Constrained Assortment Optimization Under the Mixed Logit Model with Design Options

Constrained Assortment Optimization Under the Mixed Logit Model with Design Options PDF Author: Knut Haase
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Languages : en
Pages : 26

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We present the constrained assortment optimization problem under the mixed logit model (MXL) with design options and deterministic customer segments. The rationale is to select a subset of products of a given size and decide on the attributes of each product such that a function of market share is maximized. The customer demand is modeled by MXL. We develop a novel mixed-integer non-linear program and solve it by state-of-the-art generic solvers. To reduce variance in sample average approximation systematic numbers are applied instead of pseudo-random numbers. Our numerical results demonstrate that systematic numbers reduce computational effort by 70%. We solve instances up to 20 customer segments, 100 products each with 50 design options yielding 5,000 product-design combinations, and 500 random realizations in under two minutes. Our approach studies the impact of market position, willingness-to-pay, and bundling strategies on the optimal assortment.

Constrained Assortment Optimization Under the Mixed Logit Model with Design Options

Constrained Assortment Optimization Under the Mixed Logit Model with Design Options PDF Author: Knut Haase
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Languages : en
Pages : 26

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We present the constrained assortment optimization problem under the mixed logit model (MXL) with design options and deterministic customer segments. The rationale is to select a subset of products of a given size and decide on the attributes of each product such that a function of market share is maximized. The customer demand is modeled by MXL. We develop a novel mixed-integer non-linear program and solve it by state-of-the-art generic solvers. To reduce variance in sample average approximation systematic numbers are applied instead of pseudo-random numbers. Our numerical results demonstrate that systematic numbers reduce computational effort by 70%. We solve instances up to 20 customer segments, 100 products each with 50 design options yielding 5,000 product-design combinations, and 500 random realizations in under two minutes. Our approach studies the impact of market position, willingness-to-pay, and bundling strategies on the optimal assortment.

New Bounds for Assortment Optimization Under the Nested Logit Model

New Bounds for Assortment Optimization Under the Nested Logit Model PDF Author: Sumit Kunnumkal
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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We consider the assortment optimization problem under the nested logit model and obtain new bounds on the gap between the optimal expected revenue and an upper bound based on a certain continuous relaxation of the assortment problem. Our bounds can be tighter than the existing bounds in the literature and provide more insight into the key drivers of tractability for the assortment optimization problem under the nested logit model. Moreover, our bounds scale with the nest dissimilarity parameters and we recover the well-known tractability results for the assortment optimization problem under the multinomial logit model when all the nest dissimilarity parameters are equal to one. We extend our results to the cardinality constrained assortment problem where there are constraints that limit the number of products that can be offered within each nest.

Assortment Optimization Under the Multinomial Logit Model with Utility-Based Rank Cutoffs

Assortment Optimization Under the Multinomial Logit Model with Utility-Based Rank Cutoffs PDF Author: Jacob Feldman
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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We study assortment optimization problems under a natural variant of the multinomial logit model where the customers are willing to focus only on a certain number of products that provide the largest utilities. In particular, each customer has a rank cutoff, characterizing the number of products that she will focus on during the course of her choice process. Given that we offer a certain assortment of products, the choice process of a customer with rank cutoff k proceeds as follows. The customer associates random utilities with all of the products as well as the no-purchase option. She ignores all alternatives whose utilities are not within the k largest utilities. Among the remaining alternatives, the customer chooses the available alternative that provides the largest utility. Under the assumption that the~utilities follow Gumbel distributions with the same scale parameter, we provide a recursion to compute the choice probabilities. Considering the assortment optimization problem to find the revenue-maximizing assortment of products to offer, we show that the problem is NP-hard and give a polynomial-time approximation scheme. Since the customers ignore the products below their rank cutoffs in our variant of the multinomial logit model, intuitively speaking, our variant captures choosier choice behavior than the standard multinomial logit model. Accordingly, we show that the revenue-maximizing assortment under our variant includes the revenue-maximizing assortment under the standard multinomial logit model, so choosier behavior leads to larger assortments offered to maximize the expected revenue. We conduct computational experiments on both synthetic and real datasets to demonstrate that incorporating rank cutoffs can yield better predictions of customer choices and yield more profitable assortment recommendations.

Customer Choice Models and Assortment Optimization

Customer Choice Models and Assortment Optimization PDF Author: James Mario Davis
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Languages : en
Pages : 424

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This thesis handles a fundamental problem in retail: given an enormous variety of products which does the retailer display to its customers? This is the assortment planning problem. We solve this problem by developing algorithms that, given input parameters for products, can efficiently return the set of products that should be displayed. To develop these algorithms we use a mathematical model of how customers react to displayed items, a customer choice model. Below we consider two classic customer choice models, the Multinomial Logit model and Nested Logit model. Under each of these customer choice models we develop algorithms that solve the assortment planning problem. Additionally, we consider the constrained assortment planning problem where the retailer must display products to customers but must also satisfy operational constraints.

