Deformation-mechanism Maps

Deformation-mechanism Maps PDF Author: H. J. Frost
Publisher: Pergamon
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 184

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Deformation-mechanism Maps

Deformation-mechanism Maps PDF Author: H. J. Frost
Publisher: Pergamon
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 184

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Fundamentals of Creep in Metals and Alloys

Fundamentals of Creep in Metals and Alloys PDF Author: Michael E. Kassner
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080532144
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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* Numerous line drawings with consistent format and units allow easy comparison of the behavior of a very wide range of materials * Transmission electron micrographs provide a direct insight in the basic microstructure of metals deforming at high temperatures * Extensive literature review of over 1000 references provide an excellent reference document, and a very balanced discussionUnderstanding the strength of materials at a range of temperatures is critically important to a huge number of researchers and practitioners from a wide range of fields and industry sectors including metallurgists, industrial designers, aerospace R&D personnel, and structural engineers. The most up-to date and comprehensive book in the field, Fundamentals of Creep in Metals and Alloys discusses the fundamentals of time-dependent plasticity or creep plasticity in metals, alloys and metallic compounds. This is the first book of its kind that provides broad coverage of a range of materials not just a sub-group such as metallic compounds, superalloys or crystals. As such it presents the most balanced view of creep for all materials scientists. The theory of all of these phenomena are extensively reviewed and analysed in view of an extensive bibliography that includes the most recent publications in the field. All sections of the book have undergone extensive peer review and therefore the reader can be sure they have access to the most up-to-date research, fully interrogated, from the world's leading investigators.· Numerous line drawings with consistent format and units allow easy comparison of the behavior of a very wide range of materials· Transmission electron micrographs provide a direct insight in the basic microstructure of metals deforming at high temperatures· Extensive literature review of over 1000 references provide an excellent reference document, and a very balanced discussion

A Compendium of Deformation-Mechanism Maps for Metals

A Compendium of Deformation-Mechanism Maps for Metals PDF Author: David Fisher
Publisher: Materials Research Forum LLC
ISBN: 1644901692
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 130

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Deformation-mechanism maps represent an invaluable guide to predicting the optimum processing conditions for a material. They are also useful in matching a material to a given engineering application. The present book summarizes recent research results in the field. The book references 106 original resources and includes their direct web link for in-depth reading. Keywords: Deformation-Mechanism Maps, Metals, Engineering Applications, Dislocation Glide, Diffusional Flow, Dislocation Creep, Plastic Flow, Strain Rate, Atomic Bonding, Aluminium, Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Nickel, Potassium, Silver, Tin, Thallium, Titanium, Tungsten, Zinc, Zirconium.

Handbook of Mechanics of Materials

Handbook of Mechanics of Materials PDF Author: Siegfried Schmauder
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9789811068836
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book provides a comprehensive reference for the studies of mechanical properties of materials over multiple length and time scales. The topics include nanomechanics, micromechanics, continuum mechanics, mechanical property measurements, and materials design. The handbook employs a consistent and systematic approach offering readers a user friendly reference ideal for frequent consultation. It is appropriate for an audience at of graduate students, faculties, researchers, and professionals in the fields of Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, and Aerospace Engineering.

Plastic Deformation of Ceramics

Plastic Deformation of Ceramics PDF Author: R.C. Bradt
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1489914412
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 661

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This proceedings volume, "Plastic Deformation of Ceramics," constitutes the papers of an international symposium held at Snowbird, Utah from August 7-12, 1994. It was attended by nearly 100 scientists and engineers from more than a dozen countries representing academia, national laboratories, and industry. Two previous conferences on this topic were held at The Pennsylvania State University in 1974 and 1983. Therefore, the last major international conference focusing on the deformation of ceramic materials was held more than a decade ago. Since the early 1980s, ceramic materials have progressed through an evolutionary period of development and advancement. They are now under consideration for applications in engineering structures. The contents of the previous conferences indicate that considerable effort was directed towards a basic understanding of deformation processes in covalently bonded or simple oxide ceramics. However, now, more than a decade later, the focus has completely shifted. In particular, the drive for more efficient heat engines has resulted in the development of silicon-based ceramics and composite ceramics. The discovery of high-temperature cupric oxide-based superconductors has created a plethora of interesting perovskite-Iike structured ceramics. Additionally, nanophase ceramics, ceramic thin films, and various forms of toughened ceramics have potential applications and, hence, their deformation has been investigated. Finally, new and exciting areas of research have attracted interest since 1983, including fatigue, nanoindentation techniques, and superplasticity.

