CNN 互動英語 2022 年 7 月號 No.262 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2022 年 7 月號 No.262 【有聲版】 PDF Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages :

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商業 Twitter Taken Over 馬斯克收購推特 社群媒體生態如何演變? Elon Musk Purchases Social Media Giant, Raising Concerns 全球首富伊隆.馬斯克大手筆買下推特。馬斯克過去經常批評推特的言論審查制度,他的入主將為社群媒體生態帶來什麼影響呢? 政治 Western Alliance 芬蘭瑞典申請加入北約 改寫歐洲安全版圖 Finland and Sweden Announce Plans to Join NATO 在外交方面長期採取中立原則的瑞典與芬蘭在五月中提交加入北約的申請,可能為歐洲地緣政治帶來重大改變。 經濟 The Inflation Problem 物價漲不停 通膨成因大解析 The Ins and Outs of the Rising Cost of Living 疫情、戰爭及供應鏈緊縮促使通貨膨脹加劇、物價高漲,CNN記者分析其中癥結及經濟形勢未來可能的走向。 環境 A Scrappy Success 廚餘變黃金 賦予剩食新生命 Uncovering Ways to Cut Down on Food Wastage 全球每年約有13億噸的食物被浪費掉,藉由資源分配和回收再利用,這些本來可能被丟棄的剩食有了新的價值。 體育 Techno Gyms 居家健身新潮流 宅在家也要動起來! Blending Technology with Fitness for At-Home Workouts 疫情大流行開啟居家健身的風潮,運動用品公司嗅到新商機,開發出互動式健身器材,讓用戶在家也能享有如上健身房的健身體驗。 娛樂 To Boldly Go 星際爭霸戰推出最新影集 勇闖奇異新世界 “Star Trek” Seeks a New Generation of Fans with “Strange New Worlds” 《星際爭霸戰》迷期待的最新影集登場!故事背景設定在最初系列的十年前,主角是企業號的派克艦長。劇中新生代演員分享演出的感想。 科技 Served by Machines 智能機器人進駐飯店 清消、接待一把罩 Robots Are Making Their Mark on the Hospitality Industry 為因應數位轉型,許多餐旅業者開始將送餐、清潔與消毒、接待等勞動性質的工作讓機器人代勞,使工作人員更有餘力提供高品質的服務。 美食 Indulgence and Opulence 從傳統小點到極品火腿 跟著老饕品嚐歐陸美食 Richard Quest Explores the Delights of Dining in Russia 主廚馬納察卡諾夫帶著理查.奎斯特品味東歐傳統小吃,還有聖彼得堡的超人氣歐陸料理餐廳。 保育 Blue Fingers 海中苗圃 讓珊瑚復育看見希望 Coral Gardening Helps to Save Jamaica’s Coral Reefs 珊瑚在海中扮演著不可或缺的角色,在珊瑚園丁的細心照料下,海洋保護區內的珊瑚逐漸恢復生機,連帶也讓更多海洋生物回歸了。 環境 The Dry and Golden State 加州嚴重乾旱 美西面臨缺水危機 Californians Asked to Restrict Water Usage in the Face of Droughts 連年的乾旱使得美國南加州嚴重缺水,當地水務局採取了前所未見的限水措施,甚至限制民眾一周僅有一天可在戶外澆水。 焦點話題 insurance claims 保險理賠 plateau 高原期 monkeypox 猴痘 defamation 誹謗 CNN 全球瞭望 Philippines Elects New President 菲律賓前獨裁者之子當選總統 Abortion Rights Protests in America 美擬推翻墮胎權 國內抗議四起 Giraffe Reborn with Limb Surgery 矯正義肢讓長頸鹿寶寶重獲新生 談天說地話英文 全方位理解CNN Hero Doctor Stops Gunman at Taiwanese Church in LA 加州教堂槍擊案 台裔醫師捨身救人 新聞片語通 take sth. with a grain of salt 對某事持保留態度 CNN主編教你唸 配菜、醬料名稱 單字聯想地圖 餐廳用餐

CNN 互動英語 2022 年 7 月號 No.262 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2022 年 7 月號 No.262 【有聲版】 PDF Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages :

