Conversations about Painting with Rudolf Steiner

Conversations about Painting with Rudolf Steiner PDF Author: Peter Stebbing
Publisher: Anthroposophic Press
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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The purpose of this illustrated volume of first-hand recollections is to increase appreciation in the world for Rudolf Steiner's artistic contributions to modern culture. The authors represented in Conversations about Painting with Rudolf Steiner offer insights into Steiner's intentions as he responded to artists' questions about the deeper, spiritual aspects of painting, color, and role of the arts as a whole in culture and society. Peter Stebbing's inspiration for translating these conversations was an early reading of Hilde Boos-Hamburger's book on Steiner's "new art impulse" (included here). Through the years, Stebbing also came to recognize the importance of other artists who were influenced by Steiner. Margarita Voloschin, for example, describes the inner transformation required of artists who wish to deepen their artistic sensibilities as described by Rudolf Steiner. Henni Geck, though she wrote little on art, is an important figure in this school of artistic renewal through having elicited numerous training sketches from Steiner. Assya Turgenieff was a pioneer artist who worked with stained glass. Her discussion of the artistic approach she used--which incorporated both color and sculpting techniques--can be applied to other visual arts as well. Conversations about Painting with Rudolf Steiner is an extraordinary contribution to a deeper understanding of the "anthroposophic" arts. Richly illustrated, this volume will warrant serious study and frequent rereading and browsing. A great book for the coffee table. CONTENTS: MARIA STRAKOSCH-GIESLER "Indications Given by Rudolf Steiner to a Painter" "A Color Meditation Given by Rudolf Steiner" "The Human Form and Color" "Recollections of Two Lectures by Rudolf Steiner on Painting" "About Maria Strakosch-Giesler" by Peter Stebbing HILDE BOOS-HAMBURGER "Preliminary Remarks" "Experiences in Painting the Cupolas of the First Goetheanum" "The Struggle for the Underlying Principles of a New Spiritualized Painting Impulse" "Some Experiences in Teaching Older Children" "About Hilde Boos-Hamburger" by Roy Wilkinson & Jan Pohl HENNI GECK "The Sketches Given by Rudolf Steiner 1922-1924" "The Motif Sketches of Rudolf Steiner" by Fritz Billing "The Work in Painting at the Goetheanum with Henni Geck" by Clara Bosshardt "On Studying in Henni Geck's Painting School" by Gerard Wagner "About Henni Geck" by Ernst Marti "Recollections of the Teacher" by Walter Roggenkamp "Thoughts on Method" by Bettina Roder "Henni Geck's Quest" by Ingrid Stinzing-Eriksson MARGARITA VOLOSCHIN "Self-portrait" "Memory-Pictures from a Time of Intensive Work" "How Rudolf Steiner Himself Painted in the Small Cupola" by Luise Clason "About Margarita Voloschin" by Rosemarie Wermbter ASSYA TURGENIEFF "Working on 'Light and Dark'" "Recollections of the Beginning of Studies in Light and Dark" "A Drawing Class with Rudolf Steiner" by Daniel J. van Bemmelen "About Assya Turgenieff" by Jakob Streit & Christiane Haid Also includes an afterword and a selected bibliography.

