Advancing Marine Renewable Energy Monitoring Capabilities

Advancing Marine Renewable Energy Monitoring Capabilities PDF Author: James Joslin
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Languages : en
Pages : 164

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Marine renewable energy is poised to contribute substantially to electricity generation over the coming decades. Marine resources are abundant, but generation options must harness these resources in an economically-competitive manner at acceptable environmental and societal cost. This economic pressure also applies equally to the environmental monitoring of early demonstration projects that is needed to reduce risk uncertainty and inform sustainable commercial developments. Consequently, a new suite of flexible, yet cost-effective, capabilities are required. This thesis presents applied research underpinning the development of the Adaptable Monitoring Package (AMP) and Millennium Falcon deployment vehicle, a system that can widen the aperture of the observable environmental interactions at wave and current energy sites. The AMP and Millennium Falcon deployment vehicle provide a cabled, yet reconfigurable, instrumentation platform. By incorporating a flexible suite of instrumentation into a shrouded body with a single wet-mate connection, the AMP has the power and data bandwidth afforded to cabled deployments, but maintains the ease of recovery and redeployment associated with autonomous packages. Instrumentation included in the initial AMP implementation allows for monitoring of marine animal interactions, noise levels, current profiles, turbulence, and water quality in the near field of marine energy converters. The Millennium Falcon deployment vehicle, along with the docking station and launch platform, provides the support infrastructure for deployment and recovery of the AMP in the energetic conditions that are typical of marine energy sites. Future potential for instrument integration and algorithm development makes the AMP well-suited to face the evolving needs of environmental monitoring around marine energy converters. Development of the AMP and deployment system requires several pieces of new knowledge across the spectrum of ocean engineering. First, because the instrumentation mix defines the envelope for subsequent hydrodynamic optimization, the size and spacing constraints of the instruments needs to be defined. However, prior to this thesis, the utility of optical cameras to provide quantitative information in tidal energy environments had not been established, nor had the practical constraints on camera-light separation beneath the photic zone. Without this information, the benefits of including an optical camera system in an instrumentation package are uncertain. Consequently, the initial investigation focused on developing and evaluating the performance of a new stereo-optical camera system. With this sub-system defined, hydrodynamic analysis and optimization could proceed, through a series of laboratory experiments and vehicle simulations. These suggests that a deployment system built around the capabilities of a low-cost inspection class ROV can be effective, even in energetic environments. Optical systems have been previously deployed around marine energy converters, but not used quantitatively and are anecdotally described as having poor endurance due to biofouling. However, optical systems can provide real-time stereographic imagery to detect and characterize targets in the near field (

Advancing Marine Renewable Energy Monitoring Capabilities

Advancing Marine Renewable Energy Monitoring Capabilities PDF Author: James Joslin
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 164

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Book Description
Marine renewable energy is poised to contribute substantially to electricity generation over the coming decades. Marine resources are abundant, but generation options must harness these resources in an economically-competitive manner at acceptable environmental and societal cost. This economic pressure also applies equally to the environmental monitoring of early demonstration projects that is needed to reduce risk uncertainty and inform sustainable commercial developments. Consequently, a new suite of flexible, yet cost-effective, capabilities are required. This thesis presents applied research underpinning the development of the Adaptable Monitoring Package (AMP) and Millennium Falcon deployment vehicle, a system that can widen the aperture of the observable environmental interactions at wave and current energy sites. The AMP and Millennium Falcon deployment vehicle provide a cabled, yet reconfigurable, instrumentation platform. By incorporating a flexible suite of instrumentation into a shrouded body with a single wet-mate connection, the AMP has the power and data bandwidth afforded to cabled deployments, but maintains the ease of recovery and redeployment associated with autonomous packages. Instrumentation included in the initial AMP implementation allows for monitoring of marine animal interactions, noise levels, current profiles, turbulence, and water quality in the near field of marine energy converters. The Millennium Falcon deployment vehicle, along with the docking station and launch platform, provides the support infrastructure for deployment and recovery of the AMP in the energetic conditions that are typical of marine energy sites. Future potential for instrument integration and algorithm development makes the AMP well-suited to face the evolving needs of environmental monitoring around marine energy converters. Development of the AMP and deployment system requires several pieces of new knowledge across the spectrum of ocean engineering. First, because the instrumentation mix defines the envelope for subsequent hydrodynamic optimization, the size and spacing constraints of the instruments needs to be defined. However, prior to this thesis, the utility of optical cameras to provide quantitative information in tidal energy environments had not been established, nor had the practical constraints on camera-light separation beneath the photic zone. Without this information, the benefits of including an optical camera system in an instrumentation package are uncertain. Consequently, the initial investigation focused on developing and evaluating the performance of a new stereo-optical camera system. With this sub-system defined, hydrodynamic analysis and optimization could proceed, through a series of laboratory experiments and vehicle simulations. These suggests that a deployment system built around the capabilities of a low-cost inspection class ROV can be effective, even in energetic environments. Optical systems have been previously deployed around marine energy converters, but not used quantitatively and are anecdotally described as having poor endurance due to biofouling. However, optical systems can provide real-time stereographic imagery to detect and characterize targets in the near field (

