An Empirical Analysis of competition, Privatization, and Regulation in telecommunications Market in Africa and Latin America

An Empirical Analysis of competition, Privatization, and Regulation in telecommunications Market in Africa and Latin America PDF Author: Scott J. Wallsten
Publisher: World Bank Publications
Category : Competition
Languages : en
Pages : 27

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An Empirical Analysis of competition, Privatization, and Regulation in telecommunications Market in Africa and Latin America

An Empirical Analysis of competition, Privatization, and Regulation in telecommunications Market in Africa and Latin America PDF Author: Scott J. Wallsten
Publisher: World Bank Publications
Category : Competition
Languages : en
Pages : 27

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Global Economic Prospects 2003

Global Economic Prospects 2003 PDF Author:
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 9780821353387
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 250

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The 13th edition of this annual publication focuses on the global and national dimensions of the investment climate for developing countries, that is the policy and institutional environment that fosters entrepreneurship and productive investment. Issues discussed include: the effects of current developments in the world economy; ways that the international community can help foster economic growth and reduce poverty levels; the need for sound national policies, particularly to encourage competition, in order for developing countries to reap the benefits of globalisation; and the potential for a new World Trade Organization agreement on investment and competition.

Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis PDF Author: David L. Weimer
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317345649
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 585

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Updated in a new 5th edition, this book lays a strong conceptual foundation to understanding the rationales of and limitations to public policy. It gives practical advice about how to do policy analysis while demonstrating the application of advanced analytical techniques through case study examples. Policy Analysis: Concepts and Practices is a comprehensive, accessible, and rich introduction to policy analysis for readers in public policy, public administration, and business programs.

Privatization in Latin America

Privatization in Latin America PDF Author: Alberto Chong
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 0821383507
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 526

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Privatization is under attack. Beginning in the 1980s, thousands of failing state-owned enterprises worldwide have been turned over to the private sector. But public opinion has turned against privatization. A large political backlash has been brewing for some time, infused by accusations of corruption, abuse of market power, and neglect of the poor. What is the real record of privatization and are the criticisms justified? 'Privatization in Latin America' evaluates the empirical evidence on privatization in a region that has witnessed an extensive decline in the state's share of production over the past 20 years. The book is a compilation of recent studies that provide a comprehensive analysis of the record of and accusations against privatization, with important recommendations for the future. Seven countries are investigated: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. This book will be vital to anyone interested in the privatization debate but especially to those involved in civil service reform, corporate governance, economic policy, finance, and anticorruption efforts. 'Privatization is important but controversial. While economists typically favor it, others are skeptical. This book provides strong scientific evidence that privatization has been beneficial for many Latin American countries, although some privatizations failed and some groups in society lost out. As usual, the devil is in the details: how privatization is carried out and what reforms accompany it are crucial to its success. The book is definitely an invaluable contribution to the privatization debate.' --Oliver Hart, Andrew E. Furer Professor of Economics, Harvard University

Network Industries and Social Welfare

Network Industries and Social Welfare PDF Author: Massimo Florio
Publisher: OUP Oxford
ISBN: 019166250X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 431

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A dramatic change of ownership, regulation, and organisation of essential public services, such as electricity, gas, and telecommunications, has taken place in Europe in less than 20 years. This was not the outcome of spontaneous adaptation, but an entirely top-down policy experiment, mainly conceived in London during Mrs Thatcher's years, then pursued in Brussels - the 'capital' of the European Union - and imposed on more or less reluctant players by laws, directives, regulations, and administrative and judicial decisions. The European reform paradigm revolves around three pillars: privatisation, unbundling, and regulated liberalisation of network industries. These industries, despite the reforms, are still special, as they include core natural monopoly components (the electricity grid, the gas pipelines, the telephony networks, etc.), are often based on complex system integration of different segments (for example of electricity generation, transmission, distribution and retail supply), and offer services that have critical social and economic importance, from heating to internet. This book offers a careful scrutiny of energy and telephony reforms and prices paid by households in 15 countries across Western Europe. It attempts to answer such questions as: Are the consumers in Europe happier than they were before the reforms? Do they pay less? Do they get a better quality for the services? Network Industries and Social Welfare provides an overview of the main facts, the conceptual issues, and of the empirical evidence on pricing, perceptions of quality of service, and the issues of utility poverty and social affordability. It suggests that the benefits of the reforms for the consumers have often been limited and that governments should reconsider their overconfidence in regulated market mechanisms in network industries.

China in Transition

China in Transition PDF Author: K. S. Sim
Publisher: Nova Biomedical Books
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 306

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China is a country in the midst of a transition which is inscrutable to almost all observers. The leadership has changed from the 'old guard' to the 'new guard' with hardly a slip. Capitalism is roaring but somehow at the same time doesn't exist. The economy is booming in virtually all areas. The military is growing more powerful each year, many industries are at world level, and China is taking more and more steps to join the international community while being sure as she doesn't snuggle up too closely. Still, with a population of 1.3 billion and staggering poverty in the rural areas making up the vast part of the country, the face of China remains centuries old. Where she goes, nobody knows. This series examines the issues, policies and progress of China's transition.

Ringing in th 20th Century

Ringing in th 20th Century PDF Author: Scott J. Wallsten
Publisher: World Bank Publications
Category : Government monopolies
Languages : en
Pages : 38

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For many countries, recent reforms in telecommunications represent a restoration of the private provision and competition that prevailed in the early part of the 20th century. At that time, just as today, telephone service in countries with competing private providers was superior to service in countries with a state-owned monopoly.

The World Bank Research Program 2001

The World Bank Research Program 2001 PDF Author: World Bank
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 9780821350423
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 186

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This publication is a compilation of reports on research projects initiated, under way, or completed in fiscal year 2001 (July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001). The abstracts cover 150 research projects from the World Bank and grouped under 11 major headings including poverty and social development, health and population, education, labor and employment, environment, infrastructure and urban development, and agriculture and rural development. The abstracts detail the questions addressed, the analytical methods used, the findings to date and their policy implications. Each abstract identifies the expected completion date of each project, the research team, and reports or publications produced.

Strategy and Performance of Water Supply and Sanitation Providers

Strategy and Performance of Water Supply and Sanitation Providers PDF Author: Marco Schouten
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1040187773
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 250

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The continuous growth in the demand for water supply and sanitation services has posed decision makers with the challenge to discover new, and to adapt existing, institutions. Since the last two decades, the most prominent institutional change for the water and sanitation sector is neo-liberalism. This book analyses the effects of neo-liberal institutional changes on the strategies and performances of water providers. In this regard, studies are executed in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles, the United Kingdom and Italy on what water providers can do, want to do and actually do. It is concluded that neo-liberal institutional changes matter for the strategies of water providers, but that no conclusion can be reached with respect to performance effects.

World Bank Policy Research Bulletin

World Bank Policy Research Bulletin PDF Author: World Bank
Category : Economic assistance
Languages : en
Pages : 156

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