Cultural Overstretch?

Cultural Overstretch? PDF Author: Jurgen Gerhards
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134078021
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 199

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Within a few years the European Union will be enlarged from fifteen to twenty-eight member states including Turkey. Do the new countries fit into the European Union or does the enlargement lead to a cultural overstretch? Using survey data Cultural Overstretch describes the cultural differences between twenty-eight European countries.

Cultural Overstretch?

Cultural Overstretch? PDF Author: Jurgen Gerhards
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134078021
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 199

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Book Description
Within a few years the European Union will be enlarged from fifteen to twenty-eight member states including Turkey. Do the new countries fit into the European Union or does the enlargement lead to a cultural overstretch? Using survey data Cultural Overstretch describes the cultural differences between twenty-eight European countries.

The Americanization of Europe

The Americanization of Europe PDF Author: Alexander Stephan
Publisher: Berghahn Books
ISBN: 9781845450854
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 454

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Using Germany as a case study of the impact of American culture throughout a period characterized by a totalitarian system, two destructive wars, ethnic cleansing, and economic disaster, this book explores the political and cultural parameters of Americanization and anti-Americanism.

Crises in European Integration

Crises in European Integration PDF Author: Ludger Kühnhardt
Publisher: Berghahn Books
ISBN: 0857451634
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 179

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While the major trends in European integration have been well researched and constitute key elements of narratives about its value and purpose, the crises of integration and their effects have not yet attracted sufficient attention. This volume, with original contributions by leading German scholars, suggests that crises of integration should be seen as engines of progress throughout the history of European integration rather than as expressions of failure and regression, a widely held assumption. It therefore throws new light on the current crises in European integration and provides a fascinating panorama of how challenges and responses were guiding the process during its first five decades.

The Narrative of the Occident

The Narrative of the Occident PDF Author: Georg Schmid
Publisher: Peter Lang
ISBN: 9783631575628
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 472

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Civilizations «narrate themselves» in order to establish legitimacy, succeed against others, portray their own merits to their best advantage. The results express societal dynamics, yet also have a retroactive effect and decisively influence the self-conceptions of the «initiating societies». Political philosophies, interpretations of history and social perceptions of artistic achievements all contribute to these narratives. The dignified components, however, are by no means the sole or even the most important ones. Distinction in material culture (technological proficiency, popular art forms, etc.) or economic adroitness are even more consequential. The occidental narrative has been badly vacillating lately. Its severe crisis - due in part to a lack of collective self-confidence, but also to disagreements between its main strands - merits a meticulous analysis of a multitude of criteria. The resulting critique is embedded in reflections on a general theory of narrativity.

The Road to Social Europe

The Road to Social Europe PDF Author: Jean-Claude Barbier
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0415688884
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 250

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In the wake of the Greek and Irish crises, and at a moment when solidarity between states is hotly debated on a daily basis at EU level, it is important to understand how 'solidarity' can happen at all. The Road to Social Europe reviews the development of political cultural processes since the nineteenth century, showing how social protection and social justice have gradually become interwoven with systems of social protection, or welfare states. Grounded on extensive empirical research conducted in many EU countries and in the European Commission's administration over twenty years, the book provides a cultural analysis of welfare systems in Europe. It also presents an original enquiry into the importance of languages for politics in Europe, for the politics of welfare, and for sociological research. It shows how sociological and ethnographic analysis can help in understanding the current and future challenges of European integration that rely unilaterally on functional economics. This in-depth sociological analysis of European diversity will appeal to a wide audience of students and scholars of sociology, political science, political economy and European studies.

Baltic Biographies at Historical Crossroads

Baltic Biographies at Historical Crossroads PDF Author: Aili Aarelaid-Tart
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136646655
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 265

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This book brings together life stories from five generations of Balts, living through the diverse and recurring transformations of the twentieth century: occupations, war, independence, totalitarianism, and democratic rule and market economy. The twentieth century history of the Baltic countries has often been deeply tragic. Lying on the coastline of the Baltic Sea, these rather small but strategically well located territories have historically found themselves in the middle of many power struggles between larger states, empires and other power-holders: the Teutonic Knights, Swedish kings, Tsarist Russia, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union. Today, they are once again forced to stand up to the Russian Federation. Biographical interviewing is a field focused on individuals, and on how those individuals choose to re-create and present their lived lives, make meaning of it through the narratives they tell. To interpret the biographical narrations of Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians, shaped by complex and controversial historical background, the authors use Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of social and cultural capitals, the principles of Erving Goffman’s framing analysis and Alessandro Portelli’s distinction of private and public spheres, Anton Steen’s investigations of post-Socialist elites and Piotr Sztompka’s theory of cultural trauma, etc. Given analyses of particular biographical narrations are supplemented by brief historical and sociological overviews, which allow the reader to better understand the contexts of lived lives, and the mental atmosphere in which the interviews were conducted.