Advanced Environmental Monitoring for Marine Renewable Energy

Advanced Environmental Monitoring for Marine Renewable Energy PDF Author: Emma Cotter
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 121

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Marine renewable energy has the potential to provide clean, reliable power to coastal communities and offshore facilities. However, the effects that marine energy development might have on the environment are not yet well understood. One environmental risk of particular concern is that of collision between an animal and a marine energy converter, but conducting the requisite environmental monitoring to understand this risk has presented a challenge at marine energy sites around the world for several reasons. First, if collision does occur, it is likely to be a rare event, meaning that detection requires continuous monitoring over extended deployments. Second, there is no single sensor that can provide all of the necessary information, and a combination of active acoustic, passive acoustic, and optical sensors is required. Third, these sensors can rapidly accrue vast volumes of data (petabyte-scale), making it difficult to extract insight from collected data. Finally, waves and currents at marine energy sites complicate the deployment of any monitoring instrumentation. Integrated instrumentation platforms that combine sensors into a single platform can address some of these challenges, because they can provide all of the necessary data and reduce deployment complexity. However, operation of such a platform must meet three directives in order to be most effective: 1) avoid biasing animal behavior through the use of instrumentation, 2) reliably detect rare events, and 3) avoid collection of unmanageable volumes of data. In this thesis, it is demonstrated that it is possible to simultaneously meet all three of these directives. This is demonstrated using the Adaptable Monitoring Package (AMP), an integrated instrumentation platform that combines multibeam sonars, optical cameras, hydrophones, and an acoustic Doppler current profiler. Artificial illumination is necessary to collect data from optical cameras when ambient light is not available. However, this light can either attract or repel animals. To minimize these effects (e.g., meet directive 1), the AMP uses detection, tracking, and classification of targets in the multibeam sonar data to restrict the use of artificial illumination to periods when a target of interest is present and might be detectable by the optical cameras. Information about target presence is also used to limit data archival to periods when a target of interest is present and avoid curation of data that does not contain any useful information (e.g., meeting directives 2 and 3). To benchmark this capability, real-time target detection and tracking are used to limit data archival to periods when any target of potential interest is present during a deployment of the AMP in Sequim Bay, WA. The target detection and tracking approach was found to have a true negative rate of 0.99 (e.g., an estimated 1% of targets of interest were not recorded), but 45% of recorded data did not contain a biological target. To address this relatively high false positive rate, recorded data were used to train machine learning classification of tracked targets. Three machine learning algorithms, trained using varying parameters and features, were evaluated for this task. A random forest algorithm was found to perform best, and the resulting classification model was able to distinguish between biological targets (e.g., seals, fish) and non-biological targets (e.g., acoustic artifacts) with a true positive rate of 0.97 and a false negative rate of 0.13. This model was then implemented in real-time during a second deployment of the AMP and used to limit data acquisition to periods when biological targets were predicted to be present. The model achieved the same true positive rate and a false positive rate of 0.23 in real-time after re-training with site specific data. From these results, general recommendations are made for implementation of real-time classification of biological targets in multibeam sonar data at new marine energy sites. All active acoustic sensors used on the Adaptable Monitoring Package, including the multibeam sonar used for real-time classification, have operating frequencies above the upper limit of marine mammal hearing. However, high-frequency transducers can still produce sound at lower frequencies audible to marine mammals. A comprehensive evaluation of the acoustic emissions of four active acoustic transducers used on the Adaptable Monitoring Package was conducted to understand whether they might cause hearing damage or bias marine mammal hearing (e.g., violating directive 1). All four transducers were found to produce measurable sound below 160 kHz, the reported upper limit of marine mammal hearing. A spatial map of the acoustic emissions of each sonar was used to evaluate potential effects on marine mammal hearing if the transducer were continuously operated from a stationary platform. Based on the cumulative sound exposure level metric, the acoustic emissions from any of the the transducers are unlikely to cause hearing damage to marine mammals. However, the extent of audibility is estimated to be on the order of 100 m, and further research is needed to understand how this might affect marine mammal behavior. In sum, this thesis provides a framework for effective environmental monitoring that can be used to reduce the the uncertainty surrounding the environmental effects of marine renewable energy. Further, many aspects are widely applicable to the ocean instrumentation community. Automatic classification of fauna in multibeam sonar data had not been previously demonstrated, and has applications in biological research. The methods developed for evaluation of the acoustic emissions of active acoustic sensors allow for effective comparison between transducers, which can be used to inform sensor selection and government regulation of their use.

