Study of Deaths Following Electro Muscular Disruption

Study of Deaths Following Electro Muscular Disruption PDF Author: David W. Hagy
Publisher: DIANE Publishing
ISBN: 1437914934
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 21

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Book Description
Police leaders have sought alternatives to lethal force and better methods to subdue individuals to limit injuries and death. In recent years, electro-muscular-disruption technology, also known as conducted energy devices (CEDs), have become the less-lethal weapon of choice for many law enforcement agencies. CED uses a high-voltage, low-power charge of electricity to induce involuntary muscle contractions that cause temporary incapacitation. However, a significant number of individuals have died after exposure to a CED. Some were normal healthy adults; others were chemically dependent or had heart disease or mental illness. This study addresses whether CEDs can contribute to or cause mortality and if so, in what ways.

Study of Deaths Following Electro Muscular Disruption

Study of Deaths Following Electro Muscular Disruption PDF Author: David W. Hagy
Publisher: DIANE Publishing
ISBN: 1437914934
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 21

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Book Description
Police leaders have sought alternatives to lethal force and better methods to subdue individuals to limit injuries and death. In recent years, electro-muscular-disruption technology, also known as conducted energy devices (CEDs), have become the less-lethal weapon of choice for many law enforcement agencies. CED uses a high-voltage, low-power charge of electricity to induce involuntary muscle contractions that cause temporary incapacitation. However, a significant number of individuals have died after exposure to a CED. Some were normal healthy adults; others were chemically dependent or had heart disease or mental illness. This study addresses whether CEDs can contribute to or cause mortality and if so, in what ways.

Death's Following:Mediocrity, Dirtiness, Adulthood, Literature

Death's Following:Mediocrity, Dirtiness, Adulthood, Literature PDF Author: John Limon
Publisher: Fordham Univ Press
ISBN: 082324279X
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 207

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Death's Following refuses the call of twentieth-century philosophy to face death heroically, advocating instead the mediocrity of Heidegger's "they-self" and its inauthentic, distanced relation to death. Through literary criticism and autobiography, the book considers mediocrity the privileged site for imagining eternal absence: mediocrity as practice for being forgotten.

Deaths After Police Contact

Deaths After Police Contact PDF Author: David Baker
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137589671
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 246

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This book investigates death after police contact in England and Wales in the twenty-first century. It examines how regulatory bodies construct accountability in such cases. Cases of death after police contact have the potential to cause deep unease in society. They highlight the unique role of the police in being legitimately able to use force whilst at the same time being expected to preserve life. People who are from Black, or Minority Ethnic backgrounds, or have mental health issues, or are dependent on substances are disproportionately more likely to die in these cases, and this emphasises the sensitive nature of many of these deaths to society. Deaths after Police Contact examines police legitimacy and the legitimacy of police regulators in these cases. The book argues that accountability is produced by a relatively arbitrary system of regulation that investigates such deaths as individual cases, rather than attempting to learn lessons from annual trends and patterns that might prevent future deaths. It will be of great interest to scholars and upper-level students of policing and criminal justice.

Public Health Reports

Public Health Reports PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 826

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The Practice Manager's Law Handbook

The Practice Manager's Law Handbook PDF Author: Arthur Brown
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470698306
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 288

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Awareness of the law is an essential part of any medical practice manager's role and is becoming even more important as patients and employees are becoming more litigation conscious. Every doctor in general practice must take note of the legal rights of different classes of people such as patients, employees, visitors to the surgery, and suppliers of goods and services to the practice, to ensure that these rights are not infringed in any way. Additionally the doctor must have a general knowledge of his/her own rights and how to seek redress when he/she is wronged. This handbook is designed to provide a practical guide to the law in easily understandable language and does not pretend to be a formal textbook on the law. It describes the main features of the law that are likely to impact a medical general practice, in a user-friendly well-illustrated fashion. Complex legal minutiae have been stripped away to help the non-lawyer gain an understanding of the law.

Good Posture in the Little Child

Good Posture in the Little Child PDF Author: United States. Children's Bureau
Category : Posture
Languages : en
Pages : 1182

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Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report PDF Author:
Category : Diseases
Languages : en
Pages : 598

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The A B C of Foster-family Care for Children ...

The A B C of Foster-family Care for Children ... PDF Author: Mrs. Blanche Shinn Jobes Paget
Category : Adolescence
Languages : en
Pages : 1096

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Oversight Hearing Conducted at the VA Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa

Oversight Hearing Conducted at the VA Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa PDF Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Subcommittee on Medical Facilities and Benefits
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 140

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Transactions of the Clinical Society of the University of Michigan

Transactions of the Clinical Society of the University of Michigan PDF Author: University of Michigan. Clinical Society
Category : Medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 156

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