Conversations about Painting with Rudolf Steiner

Conversations about Painting with Rudolf Steiner PDF Author: Peter Stebbing
Publisher: Anthroposophic Press
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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Book Description
The purpose of this illustrated volume of first-hand recollections is to increase appreciation in the world for Rudolf Steiner's artistic contributions to modern culture. The authors represented in Conversations about Painting with Rudolf Steiner offer insights into Steiner's intentions as he responded to artists' questions about the deeper, spiritual aspects of painting, color, and role of the arts as a whole in culture and society. Peter Stebbing's inspiration for translating these conversations was an early reading of Hilde Boos-Hamburger's book on Steiner's "new art impulse" (included here). Through the years, Stebbing also came to recognize the importance of other artists who were influenced by Steiner. Margarita Voloschin, for example, describes the inner transformation required of artists who wish to deepen their artistic sensibilities as described by Rudolf Steiner. Henni Geck, though she wrote little on art, is an important figure in this school of artistic renewal through having elicited numerous training sketches from Steiner. Assya Turgenieff was a pioneer artist who worked with stained glass. Her discussion of the artistic approach she used--which incorporated both color and sculpting techniques--can be applied to other visual arts as well. Conversations about Painting with Rudolf Steiner is an extraordinary contribution to a deeper understanding of the "anthroposophic" arts. Richly illustrated, this volume will warrant serious study and frequent rereading and browsing. A great book for the coffee table. CONTENTS: MARIA STRAKOSCH-GIESLER "Indications Given by Rudolf Steiner to a Painter" "A Color Meditation Given by Rudolf Steiner" "The Human Form and Color" "Recollections of Two Lectures by Rudolf Steiner on Painting" "About Maria Strakosch-Giesler" by Peter Stebbing HILDE BOOS-HAMBURGER "Preliminary Remarks" "Experiences in Painting the Cupolas of the First Goetheanum" "The Struggle for the Underlying Principles of a New Spiritualized Painting Impulse" "Some Experiences in Teaching Older Children" "About Hilde Boos-Hamburger" by Roy Wilkinson & Jan Pohl HENNI GECK "The Sketches Given by Rudolf Steiner 1922-1924" "The Motif Sketches of Rudolf Steiner" by Fritz Billing "The Work in Painting at the Goetheanum with Henni Geck" by Clara Bosshardt "On Studying in Henni Geck's Painting School" by Gerard Wagner "About Henni Geck" by Ernst Marti "Recollections of the Teacher" by Walter Roggenkamp "Thoughts on Method" by Bettina Roder "Henni Geck's Quest" by Ingrid Stinzing-Eriksson MARGARITA VOLOSCHIN "Self-portrait" "Memory-Pictures from a Time of Intensive Work" "How Rudolf Steiner Himself Painted in the Small Cupola" by Luise Clason "About Margarita Voloschin" by Rosemarie Wermbter ASSYA TURGENIEFF "Working on 'Light and Dark'" "Recollections of the Beginning of Studies in Light and Dark" "A Drawing Class with Rudolf Steiner" by Daniel J. van Bemmelen "About Assya Turgenieff" by Jakob Streit & Christiane Haid Also includes an afterword and a selected bibliography.

Approaching - Rudolf Steiner's Sketches for Painters

Approaching - Rudolf Steiner's Sketches for Painters PDF Author: Laura Summer
ISBN: 1387999192
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 64

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Exercises to accompany Rudolf Steiner's Sketches for Painters- The Nine Nature Moods. These exercises approach the training sketches in a new way that encourages the student to discover their secrets in playful and creative work.

Art and Anthroposophy

Art and Anthroposophy PDF Author:
ISBN: 9780967456225
Category : Art and anthroposophy
Languages : en
Pages : 159

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Steiner's idea of art included the renewal of society in general and more particularly certain human endeavors such as science, economy, and religion. He was convinced that his approach would in turn lead to a fundamental renewal of contemporary art. In his introduction, Mattke writes "to the extent that we humans adopt a modern mindset, the more we will be divided from the reality that surrounds us." In response to this profoundly challenging situation, Steiner recommends that we do not assume a New Age paradigm, or a "back-to-nature" attitude such as Rousseau advocated. Rather, according to Steiner and anthroposophy, contemporary humanity needs to develop and practice new ways of thinking, feeling, and willing in order to reconnect to the spiritual character of human life and of the cosmos in a conscious way. Steiner's conception of art is one of the ways to effect this reconnection. Today's art calls for an individual encounter from ego to ego, for conscious work to meet the artist's intentions and foremost for intense work on one's own habitual thought systems and so called "normal" feelings. Losing the crutches of trained intellectual conclusions as well as the comfortable wellness of one's familiar feelings is surely an intense learning process, a real threshold experience. Art & Anthroposophy includes articles ranging from a very personal account of conversations between Margarita Woloschin and Rudolf Steiner; the significance of the First Goetheanum; an article by David Adams on Joseph Beuys; and a tribute to Beppe Assenza by Arthur Zajonc.

