A Light from the East

A Light from the East PDF Author: Tony El Khoury
ISBN: 9781941709870
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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A Light from the East

A Light from the East PDF Author: Tony El Khoury
ISBN: 9781941709870
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Light from the East

Light from the East PDF Author: Michel Evdokimov
Publisher: Paulist Press
ISBN: 9780809142781
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 118

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This extraordinary collection of full-page, full-color icons introduces readers, art appreciators, and historians to the spiritual riches of the Byzantine liturgical tradition. Father Michael Evdokimov, a Russian Orthodox priest living in Paris, has presented an icon for each of the twelve great feasts of the Orthodox Christian liturgical year, as well as for other special moments of prayer. Preceding each icon is a brief commentary explaining its meaning and significance. Furthermore, facing each icon are prayers appropriate for meditation that have been translated by the Monks of New Skete Monastery in upstate New York. In a simple and accessible manner, translator Robert Smith has brought text, prayers, and icons together to show how the beliefs and practices common to Orthodox people everywhere in the world can be appreciated by all. Book jacket.

Light from the Ancient East

Light from the Ancient East PDF Author: Adolf Deissmann
Category : Bible
Languages : en
Pages : 698

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Light from the East

Light from the East PDF Author: Harry Oldmeadow
Publisher: World Wisdom, Inc
ISBN: 1933316225
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 362

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This is a collection of writings about the spiritual meeting of East and West in the modern world including articles by the Dalai Lama, Huston Smith, Frithjof Schuon, Thomas Merton, Titus Burckhardt, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Diana Eck, Gary Snyder and Aldous Huxley. Highlighting aspects of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism that have proved most attractive to Western seekers, it explores the similarities and differences between Eastern and Western traditions while emphasizing respect amongst the adherents of different faiths.

Taiwan—A Light in the East

Taiwan—A Light in the East PDF Author: David Pendery
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811556040
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 195

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This book is an analytical of study of Taiwan interspersed with personal elements from the author's life there in the last 20 years. Taiwan's unique confluence of colonial histories, Chinese nationalism and democratization offers a tangible alternative to the status quo in mainland China, albeit one that is becoming more marginal with time. With this in mind, the author offers a concise introduction to the politics and culture of contemporary Taiwan, investigating the Taiwanese identity, aesthetic and its future. A guide to navigating the coming years for Taiwan and greater China, this book will be of interest to scholars, political scientists and historians.

Light from the East

Light from the East PDF Author: John Freely
ISBN: 9780755600007
Category : Civilization, Western
Languages : en
Pages : 230

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"Long before the European Renaissance, while the western world was languishing in what was once called the 'Dark Ages', the Arab world was ablaze with the creativity of its Golden Age. This is the story of how Islamic science, which began in eighth-century Baghdad, enhanced the knowledge acquired from Greece, Mesopotamia, India and China. Through the astrologers, physicians, philosophers, mathematicians and alchemists of the Muslim world, this knowledge influenced western thinkers from Thomas Aquinas and Copernicus and helped inspire the Renaissance and give birth to modern science."--Bloomsbury Publishing.

Light from the Christian East

Light from the Christian East PDF Author: James R. Payton Jr.
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
ISBN: 0830878505
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 238

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James R. Payton, Jr. introduces us to Eastern Orthodox history, theology and practice. For all readers interested in ancient ecumenical Christian theology and spirituality, this book is especially open and sympathetic to what evangelicals can learn from orthodoxy.

Brushed in Light

Brushed in Light PDF Author: Abé Markus Nornes
Publisher: University of Michigan Press
ISBN: 0472902431
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 175

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Drawing on a millennia of calligraphy theory and history, Brushed in Light examines how the brushed word appears in films and in film cultures of Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and PRC cinemas. This includes silent era intertitles, subtitles, title frames, letters, graffiti, end titles, and props. Markus Nornes also looks at the role of calligraphy in film culture at large, from gifts to correspondence to advertising. The book begins with a historical dimension, tracking how calligraphy is initially used in early cinema and how it is continually rearticulated by transforming conventions and the integration of new technologies. These chapters ask how calligraphy creates new meaning in cinema and demonstrate how calligraphy, cinematography, and acting work together in a single film. The last part of the book moves to other regions of theory. Nornes explores the cinematization of the handwritten word and explores how calligraphers understand their own work.

As The Light Shineth From The East

As The Light Shineth From The East PDF Author: W Deen Mohammed
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 164

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Imam W. Deen Mohammed inherited an organization that was nearly consumed by the cancerous growth of racial hatred and material greed. For nearly five years he has worked and raised his community out the darkness of petty racism and unchecked materialism. He unlocked the mysteries of the allegorical and symbolic teachings of the mystic, Dr. Fard and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.Just as the mythical phoenix bird emerged from its ashes to soar gloriously the heavens, Imam Mohammed transformed the Nation of Islam into the World Community of Al-Islam in the West. A community honored with International respect, admiration and encouragement.

East Fifth Bliss

East Fifth Bliss PDF Author: Douglas Light
ISBN: 9781933016405
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 236

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There are seven defining moments in a person's life. For Morris Bliss, the difficulty is in knowing which moments are defining. Morris Bliss, at thirty-five, is clamped in the jaws of New York City inertia - he wants to travel but has no money; he needs a job but has no prospects; he still shares a walk-up apartment with his father. Enter Stefani, an 18 year-old in a Catholic school uniform, and Morris's once static life quickly unravels when Stefani's father, unwittingly calls on Morris to work for him. Life becomes further entangled when his best friend is recruited by a cartel that local sex markets, and begs for Morris to save his bacon. Most importantly, Morris's father, a taciturn widower, finally reveals the truth surrounding the strange death of Morris's mother. A body at rest will remain at rest. Unless acted upon. With the agony of his inertia finally broken, Morris Bliss fights to keep his life from careening out of control. He must learn to adapt if he is to survive.