distinguished researchers in the field, who use state-of-the-art methodologies and extensive sources of firm- and plant-level longitudinal data to analyze and understand these major economic issues facing modern economies. In the first section, the book proposes two comprehensive introductory surveys which explore in detail the underpinnings of entrepreneurship, new firm formation and growth in advanced and developing countries. The second fundamental issue, productivity-innovation and firm dynamics, is approached by examining key drivers of selection mechanisms such as size, scale elasticity, innovative efforts, financial fragility of the firms, barriers to entry and exit, capital and financial market distortions, institutional inefficiencies and other market imperfections which affect the ability of firms to expand or enter. The third section examines differences, linkages and intertwined evolution of foreign and domestic firms in their dynamics of survival and growth in different institutional contexts and periods. Each chapter includes a detailed discussion of the implications of the respective analyses for enterprise policy. In a concluding chapter the overall implications for enterprise policy of the analyses presented in the different chapters are drawn by the Editors. This approach ensures that the book is integrated around a coherent central theme in comprehensive framework. The book responds to a growing concern among scholars, professionals, and policy makers over the recent decades about firm ability to survive and compete in a context of increasing globalization and international competition. The approach adopted is both theoretical and empirical with consideration of paradigmatic case studies in Europe, Africa and Asia, providing new evidence on developed, developing and transition economies in a comparative perspective. The cases selected represent different levels of development, different firms strategies and paths, with distinct outcomes. The book is an essential reading for scholars and students concerned with industry development, public policy and globalization, as well as to all those involved professionally in such issues.