An Algorithm for Assortment Optimization Under Parametric Discrete Choice Models

An Algorithm for Assortment Optimization Under Parametric Discrete Choice Models PDF Author: Tien Mai
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Languages : en
Pages : 37

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This work concerns the assortment optimization problem that refers to selecting a subset of items that maximizes the expected revenue in the presence of the substitution behavior of consumers specified by a parametric choice model. The key challenge lies in the computational difficulty of finding the best subset solution, which often requires exhaustive search. The literature on constrained assortment optimization lacks a practically efficient method which that is general to deal with different types of parametric choice models (e.g., the multinomial logit, mixed logit or general multivariate extreme value models). In this paper, we propose a new approach that allows to address this issue. The idea is that, under a general parametric choice model, we formulate the problem into a binary nonlinear programming model, and use an iterative algorithm to find a binary solution. At each iteration, we propose a way to approximate the objective (expected revenue) by a linear function, and a polynomial-time algorithm to find a candidate solution using this approximate function. We also develop a greedy local search algorithm to further improve the solutions. We test our algorithm on instances of different sizes under various parametric choice model structures and show that our algorithm dominates existing exact and heuristic approaches in the literature, in terms of solution quality and computing cost.

When Advertising Meets Assortment Planning

When Advertising Meets Assortment Planning PDF Author: Chenhao Wang
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Although assortment optimization has been extensively studied, not much is known about how it is affected by advertising. In this paper, we address this gap by considering a novel joint advertising and assortment optimization problem. To capture the effect of advertising in the context of assortment planning, we assume that one can increase the preference weight of a product by advertising it, and the degree of improvement is decided by the effectiveness of advertising, which could be product-specific, and the amount of advertising efforts allocated to that product. Given budget constraints on advertising, our objective is to find a solution, which is composed of an advertising strategy and an assortment of products, that maximizes the expected revenue. We analyze the structural properties of this problem and derive effective solutions under different settings. If there is no capacity constraint on the number of products displayed to consumers, we show that revenue-ordered assortments still maintain optimality, and we leverage this result to derive an optimal solution. For the cardinality constrained case, it is difficult to solve the optimization problem directly; therefore, we show by relaxation that a near-optimal solution can be found efficiently.

Technical Note

Technical Note PDF Author: Jacob Feldman
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Languages : en
Pages : 22

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We study the space constrained assortment optimization problem under the paired combinatorial logit choice model. The goal in this problem is to choose a set of products to make available for purchase with the intention of maximizing the expected revenue from each arriving customer. Each offered product occupies a specific amount of space and there is a limit on the space consumed by all of the offered products. The purchasing decision of each customer is governed by the paired combinatorial logit choice model. We provide the first efficient constant factor approximation for this problem.

Approximation Schemes for Capacity-Constrained Assortment Optimization Under the Nested Logit Model

Approximation Schemes for Capacity-Constrained Assortment Optimization Under the Nested Logit Model PDF Author: Danny Segev
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Languages : en
Pages : 31

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The main contribution of this paper resides in proposing a novel approximate dynamic programming approach for capacitated assortment optimization under the Nested Logit model in its utmost generality. Specifically, we show that the optimal revenue can be efficiently approached within any degree of accuracy through purely combinatorial techniques, synthesizing ideas related to continuous dynamic programming, state space discretization, and sensitivity analysis of modified revenue functions. These developments allow us to devise the first fully polynomial-time approximation scheme in this context, thus resolving fundamental open questions posed in previous papers.

Capacitated Assortment and Price Optimization Under the Multinomial Logit Model

Capacitated Assortment and Price Optimization Under the Multinomial Logit Model PDF Author: Ruxian Wang
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Languages : en
Pages : 7

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We consider an assortment and price optimization problem where a retailer chooses an assortment of competing products and determines their prices to maximize the total expected profit subject to a capacity constraint. Customers' purchase behavior follows the multinomial logit choice model with general utility functions. This paper simplifies it to a problem of finding a unique fixed point of a single-dimensional function and visualizes the assortment optimization process. An efficient algorithm to find the optimal assortment and prices is provided.

Multi-Location Assortment Optimization Under Capacity Constraints

Multi-Location Assortment Optimization Under Capacity Constraints PDF Author: Basak Bebitoglu
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 30

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We study the assortment optimization problem in an online setting where a retailer uses multiple distribution centers to fulfill customer orders. Due to space, handling or other constraints, each distribution center can carry up to a pre-specified number of products. It is assumed that each distribution center is primarily responsible for a geographical region whose customers' choice is governed by a separate multinomial logit model. A distribution center can satisfy the demand from other regions, but this incurs an additional shipping cost for the retailer. The problem for the retailer is to determine which products to carry in each of its distribution centers and which products to offer for sale in each region so as to maximize its expected profit (revenue minus the shipping costs). We first show that the problem is NP-complete. We develop a conic quadratic mixed integer programming formulation and suggest a family of valid inequalities to strengthen this formulation. Numerical experiments show that our conic approach, combined with valid inequalities over-perform the mixed integer linear programming formulation and enables us to solve moderately sized instances optimally. We also study the effect of various factors such as the strength of the outside option, capacity constraint and shipping cost on company's profitability and assortment selection. Finally, we study the effect of not allowing cross-shipments or not considering them in assortment decisions and show that these may lead to substantial losses for an online retailer.