Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276199083
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Languages : en
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Since the adoption of the Czech Republic's current National Roma Integration Strategy (NRIS), no distinct improvement has been achieved in the field of Roma inclusion. The NRIS being a complex, detailed document, the assumption therefore is that the issues hindering progress lie in its implementation mechanisms. Not enough effort has been put into enabling Roma political participation, no effective coordination mechanisms have been set up to ensure inter-ministerial implementation of the NRIS, and no sustained activities to secure its local-level implementation occurred. The lesson for those drafting the new version of the NRIS should be drawn from the current implementation deficits, and attention should be focused in this direction to guarantee that more pronounced advancement will be inspired by the upcoming NRIS.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276199083
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Languages : en
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Book Description
Since the adoption of the Czech Republic's current National Roma Integration Strategy (NRIS), no distinct improvement has been achieved in the field of Roma inclusion. The NRIS being a complex, detailed document, the assumption therefore is that the issues hindering progress lie in its implementation mechanisms. Not enough effort has been put into enabling Roma political participation, no effective coordination mechanisms have been set up to ensure inter-ministerial implementation of the NRIS, and no sustained activities to secure its local-level implementation occurred. The lesson for those drafting the new version of the NRIS should be drawn from the current implementation deficits, and attention should be focused in this direction to guarantee that more pronounced advancement will be inspired by the upcoming NRIS.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279854514
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Languages : en
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Despite the EC’s continuous interest in and support to the Member States for the development of Roma integration policy, this report demonstrates that in the key areas under review the measures adopted by the Czech Government remain insufficient. The ineffectiveness of the adopted measures is particularly evident at the level of municipalities, which tend to promote their own interests in the areas on which the Government measures focus. Nevertheless, despite the general critical tone of this report, some progress can be acknowledged, for example: reforms of education aimed at better inclusiveness, the development of non-governmental organisations, local social housing initiatives implemented by some municipalities, and efforts to combat discrimination in education, housing and employment.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic PDF Author: Jan Stejskal
ISBN: 9789276083429
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Intersectional discrimination and segregation are the issues of greatest concern in all of the sectoral fields investigated here with respect to Roma in the Czech Republic, which is a wealthy European country ranked just ahead of Italy and just behind Spain on the Human Development Index. Age, ethnicity, financial solvency and gender are the parameters that intersect to render life dramatically difficult for the 3% of the population who are Roma. In the most extreme cases, Roma find themselves stuck in circumstances where they are not just disadvantaged, but exploited; the benefit for others to be had from their cheap labour or status as state-subsidised renters acts as a disincentive to their being able to extricate themselves from debt and poverty, as employers and landlords have incentives to exploit them and perpetuate the policy arrangements that render them exploitable.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Croatia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Croatia PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279975783
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Languages : en
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There is 16,975 Roma in Croatia, representing 0.40 per cent of the overall population, however, according to the recent data collection project developed in support of an efficient implementation of the NRIS, it is said that around 25,000 to up to 30,000 Roma live in Croatia. Croatia recognises Roma among 22 national minorities, whose political, social and cultural development is supported by law and specific policies. Nevertheless, Roma are considered to be the most vulnerable ethnic group; therefore, since 2003 the government has developed specialised measures aimed at supporting Roma’s social inclusion, including affirmative action. The measures are described in the National Roma Inclusion Strategy and its Action Plan for Implementation, which are also the two main basic documents for the Roma inclusion.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279854507
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Languages : en
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A The report focuses on the structural and horizontal preconditions for the successful implementation of national integration strategy in Slovakia: governance and overall policy framework, fighting discrimination, addressing antigypsyism and education. The report also includes case studies of two localities to illustrate the potential and limits of Slovakia’s Roma inclusion policies in practice. The report notes that despite relatively slow progress overall, we can trace palpable results, mostly through several active municipalities and through the projects of NGOs. Additionally, at least in areas such as housing, health and employment, we can see the efforts of the action plans of the NRIS to scale up successful local municipal or NGO-run projects using ESIF funds. As we argue throughout the report, nevertheless, significant efforts must be invested into actual implementation of plans into practice in all areas. Moreover, in the area of non-discrimination, especially when it comes to maltreatment by police, residential segregation and segregation in education, there appears to be limits even in the state recognition of troubling practices as a precondition for any meaningful action.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia PDF Author: Jarmila Lajcakova
ISBN: 9789276199007
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Languages : en
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The report focuses on access to sports, monitoring and evaluation of large-scale programmes and policies targeting mainstream. We have selected these areas because they either present blind spots in Roma inclusion policies or their importance and/or implementation is underestimated. These areas thus in our view, deserve significantly more attention in the post-2020 efforts to increase the impact of Roma inclusion policies.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia - Assessing Progress in Key Policy Areas of the Strategy

