Development of Soft Particle Code (SPARC)

Development of Soft Particle Code (SPARC) PDF Author: Chien-Hsun Chen
Publisher: Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH
ISBN: 3832540709
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 206

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Book Description
This work aims at developing a numerical simulation method, Soft PARticle Code (SPARC). The term textit soft emphasizes that no boundaries between particles are defined and every particle possesses a support consisting of a set of adjacent particles. The polynomial interpolation/approximation method is utilized for the evaluation of spatial derivatives using the information carried by particles in supports. The system of equations consisting of spatial derivatives is solved using an iterative nonlinear solver and the computation of the Jacobian matrix is parallelized. The simulations of laboratory tests have been carried out to show the applications and limitations of the current version of SPARC. In addition to the simulations, laboratory (zig-zag) model tests using fine sand were carried out, in which the cyclic tilt of a retaining wall induces a peculiar motion in the backfill (sand), with closed trajectories (eddies).

Development of Soft Particle Code (SPARC).

Development of Soft Particle Code (SPARC). PDF Author: Chien-Hsun Chen
ISBN: 9783832594626
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 206

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Applications and developments of Barodesy

Applications and developments of Barodesy PDF Author: Fabian Schranz
Publisher: Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH
ISBN: 3832548831
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 220

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Barodesy is a constitutive model for granular materials such as sand and clay. It is based on the asymptotic behaviour of granular media at a constant deformation rate. In this work the existing sand version of Barodesy is improved. For this purpose, the underlying scalar equations are simplified using different concepts from soil mechanics. The improved version is also compared with laboratory tests and different elastoplastic and hypoplastic constitutive relations. Also the stability of slopes and advanced stress paths such as the rotation of the princple stresses are investigated with these models.

1992 Linear Accelerator Conference Proceedings

1992 Linear Accelerator Conference Proceedings PDF Author:
Category : Linear accelerators
Languages : en
Pages : 484

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Computer & Control Abstracts

Computer & Control Abstracts PDF Author:
Category : Automatic control
Languages : en
Pages :

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CERN. PDF Author:
Category : Nuclear energy
Languages : en
Pages : 522

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Proceedings of the XVIII International Linear Accelerator Conference

Proceedings of the XVIII International Linear Accelerator Conference PDF Author:
Category : Linear accelerators
Languages : en
Pages : 514

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Cracking the Generics code

Cracking the Generics code PDF Author: Subba Rao Chaganti
Publisher: BSP Books
ISBN: 9390211646
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 547

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Book Description
The empowered patients, new-age technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), big data analytics, real-world data and evidence, blockchain, electronic health records (EHRs), digital therapeutics, cloud computing, and innovative marketing frameworks like design thinking, customer journey mapping, omnichannel, closed-loop marketing, personalization and agile ways of working are transforming the way healthcare is delivered, affecting the pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, big tech companies such as Amazon, Alphabet, Apple, and Microsoft are disrupting by offering non-pharmacological solutions with innovative digital technologies to provide a seamless customer experience in the patient journey. The recent COVID-19 pandemic added rocket fuel to the digital transformation of the pharmaceutical industry, changing the entire model of care and ingraining telemedicine in the healthcare ecosystem. Digital Transformation has become inevitable and imminent. Therefore, pharma must reimagine its entire strategy and embrace digital transformation to succeed in this rapidly changing marketing environment that is becoming increasingly complex. Reimagine Pharma Marketing: Make It Future-Proof introduces all these technology frameworks. Additionally, the book presents one hundred and two case studies showing how some of the leading pharmaceutical companies are applying the new age technologies and marketing frameworks effectively. It can be your single-source guidebook unraveling the future so you can manage it!Contents: 1. Reimagine Everything — Reimagine Every Element of Pharmaceutical Marketing Mix 2. Reimagine the Technology— How Pharma Can Harness the Power of New and Emerging Technologies 3. Reimagine Stakeholder Engagement—Winning with New Rules of Engagement 4. The Future of Pharma—A Look into the Crystal Ball Epilogue You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat!

Highlights of Astronomy Volume 11B

Highlights of Astronomy Volume 11B PDF Author: Johannes Andersen
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401147787
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 581

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Book Description
Since 1967, the main scientific events of the General Assemblies of the International Astronomical Union have been published in the separate series, Highlights of Astronomy. The present Volume 11 presents the major scientific presentations made at the XXIIIrd General Assembly, August 18-30, 1997, in Kyoto, Japan. The two volumes (11A+B) contain the texts of the three Invited Discourses as well as the proceedings or extended summaries of the 21 Joint Discussions and two Special Sessions held during the General Assembly.

Computational Accelerator Physics

Computational Accelerator Physics PDF Author: Robert Ryne
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 648

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This text is intended to be of use to researchers and computer scientists involved with high-energy physics and particle engineering. Topics covered include codes for analysis of linear and circular accelerators, electron and ion accelerators, and accelerators for heavy ion fusion.