Guide to Wireless Network Security

Guide to Wireless Network Security PDF Author: John R. Vacca
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387298452
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 835

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Book Description
A major, comprehensive professional text/reference for designing and maintaining security and reliability. From basic concepts to designing principles to deployment, all critical concepts and phases are clearly explained and presented. Includes coverage of wireless security testing techniques and prevention techniques for intrusion (attacks). An essential resource for wireless network administrators and developers.

Wireless Network Security

Wireless Network Security PDF Author: Wolfgang Osterhage
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351603949
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 196

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Book Description
Wireless communications have become indispensable part of our lives. The book deals with the security of such wireless communication. The technological background of these applications have been presented in detail. Special emphasis has been laid on the IEEE 802.11x-standards that have been developed for this technology. A major part of the book is devoted to security risks, encryption and authentication. Checklists have been provided to help IT administrators and security officers to achieve the maximum possible security in their installations, when using wireless technology. This is the second edition of the book. The updates include the latest the IEEE 802.11-standard, an updated chapter on PDA, the increased relevance of smart phones and tablets, widespread use of WLAN with increased security risks.

Wireless Network Security A Beginner's Guide

Wireless Network Security A Beginner's Guide PDF Author: Tyler Wrightson
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071760954
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 369

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Book Description
Security Smarts for the Self-Guided IT Professional Protect wireless networks against all real-world hacks by learning how hackers operate. Wireless Network Security: A Beginner's Guide discusses the many attack vectors that target wireless networks and clients--and explains how to identify and prevent them. Actual cases of attacks against WEP, WPA, and wireless clients and their defenses are included. This practical resource reveals how intruders exploit vulnerabilities and gain access to wireless networks. You'll learn how to securely deploy WPA2 wireless networks, including WPA2-Enterprise using digital certificates for authentication. The book provides techniques for dealing with wireless guest access and rogue access points. Next-generation wireless networking technologies, such as lightweight access points and cloud-based wireless solutions, are also discussed. Templates, checklists, and examples give you the hands-on help you need to get started right away. Wireless Network Security: A Beginner's Guide features: Lingo--Common security terms defined so that you’re in the know on the job IMHO--Frank and relevant opinions based on the author's years of industry experience In Actual Practice--Exceptions to the rules of security explained in real-world contexts Your Plan--Customizable checklists you can use on the job now Into Action--Tips on how, why, and when to apply new skills and techniques at work This is an excellent introduction to wireless security and their security implications. The technologies and tools are clearly presented with copious illustrations and the level of presentation will accommodate the wireless security neophyte while not boring a mid-level expert to tears. If the reader invests the time and resources in building a lab to follow along with the text, s/he will develop a solid, basic understanding of what "wireless security" is and how it can be implemented in practice. This is definitely a recommended read for its intended audience. - Richard Austin, IEEE CIPHER, IEEE Computer Society's TC on Security and Privacy (E109, July 23, 2012)

Mobile and Wireless Network Security and Privacy

Mobile and Wireless Network Security and Privacy PDF Author: S. Kami Makki
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387710582
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 232

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Book Description
This book brings together a number of papers that represent seminal contributions underlying mobile and wireless network security and privacy. It provides a foundation for implementation and standardization as well as further research. The diverse topics and protocols described in this book give the reader a good idea of the current state-of-the-art technologies in mobile and wireless network security and privacy.

Wireless Network Security

Wireless Network Security PDF Author: Yang Xiao
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387331123
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 423

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Book Description
This book identifies vulnerabilities in the physical layer, the MAC layer, the IP layer, the transport layer, and the application layer, of wireless networks, and discusses ways to strengthen security mechanisms and services. Topics covered include intrusion detection, secure PHY/MAC/routing protocols, attacks and prevention, immunization, key management, secure group communications and multicast, secure location services, monitoring and surveillance, anonymity, privacy, trust establishment/management, redundancy and security, and dependable wireless networking.

Wireless Networks and Security

Wireless Networks and Security PDF Author: Shafiullah Khan
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642361692
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 513

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Book Description
“Wireless Networks and Security” provides a broad coverage of wireless security issues including cryptographic coprocessors, encryption, authentication, key management, attacks and countermeasures, secure routing, secure medium access control, intrusion detection, epidemics, security performance analysis, security issues in applications. The contributions identify various vulnerabilities in the physical layer, MAC layer, network layer, transport layer, and application layer, and focus on ways of strengthening security mechanisms and services throughout the layers. This carefully edited monograph is targeting for researchers, post-graduate students in universities, academics, and industry practitioners or professionals.

Guide to Wireless Network Security

Guide to Wireless Network Security PDF Author: John R. Vacca
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387298452
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 835

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Book Description
A major, comprehensive professional text/reference for designing and maintaining security and reliability. From basic concepts to designing principles to deployment, all critical concepts and phases are clearly explained and presented. Includes coverage of wireless security testing techniques and prevention techniques for intrusion (attacks). An essential resource for wireless network administrators and developers.

