Epistemic Foundations of Fuzziness

Epistemic Foundations of Fuzziness PDF Author: Kofi Kissi Dompere
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540880852
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 283

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It is necessary to practice methodological doubt, like Descartes, in - der to loosen the hold of mental habits; and it is necessary to cultivate logical imagination, in order to have a number of hypotheses at c- mand, and not to be the slave of the one which common sense has r- dered easy to imagine. These two processes, of doubting the familiar and imagining the unfamiliar, are corrective, and form the chief part of the mental training required for a philosopher. Bertrand Russell At every stage and in all circumstances knowledge is incomplete and provisional, conditioned and limited by the historical circumstances under which it was acquired, including the means and methods used for gaining it and the historically conditioned assumptions and categories used in the formulation of ideas and conclusions. Maurice Cornforth This monograph is the second in the series of meta-theoretic analysis of fuzzy paradigm and its contribution and possible contribution to formal reasoning in order to free the knowledge production process from the ridge frame of the classical paradigm that makes its application to soft and inexact sciences d- ficult or irrelevant. The work in the previous monograph was strictly devoted to problems of theory of knowledge and critique of classical, bounded and other rationalities in decision-choice processes regarding the principles of verification, falsification or corroboration in knowledge production. This monograph deals mostly with epistemic decision-choice models and theories and how they are related to both the classical and fuzzy paradigms.

Epistemic Foundations of Fuzziness

Epistemic Foundations of Fuzziness PDF Author: Kofi Kissi Dompere
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540880852
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 283

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It is necessary to practice methodological doubt, like Descartes, in - der to loosen the hold of mental habits; and it is necessary to cultivate logical imagination, in order to have a number of hypotheses at c- mand, and not to be the slave of the one which common sense has r- dered easy to imagine. These two processes, of doubting the familiar and imagining the unfamiliar, are corrective, and form the chief part of the mental training required for a philosopher. Bertrand Russell At every stage and in all circumstances knowledge is incomplete and provisional, conditioned and limited by the historical circumstances under which it was acquired, including the means and methods used for gaining it and the historically conditioned assumptions and categories used in the formulation of ideas and conclusions. Maurice Cornforth This monograph is the second in the series of meta-theoretic analysis of fuzzy paradigm and its contribution and possible contribution to formal reasoning in order to free the knowledge production process from the ridge frame of the classical paradigm that makes its application to soft and inexact sciences d- ficult or irrelevant. The work in the previous monograph was strictly devoted to problems of theory of knowledge and critique of classical, bounded and other rationalities in decision-choice processes regarding the principles of verification, falsification or corroboration in knowledge production. This monograph deals mostly with epistemic decision-choice models and theories and how they are related to both the classical and fuzzy paradigms.

Epistemic Foundations of Fuzziness

Epistemic Foundations of Fuzziness PDF Author: Kofi Kissi Dompere
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783540881773
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 264

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It is necessary to practice methodological doubt, like Descartes, in - der to loosen the hold of mental habits; and it is necessary to cultivate logical imagination, in order to have a number of hypotheses at c- mand, and not to be the slave of the one which common sense has r- dered easy to imagine. These two processes, of doubting the familiar and imagining the unfamiliar, are corrective, and form the chief part of the mental training required for a philosopher. Bertrand Russell At every stage and in all circumstances knowledge is incomplete and provisional, conditioned and limited by the historical circumstances under which it was acquired, including the means and methods used for gaining it and the historically conditioned assumptions and categories used in the formulation of ideas and conclusions. Maurice Cornforth This monograph is the second in the series of meta-theoretic analysis of fuzzy paradigm and its contribution and possible contribution to formal reasoning in order to free the knowledge production process from the ridge frame of the classical paradigm that makes its application to soft and inexact sciences d- ficult or irrelevant. The work in the previous monograph was strictly devoted to problems of theory of knowledge and critique of classical, bounded and other rationalities in decision-choice processes regarding the principles of verification, falsification or corroboration in knowledge production. This monograph deals mostly with epistemic decision-choice models and theories and how they are related to both the classical and fuzzy paradigms.

