Back Analysis in Rock Engineering

Back Analysis in Rock Engineering PDF Author: Shunsuke Sakurai
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 131534954X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 354

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Book Description
This book provides practicing engineers working in the field of design, construction and monitoring of rock structures such as tunnels and slopes with technical information on how to design, how to excavate and how to monitor the structures during their construction. Based on the long-term engineering experiences of the author, field measurements together with back analyses are presented as the most powerful tools in rock engineering practice. One of the purposes of field measurements is to assess the stability of the rock structures during their construction. However, field measurement results are only numbers unless they are quantitatively interpreted, a process in which back analyses play an important role. The author has developed both the concepts of “critical strain” and of the “anisotropic parameter” of rocks, which can make it possible not only to assess the stability of the structures during their construction, but also to verify the validity of design parameters by the back analysis of field measurement results during the constructions. Based on the back analysis results, the design parameters used at a design stage could be modified if necessary. This procedure is called an “Observational method”, a concept that is entirely different from that of other structures such as bridges and buildings. It is noted that in general, technical books written for practicing engineers mainly focus on empirical approaches which are based on engineers’ experiences. In this book, however, no empirical approaches will be described, instead, all the approaches are based on simple rock mechanics theory. This book is the first to describe an observational method in rock engineering practice, which implies that the potential readers of this book must be practicing engineers working on rock engineering projects.

Back Analysis in Rock Engineering

Back Analysis in Rock Engineering PDF Author: Shunsuke Sakurai
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 131534954X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 354

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Book Description
This book provides practicing engineers working in the field of design, construction and monitoring of rock structures such as tunnels and slopes with technical information on how to design, how to excavate and how to monitor the structures during their construction. Based on the long-term engineering experiences of the author, field measurements together with back analyses are presented as the most powerful tools in rock engineering practice. One of the purposes of field measurements is to assess the stability of the rock structures during their construction. However, field measurement results are only numbers unless they are quantitatively interpreted, a process in which back analyses play an important role. The author has developed both the concepts of “critical strain” and of the “anisotropic parameter” of rocks, which can make it possible not only to assess the stability of the structures during their construction, but also to verify the validity of design parameters by the back analysis of field measurement results during the constructions. Based on the back analysis results, the design parameters used at a design stage could be modified if necessary. This procedure is called an “Observational method”, a concept that is entirely different from that of other structures such as bridges and buildings. It is noted that in general, technical books written for practicing engineers mainly focus on empirical approaches which are based on engineers’ experiences. In this book, however, no empirical approaches will be described, instead, all the approaches are based on simple rock mechanics theory. This book is the first to describe an observational method in rock engineering practice, which implies that the potential readers of this book must be practicing engineers working on rock engineering projects.

Discontinuity Analysis for Rock Engineering

Discontinuity Analysis for Rock Engineering PDF Author: S.D. Priest
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401114986
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 490

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Book Description
Engineers wishing to build structures on or in rock use the discipline known as rock mechanics. This discipline emerged as a subject in its own right about thirty five years ago, and has developed rapidly ever since. However, rock mechanics is still based to a large extent on analytical techniques that were originally formulated for the mechanical design of structures made from man made materials. The single most important distinction between man-made materials and the natural material rock is that rock contains fractures, of many kinds on many scales; and because the fractures - of whatever kin- represent breaks in the mechanical continuum, they are collectively termed 'discontinuities' . An understanding of the mechanical influence of these discontinuities is essential to all rock engineers. Most of the world is made of rock, and most of the rock near the surface is fractured. The fractures dominate the rock mass geometry, deformation modulus, strength, failure behaviour, permeability, and even the local magnitudes and directions of the in situ stress field. Clearly, an understanding of the presence and mechanics of the discontinuities, both singly and in the rock mass context, is therefore of paramount importance to civil, mining and petroleum engineers. Bearing this in mind, it is surprising that until now there has been no book dedicated specifically to the subject of discontinuity analysis in rock engineering.

Applications of Computational Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering

Applications of Computational Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering PDF Author: R.F. Azevedo
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 100010009X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 428

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The development of constitutive relations for geotechnical materials, with the help of numerical models, have increased notably the ability to predict and to interpret mechanical behaviour of geotechnical works. These proceedings cover the applications of computational mechanics in this area.