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia - Assessing Progress in Key Policy Areas of the Strategy PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276091660
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This report aims to deliver critical yet balanced and, importantly, evidence-based monitoring of state policies aimed to address the inequalities, discrimination and anti-Gypsyism that Roma experience in employment, housing, health and education. The report particularly welcomes the willingness of state authorities to adopt systemic legislative and policy measures with the potential to facilitate inclusion of disadvantaged Roma. The report underlines several key examples: a new bankruptcy regulation designed with a view on low-income families that have found themselves in debt traps that prevent them from entering the labour market and accessing housing; new regulations simplifying legalisation of parcels underneath Roma settlements, with a potential to address particularly people living in the most deprived and neglected communities; and the introduction of free universal lunch for children in their final preschool year in kindergarten and through elementary school, which may, among other things, help in desegregation and reduction of inequalities among pupils. We are eager to see the implementation of a plan to introduce a compulsory one year of pre-schooling for all children, anticipated for 2020. Equally among the positive developments, we include efforts to scale up and sustain positive practices such as the janitors in housing, civic guards, school assistants and healthcare mediators. However, institutionalisation of these mostly aiding professions into legislation and/or the state budget still remains an unanswered challenge. The report identifies several key weaknesses in integration policies that merit more vigilant attention. First are the delays in using ESIF funds, particularly relevant for infrastructural programmes. This is likely caused by complex factors, the willingness of municipalities to apply for these funds being among the key ones. Second, and related, is that while the state offers funding and sometimes good practices to municipalities to address the situation of their deprived communities, in practice, it somewhat lacks effective means of enforcement in cases of their neglect. Third, especially in housing and education, we observe that, at best, there are efforts to improve living standards and education through housing and schools for Roma. Indeed, over several decades, Slovakia built parallel communities and segregation in schools spread significantly. We argue that both residential segregation and various forms of segregation of Roma children experienced from early age until their secondary school studies remain the practices most ignored by state authorities. Furthermore, as illustrated through cases of poor school attendance among disadvantaged students and workfare programmes, state authorities should focus on addressing the complex social and structural causes of problems rather than blaming and sanctioning those with few opportunities to help themselves, thereby reinforcing their exclusion trap. Finally, the design of policies, monitoring and evaluation, and data collection all require the adoption of an intersectional perspective considering the particularly vulnerable situation of Roma women and children.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovenia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovenia PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279975905
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Languages : en
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Roma as recognised national minority in Slovenia are relatively well supported by the State. A clear indication of this is the Roma Community Act”, which passed in 2007. Roma civil society organisations and networks are relatively strong both on the local levels and on the national level. Problems arise from the distinction between ‘autochthonous’ and ‘non-autochthonous’ Roma communities, with only the former enjoying special minority rights. Moreover, lack of data on Roma in Slovenia (only few surveys on their living conditions and no ethnically disaggregated data) complicate the design of policies and projects. However, there is an obvious lack of connections and collaboration between stakeholders in making of policies aimed at social inclusion of all socially vulnerable Roma, which would go beyond the national minority agenda. For example, while annual reports made by the Ombudsman correctly identify the key issues, such as lack of access to drinking water in Roma settlements, the policy responses from the government are limited to small-scale interventions or completely absent.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Poland

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Poland PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279975868
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Languages : en
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The main goal of the “Integration Programme for the Roma Community in Poland 2014-2020”, which is the Polish National Roma Integration Strategy, is to increase the social integration through educational activities (including cultural, historical and civic education), vocational development, health and improvement of the housing situation. Gender and anti-discrimination were two areas that were not included in the Programme. The lack of support in these areas is one of the Programme’s major weaknesses because the social exclusion of Roma is not only a result of poverty, but also a result of continuous prejudice and discrimination. While the antigypsyist manifestations intensify and the level of social acceptance towards Roma declines during times of crisis, the Programme does not take them into account. According to the Supreme Audit Office, the previous Roma Programme 2004-2013 was carried out properly although was not fully effective. We must wait for the final evaluation of the Roma Programme 2014-2020, however, even at this stage, we can see a change in the authorities’ attitude to the Roma Programme – less attention, fewer consultations, smaller-scale activities, especially at the local level. An audit carried out in 2016 by the Supreme Chamber of Control to assess a status of the Programme’s implementation by municipalities in the Malopolska Voivodship shows that in the area of education there is no major improvement in the learning outcomes of Roma children; in the areas of health and labour, actions were taken only sporadically and only in controlled municipalities with no effects. None of the controlled units created a local strategy of the Roma social integration, despite the fact that according to the Roma Programme’s assumptions it should constitute a basic scope of support and include, and offer long-term, intensive and comprehensive aid adjusted to the needs of specific Roma families living in the municipality. The Roma Programme’s funding is mainly provided by state budget resources, which is an expression of a political will to improve the situation of Roma in Poland. The Roma Programme was initiated by the decision of the previous government and is continued by the new one.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Italy

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Italy PDF Author: Donatella De Vito
ISBN: 9789276198925
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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In the first two Roma civil monitor reports, we focused our attention on the structural and horizontal preconditions for the successful implementation of the national strategy and assessed the progress of the strategy in key policies areas; like housing, employment, health and education. The analysis underlined that, besides isolated cases, no real improvements can be seen on the ground of Roma inclusion. Despite isolated progress in some regions, many problems still persist and hinder the implementation of the NRIS; and it appears difficult to remove them without a radical change of direction in respect to what has been done so far. This report is aimed at identifying the blind spots that have had and have an impact on the implementation of the National strategy, and the gaps that should be bridged by more effective inclusion governmental policies and measures in order to develop more effective inclusion policies.