Advanced Wired and Wireless Networks

Advanced Wired and Wireless Networks PDF Author: Tadeusz A. Wysocki
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 038722792X
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 279

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Book Description
Advanced Wired and Wireless Networks brings the reader a sample of recent research efforts representative of advances in the areas of recognized importance for the future Internet, such as ad hoc networking, mobility support and performance improvements in advanced networks and protocols. Advanced Wired and Wireless Networks is structured to meet the needs of a professional audience in industry, as well as graduate-level students in computer science and engineering.

Advanced Wired and Wireless Networks

Advanced Wired and Wireless Networks PDF Author: Tadeusz A. Wysocki
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 038722792X
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 279

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Book Description
Advanced Wired and Wireless Networks brings the reader a sample of recent research efforts representative of advances in the areas of recognized importance for the future Internet, such as ad hoc networking, mobility support and performance improvements in advanced networks and protocols. Advanced Wired and Wireless Networks is structured to meet the needs of a professional audience in industry, as well as graduate-level students in computer science and engineering.

802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide

802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide PDF Author: Matthew S. Gast
Publisher: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
ISBN: 1449319521
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 654

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Book Description
As we all know by now, wireless networks offer many advantages over fixed (or wired) networks. Foremost on that list is mobility, since going wireless frees you from the tether of an Ethernet cable at a desk. But that's just the tip of the cable-free iceberg. Wireless networks are also more flexible, faster and easier for you to use, and more affordable to deploy and maintain.The de facto standard for wireless networking is the 802.11 protocol, which includes Wi-Fi (the wireless standard known as 802.11b) and its faster cousin, 802.11g. With easy-to-install 802.11 network hardware available everywhere you turn, the choice seems simple, and many people dive into wireless computing with less thought and planning than they'd give to a wired network. But it's wise to be familiar with both the capabilities and risks associated with the 802.11 protocols. And 802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition is the perfect place to start.This updated edition covers everything you'll ever need to know about wireless technology. Designed with the system administrator or serious home user in mind, it's a no-nonsense guide for setting up 802.11 on Windows and Linux. Among the wide range of topics covered are discussions on: deployment considerations network monitoring and performance tuning wireless security issues how to use and select access points network monitoring essentials wireless card configuration security issues unique to wireless networks With wireless technology, the advantages to its users are indeed plentiful. Companies no longer have to deal with the hassle and expense of wiring buildings, and households with several computers can avoid fights over who's online. And now, with 802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition, you can integrate wireless technology into your current infrastructure with the utmost confidence.

Cable and Wireless Networks

Cable and Wireless Networks PDF Author: Mário Marques da Silva
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1315362171
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 715

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Book Description
Cable and Wireless Networks: Theory and Practice presents a comprehensive approach to networking, cable and wireless communications, and networking security. It describes the most important state-of-the-art fundamentals and system details in the field, as well as many key aspects concerning the development and understanding of current and emergent services. In this book, the author gathers in a single volume current and emergent cable and wireless network services and technologies. Unlike other books, which cover each one of these topics independently without establishing their natural relationships, this book allows students to quickly learn and improve their mastering of the covered topics with a deeper understanding of their interconnection. It also collects in a single source the latest developments in the area, typically only within reach of an active researcher. Each chapter illustrates the theory of cable and wireless communications with relevant examples, hands-on exercises, and review questions suitable for readers with a BSc degree or an MSc degree in computer science or electrical engineering. This approach makes the book well suited for higher education students in courses such as networking, telecommunications, mobile communications, and network security. This is an excellent reference book for academic, institutional, and industrial professionals with technical responsibilities in planning, design and development of networks, telecommunications and security systems, and mobile communications, as well as for Cisco CCNA and CCNP exam preparation.

Wireless Networks First-step

Wireless Networks First-step PDF Author: James T. Geier
Publisher: Cisco Press
ISBN: 9781587201110
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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Book Description
Assuming no previous experience of the subject, this user-friendly, step-by-step guide will enable readers to gain an understanding of wireless networking basics.