Epistemic Foundations of Fuzziness

Epistemic Foundations of Fuzziness PDF Author: K. K. Dompere
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540880844
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 283

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This monograph is a treatment on optimal fuzzy rationality as an enveloping of decision-choice rationalities where limited information, vagueness, ambiguities and inexactness are essential characteristics of our knowledge structure and reasoning processes. The volume is devoted to a unified system of epistemic models and theories of decision-choice behavior under total uncertainties composed of fuzzy and stochastic types. The unified epistemic analysis of decision-choice models and theories begins with the question of how best to integrate vagueness, ambiguities, limited information, subjectivity and approximation into the decision-choice process. The answer to the question leads to the shifting of the classical paradigm of reasoning to fuzzy paradigm. This is followed by discussions and establishment of the epistemic foundations of fuzzy mathematics where the nature and role of information and knowledge are explicated and represented. The epistemic foundation allows total uncertainties that constrain decision-choice activities, knowledge enterprise, logic and mathematical structures as our cognitive instruments to be discussed in reference to the phenomena of fuzzification, defuzzification and fuzzy logic. The discussions on these phenomena lead us to analyze and present models and theories on decision-choice rationality and the needed mathematics for problem formulation, reasoning and computations. The epistemic structures of two number systems made up of classical numbers and fuzzy numbers are discussed in relation to their differences, similarities and relative relevance to decision-choice rationality. The properties of the two number systems lead to the epistemic analysis of two mathematical systems that allow the partition of the mathematical space in support of decision-choice space of knowledge and non-knowledge production into four cognitively separate but interdependent cohorts whose properties are analyzed by the methods and techniques of category theory. The four cohorts are identified as non-fuzzy and non-stochastic, non-fuzzy and stochastic both of which belong to the classical paradigm and classical mathematical space; and fuzzy and non-stochastic, and fuzzy and stochastic cohorts both of which belong to the fuzzy paradigm and fuzzy mathematical space. The differences in the epistemic foundations of the two mathematical systems are discussed. The discussion leads to the establishment of the need for fuzzy mathematics and computing as a new system of reasoning in both exact and inexact sciences. The mathematical structures of the cohorts are imposed on the decision-choice process to allow a grouping of decision-choice models and theories. The corresponding classes of decision-choice theories have the same characteristics as the logico-mathematical cohorts relative to the assumed information-knowledge structures. The four groupings of models and theories on decision-choice activities are then classified as: 1) non-fuzzy and non-stochastic class with exact and full information-knowledge structure (no uncertainty), 2) non-fuzzy and stochastic class with exact and limited information-knowledge structure (stochastic uncertainty), 3) fuzzy and non-stochastic class with full and fuzzy information-knowledge structure (fuzzy uncertainty) and 4) Fuzzy and stochastic class with fuzzy and limited information-knowledge structure (fuzzy and stochastic uncertainties). All these different classes of decision choice problems have their corresponding rationalities which are fully discussed to present a unified logical system of theories on decision-choice process. The volume is concluded with epistemic discussions on the nature of contradictions and paradoxes viewed as logical decision-choice problems in the classical paradigm, and how these contradictions and paradoxes may be resolved through fuzzy paradigm and the methods and techniques of optimal fuzzy decision-choice rationality. The logical problem of sorites paradox with its resolution is given as an example. Interested audience includes those working in the areas of economies, decision-choice theories, philosophy of sciences, epistemology, mathematics, computer science, engineering, cognitive psychology, fuzzy mathematics and mathematics of fuzzy-stochastic processes.

Fuzziness and Foundations of Exact and Inexact Sciences

Fuzziness and Foundations of Exact and Inexact Sciences PDF Author: Kofi Kissi Dompere
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3642311229
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 191

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The monograph is an examination of the fuzzy rational foundations of the structure of exact and inexact sciences over the epistemological space which is distinguished from the ontological space. It is thus concerned with the demarcation problem. It examines exact science and its critique of inexact science. The role of fuzzy rationality in these examinations is presented. The driving force of the discussions is the nature of the information that connects the cognitive relational structure of the epistemological space to the ontological space for knowing. The knowing action is undertaken by decision-choice agents who must process information to derive exact-inexact or true-false conclusions. The information processing is done with a paradigm and laws of thought that constitute the input-output machine. The nature of the paradigm selected depends on the nature of the information structure that is taken as input of the thought processing. Generally, the information structure received from the ontological space is defective from the simple principles of acquaintances and the limitations of cognitive agents operating in the epistemological space. How then do we arrive and claim exactness in our knowledge-production system? The general conclusion of this book is that the conditions of the fuzzy paradigm with its laws of thought and mathematics present a methodological unity of exact and inexact sciences where every zone of thought has fuzzy covering.

