The Construction Chart Book

The Construction Chart Book PDF Author: CPWR--The Center for Construction Research and Training
Publisher: Cpwr - The Center for Construction Research and Training
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 160

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The Construction Chart Book presents the most complete data available on all facets of the U.S. construction industry: economic, demographic, employment/income, education/training, and safety and health issues. The book presents this information in a series of 50 topics, each with a description of the subject matter and corresponding charts and graphs. The contents of The Construction Chart Book are relevant to owners, contractors, unions, workers, and other organizations affiliated with the construction industry, such as health providers and workers compensation insurance companies, as well as researchers, economists, trainers, safety and health professionals, and industry observers.

The Construction Chart Book

The Construction Chart Book PDF Author: CPWR--The Center for Construction Research and Training
Publisher: Cpwr - The Center for Construction Research and Training
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 160

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Book Description
The Construction Chart Book presents the most complete data available on all facets of the U.S. construction industry: economic, demographic, employment/income, education/training, and safety and health issues. The book presents this information in a series of 50 topics, each with a description of the subject matter and corresponding charts and graphs. The contents of The Construction Chart Book are relevant to owners, contractors, unions, workers, and other organizations affiliated with the construction industry, such as health providers and workers compensation insurance companies, as well as researchers, economists, trainers, safety and health professionals, and industry observers.

Worker Health Chartbook

Worker Health Chartbook PDF Author:
Category : Industrial accidents
Languages : en
Pages : 232

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Injury in the United States

Injury in the United States PDF Author:
Publisher: Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Servic
ISBN: 9780840606167
Category : Accidents
Languages : en
Pages : 181

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Health, United States, 2016, with Chartbook on Long-Term Trends in Health

Health, United States, 2016, with Chartbook on Long-Term Trends in Health PDF Author: National Center for Health Statistics
Publisher: Government Printing Office
ISBN: 9780160939778
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 494

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This annual overview report of national trends in health statistics contains a Chartbook that assesses the nation's health by presenting trends and current information on selected measures of morbidity, mortality, health care utilization and access, health risk factors, prevention, health insurance, and personal health-care expenditures. Chapters devoted to population characteristics, prevention, health risk factors, health care resources, personal health care expenditures, health insurance, and trend tables may provide the health/medical statistician, data analyst, biostatistician with additional information to complete experimental studies or provide necessary research for pharmaceutical companies to gain data for modeling and sampling. Undergraduate students engaged in applied mathematics or statistical compilations to graduate students completing biostatistics degree programs to include statistical inference principles, probability, sampling methods and data analysis as well as specialized medical statistics courses relating to epidemiology and other health topics may be interested in this volume. Related products: Your Guide to Choosing a Nursing Home or Other Long-Term Services & Supports available here: Health Insurance Coverage in the United States, 2014 available here: "Some System of the Nature Here Proposed": Joseph Lovell's Remarks on the Sick Report, Northern Department, U.S. Army, 1817, and the Rise of the Modern US Army Medical Department can be found here: Guide to Clinical Preventive Services 2014: Recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (ePub) -Free digital eBook download available at the US Government Online Bookstore here: --Also available for FREE digital eBook download from Apple iBookstore, (Nook Bookstore), Google Play eBookstore, and Overdrive -Please use ISBN: 9780160926426 to search these commercial platforms.

Construction Research at NIOSH

Construction Research at NIOSH PDF Author: Institute of Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309178053
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 177

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The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducts construction-relevant research activities. From 1996 through 2005, the program focused on four research goals: reducing traumatic injuries and fatalities; reducing exposure to health hazards; reducing major risks associated with musculoskeletal disorders; increasing the understanding of construction industry attributes and factors for improving health and safety outcomes. In this book, the National Research Council evaluates the relevance and impact of the NIOSH Construction Research Program in terms of its research priorities and its connection to improvements in the protection of workers in the workplace. It also assesses the program' s identification and targeting of new research areas, to identify emerging research issues, and to provide advice on ways that the program might be strengthened. The book finds that the efforts of the Construction Research Program have made meaningful contributions to improving construction worker safety and health, and provides overreaching and specific recommendations for continuing progress. While NIOSH cannot set and enforce research-based standards on its own, the program can be expected to help reduce construction workplace fatalities, injuries, and illnesses through its research, its research dissemination, and transfer into practice.

