Convocation Speeches of Nigerian Universities

Convocation Speeches of Nigerian Universities PDF Author:
Category : Baccalaureate addresses
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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Convocation Speeches of Nigerian Universities

Convocation Speeches of Nigerian Universities PDF Author:
Category : Baccalaureate addresses
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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Convocation Speeches of Nigerian Universities 1992

Convocation Speeches of Nigerian Universities 1992 PDF Author: Nigeria. National Universities Commission
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 230

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Convocation Speeches

Convocation Speeches PDF Author: University of Maiduguri
Category : Universities and colleges
Languages : en
Pages : 190

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The Idea of an African University

The Idea of an African University PDF Author: Joseph Kenny
Publisher: CRVP
ISBN: 1565182308
Category : Education, Higher
Languages : en
Pages : 191

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Bevat: Liberal versus practical orientation of curriculum development / Olusegun Oladipo ; Lessons of world history of the university for Nigeria today / Joseph Kenny ; Human capital in Nigerian universities : the presence of the past and the thrust of the future / Ifeanyi Onyeonoru ; University decline and its reasons : imperatives for change and relevance / Francis Egbokhare ; Knowledge production, cultural identity and globalization : African universities and the challenges of authenticity and transformation in the twenty-first century / Kolawole A. Owolabi ; Idealism versus pragmatism in the production of knowledge in Nigerian universities / Olatunji A. Oyeshile ; The university and the African crisis of morality : lessons from Nigeria / Ogbo Ugwuanyi ; Subjectivity, hermeneutics and culture / George F. Mclean ; Value systems and the interest groups of a university / Francis M. Isichei ; The place of theology in the university curriculum / Anthony A. Akinwale.

Towards a Dynamic African Economy

Towards a Dynamic African Economy PDF Author: Adebayo Adedeji
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135181020
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 731

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First Published in 1989. From his vantage point as head of the UN Economic Commission for Africa, Professor Adedeji discusses the development experience of Africa during the critical 1975–1986 period. The collection not only provides extensive factual material on global and sectoral developments but also critically evaluates the economic performance of the continent and advances ideas on methods for and approaches to ensuring a better future.

Nationalism and African Intellectuals

Nationalism and African Intellectuals PDF Author: Toyin Falola
Publisher: University Rochester Press
ISBN: 9781580461498
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 398

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An examination of the attempt by Western-educated African intellectuals to create a 'better Africa' through connecting nationalism to knowledge, from the anti-colonial movement to the present-day. This book is about how African intellectuals, influenced primarily by nationalism, have addressed the inter-related issues of power, identity politics, self-assertion and autonomy for themselves and their continent, from the mid-nineteenth century onward. Their major goal was to create a 'better Africa' by connecting nationalism to knowledge. The results have been mixed, from the glorious euphoria of the success of anti-colonial movements to the depressingcircumstances of the African condition as we enter a new millennium. As the intellectual elite is a creation of the Western formal school system, the ideas it generated are also connected to the larger world of scholarship.This world is, in turn, shaped by European contacts with Africa from the fifteenth century onward, the politics of the Cold War, and the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union. In essence, Africa and its elite cannot be fully understood without also considering the West and changing global politics. Neither can the academic and media contributions by non-Africans be ignored, as these also affect the ways that Africans think about themselves and their continent. Nationalism and African Intellectuals examines intellectuals' ambivalent relationships with the colonial apparatus and subsequent nation-state formations; the contradictions manifested within pan-Africanism and nationalism; and the relation of academic institutions and intellectual production to the state during the nationalism period and beyond. Toyin Falola is the Jacob and Frances Sanger Mossiker Chair in the Humanities and University Distinguished Teaching Professor at the University of Texas at Austin.

Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto at 40

Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto at 40 PDF Author: Usmanu Danfodiyo University
Category : Education, Higher
Languages : en
Pages : 592

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From Excellence to Distinction

From Excellence to Distinction PDF Author: Simeon Olajire Olanlokun
Publisher: African Books Collective
ISBN: 978843147X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 528

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This book is a collection of presentations made during the tenure of Professor Oyewusi Ibidapo-Ope as Vice Chancellor (2000-2007) at the University of Lagos. Included are Matriculation and Convocations speeches delivered by Professor Oyewusi Ibidapo-Ope himself as well as Inaugural Lectures delivered by various faculty members and guests on a wide range of topics from Biochemistry, Botany, Physiotherapy, Development, Medicine. A brief chapter takes stock of the current state of the University generally while other chapters detail some of the government lobbying carried out by the Vice-Chancellor and his team. A chapter entitled "Town and Gown" record Professor Ibidapo-Ope's addresses to various organisations in Lagos while another records speeches at workshops and seminars such as the Nigerian Sociological Society.

Thi3d [i.e. Third] World Libraries

Thi3d [i.e. Third] World Libraries PDF Author:
Category : International librarianship
Languages : en
Pages : 386

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Ndi-Igbo of Nigeria

Ndi-Igbo of Nigeria PDF Author: Ndubisi Nwafor-Ejelinma
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
ISBN: 1466938927
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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This book comes, first of all, as the answer to the yearning for more written literature on the identity of the Igbo people of the southeast of Nigeria. The early chapters deal with their geographical and historical identity. Then it holds a searchlight on the Igbo worldview: their sociocultural values and traditions, their religious concepts the nature and character of the supreme being; their family agnates, relationships, and the structure and elements of social control dynamics, which are unknown to the Western world. The showcase also discusses some very powerful elements and traditions that give the Igbo their peculiar identity: the kola nut tradition, Igbo name, and food culture. This book is also a road map of the Igbo experience in the context of Nigerian histopolitical developments from 1914 to 1976: the crises, the pogrom, and the Biafran phenomenon, and the Ikemba Saga. Other hallmarks of this book include the profile of great personages: Igbo greatest heroes past and present, the icons of Igbo identity on both national and international scenes. And finally, it concludes with the roll call: an amazing catalog of more than four thousand Igbo traditional names.