Best Practice Occupational Therapy for Children and Families in Community Settings

Best Practice Occupational Therapy for Children and Families in Community Settings PDF Author: Winnie Dunn
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1040136567
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 329

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As the occupational therapy profession concerns itself with how people occupy their time during daily life, it is critical for occupational therapists who serve children to understand how to apply their knowledge and skills within the complex and varied environments of the community. A core text for over 10 years, Best Practice Occupational Therapy for Children and Families in Community Settings, Second Edition by Dr. Winnie Dunn provides a clear insight into how to conceive, design, implement, and evaluate services that reflect core principles. Best Practice Occupational Therapy for Children and Families in Community Settings, Second Edition provides the most current information about providing services within community settings, with material addressing early intervention, early childhood, school-age services, and transitions. The context of this text is rooted in best practice principles from interdisciplinary literature and illustrates how occupational therapy professionals implement those principles in their everyday practices. New Features of the Second Edition: Updated assessments, evidence, and appendices Case studies that illustrate the implementation of ideas in a practice situation Worksheets that outline each step in the occupational therapy process from what to include to how to provide rationale for team members, families, and consumers Tables and inserts that summarize key points Information regarding state and federal legislation to guide the occupational therapists in how to negotiate for best practice services within parameters of regulations Integrated throughout the text is the American Occupational Therapy Association’s Occupational Therapy Practice Framework Additional on-line resources that are available with new book purchases Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom. Best Practice Occupational Therapy for Children and Families in Community Settings, Second Edition contains many suggestions about how to practice the skills needed for evidence-based practice, making this the perfect resource for occupational therapy students, faculty, and practitioners who serve children and families.

Best Practice Occupational Therapy for Children and Families in Community Settings

Best Practice Occupational Therapy for Children and Families in Community Settings PDF Author: Winnie Dunn
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1040136567
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 329

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Book Description
As the occupational therapy profession concerns itself with how people occupy their time during daily life, it is critical for occupational therapists who serve children to understand how to apply their knowledge and skills within the complex and varied environments of the community. A core text for over 10 years, Best Practice Occupational Therapy for Children and Families in Community Settings, Second Edition by Dr. Winnie Dunn provides a clear insight into how to conceive, design, implement, and evaluate services that reflect core principles. Best Practice Occupational Therapy for Children and Families in Community Settings, Second Edition provides the most current information about providing services within community settings, with material addressing early intervention, early childhood, school-age services, and transitions. The context of this text is rooted in best practice principles from interdisciplinary literature and illustrates how occupational therapy professionals implement those principles in their everyday practices. New Features of the Second Edition: Updated assessments, evidence, and appendices Case studies that illustrate the implementation of ideas in a practice situation Worksheets that outline each step in the occupational therapy process from what to include to how to provide rationale for team members, families, and consumers Tables and inserts that summarize key points Information regarding state and federal legislation to guide the occupational therapists in how to negotiate for best practice services within parameters of regulations Integrated throughout the text is the American Occupational Therapy Association’s Occupational Therapy Practice Framework Additional on-line resources that are available with new book purchases Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom. Best Practice Occupational Therapy for Children and Families in Community Settings, Second Edition contains many suggestions about how to practice the skills needed for evidence-based practice, making this the perfect resource for occupational therapy students, faculty, and practitioners who serve children and families.

Best Practice Occupational Therapy

Best Practice Occupational Therapy PDF Author: Winnie Dunn
Publisher: Slack
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 400

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Best Practice is a way of thinking about problems in imaginative ways and applying knowledge creatively to solve performance problems. Providing services in community based settings is vital to the best application of occupational therapy principles and beliefs. Best Practice Occupational Therapy: In Community Service with Children and Families applies theoretical and evidence based knowledge to best practice with emphasis on children and families in community settings. It emphasizes best practice, and incorporates clinical reasoning and practice models into the material. Students are provided with methods for working through the problem solving processes as they learn the material. The text introduces core principles and demonstrates how, along with OT knowledge, they can be applied to the best interests of children and families. Included throughout the book are worksheets, space for writing notes, and 10 detailed case studies illustrating the core principles and knowledge application in practice.

Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Early Childhood

Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Early Childhood PDF Author: Gloria Frolek Clark
Publisher: AOTA Press
ISBN: 9781569003435
Category : Occupational therapy for children
Languages : en
Pages : 154

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Currently in the United States, 20% of children ages 6 years or younger live in poverty. Poor children have fewer opportunities than their peers to resources that are important for child development. At the same time, the prevalence of developmental disabilities has increased to 1 in every 6 children. Early identification of developmental delays is critical, and more than half of all American parents do not know the warning signs. Occupational therapy professionals in early intervention and preschool practice can provide the necessary services to support children's health in early childhood. This Practice Guideline explains the occupational therapy process for young children--and their families, caregivers, and teachers--which includes evaluation, intervention, and outcomes planning to enhance a child's occupational performance, adaptation, health and wellness, community participation, role competence, and self-advocacy. Topics include social-emotional development; feeding, eating, and swallowing; cognitive and motor development; service delivery; autism; obesity, cerebral palsy; and parent training. This work can help occupational therapy practitioners, as well as those who manage, reimburse, or set policy regarding occupational therapy services, understand the contribution of occupational therapy in evaluating and serving young children. This guideline can also serve as a resource for parents, school administrators, educators, and other early childhood staff.

Occupational Therapy in Community and Population Health Practice

Occupational Therapy in Community and Population Health Practice PDF Author: Marjorie E Scaffa
Publisher: F.A. Davis
ISBN: 0803675631
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 685

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Be prepared for the growing opportunities in community and population health practice with the 3rd Edition of this groundbreaking resource. The New Edition reflects the convergence of community and population health practice with expanded content on health promotion, well-being, and wellness. Drs. Scaffa and Reitz present the theories underpinning occupational therapy practice in community and population health. Then, the authors provide practical guidance in program needs assessment, program development, and program evaluation. Both new practitioners and students will find practice-applicable coverage, including expanded case examples, specific strategies for working in the community, and guidance on securing funding for community and population health programs.

Occupational Therapy Models for Intervention with Children and Families

Occupational Therapy Models for Intervention with Children and Families PDF Author: Sandra Barker Dunbar
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
ISBN: 9781556427633
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 232

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This textbook explores recent theoretical models that enable occupational therapists to practice and interact with families in a more holistic and occupation-centered manner. It offers the latest information on viewing the broader contexts of environment and family in order to meet diverse occupational needs in a range of settings. The editor presents a variety of case scenarios that feature culturally diverse populations and varying diagnoses of children with occupational needs. With contributions from 11 leaders in occupational therapy, this comprehensive text is designed to increase awareness and understanding of theoretical models and their relationship to current occupational therapy practice with today's children and families. Traditional frames of reference in pediatric practice are explored, including sensory integration and neurodevelopmental treatment. Some current theoretical models discussed include the Model of Human Occupation, the Person-Environment-Occupation model, the Ecology of Human Performance model, and the Occupational Adaptation model. The new Occupational Therapy Practice Framework is incorporated throughout the text. Overall the textbook employs a practical approach to this significant aspect of pediatric practice in occupational therapy.

Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process

Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process PDF Author: Aota
Publisher: AOTA Press
ISBN: 9781569003619
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 51

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As occupational therapy celebrates its centennial in 2017, attention returns to the profession's founding belief in the value of therapeutic occupations as a way to remediate illness and maintain health. The founders emphasized the importance of establishing a therapeutic relationship with each client and designing an intervention plan based on the knowledge about a client's context and environment, values, goals, and needs. Using today's lexicon, the profession's founders proposed a vision for the profession that was occupation based, client centered, and evidence based--the vision articulated in the third edition of the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process. The Framework is a must-have official document from the American Occupational Therapy Association. Intended for occupational therapy practitioners and students, other health care professionals, educators, researchers, payers, and consumers, the Framework summarizes the interrelated constructs that describe occupational therapy practice. In addition to the creation of a new preface to set the tone for the work, this new edition includes the following highlights: a redefinition of the overarching statement describing occupational therapy's domain; a new definition of clients that includes persons, groups, and populations; further delineation of the profession's relationship to organizations; inclusion of activity demands as part of the process; and even more up-to-date analysis and guidance for today's occupational therapy practitioners. Achieving health, well-being, and participation in life through engagement in occupation is the overarching statement that describes the domain and process of occupational therapy in the fullest sense. The Framework can provide the structure and guidance that practitioners can use to meet this important goal.