Health, United States 2004

Health, United States 2004 PDF Author: Joan Sauers
ISBN: 9781579809973
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 498

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A Smarter National Surveillance System for Occupational Safety and Health in the 21st Century

A Smarter National Surveillance System for Occupational Safety and Health in the 21st Century PDF Author: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309462991
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 319

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The workplace is where 156 million working adults in the United States spend many waking hours, and it has a profound influence on health and well-being. Although some occupations and work-related activities are more hazardous than others and face higher rates of injuries, illness, disease, and fatalities, workers in all occupations face some form of work-related safety and health concerns. Understanding those risks to prevent injury, illness, or even fatal incidents is an important function of society. Occupational safety and health (OSH) surveillance provides the data and analyses needed to understand the relationships between work and injuries and illnesses in order to improve worker safety and health and prevent work-related injuries and illnesses. Information about the circumstances in which workers are injured or made ill on the job and how these patterns change over time is essential to develop effective prevention programs and target future research. The nation needs a robust OSH surveillance system to provide this critical information for informing policy development, guiding educational and regulatory activities, developing safer technologies, and enabling research and prevention strategies that serves and protects all workers. A Smarter National Surveillance System for Occupational Safety and Health in the 21st Century provides a comprehensive assessment of the state of OSH surveillance. This report is intended to be useful to federal and state agencies that have an interest in occupational safety and health, but may also be of interest broadly to employers, labor unions and other worker advocacy organizations, the workers' compensation insurance industry, as well as state epidemiologists, academic researchers, and the broader public health community. The recommendations address the strengths and weaknesses of the envisioned system relative to the status quo and both short- and long-term actions and strategies needed to bring about a progressive evolution of the current system.

Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Research at NIOSH

Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Research at NIOSH PDF Author: Institute of Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309177693
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 354

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The agriculture, forestry, and fishing sectors are the cornerstone of industries that produce food, fiber, and biofuel. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducts research in order to improve worker safety and health in these sectors. This National Research Council book reviews the NIOSH Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Program to evaluate the 1) relevance of its work to improvements in occupational safety and health and 2) the impact of research in reducing workplace illnesses and injuries. The assessment reveals that the program has made meaningful contributions to improving worker safety and health in these fields. To enhance the relevance and impact of its work and fulfill its mission, the NIOSH Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Program should provide national leadership, coordination of research, and activities to transfer findings, technologies, and information into practice. The program will also benefit from establishing strategic goals and implementing a comprehensive surveillance system in order to better identify and track worker populations at risk.

Health U. S., 1999

Health U. S., 1999 PDF Author: Ellen A. Kramarow
Publisher: DIANE Publishing
ISBN: 078818783X
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 181

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The 23rd report on the health status of the Nation. The report was compiled by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), Nat. Center for Health Statistics. It presents national trends in health statistics. Major findings are presented in the highlights. The report includes a chartbook on health & aging, & 146 detailed tables on trends organized around 4 major subject areas: health status & determinants, utilization of health resources, health care resources, & health care expenditures. Several tables present data according to race & Hispanic origin.

The Future of the Public's Health in the 21st Century

The Future of the Public's Health in the 21st Century PDF Author: Institute of Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309133181
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 536

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The anthrax incidents following the 9/11 terrorist attacks put the spotlight on the nation's public health agencies, placing it under an unprecedented scrutiny that added new dimensions to the complex issues considered in this report. The Future of the Public's Health in the 21st Century reaffirms the vision of Healthy People 2010, and outlines a systems approach to assuring the nation's health in practice, research, and policy. This approach focuses on joining the unique resources and perspectives of diverse sectors and entities and challenges these groups to work in a concerted, strategic way to promote and protect the public's health. Focusing on diverse partnerships as the framework for public health, the book discusses: The need for a shift from an individual to a population-based approach in practice, research, policy, and community engagement. The status of the governmental public health infrastructure and what needs to be improved, including its interface with the health care delivery system. The roles nongovernment actors, such as academia, business, local communities and the media can play in creating a healthy nation. Providing an accessible analysis, this book will be important to public health policy-makers and practitioners, business and community leaders, health advocates, educators and journalists.