Essays on Employment and Wages in the German Labor Market

Essays on Employment and Wages in the German Labor Market PDF Author: Kai Priesack
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Languages : en
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Essays on Employment and Wages in the German Labor Market

Essays on Employment and Wages in the German Labor Market PDF Author: Kai Priesack
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Languages : en
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Essays on low-wage employment, employment mobility and state dependence on the German labor market

Essays on low-wage employment, employment mobility and state dependence on the German labor market PDF Author: Alexander Mosthaf
Category :
Languages : de
Pages : 148

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Essays on Wage Formation and Globalization

Essays on Wage Formation and Globalization PDF Author: Andreas Hauptmann
Publisher: wbv Media GmbH & Company KG
ISBN: 3763941002
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 154

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Warum zahlen manche Firmen nach Tarif, statt die Löhne individuell auszuhandeln? Zahlen Exportfirmen höhere Löhne als Firmen, die nicht exportieren und inwieweit wird dies von institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen bestimmt? Welche Zusammenhänge bestehen zwischen den Lohnstückkosten und der Exportstärke von Unternehmen? Mit diesen und weiteren Fragen befasst sich Andreas Hauptmann im vorliegenden Band. In mehreren Kapiteln legt der Autor dar, dass zwischen Löhnen, Globalisierung und institutionellen Kontextfaktoren vielfältige Wechselwirkungen bestehen.

Essays on Matching Processes and Effects of Institutional Changes

Essays on Matching Processes and Effects of Institutional Changes PDF Author: Michael Stops
Publisher: wbv Media GmbH & Company KG
ISBN: 3763941061
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 201

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Die Fragen, wie der Arbeitsmarkt funktioniert und welchen Einfluss die Politik ausüben kann, sind Dauerbrenner in der gesellschaftlichen und politischen Debatte. Das hierzu nötige Wissen speist sich aus der Arbeitsmarktforschung, die häufig Impulse aus dem Alltagsgeschäft der Arbeitsmarktpolitik bekommt. Umgekehrt laden Fortschritte in der Methodenentwicklung und der Datenerschließung die Arbeitsmarktpolitik dazu ein, neue Fragen aufzuwerfen, die bisher nicht beantwortet werden konnten. Michael Stops greift solche Entwicklungen auf und fokussiert drei Themenbereiche: - Berufliche Mobilität und Effizienz des Arbeitsmarktausgleichs - Die Entwicklung der Effizienz des Arbeitsmarktausgleichs vor, während und nach den Jahren der deutschen Arbeitsmarktreformen 2003-2005 auf beruflichen Teilarbeitsmärkten - Die Wirkung des flächendeckenden Mindestlohns in Großbritannien auf die Beschäftigung 1999-2012

Two Essays on Labor Market Dynamics and Government Intervention

Two Essays on Labor Market Dynamics and Government Intervention PDF Author: Christina Gathmann
Category : Border patrols
Languages : en
Pages : 172

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The Post-unification German Labor Market

The Post-unification German Labor Market PDF Author: Holger Bonin
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 40

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Essays on Equilibrium Labor Market Sorting

Essays on Equilibrium Labor Market Sorting PDF Author: Tzuo Hann Law
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Languages : en
Pages : 326

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The importance of time invariant, but unobserved characteristics of workers and their employers in the determination of wages is well known. This suggests that models of (un)employment featuring permanent worker and firm types are crucial for our understanding of labor markets. While such models are numerous, it was thought that even very simple ones were fundamentally not identifiable with wage data alone. Hence, the empirical content of these models were largely a mystery. With that, our understanding of permanent unobserved heterogeneity has been restricted to statistical models with limited economic interpretation. In the first chapter of my dissertation (joint with Marcus Hagedorn and Iourii Manovskii), I overcome this fundamental problem. I assess the empirical content of equilibrium models of labor market sorting based on unobserved (to economists) characteristics. Specifically, I develop quantitative tools to identify and estimate a wide class of models of labor market sorting. I not only find that many models are likely completely identifiable but that reliable estimates of key model primitives can be obtained using routinely available matched employer-employee datasets. In the second chapter of my dissertation (with Kory Kantenga), I apply the framework developed in the first chapter to study the role of worker and employer heterogeneity in driving German wage inequality between 1993 and 2007. The model I earlier developed fits overall wage variance, the wage function, search frictions, unemployment levels and the degree of sorting between workers and firms. The fit of the model is comparable to non-structural approaches which utilize many more degrees of freedom. In decomposing the rise in German wage inequality, I find that changes in the non-parametrically estimated production function and the sorting between worker and firm types that it induces accounts for most of the increase in German wage inequality. Finally, by testing whether log wage differences between employees who are coworkers at two distinct firms are constant, I show that the commonly assumed log additive separability approximation of log wages is rejected. Finally, the estimated model is capable of reproducing the degree of non additive separability in the data.

