Emotion and the Arts

Emotion and the Arts PDF Author: Mette Hjort
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0195354915
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 311

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The only work of its kind, this exciting collection assembles a number of analytically minded philosophers, psychologists, and literary theorists, all of whom seek to provide fine-grained accounts of critical problems having to do with emotion and art. How best to explain emotions produced by works of art? What goes on when we feel emotion for an abstract art such as music? How is it that we can intelligibly feel emotion for persons and situations that we know are fictional? What is involved in our empathic experience of negative emotion through the art of tragedy? A strongly interdisciplinary volume that captures the richness of current debates about the role of agency in human emotional response, this collection also considers the influence of culture on emotion and demonstrates that cognitivist and social- constructivist perspectives need not be antagonistic and may actually work together in a complementary way. Essays cluster under four rubrics--"The Paradox of Fiction", "Emotion and its Expression through Art", "The Rationality of Emotional Responses to Art", and "The Value of Emotion"--and together they address questions of emotion in film, painting, music, dance, literature, and theater. With new work by leading thinkers in the field of aesthetics, and drawing upon state of the art scholarship from areas such as cognitive science, literary studies, and contemporary ethics, Emotion and the Arts is essential reading for those who study aesthetics, literature, theories of emotion, and the mind.

Emotion and the Arts

Emotion and the Arts PDF Author: Mette Hjort
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0195354915
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 311

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Book Description
The only work of its kind, this exciting collection assembles a number of analytically minded philosophers, psychologists, and literary theorists, all of whom seek to provide fine-grained accounts of critical problems having to do with emotion and art. How best to explain emotions produced by works of art? What goes on when we feel emotion for an abstract art such as music? How is it that we can intelligibly feel emotion for persons and situations that we know are fictional? What is involved in our empathic experience of negative emotion through the art of tragedy? A strongly interdisciplinary volume that captures the richness of current debates about the role of agency in human emotional response, this collection also considers the influence of culture on emotion and demonstrates that cognitivist and social- constructivist perspectives need not be antagonistic and may actually work together in a complementary way. Essays cluster under four rubrics--"The Paradox of Fiction", "Emotion and its Expression through Art", "The Rationality of Emotional Responses to Art", and "The Value of Emotion"--and together they address questions of emotion in film, painting, music, dance, literature, and theater. With new work by leading thinkers in the field of aesthetics, and drawing upon state of the art scholarship from areas such as cognitive science, literary studies, and contemporary ethics, Emotion and the Arts is essential reading for those who study aesthetics, literature, theories of emotion, and the mind.

Deeper Than Reason

Deeper Than Reason PDF Author: Jenefer Robinson
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199263655
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 517

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Jenefer Robinson uses modern psychological and neuroscientific research on the emotions to study our emotional involvement with the arts.

Art, Emotion and Ethics

Art, Emotion and Ethics PDF Author: Berys Gaut
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199263213
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Can a good work of art be evil? 'Art, Ethics, and Emotion' explores this issue, arguing that artworks are always aesthetically flawed insofar as they have a moral defect that is aesthetically relevant. This book will be of interest to anyone who wants to understand the relation of art to morality.

Art and Emotion

Art and Emotion PDF Author: Derek Matravers
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199243167
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 252

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The author's aim in this study is to show that what experiences of art and emotion have in common and what links them to the expression of emotion in non-artistic cases, is the role played by feeling.

Atlas of Emotion

Atlas of Emotion PDF Author: Giuliana Bruno
Publisher: Verso Books
ISBN: 178663323X
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 1133

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Atlas of Emotion is a highly original endeavour to map a cultural history of spatio-visual arts. In an evocative montage of words and pictures, emphasises that "sight" and "site" but also "motion" and "emotion" are irrevocably connected. In so doing, Giuliana Bruno touches on the art of Gerhard Richter and Annette Message, the film making of Peter Greenaway and Michelangelo Antonioni, the origins of the movie palace and its precursors, and her own journeys to her native Naples. Visually luscious and daring in conception, Bruno opens new vistas and understandings at every turn.