A Life with Colour

A Life with Colour PDF Author: Caroline Chanter
Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press
ISBN: 1855845954
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 666

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A Life with Colour is the first complete survey of Gerard Wagner’s biography and his artistic intentions, featuring dozens of illustrations and more than 120 colour plates. The life and work of Gerard Wagner (1906-1999) were closely aligned to the artistic-spiritual stream connected with the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. He first heard of the Goetheanum – and of its destruction by fire at New Year 1922/23 – whilst still a youth. In 1926, he made his first visit to Dornach, but his intended stay of a week turned into a lifelong sojourn of over 73 years. He found there an active, striving community with which he felt intimately connected. From the start, Gerard Wagner immersed himself in the various artistic impulses that Rudolf Steiner had instigated. This, together with an intensive study of anthroposophy, formed the basis upon which he forged his own approach to painting. The many years he spent in colour experimentation led him to discover objective principles within the language of colour and form that are an inspiration to many today. His paintings, first shown at the Goetheanum in the early 1940s, were exhibited internationally, most notably at the Menshikov Palace, Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia, in 1997. ‘[Wagner’s] whole being bowed before the mystery of colour in a loving, joyful yet serious way, full of devotion and dignity. His life and work itself became a living metaphor of the creative power of colour.’ – Christian Hitsch ‘ Caroline Chanter has not only accomplished a great and seminal study that illuminates the life and work of Gerard Wagner, but has done a great service also to the Goetheanum and its School of Spiritual Science.’ – Peter Selg ‘[Gerard Wagner was] a soul which on earth was devoted so selflessly and in such purity to the beings that are revealed… in forms and colours. He helped them to utterance and manifestation in this world of ours.’ – Sergei O. Prokofieff


THE TRIUMPH OF SPIRIT PDF Author: Angelika Dorothea Albrecht
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 3753494801
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 110

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This book selectively describes the events around Anthroposophy in the early years of the 20th century and the lives of that young people from all over the world who mentally and physically committed themselves to this spiritual science. Beginning with Anthroposophy's spiritus rector Rudolf Steiner, continuing with the establishment of the Anthroposophical Society, going on with the erection of the extraordinary first Goetheanum building as of 1913 and its destruction by fire 1922/23. It ends with Rudolf Steiner's sudden death in 1925, the erection of the second Goetheanum building and the impacts and benefits Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy has until today in many fields of life and institutions as schools, hospitals, biodynamic agriculture, eurythmy, architecture, medicine, stage performance and others.

The Individuality of Colour

The Individuality of Colour PDF Author: Elisabeth Wagner-Koch
Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press
ISBN: 1855842262
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 130

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"What is postulated here is not the dogmatic laying down of a way of working. Rather the aim is to make evident one possible means of access to an experience of the color world ... and guide actual practice to Rudolf Steiner's sketch motifs--to their eminent educational power--for we recognize in them a path that can become of great significance to the developing human soul." (from the introduction) This unique workbook describes the early stages of training for painters, teachers, as well as for beginners. The stages are based on recommendations by Rudolf Steiner for the development of a renewed art of painting for our time. The book draws on Steiner's indications for teaching painting in the first Waldorf school, his lectures on color and art, and sketches he made for painters. Together, they form a self-contained system of exercises for a new, spiritually alive art. (Photo: The authors, Gerard Wagner and Elisabeth Wagner-Koch, in the garden of their house in Dornach, Switzerland.)