Essays on Imperfect Competition in the Labor Market

Essays on Imperfect Competition in the Labor Market PDF Author: Sydnee Christian Caldwell
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Languages : en
Pages : 319

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This thesis consists of three chapters on imperfect competition in the labor market. The first chapter (joint with Nikolaj Harmon) explores the relationship between an individual's wages and the quality of her opportunities at other firms (her outside options). To overcome the fact that many factors that shift an individual's outside opportunities also impact her productivity at her current job, we develop a novel identification strategy that generates within-individual (and within-firm-by-occupation) variation in workers' information about their outside options. This strategy, which we implement using linked employer-employee data from Denmark, exploits the fact that individuals often learn about labor market opportunities through their social networks. We find that increases in labor demand at former coworkers' current firms increases an incumbent worker's job-to-job mobility and wage growth. Consistent with theory, larger changes are necessary to induce a job-to-job transition than to induce a wage gain. Tests that exploit within-firm or within-firm-and-occupation variation and tests that exploit different subsets of an individual's former coworkers confirm that the results are not driven by unobserved changes in demand for workers' skills. Finally, we use our reduced form moments to identify a structural search model incorporating both posting and bargaining firms. We find that bargaining is more prevalent among high skilled workers. The second chapter (joint with Oren Danieli) investigates the role that cross-sectional differences in individuals' outside options play in generating between-group wage inequality. We use a two-sided matching model to micro-found a measure of workers' outside options, which we call the "Outside Options Index" (001). The index is similar to those used in the industrial organization literature to measure concentration (e.g. the Herfindal-Hirschman Index, the HHI). We then use German administrative data to estimate this index and use two sources of quasi-random variation: (1) the introduction of high-speed trains and (2) a standard shift-share instrument to identify the elasticity between our index and wages. When we combine these two ingredients, we find that roughly 1/3 of the gender wage gap in Germany can be explained by differences in options, mostly the result of differences in effective labor market size (commuting costs). The third chapter (joint with Emily Oehlsen) asks whether, in the absence of commuting costs, firms with market power have an incentive to pay women less than men. We use data from a series of experiments at Uber where we offered random subsets of male and female drivers higher "wages". Drivers varied both in the size of the wage increase and in whether they could drive for Uber's main competitor, Lyft. These two sources of variation allow us to experimentally identify: (1) Frisch elasticities and (2) firm substitution elasticities. We find that women have Frisch elasticities double those of men on both the intensive and extensive margin. However, unlike the prior literature, we find that women are not less likely to shift between firms in response to changes in relative wages. The results suggest that, at least in the gig economy, firms have little incentive to wage discriminate between men and women based on their labor supply choices. JEL Codes: JOO, J31, J42

Job Creation, Or Destruction?

Job Creation, Or Destruction? PDF Author: John T. Addison
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 174

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Based on papers delivered at an IEA seminar held Dec. 1, 1978. Distributor statement from label mounted on title page Includes bibliographical references and index.

Essays on Labor Markets

Essays on Labor Markets PDF Author: Andreas Gulyas
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 103

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My dissertation contributes towards our understanding of the determinants of wage inequality and to the causes of the emergence of jobless recoveries. It consists of two chapters. The first, "Identifying Labor Market Sorting with Firm Dynamics" studies the determinants of wage inequality, which requires understanding how workers and firms match. I propose a novel strategy to identify the complementarities in production between unobserved worker and firm attributes, based on the idea that positive (negative) sorting implies that firms upgrade (downgrade) their workforce quality when they grow in size. I use German matched employer-employee data to estimate a search and matching model with worker-firm complementarities, job-to-job transitions, and firm dynamics. The relationship between changes in workforce quality and firm growth rates in the data informs the strength of complementarities in the model. Thus, this strategy bypasses the lack of identification inherent to environments with constant firm types. I find evidence of negative sorting and a significant dampening effect of worker-firm complementarities on wage inequality. Worker and firm heterogeneity, differential bargaining positions, and sorting contribute 71\%, 20\%, 32\% and -23\% to wage dispersion, respectively. Reallocating workers across firms to the first-best allocation without mismatch yields an output gain of less than one percent.\\ My second chapter, "Does the Cyclicality of Employment Depend on Trends in the Participation Rate?" studies the fact that the past three recessions were characterized by sluggish recovery of the employment to population ratio. The reasons behind these "jobless recoveries" are not well understood. Contrary to other post-WWII recessions, these "jobless recoveries" occurred during times with downward trending labor force participation rate(LFPR). I extend the directed search setup of Menzio et al. (2012) with a labor force participation decision to study whether trends in LFPR cause jobless recessions. I then show that that recoveries during times of declining LFPR look very different to recoveries during positive LFPR trend. The basic intuition is as follows: During downward trending LFPR, many low productivity workers cling on to their jobs, but once separated, it does not pay off for them to pay the search cost to re-enter the market. If the recession happens during increasing trend LFPR, then the employment recovery is helped by persons entering the labor market. Thus, I highlight that contrary to the usual approach in the literature, it is important to explicitly account for the trend of the LFPR.