The Politics of Unemployment in Europe

The Politics of Unemployment in Europe PDF Author: Marco Giugni
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317019849
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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This book offers a state-of-the-art discussion of the political issues surrounding unemployment in Europe. Its unique combination offers both a policy and institutional perspective, whilst studying the viewpoint of individual civil society members engaging in collective action on the issue of joblessness. It is the result of Marco Giugni’s three year cross-national comparative research project, financed by the European Commission, united with hand picked contributions from invited experts. Throughout his study he focuses on how the EU approaches national unemployment, the main national differences in talk about unemployment and unemployment policy, and how the representatives of the unemployed produce and coordinate demands in relation to unemployment policy. This book contains a number of genuinely cross-national chapters along with sections on specific national cases, namely the UK, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Sweden.

The British Empire

The British Empire PDF Author: Jeremy Black
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317039874
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 259

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What was the course and consequence of the British Empire? The rights and wrongs, strengths and weaknesses of empire are a major topic in global history, and deservedly so. Focusing on the most prominent and wide-ranging empire in world history, the British empire, Jeremy Black provides not only a history of that empire, but also a perspective from which to consider the issues of its strengths and weaknesses, and rights and wrongs. In short, this is history both of the past, and of the present-day discussion of the past, that recognises that discussion over historical empires is in part a reflection of the consideration of contemporary states. In this book Professor Black weaves together an overview of the British Empire across the centuries, with a considered commentary on both the public historiography of empire and the politically-charged character of much discussion of it. There is a coverage here of social as well as political and economic dimensions of empire, and both the British perspective and that of the colonies is considered. The chronological dimension is set by the need to consider not only imperial expansion by the British state, but also the history of Britain within an imperial context. As such, this is a story of empires within the British Isles, Europe, and, later, world-wide. The book addresses global decline, decolonisation, and the complex nature of post-colonialism and different imperial activity in modern and contemporary history. Taking a revisionist approach, there is no automatic assumption that imperialism, empire and colonialism were ’bad’ things. Instead, there is a dispassionate and evidence-based evaluation of the British empire as a form of government, an economic system, and a method of engagement with the world, one with both faults and benefits for the metropole and the colony.

Inclusion and Exclusion in the Liberal Competition State

Inclusion and Exclusion in the Liberal Competition State PDF Author: Richard Münch
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136504311
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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This book examines the increasingly international division of labour, which promotes transnational integration. It analyses the change in worker solidarity as it moves from collective national welfare to a transnational inclusion of workers from various links in the production chain. Examining three types of welfare regimes within the USA, Germany, Denmark and Sweden, the author addresses how and why globalization is furthering the change from the welfare state to the competition state. The book considers in particular the change to solidarity taking place because of the internationalization of labour division; a change away from the segmented and differentiated system of nation states with strong internal national solidarity to broader, more inclusive and cross-border labour identity and inclusion. Analysing the deeper moral consequences of a globalised labour society, such as the paradigms of inclusion and justice, this book considers the implications of transnational labour on national welfare politics, and looks at the increasing significance of the transnational and national politics of inclusion in social policy, education, minority rights, immigration and gender equality. Inclusion and Exclusion in the Liberal Competition State will be of interest to scholars and students of political science, sociology and social policy studying welfare state change.

National and Regional Symbolic Boundaries in the European Commission

National and Regional Symbolic Boundaries in the European Commission PDF Author: Daniel Drewski
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000414426
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 178

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The process of European integration and the transfer of political authority from the national to the European level have led to the emergence of a field of EU policy making in Brussels, which attracts professionals and experts from all EU member states. This book contributes to research on the dynamics of social integration unfolding at the heart of this field. Based on in-depth interviews with officials working for the European Commission – the EU’s supranational organization – the author explores the perception and negotiation of symbolic boundaries related to their diverse national and regional backgrounds. In line with their cosmopolitan attitudes and role-conception as European civil servants, Commission officials tend to de-emphasize national and regional divisions among them. Nevertheless, subtle symbolic boundaries remain in connection with their diverse organizational cultures, working language preferences, professional values and influence and career prospects. This nuanced account of patterns of social categorization and group-making in a European context will appeal to sociologists with interests in European integration and the emergence of social fields and groups beyond the nation state.