What Is a Scientist?

What Is a Scientist? PDF Author: Barbara Lehn
Publisher: Millbrook Press
ISBN: 0761380841
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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Simple text and full-color photographs depict children engaged in various activities that make up the scientific process: asking questions, noticing details, drawing what they see, taking notes, measuring, performing experiments, and more.

What Is a Scientist?

What Is a Scientist? PDF Author: Barbara Lehn
Publisher: Millbrook Press
ISBN: 0761380841
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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Book Description
Simple text and full-color photographs depict children engaged in various activities that make up the scientific process: asking questions, noticing details, drawing what they see, taking notes, measuring, performing experiments, and more.

Who Is a Scientist?

Who Is a Scientist? PDF Author: Laura Gehl
Publisher: Millbrook Press ™
ISBN: 1728436397
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 35

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Book Description
Scientists work hard in the lab and in the field to make important discoveries. But who are they really? It turns out they are just like us! Scientists can be any race. And any gender. They can wear lab coats, jeans, or even tutus. And they are people who love to fly drones, make art, and even eat French fries! Meet fourteen phenomenal scientists who might just change the way you think about who a scientist is. They share their scientific work in fields like entomology, meteorology, paleontology, and engineering as well as other interesting facts about themselves and their hobbies. An "if you like this, you'll like that" flowchart in the back of the book helps students identify science careers they might be interested in. Scan a QR code at the end of the book for a video of the scientists introducing themselves!

So You Want to be a Scientist?

So You Want to be a Scientist? PDF Author: Philip A. Schwartzkroin
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0195333543
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 209

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"So You Want To Be a Scientist? offers the reader a glimpse into the job of being a research scientist."--Page 4 of cover.

How to Be a Scientist

How to Be a Scientist PDF Author: Steve Mould
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 146546669X
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 146

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Book Description
Learn how to think like a scientist, look at the world in a brand-new way and have tons of fun with science comedian Steve Mould's bold and playful kids science book. Supporting STEM and STEAM education initiatives, How to be a Scientist will inspire kids to ask questions, do activities, think creatively, and discover amazing fun facts! A firm favorite in classrooms and homes alike, this science book for kids has earned itself a permanent spot on many family bookshelves. With more than 40 fun questions, experiments, games, and real-life scenarios that make scientific concepts fun and relevant, it's not hard to see why! Simple activities with undetermined answers encourage curious young readers to find new ways to test ideas. The stories of the great scientists and their discoveries (and failures) are told in an entertaining way to provide even further inspiration for budding young scientists. This educational book has the amazing ability to cover a wide range of ages, so if your children have an age gap this is a fantastic way to get them to engage with each other in a fun and educational way. It is informative, colorful, well written and draws you into its pages with an insatiable appetite for the simpler facts of science. Most of the home science experiments for kids are easy to do with items most people already have around the house, making it super easy to go from idea to execution. Explore, Investigate And Test Your Ideas! Discover the skills it takes to become a scientist. Being a scientist isn't just about wearing a white coat and doing experiments in a lab. It's about exploring, investigating, testing and figuring out how things work. How To Be A Scientist is packed with fun activities and projects that let you answer lots of tricky questions and help to explain the world around you. This kid's educational book challenges children to think for themselves and covers topics like: - Weather, making a tornado, the water cycle, how to make a compass - Energy, hot air balloons, electricity, Newton and Einstein - The solar system, making a sundial, creating your own sunrise, phases of the moon How to be a Scientist (Careers for Kids) is one of four fantastic books in the How to... educational books series, including How To Be A Math Genius, How to Be Good at Math, andHow to Make a Better World. Official reviews include: International Literacy Association's Children's Choices 2018 Reading List "Readers will be inspired to learn more about how to think and act like these famous scientists while uncovering deep scientific knowledge they can apply through fun-filled science projects." Minnesota Parent "This mix of classic and unusual science anecdotes and experiments is just the thing for budding STEM/STEAM fans, including tips for learning how to think and act like a scientist with fun activities and simple scientific explanations of biology, anatomy, physics, astronomy, chemistry and more."