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商業 Twitter Taken Over 馬斯克收購推特 社群媒體生態如何演變? Elon Musk Purchases Social Media Giant, Raising Concerns 全球首富伊隆.馬斯克大手筆買下推特。馬斯克過去經常批評推特的言論審查制度,他的入主將為社群媒體生態帶來什麼影響呢? 政治 Western Alliance 芬蘭瑞典申請加入北約 改寫歐洲安全版圖 Finland and Sweden Announce Plans to Join NATO 在外交方面長期採取中立原則的瑞典與芬蘭在五月中提交加入北約的申請,可能為歐洲地緣政治帶來重大改變。 經濟 The Inflation Problem 物價漲不停 通膨成因大解析 The Ins and Outs of the Rising Cost of Living 疫情、戰爭及供應鏈緊縮促使通貨膨脹加劇、物價高漲,CNN記者分析其中癥結及經濟形勢未來可能的走向。 環境 A Scrappy Success 廚餘變黃金 賦予剩食新生命 Uncovering Ways to Cut Down on Food Wastage 全球每年約有13億噸的食物被浪費掉,藉由資源分配和回收再利用,這些本來可能被丟棄的剩食有了新的價值。 體育 Techno Gyms 居家健身新潮流 宅在家也要動起來! Blending Technology with Fitness for At-Home Workouts 疫情大流行開啟居家健身的風潮,運動用品公司嗅到新商機,開發出互動式健身器材,讓用戶在家也能享有如上健身房的健身體驗。 娛樂 To Boldly Go 星際爭霸戰推出最新影集 勇闖奇異新世界 “Star Trek” Seeks a New Generation of Fans with “Strange New Worlds” 《星際爭霸戰》迷期待的最新影集登場!故事背景設定在最初系列的十年前,主角是企業號的派克艦長。劇中新生代演員分享演出的感想。 科技 Served by Machines 智能機器人進駐飯店 清消、接待一把罩 Robots Are Making Their Mark on the Hospitality Industry 為因應數位轉型,許多餐旅業者開始將送餐、清潔與消毒、接待等勞動性質的工作讓機器人代勞,使工作人員更有餘力提供高品質的服務。 美食 Indulgence and Opulence 從傳統小點到極品火腿 跟著老饕品嚐歐陸美食 Richard Quest Explores the Delights of Dining in Russia 主廚馬納察卡諾夫帶著理查.奎斯特品味東歐傳統小吃,還有聖彼得堡的超人氣歐陸料理餐廳。 保育 Blue Fingers 海中苗圃 讓珊瑚復育看見希望 Coral Gardening Helps to Save Jamaica’s Coral Reefs 珊瑚在海中扮演著不可或缺的角色,在珊瑚園丁的細心照料下,海洋保護區內的珊瑚逐漸恢復生機,連帶也讓更多海洋生物回歸了。 環境 The Dry and Golden State 加州嚴重乾旱 美西面臨缺水危機 Californians Asked to Restrict Water Usage in the Face of Droughts 連年的乾旱使得美國南加州嚴重缺水,當地水務局採取了前所未見的限水措施,甚至限制民眾一周僅有一天可在戶外澆水。 焦點話題 insurance claims 保險理賠 plateau 高原期 monkeypox 猴痘 defamation 誹謗 CNN 全球瞭望 Philippines Elects New President 菲律賓前獨裁者之子當選總統 Abortion Rights Protests in America 美擬推翻墮胎權 國內抗議四起 Giraffe Reborn with Limb Surgery 矯正義肢讓長頸鹿寶寶重獲新生 談天說地話英文 全方位理解CNN Hero Doctor Stops Gunman at Taiwanese Church in LA 加州教堂槍擊案 台裔醫師捨身救人 新聞片語通 take sth. with a grain of salt 對某事持保留態度 CNN主編教你唸 配菜、醬料名稱 單字聯想地圖 餐廳用餐

Twitter and Tear Gas

Twitter and Tear Gas PDF Author: Zeynep Tufekci
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 0300228171
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 360

