5 Marks of Biblical Commitment to the Visible Body of Christ

5 Marks of Biblical Commitment to the Visible Body of Christ PDF Author: C. Matthew McMahon
Publisher: Puritan Publications
ISBN: 1626633320
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 170

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This work, in an effort to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in his church, demonstrates how Christians ought to have a sound theology surrounding biblical commitment to Christ’s visible body. This topic includes the privileges and benefits of church membership under the commands of Christ. Church membership is a topic sorely neglected in today’s contemporary church culture. From today’s modern vantagepoint, such a topic detracts from the attractiveness of the contemporary church. In this detraction, the church growth movement has quickly cultivated a memberless church (a rejection of a real commitment to Christ) and has appealed and marketed this new brand of false teaching to the “individual Christian.” Individualism can become sinful very quickly. The sin of individualism is always “evolving” to cope with society’s current trends and attempts to market the church and the Gospel in a humanistic manner. Such a view gives a license to people to dictate how they may or may not live within the bounds of Christ’s visible covenant body; both in the context of their own lives and also within the local assembly of Christ’s mystical body. Christians are to be biblically committed to Christ’s divine oversight which includes the directives and regulations he has laid down concerning his visible body in the world. Under this theological doctrine of covenanting, we find the need for understanding what the visible body of Christ actually is, how Gospel unity contributes to its health, what need there is for unified public prayer, how one is to support the church financially, what worship in the church contributes to the health of the church, and how membership to a local body is an important element to the overall well-being of church polity and governance.

5 Marks of Biblical Commitment to the Visible Body of Christ

5 Marks of Biblical Commitment to the Visible Body of Christ PDF Author: C. Matthew McMahon
Publisher: Puritan Publications
ISBN: 1626633320
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 170

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Book Description
This work, in an effort to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in his church, demonstrates how Christians ought to have a sound theology surrounding biblical commitment to Christ’s visible body. This topic includes the privileges and benefits of church membership under the commands of Christ. Church membership is a topic sorely neglected in today’s contemporary church culture. From today’s modern vantagepoint, such a topic detracts from the attractiveness of the contemporary church. In this detraction, the church growth movement has quickly cultivated a memberless church (a rejection of a real commitment to Christ) and has appealed and marketed this new brand of false teaching to the “individual Christian.” Individualism can become sinful very quickly. The sin of individualism is always “evolving” to cope with society’s current trends and attempts to market the church and the Gospel in a humanistic manner. Such a view gives a license to people to dictate how they may or may not live within the bounds of Christ’s visible covenant body; both in the context of their own lives and also within the local assembly of Christ’s mystical body. Christians are to be biblically committed to Christ’s divine oversight which includes the directives and regulations he has laid down concerning his visible body in the world. Under this theological doctrine of covenanting, we find the need for understanding what the visible body of Christ actually is, how Gospel unity contributes to its health, what need there is for unified public prayer, how one is to support the church financially, what worship in the church contributes to the health of the church, and how membership to a local body is an important element to the overall well-being of church polity and governance.

5 Marks of Christian Resolve

5 Marks of Christian Resolve PDF Author: C. Matthew McMahon
Publisher: Puritan Publications
ISBN: 162663386X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 139

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There is no real commendability in a mere resolve. If Christians resolve to do something, and never actually get around to doing it, what good is that? A weak and wobbling resolution in this way, holds in it nothing of real value. But if Christians desire to glorify the living Christ in their kingdom service, then such service does, truly, come in light of biblical resolution. For a true and Spirit-guided resolution to take place, the Christian mind considers many things. All Spirit-filled Christians turn all resolving powers into execution. Having a resolve to do something is a wonderful beginning. It ties two parts of a duty together for the Christian; to resolve and to do. Being resolved as a Christian, sets forth a deliberation of the mind about the thing to be resolved on. No wise Christian will ever resolve to do anything until he has considered the action, and weighed it in the balance of Scripture with himself, and fully debated its necessity and expedience. How might a Christian be resolved in the work of doing good always before God? And in what main categories might resolution take place? In considering a holy resolve, a fixed determination of serving King Jesus, this book will cover five marks: Mark 1: resolved to do great works for the glory of God in everything. Mark 2: resolved to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. Mark 3: resolved to reject all earthlimindedness. Mark 4: resolved to righteously use the means of grace for further sanctification as Christ prescribes. Mark 5: resolved to continue to do good without growing weary.

