Catholic Social Teaching and Movements

Catholic Social Teaching and Movements PDF Author: Marvin L. Krier Mich
Publisher: Twenty-Third Publications
ISBN: 9780896229365
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 492

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This introductory book to Catholic social teaching covers not only the official documents and encyclicals but also gives a sense of the movements and people who embodied the struggle for social justice in the last 100 years.

Catholic Social Teaching and Movements

Catholic Social Teaching and Movements PDF Author: Marvin L. Krier Mich
Publisher: Twenty-Third Publications
ISBN: 9780896229365
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 492

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Book Description
This introductory book to Catholic social teaching covers not only the official documents and encyclicals but also gives a sense of the movements and people who embodied the struggle for social justice in the last 100 years.

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching PDF Author: Brian Singer-Towns
ISBN: 9781599820774
Category : Christian sociology
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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**Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society has been submitted to the Subcommittee on the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Declarations of conformity with both the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age are pending. Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society This course will guide students in exploring and understanding the social teachings of the Church. It will address the major themes of Catholic social teaching and what they express about God's plan for all people and our obligations to care for one another, especially those most in need in society. The course will work to move students to a life of service and work for the Kingdom of God. The Living in Christ Series * Makes the most of the wisdom and experience of Catholic high school teachers as they empower and guide students to participate in their own learning. * Engages students' intellect and responds to their natural desire to know God. * Encourages faith in action through carefully-crafted learning objectives, lessons, activities, active learning, and summative projects that address multiple learning styles. What you will find . . . * Each Living in Christ student book is developed in line with the U.S. Bishops' High School Curriculum Framework and provides key doctrine essential to the course in a clear and accessible way, making it relevant to the students and how they live their lives. * Each Living in Christ teacher guide carefully crafts the lessons, based on the key principles of Understanding by Design, to guide the students' understanding of key concepts. * Living in Christ offers an innovative, online learning environment featuring flexible and customizable resources to enrich and empower the teacher to respond to the diverse learning needs of the students. * The Living in Christ series is available to you in traditional full-color text and in digital textbook format, offering you options to meet your preferences and needs.

The Challenge and Spirituality of Catholic Social Teaching

The Challenge and Spirituality of Catholic Social Teaching PDF Author: Marvin L. Krier Mich
Publisher: Orbis Books
ISBN: 1608330176
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 273

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This work offers readers the insight and inspiration to live out the gospel of Jesus Christ, the 'glad tidings to the poor,' here and now. Mich weaves together the biblical tradition and the wisdom of Catholic social teaching with the stories if saints and spiritual leaders, contemporary and historical.

The Heart of Catholic Social Teaching

The Heart of Catholic Social Teaching PDF Author: David Matzko McCarthy
Publisher: Brazos Press
ISBN: 158743248X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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Seasoned teachers introduce the Catholic social tradition with distinctive attention to the Bible, liturgy, and the thought of Augustine and Aquinas.

The Catholic Social Imagination

The Catholic Social Imagination PDF Author: Joseph M. Palacios
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 0226645029
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 328

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The reach of the Catholic Church is arguably greater than that of any other religion, extending across diverse political, ethnic, class, and cultural boundaries. But what is it about Catholicism that resonates so profoundly with followers who live under disparate conditions? What is it, for instance, that binds parishioners in America with those in Mexico? For Joseph M. Palacios, what unites Catholics is a sense of being Catholic—a social imagination that motivates them to promote justice and build a better world. In The Catholic Social Imagination, Palacios gives readers a feeling for what it means to be Catholic and put one’s faith into action. Tracing the practices of a group of parishioners in Oakland, California, and another in Guadalajara, Mexico, Palacios reveals parallels—and contrasts—in the ways these ordinary Catholics receive and act on a church doctrine that emphasizes social justice. Whether they are building a supermarket for the low-income elderly or waging protests to promote school reform, these parishioners provide important insights into the construction of the Catholic social imagination. Throughout, Palacios also offers important new cultural and sociological interpretations of Catholic doctrine on issues such as poverty, civil and human rights, political participation, and the natural law.