Handbook of Wireless Local Area Networks

Handbook of Wireless Local Area Networks PDF Author: Mohammad Ilyas
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 020349251X
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 666

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Book Description
Consisting of 25 articles contributed by expert authors from around the world, this handbook begins with a detailed introduction that provides an overview of LAN technologies, performance, security, and security protocols. It then delves further into WLAN technology, covering space-time processing, WLAN and cellular convergence, and a peer-to-peer approach to roaming, along with other topics. The Handbook continues by exploring WLAN applications, followed by an extensive discussion of security that includes the steps that can be taken to minimize WLAN security risks. This text concludes with an analysis of standards, describing 3G UMTS - IEEE 802.11b internetworking and security.

Advanced Wireless Networks

Advanced Wireless Networks PDF Author: Savo G. Glisic
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470035412
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 882

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Book Description
The major expectation from the fourth generation (4G) of wireless communication networks is to be able to handle much higher data rates, allowing users to seamlessly reconnect to different networks even within the same session. Advanced Wireless Networks gives readers a comprehensive integral presentation of the main issues in 4G wireless networks, showing the wide scope and inter-relation between different elements of the network. This book adopts a logical approach, beginning each chapter with introductory material, before proceeding to more advanced topics and tools for system analysis. Its presentation of theory and practice makes it ideal for readers working with the technology, or those in the midst of researching the topic. Covers mobile, WLAN, sensor, ad hoc, bio-inspired and cognitive networks as well as discussing cross-layer optimisation, adaptability and reconfigurability Includes hot topics such as network management, mobility and hand-offs, adaptive resource management, QoS, and solutions for achieving energy efficient wireless networks Discusses security issues, an essential element of working with wireless networks Supports the advanced university and training courses in the field and includes an extensive list of references Providing comprehensive coverage of the current status of wireless networks and their future, this book is a vital source of information for those involved in the research and development of mobile communications, as well as the industry players using and selling this technology. Companion website features three appendices: Components of CRE, Introduction to Medium Access Control and Elements of Queueing Theory

Advanced Video Communications over Wireless Networks

Advanced Video Communications over Wireless Networks PDF Author: Ce Zhu
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 143988000X
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 507

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Book Description
Wireless video communications encompass a broad range of issues and opportunities that serve as the catalyst for technical innovations. To disseminate the most recent advances in this challenging yet exciting field, Advanced Video Communications over Wireless Networks provides an in-depth look at the fundamentals, recent technical achievements, challenges, and emerging trends in mobile and wireless video communications. The editors have carefully selected a panel of researchers with expertise in diverse aspects of wireless video communication to cover a wide spectrum of topics, including the underlying theoretical fundamentals associated with wireless video communications, the transmission schemes tailored to mobile and wireless networks, quality metrics, the architectures of practical systems, as well as some novel directions. They address future directions, including Quality-of-Experience in wireless video communications, video communications over future networks, and 3D video communications. The book presents a collection of tutorials, surveys, and original contributions, providing an up-to-date, accessible reference for further development of research and applications in mobile and wireless video communication systems. The range of coverage and depth of expertise make this book the go-to resource for facing current and future challenges in this field.

Wireless Networks

Wireless Networks PDF Author: Clint Smith
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071819886
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 753

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Design Next-Generation Wireless Networks Using the Latest Technologies Fully updated throughout to address current and emerging technologies, standards, and protocols, Wireless Networks, Third Edition, explains wireless system design, high-speed voice and data transmission, internetworking protocols, and 4G convergence. New chapters cover LTE, WiMAX, WiFi, and backhaul. You'll learn how to successfully integrate LTE, WiMAX, UMTS, HSPA, CDMA2000/EVDO, and TD-SCDMA into existing cellular/PCS networks. Configure, manage, and optimize high-performance wireless networks with help from this thoroughly revised, practical guide. Comprehensive coverage includes: Overview of 3G wireless systems UMTS (WCDMA) and HSPA CDMA2000 and EVDO TD-SCDMA and TD-CDMA LTE WiMAX VoIP WiFi Broadband system RF design considerations Network design considerations Backhaul Antenna system selection, including MIMO System design for UMTS, CDMA2000 with EVDO, TD-SCDMA, TD-CDMA, LTE, and WiMAX Communication sites including in-building and colocation guidelines 5G and beyond

Networking Fundamentals

Networking Fundamentals PDF Author: Kaveh Pahlavan
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9780470779439
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 656

