An Introduction to Simulation Using GPSS/H

An Introduction to Simulation Using GPSS/H PDF Author: Thomas J. Schriber
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 466

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Book Description
Employs the same painstaking thoroughness and accuracy in introducing the GPSS language that made the 1974 book so popular. Includes an educational version, GPSS/H from Wolverine Software, for personal computers that is as powerful, except in file size, as the package that costs commercial users over –5,000. Available in two versions: one with 5 1/4' disks, and one with 3 1/2' disks.

An Introduction to Simulation Using GPSS/H

An Introduction to Simulation Using GPSS/H PDF Author: Thomas J. Schriber
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 466

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Book Description
Employs the same painstaking thoroughness and accuracy in introducing the GPSS language that made the 1974 book so popular. Includes an educational version, GPSS/H from Wolverine Software, for personal computers that is as powerful, except in file size, as the package that costs commercial users over –5,000. Available in two versions: one with 5 1/4' disks, and one with 3 1/2' disks.

Simulation Using GPSS

Simulation Using GPSS PDF Author: Thomas J. Schriber
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 560

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This book's objective is to help the reader to acquire mastery of GPSS (General Purpose Simulation System). GPSS is a simulation programming language used to build computer models for discrete event simulations. (Author).

Handbook of Simulation

Handbook of Simulation PDF Author: Jerry Banks
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9780471134039
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 868

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Book Description
Dieses Buch ist eine unschätzbare Informationsquelle für alle Ingenieure, Designer, Manager und Techniker bei Entwicklung, Studium und Anwendung einer großen Vielzahl von Simulationstechniken. Es vereint die Arbeit internationaler Simulationsexperten aus Industrie und Forschung. Alle Aspekte der Simulation werden in diesem umfangreichen Nachschlagewerk abgedeckt. Der Leser wird vertraut gemacht mit den verschiedenen Techniken von Industriesimulationen sowie mit Einsatz, Anwendungen und Entwicklungen. Neueste Fortschritte wie z.B. objektorientierte Programmierung werden ebenso behandelt wie Richtlinien für den erfolgreichen Umgang mit simulationsgestützten Prozessen. Auch gibt es eine Liste mit den wichtigsten Vertriebs- und Zulieferadressen. (10/98)

Discrete-Event Simulation

Discrete-Event Simulation PDF Author: George S. Fishman
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1475735529
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 554

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"This is an excellent and well-written text on discrete event simulation with a focus on applications in Operations Research. There is substantial attention to programming, output analysis, pseudo-random number generation and modelling and these sections are quite thorough. Methods are provided for generating pseudo-random numbers (including combining such streams) and for generating random numbers from most standard statistical distributions." --ISI Short Book Reviews, 22:2, August 2002

Simulation Using GPSS on Micros & Mainframes

Simulation Using GPSS on Micros & Mainframes PDF Author:
Category : Digital computer simulation
Languages : en
Pages : 416

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Mine Design

Mine Design PDF Author: John R. Sturgul
Publisher: Society for Mining Metallurgy
ISBN: 9780873351812
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 367

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Book Description
Solve everyday mining problems quickly and easily by applying the computer language GPSS (General Purpose Simulation System). Part I of the book reviews mining simulation in general and explains why the GPSS/H simulation language was selected. Part II is an overview of the language itself to help you obtain maximum benefit from the mining examples, which are contained on the included CD. Each of the 30 examples on the CD comes from a variety of mining operations (large, small, surface, underground) and includes GPSS/H programs that can be kept in a file to be run with no programming. Computer language experience isn't required, as all the programs are run by keying in a simple list of instructions. If you are more experienced with the language, you can modify one or more of the programs to suit your particular problem. All examples are interactive; you are prompted to input data for the simulation and then run the animation to view your mining operation. Mine Design can also be used as a supplemental text for mining engineering classes, including those on mine design, mine equipment selection, and computer applications in mining. Most chapters offer numerous examples--with answers--in addition to the programs. Ease of access to the program and clear visualization of the results set this book apart from other mining texts.

Process Simulation Using WITNESS

Process Simulation Using WITNESS PDF Author: Raid Al-Aomar
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119019761
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 590

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Teaches basic and advanced modeling and simulation techniques to both undergraduate and postgraduate students and serves as a practical guide and manual for professionals learning how to build simulation models using WITNESS, a free-standing software package. This book discusses the theory behind simulation and demonstrates how to build simulation models with WITNESS. The book begins with an explanation of the concepts of simulation modeling and a “guided tour” of the WITNESS modeling environment. Next, the authors cover the basics of building simulation models using WITNESS and modeling of material-handling systems. After taking a brief tour in basic probability and statistics, simulation model input analysis is then examined in detail, including the importance and techniques of fitting closed-form distributions to observed data. Next, the authors present simulation output analysis including determining run controls and statistical analysis of simulation outputs and show how to use these techniques and others to undertake simulation model verification and validation. Effective techniques for managing a simulation project are analyzed, and case studies exemplifying the use of simulation in manufacturing and services are covered. Simulation-based optimization methods and the use of simulation to build and enhance lean systems are then discussed. Finally, the authors examine the interrelationships and synergy between simulation and Six Sigma. Emphasizes real-world applications of simulation modeling in both services and manufacturing sectors Discusses the role of simulation in Six Sigma projects and Lean Systems Contains examples in each chapter on the methods and concepts presented Process Simulation Using WITNESS is a resource for students, researchers, engineers, management consultants, and simulation trainers.

Understanding Computer Simulation

Understanding Computer Simulation PDF Author: Roger McHaney
Publisher: Bookboon
ISBN: 8776815056
Category : Computer simulation
Languages : en
Pages : 172

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Modelling and Simulation

Modelling and Simulation PDF Author: Louis G. Birta
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1447127838
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 448

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This textbook presents a practical introduction to the fundamental aspects of modelling and simulation. It provides the necessary foundations both for those wishing to learn about this methodology and also for those who have a need to apply it in their work. Illustrative examples are drawn from projects formulated within the domains of both DEDS and CTDS. Features: presents a project-oriented perspective; describes an activity-based conceptual modelling framework (ABCmod) for DEDS; includes a new chapter that presents a novel world view, the Activity-Object world view, which eases the translation of a conceptual model specification in the ABCmod framework into a simulation program; contains numerous illustrative examples, useful algorithms, exercises and projects; includes a primer on probability, a concise guide to the GPSS programming environment and an overview of relevant MATLAB features in the appendices; provides supplementary software and teaching support material at an associated website.

Simulation Modelling with Pascal

Simulation Modelling with Pascal PDF Author: Ruth M. Davies
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 326

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