Echoes of the Ancient Skies

Echoes of the Ancient Skies PDF Author: E. C. Krupp
Publisher: Courier Corporation
ISBN: 0486137643
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 418

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Popular, authoritative look at the world of archaeoastronomy, the study of ancient peoples' observation of the skies and its role in their cultural evolution. 208 illustrations.

Echoes of the Ancient Skies

Echoes of the Ancient Skies PDF Author: E. C. Krupp
Publisher: Courier Corporation
ISBN: 0486137643
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 418

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Book Description
Popular, authoritative look at the world of archaeoastronomy, the study of ancient peoples' observation of the skies and its role in their cultural evolution. 208 illustrations.

Ancient Echoes

Ancient Echoes PDF Author: Robert Holdstock
Publisher: Hachette UK
ISBN: 0575088397
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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Jack Chatwin has visions, which leave tangible evidence - sounds and smells, which linger afterwards. What he sees are two primitive figures, with painted faces - Greyface and Greenface, a brother and sister. He calls them bullrunners. John Garth is a city dowser, searching for the mythical pre-Roman city of Glanum. He hopes to find an entryway to the elusive city beneath Exburgh, Jack's home town. And he thinks Jack's bullrunners may be connected to Glanum . . . Years later, Jack, now grown up, agrees to take part in experiments to investigate his bullrunners - until Greyface, the male, breaks free of Jack and takes corporeal form. The bullrunner kidnaps Jack's young daughter so Jack will force Greenface to follow her brother-husband, even against her own wishes. Though Greyface returns the daughter, he keeps a shadow of her, which takes on a life of its own. If Jack refuses to co-operate, the shadow will drain his daughter's vitality and personality - and her very future. The story of Jack's search for Greenface is interwoven with the connections between the bullrunners and the mystical city of Glanum in this resonant tale of ancient mythic wonder.

Heroes Masked and Mythic

Heroes Masked and Mythic PDF Author: Christopher Wood
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 1476683158
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 265

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Epic battles, hideous monsters and a host of petty gods--the world of Classical mythology continues to fascinate and inspire. Heroes like Herakles, Achilles and Perseus have influenced Western art and literature for centuries, and today are reinvented in the modern superhero. What does Iron Man have to do with the Homeric hero Odysseus? How does the African warrior Memnon compare with Marvel's Black Panther? Do DC's Wonder Woman and Xena the Warrior Princess reflect the tradition of Amazon women such as Penthesileia? How does the modern superhero's journey echo that of the epic warrior? With fresh insight into ancient Greek texts and historical art, this book examines modern superhero archetypes and iconography in comics and film as the crystallization of the hero's journey in the modern imagination.

Echoes and Evidences of the Book of Mormon

Echoes and Evidences of the Book of Mormon PDF Author: Donald W. Parry
ISBN: 9780934893725
Category : Book of Mormon
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Ancient Echoes

Ancient Echoes PDF Author: Elizabeth Reed
ISBN: 9780989049702
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 346

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Skylar, was an overachieving museum director, whose stressful life was due to the confluence of a divorce, a job opportunity in Japan, and an attractive younger man. Her well-ordered life is nearly up-ended by synchronistic events, deja vu experiences and vivid dreams. Ancient Echoes steps Skylar from a coincidental meeting to a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Her previous lives crossing eons of time are revealed to her. She is seen as Greek soldier, advisor to Alexander the Great; the son of a Sultan and a dancer in mystical Java; a Jewess from Galilee, friend of Mary of Magdal, who marries a Roman soldier; a Japanese orphan, raised by Shinto priests; as Lavender Jade, kidnapped in 650AD China; a Mongolian boy, whose family's fate is dealt by the hoards of Genghis Khan; with glimpses of lives in the Scottish Highlands, and the American southern plains. Ancient Echoes considers Skylar's vital essence and the accumulation of characteristics over eons of time.

Ancient Greek Painting and Its Echoes in Later Art

Ancient Greek Painting and Its Echoes in Later Art PDF Author: Stelios Lydakēs
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 326

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In his introduction, Stelios Lydakis notes, "It would be impossible for an art historian to study the works of antiquity without extensive reference to their influence on the art of the centuries that followed." Lydakis provides a complete history of ancient Greek painting from the earliest examples in Crete, Thera, and Mycenae to those of the classical and Roman epochs. Through a multitude of examples, he shows how these ancient works shaped modern ones. The literary references he considers include the works of Lucian, Philostratos, Pausanias, and Pliny the Elder. The works of art reproduced include wall paintings from the Palace of Knossos, Thera, Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Oplontis; vases from the Mycenaean through the Classical periods; reliefs from the Parthenon; and mosaics from Pompeii and Delos. The book also features paintings made in later centuries by such artists as Mantegna, Titian, Dürer, Raphael, Rembrandt, and Rubens that were inspired by antique models.

Old World Echoes (Copper Lodge Library)

Old World Echoes (Copper Lodge Library) PDF Author: Classical Conversations MultiMedia
ISBN: 9781732964013
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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A beautifully illustrated compilation of classic stories and poems from around the world.

Echoes of Ancient Indian Wisdom

Echoes of Ancient Indian Wisdom PDF Author: Shantha N. Nair
Publisher: Pustak Mahal
ISBN: 8122310206
Category : Hindu philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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The echoes of ancient Indian wisdom can be heard from the oldest of scriptures that existed many years ago. Even thousands of years before they were written down on palm leaves, the teachings were passed on from generations to generations, from the teachers to the disciples in their oral form. These works are amongst the oldest of humanity. They laid the foundation of one of the most tolerant and diverse religions in the world, the Sanatan Dharma or Hinduism, which is marked by a wide range of ethos and philosophical approaches. Covering the vastness and immensity of the ancient Indian scriptures is akin to capturing a gigantic ocean in a small pitcher. Thus, in this book, the author has tried to catch a few 'echoes' resonating with age-old wisdom and has presented them to the readers. the book unravels the knowledge hidden inside the Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads of the Shruti that form the Vedas, and in the Smriti like Agamas, Dharma Shastras and so on. In short, it provides a glimpse, or rather a macro view of the ancient treasure of India.

Echoes of Exodus

Echoes of Exodus PDF Author: Bryan D. Estelle
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
ISBN: 083088226X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 410

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Israel’s exodus from Egypt is the Bible’s enduring emblem of deliverance. But more than just an epic moment, the exodus shapes the telling of Israel’s and the church’s gospel. In this guide for biblical theologians, preachers, and teachers, Bryan Estelle traces the exodus motif as it weaves through the canon of Scripture, wedding literary readings with biblical-theological insights.

Ancient Echoes

Ancient Echoes PDF Author: Patricia Martin
Publisher: Great Quotations
ISBN: 9781562450359
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 68

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The rich, oral tradition of Native American wisdom is captured in this moving collection of tribal voices from time past.