Wireless Network Security: Concepts and Techniques

Wireless Network Security: Concepts and Techniques PDF Author:
Publisher: YouGuide Ltd
ISBN: 1836797796
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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Book Description
Designed for professionals, students, and enthusiasts alike, our comprehensive books empower you to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving digital world. * Expert Insights: Our books provide deep, actionable insights that bridge the gap between theory and practical application. * Up-to-Date Content: Stay current with the latest advancements, trends, and best practices in IT, Al, Cybersecurity, Business, Economics and Science. Each guide is regularly updated to reflect the newest developments and challenges. * Comprehensive Coverage: Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, Cybellium books cover a wide range of topics, from foundational principles to specialized knowledge, tailored to your level of expertise. Become part of a global network of learners and professionals who trust Cybellium to guide their educational journey.

Wireless Network Security

Wireless Network Security PDF Author: Lei Chen
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642365116
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 279

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Book Description
Wireless Network Security Theories and Applications discusses the relevant security technologies, vulnerabilities, and potential threats, and introduces the corresponding security standards and protocols, as well as provides solutions to security concerns. Authors of each chapter in this book, mostly top researchers in relevant research fields in the U.S. and China, presented their research findings and results about the security of the following types of wireless networks: Wireless Cellular Networks, Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs), Bluetooth Networks and Communications, Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The audience of this book may include professors, researchers, graduate students, and professionals in the areas of Wireless Networks, Network Security and Information Security, Information Privacy and Assurance, as well as Digital Forensics. Lei Chen is an Assistant Professor at Sam Houston State University, USA; Jiahuang Ji is an Associate Professor at Sam Houston State University, USA; Zihong Zhang is a Sr. software engineer at Jacobs Technology, USA under NASA contract.

Security and Privacy for Next-Generation Wireless Networks

Security and Privacy for Next-Generation Wireless Networks PDF Author: Sheng Zhong
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 303001150X
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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Book Description
This timely book provides broad coverage of security and privacy issues in the macro and micro perspective. In macroperspective, the system and algorithm fundamentals of next-generation wireless networks are discussed. In micro-perspective, this book focuses on the key secure and privacy techniques in different emerging networks from the interconnection view of human and cyber-physical world. This book includes 7 chapters from prominent international researchers working in this subject area. This book serves as a useful reference for researchers, graduate students, and practitioners seeking solutions to wireless security and privacy related issues Recent advances in wireless communication technologies have enabled the large-scale deployment of next-generation wireless networks, and many other wireless applications are emerging. The next generation of mobile networks continues to transform the way people communicate and access information. As a matter of fact, next-generation emerging networks are exploiting their numerous applications in both military and civil fields. For most applications, it is important to guarantee high security of the deployed network in order to defend against attacks from adversaries, as well as the privacy intrusion. The key target in the development of next-generation wireless networks is to promote the integration of the human, cyber, and physical worlds. Previous work in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) considered the connection between the cyber world and the physical world. In the recent studies, human involvement brings new channels and initiatives in this interconnection. In this integration process, security and privacy are critical issues to many wireless network applications, and it is a paramount concern for the growth of next-generation wireless networks. This is due to the open nature of wireless communication and the involvement of humans. New opportunities for tackling these security and privacy issues in next-generation wireless networks will be achieved by leveraging the properties of interaction among human, computers and things.

Cryptography and Network Security

Cryptography and Network Security PDF Author: Prof. Bhushan Trivedi
Publisher: BPB Publications
ISBN: 9389328667
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 785

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Book Description
Exploring techniques and tools and best practices used in the real world. KEY FEATURES ● Explore private and public key-based solutions and their applications in the real world. ● Learn about security protocols implemented at various TCP/IP stack layers. ● Insight on types of ciphers, their modes, and implementation issues. DESCRIPTION Cryptography and Network Security teaches you everything about cryptography and how to make its best use for both, network and internet security. To begin with, you will learn to explore security goals, the architecture, its complete mechanisms, and the standard operational model. You will learn some of the most commonly used terminologies in cryptography such as substitution, and transposition. While you learn the key concepts, you will also explore the difference between symmetric and asymmetric ciphers, block and stream ciphers, and monoalphabetic and polyalphabetic ciphers. This book also focuses on digital signatures and digital signing methods, AES encryption processing, public key algorithms, and how to encrypt and generate MACs. You will also learn about the most important real-world protocol called Kerberos and see how public key certificates are deployed to solve public key-related problems. Real-world protocols such as PGP, SMIME, TLS, and IPsec Rand 802.11i are also covered in detail. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN ● Describe and show real-world connections of cryptography and applications of cryptography and secure hash functions. ● How one can deploy User Authentication, Digital Signatures, and AES Encryption process. ● How the real-world protocols operate in practice and their theoretical implications. ● Describe different types of ciphers, exploit their modes for solving problems, and finding their implementation issues in system security. ● Explore transport layer security, IP security, and wireless security. WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR This book is for security professionals, network engineers, IT managers, students, and teachers who are interested in learning Cryptography and Network Security. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Network and information security overview 2. Introduction to cryptography 3. Block ciphers and attacks 4. Number Theory Fundamentals 5. Algebraic structures 6. Stream cipher modes 7. Secure hash functions 8. Message authentication using MAC 9. Authentication and message integrity using Digital Signatures 10. Advanced Encryption Standard 11. Pseudo-Random numbers 12. Public key algorithms and RSA 13. Other public-key algorithms 14. Key Management and Exchange 15. User authentication using Kerberos 16. User authentication using public key certificates 17. Email security 18. Transport layer security 19. IP security 20. Wireless security 21. System security