Empirical Methods for Evaluating Educational Interventions

Empirical Methods for Evaluating Educational Interventions PDF Author: Gary D. Phye
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080455239
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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New US government requirements state that federally funded grants and school programs must prove that they are based on scientifically proved improvements in teaching and learning. All new grants must show they are based on scientifically sound research to be funded, and budgets to schools must likewise show that they are based on scientifically sound research. However, the movement in education over the past several years has been toward qualitative rather than quantitative measures. The new legislation comes at a time when researchers are ill trained to measure results or even to frame questions in an empirical way, and when school administrators and teachers are no longer remember or were never trained to prove statistically that their programs are effective.Experimental Methods for Evaluating Educational Interventions is a tutorial on what it means to frame a question in an empirical manner, how one needs to test that a method works, what statistics one uses to measure effectiveness, and how to document these findings in a way so as to be compliant with new empirically based requirements. The book is simplistic enough to be accessible to those teaching and administrative educational professionals long out of schooling, but comprehensive and sophisticated enough to be of use to researchers who know experimental design and statistics but don't know how to use what they know to write acceptable grant proposals or to get governmental funding for their programs.* Provides an overview to interpreting empirical data in education* Reviews data analysis techniques: use and interpretation* Discusses research on learning, instruction, and curriculum* Explores importance of showing progress as well as cause and effect* Identifies obstacles to applying research into practice*Examines policy development for states, nations, and countries

Empirical Methods for Evaluating Educational Interventions

Empirical Methods for Evaluating Educational Interventions PDF Author: Gary D. Phye
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080455239
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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Book Description
New US government requirements state that federally funded grants and school programs must prove that they are based on scientifically proved improvements in teaching and learning. All new grants must show they are based on scientifically sound research to be funded, and budgets to schools must likewise show that they are based on scientifically sound research. However, the movement in education over the past several years has been toward qualitative rather than quantitative measures. The new legislation comes at a time when researchers are ill trained to measure results or even to frame questions in an empirical way, and when school administrators and teachers are no longer remember or were never trained to prove statistically that their programs are effective.Experimental Methods for Evaluating Educational Interventions is a tutorial on what it means to frame a question in an empirical manner, how one needs to test that a method works, what statistics one uses to measure effectiveness, and how to document these findings in a way so as to be compliant with new empirically based requirements. The book is simplistic enough to be accessible to those teaching and administrative educational professionals long out of schooling, but comprehensive and sophisticated enough to be of use to researchers who know experimental design and statistics but don't know how to use what they know to write acceptable grant proposals or to get governmental funding for their programs.* Provides an overview to interpreting empirical data in education* Reviews data analysis techniques: use and interpretation* Discusses research on learning, instruction, and curriculum* Explores importance of showing progress as well as cause and effect* Identifies obstacles to applying research into practice*Examines policy development for states, nations, and countries

Evaluating Educational Interventions

Evaluating Educational Interventions PDF Author: T. Chris Riley-Tillman
Publisher: Guilford Press
ISBN: 1606233688
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 232

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This book has been replaced by Evaluating Educational Interventions, Second Edition, ISBN 978-1-4625-4213-0.

Serious Games

Serious Games PDF Author: Ute Ritterfeld
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135848912
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 553

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The central purpose of this book is to examine critically the claim that playing games can provide learning that is deep, sustained and transferable to the "real world."

Using Games and Simulations for Teaching and Assessment

Using Games and Simulations for Teaching and Assessment PDF Author: Harold F. O'Neil
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317814673
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 337

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Incorporates several innovative and increasingly popular subject areas, including the gamification of education, assessment, and STEM subjects Combines research and authorship from both civilian and military worlds as well as interdisciplinary fields Rigorously defines and analyzes the criteria of selecting, designing, implementing, and evaluating emerging educational technologies while offering implications for future use

Multimedia Learning

Multimedia Learning PDF Author: Richard E. Mayer
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 131694722X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 453

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Advances in computer graphic technologies have inspired new efforts to understand the potential of multimedia instruction as a means of promoting human learning. In Multimedia Learning, Third Edition, Richard E. Mayer takes an evidence-based approach to improving education using well-designed multimedia instruction. He reviews 15 principles of multimedia instructional design that are based on more than 200 experimental research studies and grounded in a cognitive theory of how people learn from words and graphics. The result is the latest instalment of what Mayer calls the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, a theory introduced in previous editions of Multimedia Learning and in The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, Second Edition. This edition provides an up-to-date and systematic summary of research studies on multimedia learning, supplemented with complementary evidence from around the globe. It is well-suited to graduate and undergraduate courses in psychology, education, computer science, communication, instructional design, and game design.

Learning, Training, and Development in Organizations

Learning, Training, and Development in Organizations PDF Author: Steve W.J. Kozlowski
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1135601046
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 533

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This scholarly book in SIOP’s Organizational Frontier series looks at research on enhancing knowledge acquisition and its application in organizations. It concentrates on training, design and delivery given the changing nature of work and organizations. Now that work is increasingly complex, there is greater emphasis on expertise and cognitive skills. Advances in technology such as computer simulations and web-based training are necessitating a more active role for the learner in the training process. In the broad context of the organization systems, this book promotes learning and development as a continuous lifelong endeavor.