The Theory of Info-Dynamics: Rational Foundations of Information-Knowledge Dynamics

The Theory of Info-Dynamics: Rational Foundations of Information-Knowledge Dynamics PDF Author: Kofi K. Dompere
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 331963853X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 192

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This book focuses on the development of a theory of info-dynamics to support the theory of info-statics in the general theory of information. It establishes the rational foundations of information dynamics and how these foundations relate to the general socio-natural dynamics from the primary to the derived categories in the universal existence and from the potential to the actual in the ontological space. It also shows how these foundations relate to the general socio-natural dynamics from the potential to the possible to give rise to the possibility space with possibilistic thinking; from the possible to the probable to give rise to possibility space with probabilistic thinking; and from the probable to the actual to give rise to the space of knowledge with paradigms of thought in the epistemological space. The theory is developed to explain the general dynamics through various transformations in quality-quantity space in relation to the nature of information flows at each variety transformation. The theory explains the past-present-future connectivity of the evolving information structure in a manner that illuminates the transformation problem and its solution in the never-ending information production within matter-energy space under socio-natural technologies to connect the theory of info-statics, which in turn presents explanations to the transformation problem and its solution. The theoretical framework is developed with analytical tools based on the principle of opposites, systems of actual-potential polarities, negative-positive dualities under different time-structures with the use of category theory, fuzzy paradigm of thought and game theory in the fuzzy-stochastic cost-benefit space. The rational foundations are enhanced with categorial analytics. The value of the theory of info-dynamics is demonstrated in the explanatory and prescriptive structures of the transformations of varieties and categorial varieties at each point of time and over time from parent–offspring sequences. It constitutes a general explanation of dynamics of information-knowledge production through info-processes and info-processors induced by a socio-natural infinite set of technologies in the construction–destruction space.

The Theory of Info-Statics: Conceptual Foundations of Information and Knowledge

The Theory of Info-Statics: Conceptual Foundations of Information and Knowledge PDF Author: Kofi K. Dompere
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319616390
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 197

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This book discusses the development of a theory of info-statics as a sub-theory of the general theory of information. It describes the factors required to establish a definition of the concept of information that fixes the applicable boundaries of the phenomenon of information, its linguistic structure and scientific applications. The book establishes the definitional foundations of information and how the concepts of uncertainty, data, fact, evidence and evidential things are sequential derivatives of information as the primary category, which is a property of matter and energy. The sub-definitions are extended to include the concepts of possibility, probability, expectation, anticipation, surprise, discounting, forecasting, prediction and the nature of past-present-future information structures. It shows that the factors required to define the concept of information are those that allow differences and similarities to be established among universal objects over the ontological and epistemological spaces in terms of varieties and identities. These factors are characteristic and signal dispositions on the basis of which general definitional foundations are developed to construct the general information definition (GID). The book then demonstrates that this definition is applicable to all types of information over the ontological and epistemological spaces. It also defines the concepts of uncertainty, data, fact, evidence and knowledge based on the GID. Lastly, it uses set-theoretic analytics to enhance the definitional foundations, and shows the value of the theory of info-statics to establish varieties and categorial varieties at every point of time and thus initializes the construct of the theory of info-dynamics.

The Theory of Problem-Solution Dualities and Polarities

The Theory of Problem-Solution Dualities and Polarities PDF Author: Kofi Kissi Dompere
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 303090279X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 333

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This book is concerned with the development of the understanding of the relational structures of information, knowledge, decision–choice processes of problems and solutions in the theory and practice regarding diversity and unity principles of knowing, science, non-science, and information–knowledge systems through dualistic-polar conditions of variety existence and nonexistence. It is a continuation of the sequence of my epistemic works on the theories on fuzzy rationality, info-statics, info-dynamics, entropy, and their relational connectivity to information, language, knowing, knowledge, cognitive practices relative to variety identification–problem–solution dualities, variety transformation–problem–solution dualities, and variety certainty–uncertainty principle in all areas of knowing and human actions regarding general social transformations. It is also an economic–theoretic approach in understanding the diversity and unity of knowing and science through neuro-decision–choice actions over the space of problem–solution dualities and polarities. The problem–solution dualities are argued to connect all areas of knowing including science and non-science, social science, and non-social-science into unity with diversities under neuro-decision–choice actions to support human existence and nonexistence over the space of static–dynamic dualities. The concepts of diversity and unity are defined and explicated to connect to the tactics and strategies of decision–choice actions over the space of problem–solution dualities. The concepts of problem and solution are defined and explicated not in the space of absoluteness but rather in the space of relativity based on real cost–benefit conditions which are shown to be connected to the general parent–offspring infinite process, where every solution generates new problem(s) which then generates a search for new solutions within the space of minimum–maximum dualities in the decision–choice space under the principle of non-satiation over the space of preference–non-preference dualities with analytical tools drawn from the fuzzy paradigm of thought which connects the conditions of the principle of opposites to the conditions of neuro-decision–choice actions in the zone of variety identifications and transformations. The Monograph would be useful to all areas of Research, Learning and Teaching at Advanced Stages of Knowing and Knowledge Production.