Touched PDF Author: Marie-Laure Valandro
Publisher: SteinerBooks
ISBN: 1584201290
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 348

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2015 includes articles of interest concerning star wisdom (Astrosophy), as well as a guide to the correspondences between stellar configurations during the life of Christ and those of today. This guide comprises a complete sidereal ephemeris and aspectarian, geocentric and heliocentric, for each day throughout the year. Published yearly, new editions are available beginning in October or November for the coming new year. According to Rudolf Steiner, every step taken by Christ during his ministry between the baptism in the Jordan and the resurrection was in harmony with--and an expression of--the cosmos. The Journal for Star Wisdom is concerned with these heavenly correspondences during the life of Christ. It is intended to help provide a foundation for cosmic Christianity, the cosmic dimension of Christianity. It is this dimension that has been missing from Christianity in its two-thousand-year history. Readers can begin on this path by contemplating the movements of the Sun, Moon, and planets against the background of the zodiacal constellations (sidereal signs) today in relation to corresponding stellar events during the life of Christ. In this way, the possibility is opened for attuning, in a living way, to the life of Christ in the etheric cosmos. This journal begins with an article on the relationship between the zodiacal ages and the cultural epochs by Robert Powell, followed by Estelle Isaacson's article about the early stages of Christ's Ascension into cosmic dimensions. Claudia McLaren Lainson's article relates events of our time against the background of St. Paul's experience of Christ at the gates of Damascus. Richard Tarnas's article, "The Evolving Tradition," offers important perspectives on the development of astrology in our time. Also included is an article by Kevin Dann, which considers the universal significance of the vortex, following up on an indication by Rudolf Steiner. Nicholas Kollerstrom contributed the article "Power of the Sun," discussing research into a new understanding of our Sun. There are also two articles by Brian Keats that contribute to research into aspects of biodynamic farming in connection with cosmic rhythms. The monthly commentaries for 2015 are by Claudia McLaren Lainson, supported by monthly astronomical previews provided by Sally Nurney that offer opportunities to observe and experi-ence the stellar conÿ gurations physically during 2015. This direct interaction between human beings on Earth and the heavenly beings of the stars develops our capacity to receive their wisdom-filled teachings.

Notes of Conversations, 1848-1875

Notes of Conversations, 1848-1875 PDF Author: Amos Bronson Alcott
Publisher: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press
ISBN: 9780838641187
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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Notes of Conversations, 1848-1875 is a volume of transcripts of conversations conducted by the nineteenth-century American philosopher and educator A. Bronson Alcott at various locations in New England and the Midwest. The transcripts have been created from unpublished manuscripts in the Alcott collection at Harvard University and Concord Free Library, as well as published contemporary articles in The Radical, New York Daily Tribune, and The Chicago Tribune. Gathered in this volume, Alcott's transcripts vividly reflect American intellectual concerns from the years preceding the Civil War through the beginning of the Gilded Age.

Berkeley Journal of Religion and Theology, Vol.1, No. 1

Berkeley Journal of Religion and Theology, Vol.1, No. 1 PDF Author: BJRT GTU
ISBN: 1365286118
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 94

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Berkeley Journal of Religion and Theology, Vol. 1, No. 1. This is the inaugural issue and volume of the Journal. Featuring the first Karen Lebacqz Lecture at PSR, the 2014 Distinguished Faculty Lecture, articles by Purushottama Bilimoria and Colette Walker, and a book review.

Art and Soul: Rudolf Steiner, Interdisciplinary Art and Education

Art and Soul: Rudolf Steiner, Interdisciplinary Art and Education PDF Author: Victoria de Rijke
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030176045
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 190

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This book brings together Steiner's philosophical, biodynamic and cultural contributions to education, where 'spirit' and ‘soul’ are the creative elements in human evolution. His thought is applied to selected examples of innovative artistic practice and pedagogy of the present. This volume is intended for researchers in the arts and education with an interest in Rudolf Steiner's huge influence on educational thought and policy.This is an urgent point in time to reflect on the role of arts in education and what it might mean for our souls. An accessible yet scholarly study of interdisciplinarity, imagination and creativity is of critical widespread interest now, when arts education in many countries is threatened with near-extinction.