Research and Education

Research and Education PDF Author: Will Curtis
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 131793637X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 281

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Educational researchers take a number of decisions that define the credibility and scope of their enquiry – the approaches they adopt, the strategies they employ, the methods they use and the ways they present their findings. This core text provides an easy-to-read, comprehensive introduction to educational research that will develop your understanding of research strategies, theories and methods. Specifically written for undergraduate education studies students, the book guides you through the process of planning a research project, the different research methods available and how to carry out your research and write it up successfully. Highlighting the theoretical and methodological debates and discussing important ethical and practical considerations, the book is structured to help you tackle all the different aspects of your project from writing your literature review, designing a questionnaire and analysing your data to the final writing up. The book will give you the confidence and enthusiasm to discuss and write about your research effectively. Features include: extension tasks -- to introduce new material and encourage you to think critically case studies -- with information on important studies and examples of research that have utilised specific approaches practical advice and tips -- to help you relate the topics discussed to your own on-going project work annotated further reading lists -- providing you with an opportunity to access more detailed and specific resources. Part of the Foundations of Education Studies series, this timely textbook is essential reading for students undertaking a research methods course or a piece of educational research.

Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance

Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance PDF Author: Dale H. Schunk
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136881654
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 1003

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Self-regulated learning (or self-regulation) refers to the process whereby learners personally activate and sustain cognitions, affects, and behaviours that are systematically oriented toward the attainment of learning goals. This is the first volume to integrate into a single volume all aspects of the field of self-regulation of learning and performance: basic domains, applications to content areas, instructional issues, methodological issues, and individual differences. It draws on research from such diverse areas as cognitive, educational, clinical, social, and organizational psychology. Distinguishing features include: Chapter Structure – To ensure uniformity and coherence across chapters, each chapter author addresses the theoretical ideas underlying their topic, research evidence bearing on these ideas, future research directions, and implications for educational practice. International – Because research on self-regulation is increasingly global, a significant number of interntional contributors are included (see table of contents). Readable – In order to make the book accessible to students, chapters have been carefully edited for clarity, conciseness, and organizational consistency. Expertise – All chapters are written by leading researchers from around the world who are highly regarded experts on their particular topics and are active contributors to the field.

Applied Cognitive Research in K-3 Classrooms

Applied Cognitive Research in K-3 Classrooms PDF Author: S. Kenneth Thurman
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135597324
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 316

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This volume summarizes research on important topics in cognitive research and discusses what must be done to apply this research in early elementary classrooms. Purposefully, it focuses on areas of cognitive research that have only recently begun to be studied in early elementary classrooms or that, based on educational and psychological theory, appear to have the greatest implications for early classroom learning Part 1, "Cognitive Applications in Early Elementary Classrooms," examines topics germane to the cognitive functioning of young children: working memory, executive functioning, theory of mind, phonemic awareness, and neuropsychological processing in the context of early elementary classrooms. Part 2, "Considerations for Further Research: Methods, Policy, and Issues," looks at practical and methodological issues of which applied cognitive researchers must remain cognizant: methodology, research designs, the gap between science and policy and means by which this gap can be diminished, and the need to consider how issues like ecological validity, individual differences, treatment integrity, and the relation between assessment and intervention are integral to designing applied cognitive research studies. The current emphasis on empirically supported treatments and research-based teaching and intervention in the schools, and legislation such as No Child Left Behind and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, have focused attention on the scientific basis of educational practice. However, applying research to the environment of the schools is not an automatic process. Bridging the gap has several prerequisites: researchers must attend to the ecological validity of their studies, universities must incorporate the results of research into their pre-professional training programs, and schools must support their inservice staff in developing new knowledge and skills. Applied Cognitive Research in K-3 Classrooms contributes strongly to these goals, not only by providing researchers, professionals, and graduate students in the fields of cognitive psychology, school psychology, educational psychology, educational research, and early elementary-level education with current understanding but also helping to set an agenda for further research that applies cognitive psychology in early elementary classrooms.

Cognition in Education

Cognition in Education PDF Author:
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0123877075
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 329

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Education and cognitive psychology are natural companions—they both are focused on how people think and learn. Although collaborations have occurred for many years, recently there has been a much greater interest in collaborations that bring cognitive principles into classroom settings. This renewed collaborative research has led both to new evidence-based instructional practices and to a better understanding of cognitive principles. This volume contains overviews of research projects at the intersection of cognitive science and education. The prominent contributors—cognitive psychologists, developmental psychologists, educational psychologists, and science educators—were chosen both for the quality of their work and the variety of their contributions—general principles; influence of affect and motivation; and focus on math and science education. - This volume contains overviews of research projects at the intersection of cognitive science and education - The prominent contributors were chosen both for the quality of their work and the variety of their contributions general principles; influence of affect and motivation; and focus on math and science education.