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A firsthand account and incisive analysis of modern protest, revealing internet-fueled social movements’ greatest strengths and frequent challenges To understand a thwarted Turkish coup, an anti–Wall Street encampment, and a packed Tahrir Square, we must first comprehend the power and the weaknesses of using new technologies to mobilize large numbers of people. An incisive observer, writer, and participant in today’s social movements, Zeynep Tufekci explains in this accessible and compelling book the nuanced trajectories of modern protests—how they form, how they operate differently from past protests, and why they have difficulty persisting in their long-term quests for change. Tufekci speaks from direct experience, combining on-the-ground interviews with insightful analysis. She describes how the internet helped the Zapatista uprisings in Mexico, the necessity of remote Twitter users to organize medical supplies during Arab Spring, the refusal to use bullhorns in the Occupy Movement that started in New York, and the empowering effect of tear gas in Istanbul’s Gezi Park. These details from life inside social movements complete a moving investigation of authority, technology, and culture—and offer essential insights into the future of governance.

Places and Names

Places and Names PDF Author: Elliot Ackerman
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 0525559973
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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One of NPR's Best Books of 2019 “Lyrical . . . A thoughtful perspective on America’s role overseas.” —Washington Post From a decorated Marine war veteran and National Book Award finalist, an astonishing reckoning with the nature of combat and the human cost of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. “War hath determined us.” —John Milton, Paradise Lost Toward the beginning of Places and Names, Elliot Ackerman sits in a refugee camp in southern Turkey, across the table from a man named Abu Hassar, who fought for al-Qaeda in Iraq and whose connections to the Islamic State are murky. At first, Ackerman pretends to have been a journalist during the Iraq War, but after establishing a rapport with Abu Hassar, he takes a risk by revealing to him that in fact he was a Marine special operation officer. Ackerman then draws the shape of the Euphrates River on a large piece of paper, and his one-time adversary quickly joins him in the game of filling in the map with the names and dates of places where they saw fighting during the war. They had shadowed each other for some time, it turned out, a realization that brought them to a strange kind of intimacy. The rest of Elliot Ackerman's extraordinary memoir is in a way an answer to the question of why he came to that refugee camp, and what he hoped to find there. By moving back and forth between his recent experiences on the ground as a journalist in Syria and its environs and his deeper past in Iraq and Afghanistan, he creates a work of remarkable atmospheric pressurization. Ackerman shares vivid and powerful stories of his own experiences in combat, culminating in the events of the Second Battle of Fallujah, the most intense urban combat for the Marines since Hue in Vietnam, where Ackerman's actions leading a rifle platoon saw him awarded the Silver Star. He weaves these stories into the latticework of a masterful larger reckoning with contemporary geopolitics through his vantage as a journalist in Istanbul and with the human extremes of both bravery and horror. At once an intensely personal story about the terrible lure of combat and a brilliant meditation on the larger meaning of the past two decades of strife for America, the region, and the world, Places and Names bids fair to take its place among our greatest books about modern war.

How Race Is Lived in America

How Race Is Lived in America PDF Author: Correspondents of The New York Times
Publisher: Macmillan
ISBN: 9780805070842
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 420

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A collection of essays which attempt to capture the raw emotions and candid words which often surround race relations in the United States.

American Opinion on Trade

American Opinion on Trade PDF Author: Alexandra Guisinger
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0190651830
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 329

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Introduction -- The changing landscape of trade and trade knowledge -- Trade preferences and politics -- Economic vulnerability, self-interest, and individual trade preferences -- Community and trade preferences -- Racial diversity and white Americans' support for trade protection -- The negative perceptions of trade's national effect -- Could positive information shift national level beliefs? -- Conclusions -- References

An Intersectional Feminist Theory of Moral Responsibility

An Intersectional Feminist Theory of Moral Responsibility PDF Author: Michelle Ciurria
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000024849
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 377

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This book develops an intersectional feminist approach to moral responsibility. It accomplisheses four main goals. First, it outlines a concise list of the main principles of intersectional feminism. Second, it uses these principles to critique prevailing philosophical theories of moral responsibility. Third, it offers an account of moral responsibility that is compatible with the ethos of intersectional feminism. And fourth, it uses intersectional feminist principles to critique culturally normative responsibility practices. This is the first book to provide an explicitly intersectional feminist approach to moral responsibility. After identifying the five principles central to intersectional feminism, the author demonstrates how influential theories of responsibility are incompatible with these principles. She argues that a normatively adequate theory of blame should not be preoccupied with the agency or traits of wrongdoers; it should instead underscore, and seek to ameliorate, oppression and adversity as experienced by the marginalized. Apt blame and praise, according to her intersectional feminist account, is both communicative and functionalist. The book concludes with an extensive discussion of culturally embedded responsibility practices, including asymmetrically structured conversations and gender- and racially biased social spaces. An Intersectional Feminist Approach to Moral Responsibility presents a sophisticated and original philosophical account of moral responsibility. It will be of interest to philosophers working at the crossroads of moral responsibility, feminist philosophy, critical race theory, queer theory, critical disability studies, and intersectionality theory.

