Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Croatia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Croatia PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279975783
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Languages : en
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Book Description
There is 16,975 Roma in Croatia, representing 0.40 per cent of the overall population, however, according to the recent data collection project developed in support of an efficient implementation of the NRIS, it is said that around 25,000 to up to 30,000 Roma live in Croatia. Croatia recognises Roma among 22 national minorities, whose political, social and cultural development is supported by law and specific policies. Nevertheless, Roma are considered to be the most vulnerable ethnic group; therefore, since 2003 the government has developed specialised measures aimed at supporting Roma’s social inclusion, including affirmative action. The measures are described in the National Roma Inclusion Strategy and its Action Plan for Implementation, which are also the two main basic documents for the Roma inclusion.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Croatia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Croatia PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279975783
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Languages : en
Pages :

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Book Description
There is 16,975 Roma in Croatia, representing 0.40 per cent of the overall population, however, according to the recent data collection project developed in support of an efficient implementation of the NRIS, it is said that around 25,000 to up to 30,000 Roma live in Croatia. Croatia recognises Roma among 22 national minorities, whose political, social and cultural development is supported by law and specific policies. Nevertheless, Roma are considered to be the most vulnerable ethnic group; therefore, since 2003 the government has developed specialised measures aimed at supporting Roma’s social inclusion, including affirmative action. The measures are described in the National Roma Inclusion Strategy and its Action Plan for Implementation, which are also the two main basic documents for the Roma inclusion.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Croatia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Croatia PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276199410
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Languages : en
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The report is the result of the third annual cycle of the Roma Civil Monitor project in Croatia aimed at monitoring implementation of the Croatian National Roma Integration Strategy (NRIS). The report is focusing on two topics: Roma youth participation and Roma children in adoptive non-Roma families. Additionally, the report includes an annex with a checklist for development of the post-2020 policy document in Croatia.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Croatia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Croatia PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276083603
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Officially there are 16,975 Roma in Croatia, representing 0.40 per cent of the overall population, but recent estimates assume this number is closer to 25,000 - 30,000. As discussed in the first Roma Civil Monitor report, focusing on the topics of governance, antidiscrimination and fighting antigypsyism, Croatia has a special law on the Roma National Minority (RNM), who can elect their own representatives at the national, regional and local levels. The central Government has a committee for monitoring the National Roma Integration Strategy (NRIS) and national authorities report about its implementation, which has been externally evaluated in 2015. Every local and regional government is recommended to develop an action plan for Roma inclusion as long as there is a defined number of Roma inhabitants on their territories, but in reality, many of them have failed to do so. In practice, leadership on the Roma agenda is more often taken up by regional governments than by local ones. Counties are the units taking leadership at the regional level for Roma integration. The current NRIS aims to eliminate school segregation by 2020. The Roma Education Fund (REF) has noted significant progress in data gathering and some improvement in Roma enrolment into elementary school, with completion rates up, and into obligatory preschool, as well as an official political commitment to end segregation. However, in reality, approximately 40 percent of Roma children between six and 15 are still segregated in settings where all or most of the pupils are Roma. The Ministry of Internal Affairs implements some affirmative measures for including Roma in police academies, and the Ombudsperson's office organises seminars to tackle discrimination by employees of public administrations who are professionally in direct contact with Roma. Despite these efforts, the high incidence of anti-Roma discrimination indicates the low effectiveness of (the enforcement of) equality legislation. Roma continue to be the targets of racially motivated crime, with violent incidents in areas surrounding Roma settlements going unreported due to limited trust and mutual understanding between the Roma community and the police. There are concerns that ethnic profiling practices are increasing. The current report was developed following a series of discussions and desk research activities. Consultations were done with Roma and pro-Roma civil society and other relevant institutions. The opportunity to participate was given to a broader circle of stakeholders who were asked to grade the relevance of diverse topics/issues, and the report focused on those that the stakeholders identified as the most relevant. The desk research included study of relevant documentation. Additionally, a series of informal, short meetings were organised with relevant individuals from the local, regional and national governments and with the NGO sector. Formal interviews were conducted with representatives of several public institutions (Ministry for Social Policy and Youth, National Roma Contact Point, Ministry of Education, Croatian Employment Office, Ombudsperson's Office, Councils of the Roma National Minority), with representatives of Roma and pro-Roma civil society associations, and with nine individual members of the Roma community. Also, a second round of desk research was done after recommendations were received from the interviewed stakeholders. To discuss the preliminary findings of this report, focus groups were organised with 39 members of the Roma community (separate focus groups of Roma women and Roma youth were organised). For additional information, targeted interviews were conducted with institutions and individuals.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Quality of the National Strategic Framework for Roma Equality, Inclusion, and Participation in Croatia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Quality of the National Strategic Framework for Roma Equality, Inclusion, and Participation in Croatia PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789268017593
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The 'National Roma Inclusion Plan for the period from 2021 to 2027' (NRSF)1 and the 'Action Plan for the Implementation of the NRSF for the period 2021-2022' (AP-NRSF) 2 are more comprehensive and developed than the previous 'National Roma Inclusion Strategy for the period from 2013 to 2020' (NRIS). 3 The main strength of the NRSF and the AP-NRSF is the data that allows for the measurement of the impact and creates the ground for clearly defining the goals. Following recommendations from the external evaluation of the previous NRIS, 4 more stakeholders were involved during the preparation of the NRSF and AP-NRSF, and the number of other governmental institutions and ministries involved in the implementation of the activities increased. The budget is more significant as funds are allocated from European and domestic sources. Additionally, there are funds which are ensured through other policies and documents such as the 'Operational Programme for National Minorities from 2021-2024' (OMP).

