A Woman's Place

A Woman's Place PDF Author: Katelyn Beaty
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1476794154
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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Book Description
In A Woman's Place, Katelyn Beaty, insists it's time to reconsider women's work. She challenges us to explore new ways to live out the scriptural call to rule over creation - in the office, the home, in ministry, and beyond.

A Woman's Place

A Woman's Place PDF Author: Katelyn Beaty
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1476794154
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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Book Description
In A Woman's Place, Katelyn Beaty, insists it's time to reconsider women's work. She challenges us to explore new ways to live out the scriptural call to rule over creation - in the office, the home, in ministry, and beyond.


Publication PDF Author:
Category : Income tax
Languages : en
Pages : 1184

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A Woman's Place, 1910-1975

A Woman's Place, 1910-1975 PDF Author: Ruth Adam
Publisher: Persephone Books
ISBN: 9781903155097
Category : Feminism
Languages : en
Pages : 339

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Provides an overview of 20th century women's lives, covering what the reader want to know about the suffragettes, early 'type-writers', contraception, and work in wartime; and it complements Persephone's other books by exploring factually what they, indirectly, explore in fiction.

Cracking the code

Cracking the code PDF Author: UNESCO
Publisher: UNESCO Publishing
ISBN: 9231002333
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 82

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This report aims to 'crack the code' by deciphering the factors that hinder and facilitate girls' and women's participation, achievement and continuation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and, in particular, what the education sector can do to promote girls' and women's interest in and engagement with STEM education and ultimately STEM careers.

Cumulative List of Organizations Described in Section 170 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954

Cumulative List of Organizations Described in Section 170 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 PDF Author: United States. Internal Revenue Service
Category : Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations
Languages : en
Pages : 1068

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Cumulative List of Organizations Described in Section 170 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986

Cumulative List of Organizations Described in Section 170 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 PDF Author:
Category : Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations
Languages : en
Pages : 1182

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Handbook of Social Justice in Education

Handbook of Social Justice in Education PDF Author: William Ayers
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135596131
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 1095

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Book Description
The Handbook of Social Justice in Education, a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the field, addresses, from multiple perspectives, education theory, research, and practice in historical and ideological context, with an emphasis on social movements for justice. Each of the nine sections explores a primary theme of social justice and education: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives International Perspectives on Social Justice in Education Race and Ethnicity, Language and Identity: Seeking Social Justice in Education Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice in Education Bodies, Disability and the Fight for Social Justice in Education Youth and Social Justice in Education Globalization: Local and World Issues in Education The Politics of Social Justice Meets Practice: Teacher Education and School Change Classrooms, Pedagogy, and Practicing Justice. Timely and essential, this is a must-have volume for researchers, professionals, and students across the fields of educational foundations, multicultural/diversity education, educational policy, and curriculum and instruction.

World Atlas of Gender Equality in Education

World Atlas of Gender Equality in Education PDF Author: Edward B. Fiske
Publisher: UNESCO
ISBN: 9231042327
Category : Reference
Languages : en
Pages : 94

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Book Description
"The education of girls and women is important not only as a matter of respecting a basic human right for half the population but as a powerful force for economic development and achieving social goals such as enhanced health, nutrition and civic involvement. This Atlas presents the latest data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics on trends in educational access and progression, from pre-primary through tertiary levels and adult literacy, with special attention to the all-important issue of gender equality. These trends are depicted through colour-coded maps that make it easy for readers to visualize global and regional trends and to understand how they are shaped by factors such as national wealth and geographic location." -- P. [4] of cover.

Women's Education in Developing Countries

Women's Education in Developing Countries PDF Author: Elizabeth M. King
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 9780801858284
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 356

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Why do women in most developing countries lag behind men in literacy? Why do women get less schooling than men? This anthology examines the educational decisions that deprive women of an equal education. It assembles the most up-to-date data, organized by region. Each paper links the data with other measures of economic and social development. This approach helps explain the effects different levels of education have on womens' fertility, mortality rates, life expectancy, and income. Also described are the effects of women's education on family welfare. The authors look at family size and women's labor status and earnings. They examine child and maternal health, as well as investments in children's education. Their investigation demonstrates that women with a better education enjoy greater economic growth and provide a more nurturing family life. It suggests that when a country denies women an equal education, the nation's welfare suffers. Current strategies used to improve schooling for girls and women are examined in detail. The authors suggest an ambitious agenda for educating women. It seeks to close the gender gap by the next century. Published for The World Bank by The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Handbook of Education Policy Research

Handbook of Education Policy Research PDF Author: Gary Sykes
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 113585646X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 2586

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Co-published by Routledge for the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Educational policy continues to be of major concern. Policy debates about economic growth and national competitiveness, for example, commonly focus on the importance of human capital and a highly educated workforce. Defining the theoretical boundaries and methodological approaches of education policy research are the two primary themes of this comprehensive, AERA-sponsored Handbook. Organized into seven sections, the Handbook focuses on (1) disciplinary foundations of educational policy, (2) methodological perspectives, (3) the policy process, (4) resources, management, and organization, (5) teaching and learning policy, (6) actors and institutions, and (7) education access and differentiation. Drawing from multiple disciplines, the Handbook’s over one hundred authors address three central questions: What policy issues and questions have oriented current policy research? What research strategies and methods have proven most fruitful? And what issues, questions, and methods will drive future policy research? Topics such as early childhood education, school choice, access to higher education, teacher accountability, and testing and measurement cut across the 63 chapters in the volume. The politics surrounding these and other issues are objectively analyzed by authors and commentators. Each of the seven sections concludes with two commentaries by leading scholars in the field. The first considers the current state of policy design, and the second addresses the current state of policy research. This book is appropriate for scholars and graduate students working in the field of education policy and for the growing number of academic, government, and think-tank researchers engaged in policy research. For more information on the American Educational Research Association, please visit: http://www.aera.net/.