Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education - Module 2 - Facilitator's Guide

Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education - Module 2 - Facilitator's Guide PDF Author: Diane Marcotte
Publisher: University of Ottawa Press
ISBN: 077662962X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 40

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Book Description
The Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education program aims to prevent depression and anxiety among first-year students in post-secondary school. It includes three modules, or prevention levels. Module 2, presented here, is a targeted-selective prevention program. It includes two workshops, one for anxiety management and one for depression prevention for self-referred students, taught by a team of teachers and specialists. Participants in these small-group workshops will have volunteered to take this training. Module 2 aims to ease the transition to college or university and lower the risk of dropout, while equipping students with a solid understanding of issues related to internalizing problems (anxiety and depression) and teaching them a few preventive strategies. The facilitator’s guide has been specifically designed for teachers or professionals trained in providing mental health services and who are working with this student clientele. Published in English.

Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education - Module 2 - Facilitator's Guide

Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education - Module 2 - Facilitator's Guide PDF Author: Diane Marcotte
Publisher: University of Ottawa Press
ISBN: 077662962X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 40

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Book Description
The Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education program aims to prevent depression and anxiety among first-year students in post-secondary school. It includes three modules, or prevention levels. Module 2, presented here, is a targeted-selective prevention program. It includes two workshops, one for anxiety management and one for depression prevention for self-referred students, taught by a team of teachers and specialists. Participants in these small-group workshops will have volunteered to take this training. Module 2 aims to ease the transition to college or university and lower the risk of dropout, while equipping students with a solid understanding of issues related to internalizing problems (anxiety and depression) and teaching them a few preventive strategies. The facilitator’s guide has been specifically designed for teachers or professionals trained in providing mental health services and who are working with this student clientele. Published in English.

Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education - Module 1 - Facilitator's Guide and Participant's Workbook

Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education - Module 1 - Facilitator's Guide and Participant's Workbook PDF Author: Diane Marcotte
Publisher: University of Ottawa Press
ISBN: 0776629247
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 100

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Book Description
The Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education program aims to prevent depression and anxiety among first-year students in post-secondary school. It includes three modules, or prevention levels. Module 1, presented here, is an in-class universal prevention program, designed to be delivered by a post-secondary instructor, that helps students develop mental-health awareness and understand the transition to higher education, equipping them with preventive strategies so they can successfully adjust. This first module of Zenstudies endeavours to ease the transition to higher education and thereby lower the risk of dropout, while providing students a better grasp of the issues surrounding internalizing problems, such as anxiety and depression, and equipping them with a few prevention strategies. The facilitator’s guide has been specifically designed for teachers who want to use the program in their classrooms. The participant’s workbook was developed for students and accompanies the facilitator’s guide, which will be used by your teacher. In Section 1 of the program, your teacher will give you information about the difficulties of transitioning from high school to college or university; for example, the challenges in the transition to adulthood and the importance of effective time management. Then in Section 2, the teacher will provide indicators that will help you recognize symptoms of anxiety and depression that you might experience during this transition. Finally, in Section 3, you’ll learn a few preventive techniques and strategies for anxiety and depression. The program is accompanied by an online component available via the website of the Research Laboratory on School-Based Mental Health at the Université du Québec à Montréal’s Psychology Department (www.labomarcotte.ca/en). Published in English.

Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education - Module 3 - Facilitator's Guide

Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education - Module 3 - Facilitator's Guide PDF Author: Diane Marcotte
Publisher: University of Ottawa Press
ISBN: 0776629220
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 200

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Book Description
The Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education program aims to prevent depression and anxiety among first-year students in post-secondary school. It includes three modules, or prevention levels, Module 3 of Zenstudies, presented here, is a targeted-indicated prevention program consisting in 10 small-group sessions (no more than 12 students) led by two mental health professionals. This is the guide for Module 3, the targeted-indicated prevention program. It presents the 10 small-group sessions (6 to 10 students) that will be led by two mental health professionals. The sessions include 15 components and are tailored to first-year students experiencing anxious or depressive symptoms. The goal is early intervention, aimed at preventing mental health disorders in at-risk students. It has been shown that the presence of symptoms is a strong predictor of a future mental health disorder, which is why intervention is vital at symptom onset. By reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, the program also facilitates the transition from high school to college or university, thereby lowering the risk of dropout. It also raises awareness about anxiety and depression—which are both internalizing disorders—and equips students with different preventive strategies. Published in English.

Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education - Module 2 - Workshop 1. When Fear Takes Hold - Participant's Workbook

Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education - Module 2 - Workshop 1. When Fear Takes Hold - Participant's Workbook PDF Author: Diane Marcotte
Publisher: University of Ottawa Press
ISBN: 0776629638
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 20

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Book Description
The Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education program aims to prevent depression and anxiety among first-year students in post-secondary school. It includes three modules, or prevention levels. Module 2, presented here, is a targeted-selective prevention program. It includes two workshops, one for anxiety management and one for depression prevention for self-referred students, taught by a team of teachers and specialists. Participants in these small-group workshops will have volunteered to take this training. This participant’s handbook is for Module 2 and its two targeted-selective prevention workshops. “Targeted selective” means that the students participating have all decided of their own volition to sign up, after learning about it at their school or following a recommendation from a teacher or counsellor. The workshop When Fear Takes Hold looks at symptoms of anxiety, and When the Blues Take Over looks at depression. This participant’s workbook is for you to use during the workshop to complete activities; it will also be a good reference for techniques you can practice on your own afterward. The online component that accompanies this guide can be found on the website of the Research Laboratory on School-Based Mental Health at the Université du Québec à Montréal’s Psychology Department (www.labomarcotte.ca/en). We hope that after participating in this program, you’ll feel better equipped for a successful transition to post-secondary life. Published in English.

Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education - Module 2 - Workshop 2. When the Blues Take Over - Participant's Workbook

Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education - Module 2 - Workshop 2. When the Blues Take Over - Participant's Workbook PDF Author: Diane Marcotte
Publisher: University of Ottawa Press
ISBN: 0776629646
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 24

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Book Description
The Zenstudies: Making a Healthy Transition to Higher Education program aims to prevent depression and anxiety among first-year students in post-secondary school. It includes three modules, or prevention levels. Module 2, presented here, is a targeted-selective prevention program. It includes two workshops, one for anxiety management and one for depression prevention for self-referred students, taught by a team of teachers and specialists. Participants in these small-group workshops will have volunteered to take this training. This participant’s workbook is for Module 2 and its two targeted-selective prevention workshops. “Targeted selective” means that the students participating have all decided of their own volition to sign up, after learning about it at their school or following a recommendation from a teacher or counsellor. The workshop When Fear Takes Hold looks at symptoms of anxiety, and When the Blues Take Over looks at depression. This participant’s workbook is for you to use during the workshop to complete activities; it will also be a good reference for techniques you can practice on your own afterward. The online component that accompanies this guide can be found on the website of the Research Laboratory on School-Based Mental Health at the Université du Québec à Montréal’s Psychology Department (www.labomarcotte.ca/en). We hope that after participating in this program, you’ll feel better equipped for a successful transition to post-secondary life. Published in English.

Models of Teaching

Models of Teaching PDF Author: Bruce R. Joyce
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 536

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Zenstudies 2: Making a Healthy Post-Secondary Transition - Instructor's Guide

Zenstudies 2: Making a Healthy Post-Secondary Transition - Instructor's Guide PDF Author: Diane Marcotte
ISBN: 9780776636894
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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Book Description
Zenétudes prévient la dépression et l'anxiété. Son premier volet est utilisé par les enseignants, alors que le volet 2 est offert sous la forme de deux courts ateliers. Son troisième volet, offert par des professionnels, comprend dix rencontres pour les étudiants présentant des niveaux précliniques de symptômes.