Catholic Social Activism

Catholic Social Activism PDF Author: Sharon Erickson Nepstad
Publisher: NYU Press
ISBN: 1479879223
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 219

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A history of Catholic social thought Many Americans assume that the Catholic Church is inherently conservative, based on its stances on abortion, contraception, and divorce. Yet there is a longstanding tradition of progressive Catholic movements in the United States that have addressed a variety of issues from labor, war, immigration, and environmental protection, to human rights, women’s rights, exploitive development practices, and bellicose foreign policies. These Catholic social movements have helped to shift the Church from an institution that had historically supported incumbent governments and political elites to a Church that has increasingly sided with the vulnerable and oppressed. This book provides a concise history of progressively oriented Catholic Social Thought, which conveys the Catholic Church’s position on a variety of social justice concerns. Sharon Erickson Nepstad introduces key papal encyclicals and other church documents, showing how lay Catholics in the United States have put these ideas into practice through a creative and sometimes provocative political engagement. Nepstad also explores how these progressive movements have pressured the religious hierarchy to respond to pressing social issues, such as women’s ordination, conscription, and the morality of nuclear deterrence policies. Catholic Social Activism vividly depicts how these progressive movements have helped to shape the religious landscape of the United States, and how they have provoked controversy and debate among Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

Handbook of Catholic Social Teaching

Handbook of Catholic Social Teaching PDF Author: Martin Schlag
Publisher: CUA Press
ISBN: 0813229324
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 181

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Handbook of Catholic Social Teaching employs a question and answer format, to better accentuate the response of the Church's message to the questions Catholics have about their social role and what the Church intends to teach about it. Written in consultation with the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, the Handbook should take its place alongside the Catechism of the Social Doctrine of the Church on the shelf of informed Catholics as works that can inform what we believe and do in the public sphere.

Welcoming the Stranger Among Us

Welcoming the Stranger Among Us PDF Author: Catholic Church. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Publisher: USCCB Publishing
ISBN: 9781574553758
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 68

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Designed for both ordained and lay ministers at the diocesan and parish levels, this document challenges us to prepare to receive newcomers with a genuine spirit of welcome.

Love in Action

Love in Action PDF Author: Simon Cuff
Publisher: SCM Press
ISBN: 0334057930
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 166

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Described as 'the Catholic church's best kept secret,' Catholic Social Teaching provides a rich body of thought, and finds a particular resonance as all denominations in the church seek to engage with the needs of contemporary society. Yet beyond the immediate context of the Catholic church, it is all too readily ignored. Resolutely aimed at those who come from traditions beyond the movement’s traditional catholic heartlands but who seek to view their ministry through the lens of generous orthodoxy, "Love in Action" offers a deeply scriptural but accessible introduction to this vital approach to the church’s ministry in the world.

Reclaiming Catholic Social Teaching

Reclaiming Catholic Social Teaching PDF Author: Anthony Esolen
Publisher: Sophia Institute Press
ISBN: 1622821823
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 209

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Many claim that Catholic Social Teaching implies the existence of a vast welfare state. In these pages, Anthony Esolen pulls back the curtain on these false philosophers, showing how they’ve undermined the authentic social teachings of the Church in order to neutralize the biggest threat to their plans for secularization — the Catholic Church. With the voluminous writings of Pope Leo XIII as his guide, Esolen explains that Catholic Social Teaching isn’t focused exclusively on serving the poor. Indeed, it offers us a rich treasure of insights about the nature of man, his eternal destiny, the sanctity of marriage, and the important role of the family in building a coherent and harmonious society. Catholic Social Teaching, explains Pope Leo, offers a unified worldview. What the Church says about the family is inextricable from what She says about the poor; and what She says about the Eucharist informs the essence of Her teachings on education, the arts — and even government. You will step away from these pages with a profound understanding of the root causes of the ills that afflict our society, and — thanks to Pope Leo and Anthony Esolen — well equipped to propose compelling remedies for them. Only an authentically Catholic culture provides for a stable and virtuous society that allows Christians to do the real work that can unite rich and poor. We must reclaim Catholic Social Teaching if we are to transform our society into the ideal mapped out by Pope Leo: a land of sinners, yes, but one enriched with love of God and neighbor and sustained by the very heart of the Church’s social teaching: the most holy Eucharist.