Back Analysis in Rock Engineering

Back Analysis in Rock Engineering PDF Author: Shunsuke Sakurai
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1498780636
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 241

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Book Description
This book provides practicing engineers working in the field of design, construction and monitoring of rock structures such as tunnels and slopes with technical information on how to design, how to excavate and how to monitor the structures during their construction. Based on the long-term engineering experiences of the author, field measurements together with back analyses are presented as the most powerful tools in rock engineering practice. One of the purposes of field measurements is to assess the stability of the rock structures during their construction. However, field measurement results are only numbers unless they are quantitatively interpreted, a process in which back analyses play an important role. The author has developed both the concepts of “critical strain” and of the “anisotropic parameter” of rocks, which can make it possible not only to assess the stability of the structures during their construction, but also to verify the validity of design parameters by the back analysis of field measurement results during the constructions. Based on the back analysis results, the design parameters used at a design stage could be modified if necessary. This procedure is called an “Observational method”, a concept that is entirely different from that of other structures such as bridges and buildings. It is noted that in general, technical books written for practicing engineers mainly focus on empirical approaches which are based on engineers’ experiences. In this book, however, no empirical approaches will be described, instead, all the approaches are based on simple rock mechanics theory. This book is the first to describe an observational method in rock engineering practice, which implies that the potential readers of this book must be practicing engineers working on rock engineering projects.

Assessment and Prevention of Failure Phenomena in Rock Engineering

Assessment and Prevention of Failure Phenomena in Rock Engineering PDF Author: O. Aydan
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9789054103097
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1008

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Book Description
A collection of papers addressing the issue of the failure of rock engineering structures. This phenomenon occurs in different forms depending on the geometry of structure, material properties of intact rock, structure of rock mass, environmental conditions and initial state of stress.

Environmental Rock Engineering

Environmental Rock Engineering PDF Author: S. Murata
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9780415889445
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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Book Description
This book is a collection of papers presented at the 1st Kyoto International Symposium on Underground Environment entitled "Role of Geo-technology to the Underground Environment". Consists of nine keynote papers, thirty-one technical papers and fifteen papers resulting from the poster presentations, each covering a vital aspect of underground engineering.

Design Analysis in Rock Mechanics

Design Analysis in Rock Mechanics PDF Author: William G. Pariseau
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9780415413817
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 576

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Book Description
In a straightforward manner and with plenty of illustrations, this textbook approaches important design issues in rock mechanics from a mechanics of materials foundation. It addresses rock slope stability in surface excavations, shaft and tunnel stability, and entries and pillars. The book also covers three-dimensional caverns with an emphasis of backfill and cable bolting and addresses the geometry and forces of chimney caving. Appendices contain supplementary information about rock, joint, and composite properties, rock mass classification schemes, and useful formulas. Designed as a course book, it contains numerous exercises and examples to familiarize the reader with practical problems in rock mechanics through various design analysis techniques and their applications. The appendices provide supplementary information about rock, joint, and composite properties, rock mass classification schemes, useful formulas, and an extensive literature list. A solutions manual, containing all worked solutions is also available (ISBN 9780415457255). Intended for rock mechanics courses to undergraduate and first year graduate students in mining and civil engineering; also suited as an introduction to rock mechanics for other engineers.

Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment

Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment PDF Author: Qihu Qian
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0203135253
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 818

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Book Description
Harmonising Rock Mechanics and the Environment comprises the proceedings (invited and contributed papers) of the 12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics (Beijing, China, 18-21 October 2011). The contributions cover the entire scope of rock mechanics and rock engineering, with an emphasis on the critical role of both disciplines in sustai

Development and Application of Discontinuous Modelling for Rock Engineering

Development and Application of Discontinuous Modelling for Rock Engineering PDF Author: Ming Lu
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000446808
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Book Description
The thirty papers published in this book represent the latest developments in Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA). The Numerical Manifold Method (NMM) and other numerical methods and their applications are also covered, as are the theoretical contributions of 3D DDA, modelling and visualization of 3D joint systems, and high-order NMM. Applications of these advances include the stability of underground works, rock slopes and boreholes.

Rock Slope Engineering

Rock Slope Engineering PDF Author: Duncan C. Wyllie
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1498786286
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 803

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Rock Slope Engineering covers the investigation, design, excavation and remediation of man-made rock cuts and natural slopes, primarily for civil engineering applications. It presents design information on structural geology, shear strength of rock and ground water, including weathered rock. Slope design methods are discussed for planar, wedge, circular and toppling failures, including seismic design and numerical analysis. Information is also provided on blasting, slope stabilization, movement monitoring and civil engineering applications. This fifth edition has been extensively up-dated, with new chapters on weathered rock, including shear strength in relation to weathering grades, and seismic design of rock slopes for pseudo-static stability and Newmark displacement. It now includes the use of remote sensing techniques such as LiDAR to monitor slope movement and collect structural geology data. The chapter on numerical analysis has been revised with emphasis on civil applications. The book is written for practitioners working in the fields of transportation, energy and industrial development, and undergraduate and graduate level courses in geological engineering.