Cross-Cultural Interviewing

Cross-Cultural Interviewing PDF Author: Gabriele Griffin
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317438108
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 243

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Book Description
Interviewing is one of the most common techniques used to conduct qualitative research in the social sciences and humanities. As a result of globalization, researchers increasingly conduct interviews cross-, inter- and intra-nationally. This raises important questions about how differences and sameness are understood and negotiated within the interview situation, as well as the power structures at play within qualitative research, and the role that reflexivity plays in mediating these. What does it mean to interview Black women as a Black woman? How is ethnicity negotiated across various qualitative research encounters? How are differences bridged or asserted in feminist interviewing? These are just some of the questions explored in the chapters in this volume. Drawing on their recent research, the contributors detail their experiences of engaging in qualitative interviewing and examine how they negotiated the various dilemmas they encountered. The contributions challenge some of the assumptions made in early feminist work on interviewing, providing nuanced accounts of actual research experiences. This volume explores the practice and implications of conducting cross-, inter- and intra-cultural interviewing, bringing together researchers from a range of disciplines and countries to describe and analyse both its vicissitudes and its advantages.

Governance Through Social Learning

Governance Through Social Learning PDF Author: Gilles Paquet
Publisher: University of Ottawa Press
ISBN: 0776604880
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Book Description
Governance connotes the way an organization, an economy, or a social system co-ordinates and steers itself. Some insist that governing is strictly a top-down process guided by authority and coercion, while others emphasize that it emerges bottom-up through the workings of the free market. This book rejects these simplistic views in favour of a more distributed view of governance based on a mix of coercion, quid pro quo market exchange and reciprocity, on a division of labour among the private, public, and civic sectors, and on the co-evolution of these different integration mechanisms. This book is for both practitioners confronted with governance issues and for citizens trying to make sense of the world around them. Published in English.

Do Emotions Help or Hurt Decisionmaking?

Do Emotions Help or Hurt Decisionmaking? PDF Author: Kathleen D. Vohs
Publisher: Russell Sage Foundation
ISBN: 1610445430
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 367

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Book Description
Philosophers have long tussled over whether moral judgments are the products of logical reasoning or simply emotional reactions. From Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility to the debates of modern psychologists, the question of whether feeling or sober rationality is the better guide to decision making has been a source of controversy. In Do Emotions Help or Hurt Decision Making? Kathleen Vohs, Roy Baumeister, and George Loewenstein lead a group of prominent psychologists and economists in exploring the empirical evidence on how emotions shape judgments and choices. Researchers on emotion and cognition have staked out many extreme positions: viewing emotions as either the driving force behind cognition or its side effect, either an impediment to sound judgment or a guide to wise decisions. The contributors to Do Emotions Help or Hurt Decision Making? provide a richer perspective, exploring the circumstances that shape whether emotions play a harmful or helpful role in decisions. Roy Baumeister, C. Nathan DeWall, and Liqing Zhang show that while an individual's current emotional state can lead to hasty decisions and self-destructive behavior, anticipating future emotional outcomes can be a helpful guide to making sensible decisions. Eduardo Andrade and Joel Cohen find that a positive mood can negatively affect people's willingness to act altruistically. Happy people, when made aware of risks associated with altruistic acts, become wary of jeopardizing their own well-being. Benoît Monin, David Pizarro, and Jennifer Beer find that whether emotion or reason matters more in moral evaluation depends on the specific issue in question. Individual characteristics often mediate the effect of emotions on decisions. Catherine Rawn, Nicole Mead, Peter Kerkhof, and Kathleen Vohs find that whether an individual makes a decision based on emotion depends both on the type of decision in question and the individual's level of self-esteem. And Quinn Kennedy and Mara Mather show that the elderly are better able to regulate their emotions, having learned from experience to anticipate the emotional consequences of their behavior. Do Emotions Help or Hurt Decision Making? represents a significant advance toward a comprehensive theory of emotions and cognition that accounts for the nuances of the mental processes involved. This landmark book will be a stimulus to scholarly debates as well as an informative guide to everyday decisions.