Foundations of Reasoning under Uncertainty

Foundations of Reasoning under Uncertainty PDF Author: Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3642107281
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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Uncertainty exists almost everywhere, except in the most idealized situations; it is not only an inevitable and ubiquitous phenomenon, but also a fundamental sci- ti?c principle. Furthermore, uncertainty is an attribute of information and, usually, decision-relevant information is uncertain and/or imprecise, therefore the abilities to handle uncertain information and to reason from incomplete knowledge are c- cial features of intelligent behaviour in complex and dynamic environments. By carefully exploiting our tolerance for imprecision and approximation we can often achieve tractability, robustness, and better descriptions of reality than traditional - ductive methods would allow us to obtain. In conclusion, as we move further into the ageofmachineintelligence,theproblemofreasoningunderuncertainty,in other words, drawing conclusions from partial knowledge, has become a major research theme. Not surprisingly,the rigoroustreatment of uncertaintyrequiressophisticated - chinery, and the present volume is conceived as a contribution to a better und- standing of the foundations of information processing and decision-making in an environment of uncertainty, imprecision and partiality of truth. This volume draws on papers presented at the 2008 Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty (IPMU), held in Malaga, ́ Spain, or- nized by the University of Mal ́ aga. The conference brought together some of the world’s leading experts in the study of uncertainty.

The Theory of the Knowledge Square: The Fuzzy Rational Foundations of the Knowledge-Production Systems

The Theory of the Knowledge Square: The Fuzzy Rational Foundations of the Knowledge-Production Systems PDF Author: Kofi Kissi Dompere
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3642311199
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 232

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The monograph is about a meta-theory of knowledge-production process and the logical pathway that connects the epistemic possibility to the epistemic reality. It examines the general conditions of paradigms for information processing and isolates the classical and fuzzy paradigms for comparative analysis. The sets of conditions that give rise to them are defined, stated and analyzed to abstract the corresponding sets of laws of thought. The fuzzy paradigm with its corresponding logic and mathematics is related to inexact symbolism for the defective information structure where the results of the knowledge production must satisfy the epistemic conditionality, composed of fuzzy conditionality and fuzzy-stochastic conditionality under the principle of logical duality with continuum. The classical paradigm with its corresponding logic and mathematics is related to exact symbolism for exact information structure where the vagueness component of the defectiveness is assumed away, and where the results of the knowledge production must satisfy no epistemic conditionality or at the maximum only the stochastic conditionality under the principle of logical dualism with excluded middle. It is argued that the epistemic path that links ontological space to the epistemological space is information. The ontological space is taken as the primary category of reality while the epistemological space is shone to be a derivative. Such information is universally defective and together with assumptions imposed guides the development of paradigms with their laws of thought, logic of reasoning, mathematics and computational techniques. The relational structure is seen in terms of logical trinity with a given example as matter-information-energy transformational trinity which is supported by the time trinity of past-present-future relationality. The book is written for professionals, researchers and students working in philosophy of science, decision-choice theories, economies, sciences, computer science, engineering, cognitive psychology and researchers working on, or interested in fuzzy paradigm, fuzzy logic, fuzzy decisions, and phenomena of vagueness and ambiguities, fuzzy mathematics, fuzzy-stochastic processes and theory of knowledge. It is further aimed at research institutions and libraries. The subject matter belongs to extensive research and development taking place on fuzzy phenomena and the debate between the fuzzy paradigm and the classical paradigm relative to informatics, synergetic science and complexity theory. The book will have a global appeal and across disciplines. Its strength, besides the contents, is the special effort that is undertaken to make it relevant and accessible to different areas of sciences and knowledge production.

Production Engineering and Management under Fuzziness

Production Engineering and Management under Fuzziness PDF Author: Cengiz Kahraman
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642120512
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 566

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Production engineering and management involve a series of planning and control activities in a production system. A production system can be as small as a shop with only one machine or as big as a global operation including many manufacturing plants, distribution centers, and retail locations in multiple continents. The product of a production system can also vary in complexity based on the material used, technology employed, etc. Every product, whether a pencil or an airplane, is produced in a system which depends on good management to be successful. Production management has been at the center of industrial engineering and management science disciplines since the industrial revolution. The tools and techniques of production management have been so successful that they have been adopted to various service industries, as well. The book is intended to be a valuable resource to undergraduate and graduate students interested in the applications of production management under fuzziness. The chapters represent all areas of production management and are organized to reflect the natural order of production management tasks. In all chapters, special attention is given to applicability and wherever possible, numerical examples are presented. While the reader is expected to have a fairly good understanding of the fuzzy logic, the book provides the necessary notation and preliminary knowledge needed in each chapter.