Don't Be Such a Scientist, Second Edition

Don't Be Such a Scientist, Second Edition PDF Author: Randy Olson
Publisher: Island Press
ISBN: 1610919173
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 250

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Book Description
In Don't Be Such a Scientist, Randy Olson shares lessons of his transformation from tenured professor to Hollywood filmmaker, challenging the science world to toss out its stodgy past in favor of something more dymanic --and ultimately more human. In this second edition, Olson buils upon the radical approach of Don't Be Such a Scientist throught timely updates and new stories. In his signature candid style, Olson weighs in on recent events in the science community, celebrating the rise in grassroots activism while critiquing the scientific establishment. In an age of renewed attack on science, Don't Be Such a Scientist, Second Edition is a provocative guide to making your voice heard.--

This Book Thinks You're a Scientist

This Book Thinks You're a Scientist PDF Author: London Science Museum
Publisher: National Geographic Books
ISBN: 0500650810
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Hands-on science for children who love to investigate, experiment, and explore This Book Thinks You’re a Scientist, developed by the Science Museum, London, as a complement to their new interactive gallery for children, explores seven key scientific areas: force and motion, electricity and magnetism, earth and space, light, matter, sound, and mathematics. Each spread centers on an open-ended question or activity, with space on the page for the child to write, draw, or interact with the book. Bend water with static power. Pack a suitcase for a trip to space. Design a new musical instrument. At the end of the book, there is a section for children to record their own guided independent investigations, including surveys and space to log the results of their experiments. Hand-drawn illustrations and a collage-style photographs encourage creativity and help children to think like a scientist by noticing details, questioning everything, and dreaming up new ideas.

Ask A Scientist (New Edition)

Ask A Scientist (New Edition) PDF Author: Robert Winston
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 0744086167
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 138

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In this unique science book, Professor Robert Winston answers more than 100 real-life questions from children all around the world. Questions cover all the popular science topics, including the biology: "Why do freckles come in dots on your face?"; physics: "Could you jump off the world?"; Earth: "Why is the sky blue?"; chemistry: "Why are there bubbles in boiling water?"; natural science: "Do dogs cry?", and space: "Why will the Sun explode and make us extinct?". This new edition includes eight pages of additional questions relating to the recent hot topics in science, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Robert Winston was inspired to write this book by the many questions posed by his grandchildren and by children from the schools he has visited over the years. The book includes some of these questions, plus many more gathered from countries all over the world - including the UK, Ireland and mainland Europe, Canada, the USA, India, China, and Japan. The questions cover the main science topics: chemistry, physics, biology, Earth, space, and natural science. Packed with weird and wacky questions and clear and lively answers - Ask a Scientist puts the fun back into science. And who could be a better scientist to ask questions to than Professor Robert Winston?

The Art of Being a Scientist

The Art of Being a Scientist PDF Author: Roel Snieder
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107268680
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 227

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This is a hands-on guide for graduate students and young researchers wishing to perfect the practical skills needed for a successful research career. By teaching junior scientists to develop effective research habits, the book helps to make the experience of graduate study a more efficient and rewarding one. The authors have taught a graduate course on the topics covered for many years, and provide a sample curriculum for instructors in graduate schools wanting to teach a similar course. Topics covered include choosing a research topic, department, and advisor; making workplans; the ethics of research; using scientific literature; perfecting oral and written communication; publishing papers; writing proposals; managing time effectively; and planning a scientific career and applying for jobs in research and industry. The wealth of advice is invaluable to students, junior researchers and mentors in all fields of science, engineering, and the humanities. The authors have taught a graduate course on the topics covered for many years, and provide a sample curriculum for instructors in graduate schools wanting to teach a similar course. The sample curriculum is available in the book as Appendix B, and as an online resource.

Can a Scientist Believe in Miracles?

Can a Scientist Believe in Miracles? PDF Author: Ian Hutchinson
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
ISBN: 0830873953
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 292

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Plasma physicist Ian Hutchinson has been asked hundreds of questions about faith and science. Is God’s existence a scientific question? Is the Bible consistent with the modern scientific understanding of the universe? Are there scientific reasons to believe in God? In this comprehensive volume, Hutchinson answers a full range of inquiries with sound scientific insights and measured Christian perspective.

Not a Scientist: How Politicians Mistake, Misrepresent, and Utterly Mangle Science

Not a Scientist: How Politicians Mistake, Misrepresent, and Utterly Mangle Science PDF Author: Dave Levitan
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
ISBN: 0393353338
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 179

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An eye-opening tour of the political tricks that subvert scientific progress. The Butter-Up and Undercut. The Certain Uncertainty. The Straight-Up Fabrication. Dave Levitan dismantles all of these deceptive arguments, and many more, in this probing and hilarious examination of the ways our elected officials attack scientific findings that conflict with their political agendas. The next time you hear a politician say, "Well, I’m not a scientist, but…," you’ll be ready.