5 Marks of Biblical Reformation

5 Marks of Biblical Reformation PDF Author: C. Matthew McMahon
Publisher: Puritan Publications
ISBN: 162663338X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 160

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How many ministers have you met who are sowing reformation in their churches in tears? In our day, the current temperature of the Evangelical church has been watered down by shallow, non-doctrinal preaching that tickles the ears and woos people into the pews. Churches are filled with emotionally charged seeker sensitive services, catering to jingles and emotional feel-good “worship” that erradicates true worship and exalts feeling good over glorifying Christ. People attend churches based on criteria surrounding whether or not the foyer’s coffee shop serves hot lattes, how short the service is on Sunday so they can get home to mowing the lawn, or whether they can conveniently go to a thirty-minute Saturday night service and disregard the Lord’s Day all-together. Is this biblical reformation? Not at all. It’s quite the opposite. So, what are the marks of true biblical reformation? Do you know what they are? Are you set on fire through the unction and power of the Spirit of God and his word to reap something spiritually beneficial, heartily reformed yet laced with Christian joy? Are you on fire for Biblical Reformation before God for the glory of Jesus Christ? C. Matthew McMahon, Ph.D., Th.D., is a Reformed theologian, and pastor of Grace Chapel in Crossville, TN. He is the founder and chairman of A Puritan's Mind, the largest Reformed website on the internet for students of the Bible concerning Reformed Theology, the Puritans and Covenant Theology. He is the founder of Puritan Publications which publishes rare Reformed and Puritan works from the 17th century, specializing in the Westminster Assembly. He is also a managing partner at Reformed.org, and the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics.

Christ Commanding His Coronavirus to Covenant Breakers

Christ Commanding His Coronavirus to Covenant Breakers PDF Author: C. Matthew McMahon
Publisher: Puritan Publications
ISBN: 1626633665
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 283

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This work expounds on Scripture, and outlines, from a biblical point of view, why Christ has sent his coronavirus to covenant breakers in his church. The thesis is that the world-wide virus (and other calamities which are building and exploding in our day) are here primarily for Christ’s church; his disobedient, covenant breaking church. This is a difficult and saddening time for many people. At the time this work was written, almost 689,000 people have died worldwide from the coronavirus, (158,000 in the US) and the Lord is adding more and more calamity to our country on top of the horrors of prolonged and disease-ridden death. All of it is calamity upon calamity. It’s actually “calamity” that God promises his covenant breaking church if they do not repent. What will the church do in a time like this? Since the calamity is growing and not subsiding, it doesn’t seem like the church is doing much of anything collectively to stop the plague by way of reform, much less those things that have not layered on top of that. The church needs to repent of its idolatry, its lack of scriptural precision, its confessional dismissiveness, its abominable worldliness in the sanctuary of God, and the dishonor they are continually bringing King Jesus, the one they "profess" to serve. God deals very harshly yet tenderly with his people when they break covenant with him. Taken from Leviticus 26, this work expounds and describes the following: that pestilence is a sign from Christ to his church, Christ’s remedies against the plague are sovereign prescriptions he alone commands, Christian humility is needed during times of occasional repentance (and what occasional repentance is), humility in prayer and fasting with godly zeal is required, what the nature of Christ’s afflicting providences are, and a number of other subjects related to the plague, especially if the church does not repent, that they are daring Christ to do his worst against them in their spiritual indifference.

Joseph's Resolve and the Unreasonableness of Sinning Against God

Joseph's Resolve and the Unreasonableness of Sinning Against God PDF Author: C. Matthew McMahon
Publisher: Puritan Publications
ISBN: 1626633509
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 447