Final Technical Report

Final Technical Report PDF Author:
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Languages : en
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The development of approaches to harness marine and hydrokinetic energy at large-scale is predicated on the compatibility of these generation technologies with the marine environment. At present, aspects of this compatibility are uncertain. Demonstration projects provide an opportunity to address these uncertainties in a way that moves the entire industry forward. However, the monitoring capabilities to realize these advances are often under-developed in comparison to the marine and hydrokinetic energy technologies being studied. Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County has proposed to deploy two 6-meter diameter tidal turbines manufactured by OpenHydro in northern Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington. The goal of this deployment is to provide information about the environmental, technical, and economic performance of such turbines that can advance the development of larger-scale tidal energy projects, both in the United States and internationally. The objective of this particular project was to develop environmental monitoring plans in collaboration with resource agencies, while simultaneously advancing the capabilities of monitoring technologies to the point that they could be realistically implemented as part of these plans. In this, the District was joined by researchers at the Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center at the University of Washington, Sea Mammal Research Unit, LLC, H.T. Harvey & Associates, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Over a two year period, the project team successfully developed four environmental monitoring and mitigation plans that were adopted as a condition of the operating license for the demonstration project that issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in March 2014. These plans address nearturbine interactions with marine animals, the sound produced by the turbines, marine mammal behavioral changes associated with the turbines, and changes to benthic habitat associated with colonization of the subsea base support structure. In support of these plans, the project team developed and field tested a strobe-illuminated stereooptical camera system suitable for studying near-turbine interactions with marine animals. The camera system underwent short-term field testing at the proposed turbine deployment site and a multi-month endurance test in shallower water to evaluate the effectiveness of biofouling mitigation measures for the optical ports on camera and strobe pressure housings. These tests demonstrated that the camera system is likely to meet the objectives of the near-turbine monitoring plan and operate, without maintenance, for periods of at least three months. The project team also advanced monitoring capabilities related to passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals and monitoring of tidal currents. These capabilities will be integrated in a recoverable monitoring package that has a single interface point with the OpenHydro turbines, connects to shore power and data via a wet-mate connector, and can be recovered to the surface for maintenance and reconfiguration independent of the turbine. A logical next step would be to integrate these instruments within the package, such that one instrument can trigger the operation of another.

Wave and Tidal Energy

Wave and Tidal Energy PDF Author: Deborah Greaves
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119014441
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 724

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Eine umfassende Publikation zu sämtlichen Aspekten der Wellen- und Gezeitenenergie. Wave and Tidal Energy gibt einen ausführlichen Überblick über die Entwicklung erneuerbarer Energie aus dem Meer, bezieht sich auf die neueste Forschung und Erfahrungen aus Anlagentests. Das Buch verfolgt zwei Ziele, zum einen vermittelt es Einsteigern in das Fachgebiet eine Überblick über die Wellen- und Gezeitenenergie, zum anderen ist es ein Referenzwerk für komplexere Studien und die Praxis. Es vermittelt Detailwissen zu wichtigen Themen wie Ressourcencharakterisierung, Technologie für Wellen- und Gezeitenanlagen, Stromversorgungssysteme, numerische und physikalische Modellierung, Umwelteffekte und Politik. Zusätzlich enthält es eine aktuelle Übersicht über Entwicklungen in der ganzen Welt sowie Fallstudien zu ausgewählten Projekten. Hauptmerkmale: - Ausführliches Referenzwerk zu allen Aspekten der interdisziplinären Fachrichten Wellen- und Gezeitenenergie. - Greift auf die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse und die Erfahrung führender Experten in der numerischen und laborgestützten Modellierung zurück. - Gibt einen Überblick über regionale Entwicklungen in aller Welt, repräsentative Projekte werden in Fallstudien vorgestellt. Wave and Tidal Energy ist ein wertvolles Referenzwerk für eine breite Leserschaft, von Studenten der Ingenieurwissenschaften und technischen Managern über politische Entscheidungsträger bis hin zu Studienabsolventen und Forschern.

Marine Renewable Energy Handbook

Marine Renewable Energy Handbook PDF Author: Bernard Multon
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 111860329X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 480

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Marine renewable energy is a significant resource for generating electricity, and if some conversion technologies have already reached a certain level of maturity, others are emerging. The originality of this multidisciplinary book is to offer a broad spectrum of knowledge from academic and industry experts of various origins. It deals with general aspects such as the specificities and constraints of the marine environment, the concepts of hydrodynamics and ocean engineering, as well as the industrial and economic sides necessary for the assembly of projects. It also discusses conversion technologies such as offshore wind, tidal power plants, tidal stream turbines, wave energy converters and ocean thermal energy plants. Finally, two chapters are devoted to power electronic conversion and power transmission cables.