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Book Description
Focusing on the physical layer, Networking Fundamentals provides essential information on networking technologies that are used in both wired and wireless networks designed for local area networks (LANs) and wide-area networks (WANs). The book starts with an overview of telecommunications followed by four parts, each including several chapters. Part I explains the principles of design and analysis of information networks at the lowest layers. It concentrates on the characteristics of the transmission media, applied transmission and coding, and medium access control. Parts II and III are devoted to detailed descriptions of important WANs and LANs respectively with Part II describing the wired Ethernet and Internet as well as cellular networks while Part III covers popular wired LANs and wireless LANs (WLANs), as well as wireless personal area network (WPAN) technologies. Part IV concludes by examining security, localization and sensor networking. The partitioned structure of the book allows flexibility in teaching the material, encouraging the reader to grasp the more simple concepts and to build on these foundations when moving onto more complex information. Networking Fundamentals contains numerous illustrations, case studies and tables to supplement the text, as well as exercises with solutions at the end of each chapter. There is also a companion website with password protected solutions manual for instructors along with other useful resources. Provides a unique holistic approach covering wireless communication technologies, wired technologies and networking One of the first textbooks to integrate all aspects of information networks while placing an emphasis on the physical layer and systems engineering aspects Contains numerous illustrations, case studies and tables to supplement the text, as well as exercises with solutions at the end of each chapter Companion website with password protected solutions manual and other useful resources

Designing and Deploying 802.11 Wireless Networks

Designing and Deploying 802.11 Wireless Networks PDF Author: Jim Geier
Publisher: Cisco Press
ISBN: 0133891399
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 778

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Book Description
Designing and Deploying 802.11 Wireless Networks Second Edition A Practical Guide to Implementing 802.11n and 802.11ac Wireless Networks For Enterprise-Based Applications Plan, deploy, and operate high-performance 802.11ac and 802.11n wireless networks The new 802.11ac standard enables WLANs to deliver significantly higher performance. Network equipment manufacturers have refocused on 802.11ac- and 802.11n-compliant solutions, rapidly moving older versions of 802.11 toward “legacy” status. Now, there’s a complete guide to planning, designing, installing, testing, and supporting 802.11ac and 802.11n wireless networks in any environment, for virtually any application. Jim Geier offers practical methods, tips, and recommendations that draw on his decades of experience deploying wireless solutions and shaping wireless standards. He carefully introduces 802.11ac’s fundamentally different design, site survey, implementation, and network configuration techniques, helping you maximize performance and avoid pitfalls. Geier organizes each phase of WLAN deployment into clearly defined steps, making the entire planning and deployment process easy to understand and execute. He illuminates key concepts and methods through realistic case studies based on current Cisco products, while offering tips and techniques you can use with any vendor’s equipment. To build your skills with key tasks, you’ll find several hands-on exercises relying on free or inexpensive tools. Whether you’re deploying an entirely new wireless network or migrating from older equipment, this guide contains all the expert knowledge you’ll need to succeed. Jim Geier has 30 years of experience planning, designing, analyzing and implementing communications, wireless, and mobile systems. Geier is founder and Principal Consultant of Wireless-Nets, Ltd., providing wireless analysis and design services to product manufacturers. He is also president, CEO, and co-founder of Health Grade Networks, providing wireless network solutions to hospitals, airports, and manufacturing facilities. His books include the first edition of Designing and Deploying 802.11n Wireless Networks (Cisco Press); as well as Implementing 802.1X Security Solutions and Wireless Networking Handbook. Geier has been active in the IEEE 802.11 Working Group and Wi-Fi Alliance; has chaired the IEEE Computer Society (Dayton Section) and various conferences; and served as expert witness in patent litigation related to wireless and cellular technologies. Review key 802.11 concepts, applications, markets, and technologies Compare ad hoc, mesh, and infrastructure WLANs and their components Consider the impact of radio signal interference, security vulnerabilities, multipath propagation, roaming, and battery limitations Thoroughly understand today’s 802.11 standards in the context of actual network deployment and support Plan your deployment: scoping, staffing, schedules, budgets, risks, feasibility analysis, and requirements Architect access networks and distribut