Minutes of the ... Annual Session of the Beulah Baptist Association

Minutes of the ... Annual Session of the Beulah Baptist Association PDF Author: Beulah Baptist Association (Ala.)
Category : Baptists
Languages : en
Pages : 20

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The Realities and Futures of Work

The Realities and Futures of Work PDF Author: David Peetz
Publisher: ANU Press
ISBN: 1760463116
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 423

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What do we know about the current realities of work and its likely futures? What choices must we make and how will they affect those futures? Many books about the future of work start by talking about the latest technology, and focus on how technology is going to change the way we work. And there is no doubt that technology will have huge impacts. However, to really understand the direction in which work is going, and the impact that technology and other forces will have, we need to first understand where we are. This book covers topics ranging from the ‘mega-drivers of change’ at work, power, globalisation and financialisation, to management, workers, digitalisation, the gig economy, gender, climate change, regulation and deregulation. In doing this, it refers to some of the great works of science fiction. It demolishes several myths, such as that the employment relationship is doomed, that we are all heading to becoming ‘freelancers’ or ‘gig workers’ one day, that most jobs will be destroyed by technological change, that the growth in jobs will mainly be in STEM fields, that we will no longer value collectivism as we will all be ‘individuals’, or that the death of unionism is inevitable. The Realities and Futures of Work also rejects the idea of technological determinism—that whatever will be, will be, thanks to technological change—and so it refuses to accept that we simply need to prepare to adapt ourselves to the future by judicious training since there is nothing else we can do about it. Instead, this book provides a realistic basis for thinking about both the present and the future. It emphasises the choices we make, and the implications of those choices for the future of work.

Ecology and Conservation of Birds in Urban Environments

Ecology and Conservation of Birds in Urban Environments PDF Author: Enrique Murgui
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319433148
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 520

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This book provides syntheses of ecological theories and overarching patterns of urban bird ecology that have only recently become available. The numerous habitats represented in this book ranges from rows of trees in wooded alleys, to wastelands and remnants of natural habitats encapsulated in the urban matrix. Authored by leading scientists in this emergent field, the chapters explore how the characteristics of the habitat in urban environments influence bird communities and populations at multiple levels of ecological organization and at different spatial and temporal scales, and how this information should be incorporated in urban planning to achieve an effective conservation of bird fauna in urban environments. Birds are among the most conspicuous and fascinating residents of urban neighborhoods and provide urban citizens with everyday wildlife contact all over the world. However, present urbanization trends are rapidly depleting their habitats, and thus knowledge of urban bird ecology is urgently needed if birds are to thrive in cities. The book is unique in its inclusion of examples from all continents (except Antarctica) in an effort to arrive at a more holistic perspective. Among other issues, the individual chapters address the censusing of birds in urban green spaces; the relationship between bird communities and the structure of urban green spaces; the role of exotic plant species as food sources for urban bird fauna; the influence of artificial light and pollutants on bird fauna; trends in long-term urban bird research, and transdisciplinary studies on bird sounds and their effects on humans. Several chapters investigate how our current knowledge of the ecology of urban bird fauna should be applied in order to achieve better management of urban habitats so as to achieve conservation of species or even increase species diversity. The book also provides a forward-looking summary on potential research directions. As such, it provides a valuable resource for urban ecologists, urban ecology students, landscape architects, city planners, decision makers and anyone with an interest in urban ornithology and bird conservation. Moreover, it provides a comprehensive overview for researchers in the fields of ecology and conservation of urban bird fauna.

Criminal Law

Criminal Law PDF Author: Krishna Deo Gaur
Category : Criminal law
Languages : en
Pages : 876

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