Author: Antimachus (of Colophon.)
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9789004104686
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 500
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The first complete edition (with commentary) in almost sixty years eof the fragments of the Greek epic and elegiac poet Antimachus, this book examines his significant role in the history of Greek poetry and literary scholarship.
Author: Floris Overduin
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004283609
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 601
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In modern times the Theriaca of Nicander of Colophon (2nd century BCE) has not attracted many enthusiasts. Its complicated style, abstruse diction and technical subject matter – venomous bites and their remedies – have long put off classical scholars. In the wake of renewed interest in Hellenistic poetry, however, Nicander’s dark poetry deserves new appreciation. In this book Floris Overduin provides a literary commentary on the Theriaca, focusing on Nicander’s artistic merits. Viewed against the background of Alexandrian aesthetics and the didactic epic tradition, Nicander deserves pride of place among his Hellenistic peers. This book, the first full commentary in English, may thus contribute to the reappraisal of Nicander’s Theriaca as a work of literature, not science.
Author: V.J. Matthews
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004329811
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 488
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This volume is an edition of the fragments of the Greek epic and elegiac poet, Antimachus of Colophon (ca. 400 B.C.), an important figure linking the literatures of Archaic and Classical Greece with that of the Hellenistic Age. The introduction examines the poet's life and work, discussing both his poetry and his activity as a Homeric scholar. It concludes with an assessment of his reception by Hellenistic and later writers. The body of the book is a critical edition of the 200-plus fragments of Antimachus' work. Each fragment is supplied with a commentary elucidating both text and context, with particular emphasis on Antimachus' use of his predecessors, especially Homer, and on his own influence upon the Hellenistic scholar-poets.
Author: Naoíse Mac Sweeney
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107037492
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 255
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Considers foundation myths in ancient Ionia, exploring issues of identity, ethnicity and the negotiation of cultural differences.
Author: Gilbert Murray
Category : Greek literature
Languages : en
Pages : 456
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Author: Marco Fantuzzi
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9781139442527
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 530
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Hellenistic poets of the third and second centuries BC were concerned with the need both to mark their continuity with the classical past and to demonstrate their independence from it. In this revised and expanded translation of Muse e modelli: la poesia ellenistica da Alessandro Magno ad Augusto, Greek poetry of the third and second centuries BC and its reception and influence at Rome are explored allowing both sides of this literary practice to be appreciated. Genres as diverse as epic and epigram are considered from a historical perspective, in the full range of their deep-level structures, providing a different perspective on the poetry and its influence at Rome. Some of the most famous poetry of the age such as Callimachus' Aitia and Apollonius' Argonautica is examined. In addition, full attention is paid to the poetry of encomium, in particular the newly published epigrams of Posidippus, and Hellenistic poetics, notably Philodemus.
Author: Edward Felix Mendelsshon Benecke
Category : Women in literature
Languages : en
Pages : 278
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Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 570
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Author: John Pentland Mahaffy
Category : Greek literature
Languages : en
Pages : 564
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Author: John Pentland Mahaffy
Category : Greek literature
Languages : en
Pages : 602
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