University of Washington/ Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center Tidal Current Technology Test Protocol, Instrumentation, Design Code, and Oceanographic Modeling Collaboration

University of Washington/ Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center Tidal Current Technology Test Protocol, Instrumentation, Design Code, and Oceanographic Modeling Collaboration PDF Author:
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Languages : en
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The University of Washington (UW) - Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center (UW-NNMREC) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) will collaborate to advance research and development (R&D) of Marine Hydrokinetic (MHK) renewable energy technology, specifically renewable energy captured from ocean tidal currents. UW-NNMREC is endeavoring to establish infrastructure, capabilities and tools to support in-water testing of marine energy technology. NREL is leveraging its experience and capabilities in field testing of wind systems to develop protocols and instrumentation to advance field testing of MHK systems. Under this work, UW-NNMREC and NREL will work together to develop a common instrumentation system and testing methodologies, standards and protocols. UW-NNMREC is also establishing simulation capabilities for MHK turbine and turbine arrays. NREL has extensive experience in wind turbine array modeling and is developing several computer based numerical simulation capabilities for MHK systems. Under this CRADA, UW-NNMREC and NREL will work together to augment single device and array modeling codes. As part of this effort UW NNMREC will also work with NREL to run simulations on NREL's high performance computer system.

Instrumentation for Monitoring Around Marine Renewable Energy Converters

Instrumentation for Monitoring Around Marine Renewable Energy Converters PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 122

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To better understand the state of instrumentation and capabilities for monitoring around marine energy converters, the U.S. Department of Energy directed Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center at the University of Washington to convene an invitation-only workshop of experts from around the world to address instrumentation needs.

Marine Renewable Energy Technology and Environmental Interactions

Marine Renewable Energy Technology and Environmental Interactions PDF Author: Mark A. Shields
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401780021
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 182

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It is now widely recognized that there is a need for long-term secure and suitable sustainable forms of energy. Renewable energy from the marine environment, in particular renewable energy from tidal currents, wave and wind, can help achieve a sustainable energy future. Our understanding of environmental impacts and suitable mitigation methods associated with extracting renewable energy from the marine environment is improving all the time and it is essential that we be able to distinguish between natural and anthropocentric drivers and impacts. An overview of current understanding of the environmental implications of marine renewable energy technology is provided.

Renewable Energy in Marine Environment

Renewable Energy in Marine Environment PDF Author: Eugen Rusu
Publisher: MDPI
ISBN: 3039285289
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 324

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The effects of human-caused global warming are obvious, requiring new strategies and approaches. The concept of business-as-usual is now no longer beneficial. Extraction of renewable energy in marine environments represents a viable solution and an important path for the future. These huge renewable energy resources in seas and oceans can be harvested, including wind, tide, and waves. Despite the initial difficulties related mostly to the elevated operational risks in the harsh marine environment, newly developed technologies are economically effective or promising. Simultaneously, many challenges remain to be faced. These are the main issues targeted by the present book, which is associated with the Special Issue of Energies Journal entitled “Renewable Energy in Marine Environment”. Papers on innovative technical developments, reviews, case studies, and analytics, as well as assessments, and papers from different disciplines that are relevant to the topic are included. From this perspective, we hope that the results presented are of interest to for scientists and those in related fields such as energy and marine environments, as well as for a wider audience.

Ocean Energy

Ocean Energy PDF Author: Glen Wright
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317211375
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 314

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Energy from wave and tidal power is a key component of current policies for renewable sources of energy. This book provides the first comprehensive exploration of legal, economic, and social issues related to the emerging ocean energy industry, in particular wave and tidal energy technologies. This industry is rapidly developing, and considerable technical literature has developed around the technology. However, it is shown that challenges relating to regulation and policy are major impediments to industry development, and these aspects have not previously been sufficiently highlighted and studied. The book informs policymakers, industry participants, and researchers of the key issues in this developing field. Ocean energy is considered in the context of the blue economy and an industrialising ocean, and the topics covered include: development of policy (policy instruments, risk and delay in technology development); legal aspects (consenting processes, resource management, impact assessment); human interactions (conflicts, consultation, community benefits); and spatial planning of the marine environment. While offshore wind energy, sited in the oceans but not strictly derived from the ocean, is not the primary focus of the book, there is also discussion of the similarities and differences between offshore wind and wave and tidal power policy dimensions.