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279854514
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Languages : en
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Despite the EC’s continuous interest in and support to the Member States for the development of Roma integration policy, this report demonstrates that in the key areas under review the measures adopted by the Czech Government remain insufficient. The ineffectiveness of the adopted measures is particularly evident at the level of municipalities, which tend to promote their own interests in the areas on which the Government measures focus. Nevertheless, despite the general critical tone of this report, some progress can be acknowledged, for example: reforms of education aimed at better inclusiveness, the development of non-governmental organisations, local social housing initiatives implemented by some municipalities, and efforts to combat discrimination in education, housing and employment.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia PDF Author: Jarmila Lajcakova
ISBN: 9789276199007
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Languages : en
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The report focuses on access to sports, monitoring and evaluation of large-scale programmes and policies targeting mainstream. We have selected these areas because they either present blind spots in Roma inclusion policies or their importance and/or implementation is underestimated. These areas thus in our view, deserve significantly more attention in the post-2020 efforts to increase the impact of Roma inclusion policies.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic PDF Author: Jan Stejskal
ISBN: 9789276083429
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Intersectional discrimination and segregation are the issues of greatest concern in all of the sectoral fields investigated here with respect to Roma in the Czech Republic, which is a wealthy European country ranked just ahead of Italy and just behind Spain on the Human Development Index. Age, ethnicity, financial solvency and gender are the parameters that intersect to render life dramatically difficult for the 3% of the population who are Roma. In the most extreme cases, Roma find themselves stuck in circumstances where they are not just disadvantaged, but exploited; the benefit for others to be had from their cheap labour or status as state-subsidised renters acts as a disincentive to their being able to extricate themselves from debt and poverty, as employers and landlords have incentives to exploit them and perpetuate the policy arrangements that render them exploitable.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Portugal

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Portugal PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279978456
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Languages : en
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The results of the implementation of the policy measures aimed to integrate Roma in Netherlands are very difficult to assess. Firstly, most of the measures are mainstreamed and Roma are considered a potential target group. Secondly, the ethnically disaggregated data are absent, reducing drastically the possibility to evaluate if the measures have even reached Roma and with what results. Roma, Sinti and Travellers are involved in the policy cycle to a minimum extent, regardless if they are considered potential target or “the target” group. They were not consulted when the set of integrated policy measures was drafted to be sent to Brussel, as part of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020.1 In many instances, Roma are not aware of those policies. Roma are treated as subjects or beneficiaries in most projects/programs, and rarely as real partner in the policy design, implementation or evaluation, be it at national or local level. The relatively small size of the Roma population makes it irrelevant for the politicians and policy makers but made visible in the public discourse with references mainly to i.e. “socially unacceptable and criminal behaviour and exploitation of Roma children”.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Greece

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Greece PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279977398
Category :
Languages : en
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Despite the positive developments of the period between 1995-2005, Roma inclusion in Greece has now returned to the bleak situation of the 1980s. Currently, most Greek Roma suffer from inequalities in the fields of housing, education, health care and employment due to their ethnic background, and they face discriminatory behaviour from state officials and the public.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279854507
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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A The report focuses on the structural and horizontal preconditions for the successful implementation of national integration strategy in Slovakia: governance and overall policy framework, fighting discrimination, addressing antigypsyism and education. The report also includes case studies of two localities to illustrate the potential and limits of Slovakia’s Roma inclusion policies in practice. The report notes that despite relatively slow progress overall, we can trace palpable results, mostly through several active municipalities and through the projects of NGOs. Additionally, at least in areas such as housing, health and employment, we can see the efforts of the action plans of the NRIS to scale up successful local municipal or NGO-run projects using ESIF funds. As we argue throughout the report, nevertheless, significant efforts must be invested into actual implementation of plans into practice in all areas. Moreover, in the area of non-discrimination, especially when it comes to maltreatment by police, residential segregation and segregation in education, there appears to be limits even in the state recognition of troubling practices as a precondition for any meaningful action.