Bringing Evidence Into Everyday Practice

Bringing Evidence Into Everyday Practice PDF Author: Winnie Dunn
Publisher: SLACK Incorporated
ISBN: 9781556428210
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 380

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Evidence-based research and decision making are increasingly in demand in professional practice. ""Bringing Evidence into Everyday Practice: Practical Strategies for Healthcare Professionals"" is a unique workbook that offers students and professionals efficient strategies for translating evidence into everyday practices.Dr. Winnie Dunn has designed ""Bringing Evidence into Everyday Practice"" to be used as a step-by-step resource for students and professionals on how to understand and use evidence available in research and how to build solid decision-making patterns that will support professional practice.With a vast amount of resources available today, it is critical for both the novice and experienced practitioner to use effective tactics. By following the specific steps inside ""Bringing Evidence into Everyday Practice"", a student, professional, interdisciplinary team, or study group can learn how to derive meaning from research articles in a more efficient way and then use the information to make informed decisions in everyday practice. Written in a user-friendly format, this text provides research articles and worksheets in a side-by-side layout as a convenient method for interpreting research.It includes: step by step directions for understanding and using literature to craft evidence-based plans in professional practice; exercises that provide practice on how to properly read research articles; activities to prepare students and clinicians on how to synthesize information across similar articles; applications that will teach how to understand methods and results; and, opportunities for reflecting in action about one's own current practices and how to refine them.""Bringing Evidence into Everyday Practice: Practical Strategies for Healthcare Professionals"" is the only text that can both act as a companion workbook to literature and also encompass volumes of research within one text.

Parenting Matters

Parenting Matters PDF Author: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309388570
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 525

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Decades of research have demonstrated that the parent-child dyad and the environment of the familyâ€"which includes all primary caregiversâ€"are at the foundation of children's well- being and healthy development. From birth, children are learning and rely on parents and the other caregivers in their lives to protect and care for them. The impact of parents may never be greater than during the earliest years of life, when a child's brain is rapidly developing and when nearly all of her or his experiences are created and shaped by parents and the family environment. Parents help children build and refine their knowledge and skills, charting a trajectory for their health and well-being during childhood and beyond. The experience of parenting also impacts parents themselves. For instance, parenting can enrich and give focus to parents' lives; generate stress or calm; and create any number of emotions, including feelings of happiness, sadness, fulfillment, and anger. Parenting of young children today takes place in the context of significant ongoing developments. These include: a rapidly growing body of science on early childhood, increases in funding for programs and services for families, changing demographics of the U.S. population, and greater diversity of family structure. Additionally, parenting is increasingly being shaped by technology and increased access to information about parenting. Parenting Matters identifies parenting knowledge, attitudes, and practices associated with positive developmental outcomes in children ages 0-8; universal/preventive and targeted strategies used in a variety of settings that have been effective with parents of young children and that support the identified knowledge, attitudes, and practices; and barriers to and facilitators for parents' use of practices that lead to healthy child outcomes as well as their participation in effective programs and services. This report makes recommendations directed at an array of stakeholders, for promoting the wide-scale adoption of effective programs and services for parents and on areas that warrant further research to inform policy and practice. It is meant to serve as a roadmap for the future of parenting policy, research, and practice in the United States.

Occupation Centred Practice with Children

Occupation Centred Practice with Children PDF Author: Sylvia Rodger
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 111869709X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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This book draws on contemporary occupational therapy theory andresearch to provide occupational therapy students and clinicianswith a practical resource on implementing occupation centredpractice with children. Each chapter has specific objectives and uses case studies todemonstrate the clinical realities and applications of each of thetopics addressed. Best practice guidelines are provided along witha summary of recommendations drawn from the relevant theories,occupational therapy philosophy and existing research. The bookaims specifically to be practice based.

Treating Parent--infant Relationship Problems

Treating Parent--infant Relationship Problems PDF Author: Arnold J. Sameroff
Publisher: Guilford Press
ISBN: 1572309571
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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Within a developmental framework, this book presents a range of effective approaches to treating early relationship difficulties and promoting more sensitive and responsive parenting. Clinicians are guided to understand the different types of problems that parents have with infants and to determine how a given family might best be served--whether by addressing health concerns that are affecting infant behavior, modifying parental beliefs or expectations, or targeting key caregiving skills. Leading experts detail their respective therapeutic models in a practical, clinician-friendly format, including intervention guidelines and illustrative case material. Special topics covered include working with families of infants with special needs and with those at risk for child maltreatment.