Hot Working Guide: A Compendium of Processing Maps, Second Edition

Hot Working Guide: A Compendium of Processing Maps, Second Edition PDF Author: Y.V.R.K. Prasad; K.P. Rao; S. Sasidhar
Publisher: ASM International
ISBN: 1627080929
Category : Alloys
Languages : en
Pages : 639

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Hot Working Guide: A Compendium of Processing Maps, Second Edition is a unique source book with flow stress data for hot working, processing maps with metallurgical interpretation and optimum processing conditions for metals, alloys, intermetallics, and metal matrix composites. The use of this book replaces the expensive and time consuming trial and error methods in process design and product development.

Deformation Microstructures and Mechanisms in Minerals and Rocks

Deformation Microstructures and Mechanisms in Minerals and Rocks PDF Author: Tom G. Blenkinsop
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 030647543X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 157

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This book is a systematic guide to the recognition and interpretation of deformation microstructures and mechanisms in minerals and rocks at the scale of a thin section. Diagnostic features of microstructures and mechanisms are emphasized, and the subject is extensively illustrated with high-quality color and black and white photomicrographs, and many clear diagrams. After introducing three main classes of deformation microstructures and mechanisms, low- to high-grade deformation is presented in a logical sequence in Chapters 2 to 5. Magmatic/submagmatic deformation, shear sense indicators, and shock microstructures and metamorphism are described in Chapters 6 to 8, which are innovative chapters in a structural geology textbook. The final chapter shows how deformation microstructures and mechanisms can be used quantitatively to understand the behavior of the earth. Recent experimental research on failure criteria, frictional sliding laws, and flow laws is summarized in tables, and palaeopiezometry is discussed. Audience: This book is essential to all practising structural and tectonic geologists who use thin sections, and is an invaluable research tool for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates, lecturers and researchers in structural geology and tectonics.

Viscoelastic Solids (1998)

Viscoelastic Solids (1998) PDF Author: Roderic S. Lakes
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351355651
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 491

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Viscoelastic Solids covers the mathematical theory of viscoelasticity and physical insights, causal mechanisms, and practical applications. The book: presents a development of the theory, addressing both transient and dynamic aspects as well as emphasizing linear viscoelasticity synthesizes the structure of the theory with the aim of developing physical insight illustrates the methods for the solution of stress analysis problems in viscoelastic objects explores experimental methods for the characterization of viscoelastic materials describes the phenomenology of viscoelasticity in a variety of materials, including polymers, metals, high damping alloys, rock, piezoelectric materials, cellular solids, dense composite materials, and biological materials analyzes high damping and extremely low damping provides the theory of viscoelastic composite materials, including examples of various types of structure and the relationships between structure and mechanical properties contains examples on the use of viscoelastic materials in preventing and alleviating human suffering Viscoelastic Solids also demonstrates the use of viscoelasticity for diverse applications, such as earplugs, gaskets, computer disks, satellite stability, medical diagnosis, injury prevention, vibration abatement, tire performance, sports, spacecraft explosions, and music.

Mechanical Behavior of Materials

Mechanical Behavior of Materials PDF Author: Marc André Meyers
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 110739418X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1455

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A balanced mechanics-materials approach and coverage of the latest developments in biomaterials and electronic materials, the new edition of this popular text is the most thorough and modern book available for upper-level undergraduate courses on the mechanical behavior of materials. To ensure that the student gains a thorough understanding the authors present the fundamental mechanisms that operate at micro- and nano-meter level across a wide-range of materials, in a way that is mathematically simple and requires no extensive knowledge of materials. This integrated approach provides a conceptual presentation that shows how the microstructure of a material controls its mechanical behavior, and this is reinforced through extensive use of micrographs and illustrations. New worked examples and exercises help the student test their understanding. Further resources for this title, including lecture slides of select illustrations and solutions for exercises, are available online at

Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Methods

Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Methods PDF Author: Franz Roters
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527642099
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 188

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Written by the leading experts in computational materials science, this handy reference concisely reviews the most important aspects of plasticity modeling: constitutive laws, phase transformations, texture methods, continuum approaches and damage mechanisms. As a result, it provides the knowledge needed to avoid failures in critical systems udner mechanical load. With its various application examples to micro- and macrostructure mechanics, this is an invaluable resource for mechanical engineers as well as for researchers wanting to improve on this method and extend its outreach.