Control of Systems with Aftereffect

Control of Systems with Aftereffect PDF Author: Vladimir Borisovich Kolmanovskiĭ
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 9780821889572
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 354

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Book Description
Deterministic and stochastic control systems with aftereffect are considered. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimality of such systems are obtained. Various methods for the construction of exact and approximate solutions of optimal control problems are suggested. Problems of adaptive control for systems with aftereffect are analyzed. Numerous applications are described. The book can be used by researchers, engineers, and graduate students working in optimal control theory and various applications.

Control of Systems with Aftereffect

Control of Systems with Aftereffect PDF Author: Vladimir Borisovich Kolmanovskiĭ
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 9780821889572
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 354

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Book Description
Deterministic and stochastic control systems with aftereffect are considered. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimality of such systems are obtained. Various methods for the construction of exact and approximate solutions of optimal control problems are suggested. Problems of adaptive control for systems with aftereffect are analyzed. Numerous applications are described. The book can be used by researchers, engineers, and graduate students working in optimal control theory and various applications.

Stability of Functional Differential Equations

Stability of Functional Differential Equations PDF Author:
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080963145
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 233

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This book provides an introduction to the structure and stability properties of solutions of functional differential equations. Numerous examples of applications (such as feedback systrems with aftereffect, two-reflector antennae, nuclear reactors, mathematical models in immunology, viscoelastic bodies, aeroautoelastic phenomena and so on) are considered in detail. The development is illustrated by numerous figures and tables.

Estimators for Uncertain Dynamic Systems

Estimators for Uncertain Dynamic Systems PDF Author: A.I. Matasov
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401153221
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 428

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When solving the control and design problems in aerospace and naval engi neering, energetics, economics, biology, etc., we need to know the state of investigated dynamic processes. The presence of inherent uncertainties in the description of these processes and of noises in measurement devices leads to the necessity to construct the estimators for corresponding dynamic systems. The estimators recover the required information about system state from mea surement data. An attempt to solve the estimation problems in an optimal way results in the formulation of different variational problems. The type and complexity of these variational problems depend on the process model, the model of uncertainties, and the estimation performance criterion. A solution of variational problem determines an optimal estimator. Howerever, there exist at least two reasons why we use nonoptimal esti mators. The first reason is that the numerical algorithms for solving the corresponding variational problems can be very difficult for numerical imple mentation. For example, the dimension of these algorithms can be very high.

Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics PDF Author:
Category : Mathematical statistics
Languages : en
Pages : 760

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Mathematical Methods of Investigating Automatic Regulation Systems

Mathematical Methods of Investigating Automatic Regulation Systems PDF Author: Vladimir Ivanovich Zubov
Category : Automatic control
Languages : en
Pages : 348

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Functional Differential Equations and Applications

Functional Differential Equations and Applications PDF Author: Alexander Domoshnitsky
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811662975
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 265

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Book Description
This book discusses delay and integro-differential equations from the point of view of the theory of functional differential equations. This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the international conference of Functional Differential Equations and Applications (FDEA-2019), 7th in the series, held at Ariel University, Israel, from August 22–27, 2019. Topics covered in the book include classical properties of functional differential equations as oscillation/non-oscillation, representation of solutions, sign properties of Green's matrices, comparison of solutions, stability, control, analysis of boundary value problems, and applications. The primary audience for this book includes specialists on ordinary, partial and functional differential equations, engineers and doctors dealing with modeling, and researchers in areas of mathematics and engineering.

Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation I

Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation I PDF Author: Boris S. Mordukhovich
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540312471
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 598

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Book Description
Comprehensive and state-of-the art study of the basic concepts and principles of variational analysis and generalized differentiation in both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional spaces Presents numerous applications to problems in the optimization, equilibria, stability and sensitivity, control theory, economics, mechanics, etc.

Qualitative Analysis of Set-Valued Differential Equations

Qualitative Analysis of Set-Valued Differential Equations PDF Author: Anatoly A. Martynyuk
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 303007644X
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 203

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Book Description
The book discusses set-valued differential equations defined in terms of the Hukuhara derivative. Focusing on equations with uncertainty, i.e., including an unknown parameter, it introduces a regularlization method to handle them. The main tools for qualitative analysis are the principle of comparison of Chaplygin – Wazhewsky, developed for the scalar, vector and matrix-valued Lyapunov functions and the method of nonlinear integral inequalities, which are used to establish existence, stability or boundedness. Driven by the question of how to model real processes using a set-valued of differential equations, the book lays the theoretical foundations for further study in this area. It is intended for experts working in the field of qualitative analysis of differential and other types of equations.

Functional Differential Equations

Functional Differential Equations PDF Author: A.V. Kim
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401716307
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 176

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Book Description
Beginning with the works of N.N.Krasovskii [81, 82, 83], which clari fied the functional nature of systems with delays, the functional approach provides a foundation for a complete theory of differential equations with delays. Based on the functional approach, different aspects of time-delay system theory have been developed with almost the same completeness as the corresponding field of ODE (ordinary differential equations) the ory. The term functional differential equations (FDE) is used as a syn onym for systems with delays 1. The systematic presentation of these re sults and further references can be found in a number of excellent books [2, 15, 22, 32, 34, 38, 41, 45, 50, 52, 77, 78, 81, 93, 102, 128]. In this monograph we present basic facts of i-smooth calculus ~ a new differential calculus of nonlinear functionals, based on the notion of the invariant derivative, and some of its applications to the qualitative theory of functional differential equations. Utilization of the new calculus is the main distinction of this book from other books devoted to FDE theory. Two other distinguishing features of the volume are the following: - the central concept that we use is the separation of finite dimensional and infinite dimensional components in the structures of FDE and functionals; - we use the conditional representation of functional differential equa tions, which is convenient for application of methods and constructions of i~smooth calculus to FDE theory.

Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation II

Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation II PDF Author: Boris S. Mordukhovich
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540312463
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 630

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Book Description
Comprehensive and state-of-the art study of the basic concepts and principles of variational analysis and generalized differentiation in both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional spaces Presents numerous applications to problems in the optimization, equilibria, stability and sensitivity, control theory, economics, mechanics, etc.