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One of the greatest depictions of God’s providence in Scripture is the historical narrative of Joseph, who was sold into slavery, and worked under Potiphar, the chief steward of Pharaoh. Within the course of this narrative, while Joseph is in his house, Potiphar’s wife comes to him many times to lure him off to sin in one of the most bold and forthright temptations to be recorded anywhere in the Bible. She had longing, wandering eyes and comes to tempt him, assaulting him, “day by day,” constantly, and audaciously. Joseph’s reaction to this wicked assault is an instant refusal to the temptation. “How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” (Gen. 39:9). What biblical directives can be found in this amazing statement of holiness and godliness? From this one text McMahon meticulously explains how Joseph’s victory over temptation against Potiphar’s wife can be used by the believer today for their own victory to the glory of Jesus Christ. Christians need to be prepared to deal with temptation in a manner in which they will be victorious in the power of Christ’s Spirit. But they can only do this if they understand what Joseph understood in regards to God, temptation and the heinous nature of sin. He covers such topics as: the great evil of sin, the relationship between sin and God’s holiness, how to live faithfully before God’s omniscience and omnipresence, the nature and character of temptation, what it means to resist temptations, how holy fear aids the Christian in light of temptation, what the Spirit works in a Christian motioning them to holiness, how one can cultivate a sensitivity to the Spirit’s work, the inconsistency in sinning against God, how usefulness in God’s kingdom is linked to holiness, the power of Christ’s Gospel as the full remedy to temptation and sin, as well as a number of other important considerations. (He also includes a study on the “hedge of protection” that is mentioned in Job 1:10 as an appendix to the work.) This book faithfully explains and applies Genesis 39:9 demonstrating Joseph’s godly resolve and the unreasonableness of sinning against God. Here you will find what steps you can take, following devout Joseph, to keep yourself from falling into sin through the craftiness of temptation, that you may bring the most glory to Jesus Christ in your walk before God.

A Watchman Over Christ's Church

A Watchman Over Christ's Church PDF Author: C. Matthew McMahon
Publisher: Puritan Publications
ISBN: 1626634149
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 105

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The watchman’s life is a life of consecration; a life on the wall dividing the world and church, to watch and take heed, to sound the alarm, and bring God’s message to his people boldly, faithfully and plainly. The watchman acts in the name of another, that is, of God, who has called him to the task of watching which includes praying (power) and preaching (guidance and direction). He is commissioned by God with supernatural gifts (given by the effectual work of the Spirit on behalf of Christ) which allows him to discern, speak and work in the ministry by the word God has given him to preach. He officiates in that office as one commissioned of God on behalf of God’s people. He is not sent of his own accord, but sent of God to minister the words of Christ to his beloved church. In this work on the watchman of Ezekiel 33, McMahon explains the nature of the watchman, the work of the watchman, the watched of the watchman and the faithful exercise of his duty on behalf of Jesus Christ, who has commissioned him to serve his sheep as a faithful steward of the glory of Gospel.

The Five Principles of the Gospel

The Five Principles of the Gospel PDF Author: C. Matthew McMahon
Publisher: Puritan Publications
ISBN: 1626633967
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 183

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What are the basic principles of the Gospel that cannot be taken from Christ’s Gospel and make the Gospel not the Gospel? That is a very important question to answer, for, on a very basic level, what people believe in will determine where they will spend eternity. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is bound up in eternal realities that cannot be undone after death if people “get the Gospel wrong.” Do you believe the Gospel? This work sets down and summarizes the sum and substance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What is the sum and substance of the Gospel? How would you summarize it? Is it simply John 3:16? Is it what the penitent thief said to Jesus on the cross? What is the Scriptural data that shows forth enough of the “Gospel of Jesus Christ” to make it truly Christ’s Gospel? McMahon answers this question by drawing mainly from the book of Isaiah. The Gospel in its sum and substance, or the way God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, actually contains a great amount of information (the Bible is a very big book). However, in distilling the Gospel down to its essentials, he covers the five principles of the Gospel: Principle 1: God exists. Principle 2: that God is man’s Maker and has made humankind in his image. Principle 3: the bad news that all men have sinned in Adam and are under the curse of God. Principle 4: God has not left all sinners to perish under Adam’s curse, but has given sinners the righteousness of Jesus Christ as a garment to cover them. Principle 5: God calls and draws thirsty sinners to himself through Jesus Christ freely. His five main texts from Isaiah are 40:9, 54:5, 24:5-6, 61:10 and 55:1-3.

Unmasking Self-Flattery in the Church

Unmasking Self-Flattery in the Church PDF Author: C. Matthew McMahon
Publisher: Puritan Publications
ISBN: 162663484X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 146