The Tragic Muse

The Tragic Muse PDF Author: Anne Rachel Leonard
Publisher: Smart Museum of Art, the University of C
ISBN: 9780935573497
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Catalogue published in conjunction with an exhibition held at the Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, Feb. 10-June 5, 2011.

Art Therapy and Emotion Regulation Problems

Art Therapy and Emotion Regulation Problems PDF Author: Suzanne Haeyen
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319967738
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 373

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In this innovative work which combines theory and practice, Suzanne Haeyen explores how art therapy can be useful to people with emotion regulation problems, or ‘personality disorders’, in diagnostic terms. Covering a number of basic themes encountered in clients with personality disorders, it offers insight into the theory behind art therapy techniques and discusses the current state of research in the field. In its second part the author provides a workbook based on aspects of dialectical behavioural therapy skill training developed by Marsha Linehan, including mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness and distress tolerance. This section also discusses the use of schema-focused therapy; a method developed by Jeffrey Young, and offers a number of exercises for use in specific practice situations. Alongside summaries of the theory, the author explores the multidisciplinary nature of these therapeutic methods and provides 106 exercises which have been developed in practice. This book offers new ideas and practical tools that will be invaluable to all art therapists working with clients who have difficulties expressing, recognising or coping with their feelings, and who find expressing their feelings through creative work easier than with words.

How Art Works

How Art Works PDF Author: Ellen Winner
ISBN: 0190863358
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 321

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"How Art Works explores puzzles that have preoccupied philosophers as well as the general public: Can art be defined? How do we decide what is good art? Why do we gravitate to sadness in art? Why do we devalue a perfect fake? Could 'my kid have done that'? Does reading fiction enhance empathy? Drawing on careful observations, probing interviews, and clever experiments, Ellen Winner reveals surprising answers to these and other artistic mysteries. We may come away with a new understanding of how art works on us."--Jacket.

Permission to Feel

Permission to Feel PDF Author: Marc Brackett, Ph.D.
Publisher: Celadon Books
ISBN: 1250212820
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 251

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Book Description
The mental well-being of children and adults is shockingly poor. Marc Brackett, author of Permission to Feel, knows why. And he knows what we can do. "We have a crisis on our hands, and its victims are our children." Marc Brackett is a professor in Yale University’s Child Study Center and founding director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. In his 25 years as an emotion scientist, he has developed a remarkably effective plan to improve the lives of children and adults – a blueprint for understanding our emotions and using them wisely so that they help, rather than hinder, our success and well-being. The core of his approach is a legacy from his childhood, from an astute uncle who gave him permission to feel. He was the first adult who managed to see Marc, listen to him, and recognize the suffering, bullying, and abuse he’d endured. And that was the beginning of Marc’s awareness that what he was going through was temporary. He wasn’t alone, he wasn’t stuck on a timeline, and he wasn’t “wrong” to feel scared, isolated, and angry. Now, best of all, he could do something about it. In the decades since, Marc has led large research teams and raised tens of millions of dollars to investigate the roots of emotional well-being. His prescription for healthy children (and their parents, teachers, and schools) is a system called RULER, a high-impact and fast-effect approach to understanding and mastering emotions that has already transformed the thousands of schools that have adopted it. RULER has been proven to reduce stress and burnout, improve school climate, and enhance academic achievement. This book is the culmination of Marc’s development of RULER and his way to share the strategies and skills with readers around the world. It is tested, and it works. This book combines rigor, science, passion and inspiration in equal parts. Too many children and adults are suffering; they are ashamed of their feelings and emotionally unskilled, but they don’t have to be. Marc Brackett’s life mission is to reverse this course, and this book can show you how.

The Transfiguration of the Commonplace

The Transfiguration of the Commonplace PDF Author: Arthur C. Danto
Publisher: Harvard University Press
ISBN: 9780674903463
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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Danto argues that recent developments in art--in particular the production of works that cannot be told from ordinary things--make urgent the need for a new theory of art. He demonstrates the relationship between philosophy and art and the connections that hold between art, social institutions, and art history.