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Self-deception is inherent in everyone, even born-again Christians, those who have much biblical light and knowledge. And whatever degree of holiness they are currently at, they are satisfied with where they are. In this satisfaction, they often flatter themselves, believing that God is as pleased with them as they are of themselves. Many people in the church flatter themselves, believing they have discovered an easier path in the Christian walk, and in the eternal salvation which brings them to heaven, than Paul was aware of. They assume they will achieve victory and receive the crown not by battling and mortifying their own sins, but by deluding themselves into thinking they are something rather than nothing and engaging in cleverly crafted self-talk full of gracious words and empty persuasiveness. This only serves to disguise their own hypocrisy and unfaithfulness to Christ’s covenant, leading to the deception and ruin of themselves, and even other people they infect. The Christian church is filled with people like this. Are you one of them? Self-flattery is a sin against the ninth commandment which must be unmasked. In this work, McMahon seeks to uncover this very pervasive sin, showing what self-flattery is, how one comes to flatter themselves in their daily walk, and the motives to shun self-flattery in order to mortify it by the power of the Spirit. People often like to hear from the preacher, just tell me Jesus loves me and leave it at that. This delusion is the cornerstone of a self-flattering person. People always say, “I’m a Christian!” The question revolves around whether they act like it as well; do they have a life answerable to the profession they make when they say it? Or are they hiding behind the mask of smooth words they tell themselves about their spiritual condition?

Practical Observations on the Lord's Supper

Practical Observations on the Lord's Supper PDF Author: C. Matthew McMahon
Publisher: Puritan Publications
ISBN: 1626634866
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 277

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"Practical Observations on the Lord's Supper" offers an in-depth exploration into the significant spiritual act of participating in the Lord’s Supper, going beyond mere ritual to reveal a deep, spiritual communion with Christ. This book does not engage in theological debates or critique differing perspectives; instead, it focuses on the experiential aspects of the Supper, emphasizing the personal and communal relationship with Christ that is nurtured through this sacred practice. McMahon explores the essence of the Lord's Supper, presenting it as more than just a ceremonial partaking of bread and wine; more than a memorial. It is depicted as an intimate dialogue with Christ, a moment of joyful and comforting communion that has the potential to elevate the believer's spiritual life. McMahon explains the Apostle Paul’s concept of "worthy participation," drawing from 1 Corinthians 11, to highlight how such engagement with the Supper can lead to a spiritual exchange of divine grace and blessings. Through participation in the Lord's Supper, believers are invited to a deeper understanding and connection with Christ. It is an occasion for Christ to impart His spiritual grace, fostering the believer's sanctification and growth in faith. The Supper is portrayed as a pivotal expression of fellowship with Christ, allowing believers to partake in His benefits and merits and by faith, grow in their walk before him. This work encourages readers to reflect on their personal approach to the Lord's Supper, urging them to seek a more meaningful and enriching experience that strengthens their bond with Christ. It is a call to recognize the Supper as a vital expression of spiritual fellowship, a sacred sign of unity with Christ that demands reverence and thoughtful engagement. "Practical Observations on the Lord's Supper" is an essential read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of this central Christian sacrament and to enhance their spiritual journey through a more purposeful and fulfilling participation in the Lord’s Supper.

I Am for You: God's Power in Supporting His People

I Am for You: God's Power in Supporting His People PDF Author: C. Matthew McMahon
Publisher: Puritan Publications
ISBN: 1626634106
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 151

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This volume is a spiritual journey through five important Scriptures: Jeremiah 3:1, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 16:4, 1 Samuel 17:34-35, and Ezekiel 36:9. It demonstrates the cultivation of true assurance that Christians can sincerely have as believing Christians, if they trust in the work of Jesus Christ. In these pages, the Christian will find a spiritual feast in God’s love to the soul (that God is for you if you are a believer), and the soul reciprocates this to him, in service before Christ, to love him back, even into eternity. This coming of Christ to be near to his redeemed people is, in its highest and transcendent nature, seen in the incarnation of the Son of God. In this drawing near to them, he shows, by action, that he is God with us. And, he testifies that he is God for us, as Ezekiel, 36:9 says, “For, behold, I am for you, and I will turn unto you, and ye shall be tilled and sown.” God draws near to his people in Christ, to turn to them, to be for them, to till them and sow into them the glorious Kingdom of God. “What shall we say then to these things?” In the Father’s ordination of the work of redemption through Christ, even from before the foundation of the world, we find that the saint’s infirmities cannot wholly remove Christ’s love for them in their present weaknesses and fallen state, if they are truly redeemed. He does this as the great Shepherd of the sheep, the Shepherd of his people, whom he loved before the foundation of the world. Christ is the Spiritual David who was planned before the beginning of time to work and merit salvation in rescuing his lambs from the mouth of the lion and the paw of the bear. Sinners find that drawing near is to believe in him by faith, to draw great virtue from him in the Spirit. They come to understand that the way to receive the virtue of Jesus Christ is by touching him in faith, and in this they are resolved to follow Christ the King without reservation casting themselves on his infinite mercy in everything.