Verrazano's Voyage Along the Atlantic Coast of North America, 1524

Verrazano's Voyage Along the Atlantic Coast of North America, 1524 PDF Author: Giovanni da Verrazzano
Category : America
Languages : en
Pages : 34

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Verrazano's Voyage Along the Atlantic Coast of North America, 1524

Verrazano's Voyage Along the Atlantic Coast of North America, 1524 PDF Author: Giovanni da Verrazzano
Category : America
Languages : en
Pages : 34

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The Voyage of John de Verazzano

The Voyage of John de Verazzano PDF Author: Giovanni Da Verrazzano
Publisher: Cosimo, Inc.
ISBN: 1616403810
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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The Voyage of John De Verazzano, written 1524, was a letter to King Francis the I of France by Giovanni (or John) da Verrazzano upon his exploration of North Carolina and the Pamlico Sound, which he thought was the entrance to the Pacific Ocean. His analysis resulted in one of many errors in the way North America was represented on a map; it was not fully and correctly mapped until the late 1800s. The letter, translated from its original Italian, provides an interesting insight into how the newly-discovered continent was viewed by explorers and other countries. Also included is an account, in Italian, of Verazzano's discovery of New York Harbor.GIOVANNI DA VERRAZZANO (1485-1528) was an Italian explorer of North America, the first European since the colonization of the Americas by the Norse colonies to explore the Atlantic coast. Born near Florence, he soon moved to France and started a career as a navigator, after which he was invited to explore North America by the French King Francis I. Throughout his years, he explored New York Harbor, Narragansett Bay, the coast of Maine, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, Florida, the Bahamas, and the Lesser Antilles. Verrazzano made a total of three trips, dying in 1528 after embarking on an island and being killed and eaten by the local Carib cannibals.

The Voyages of Jacques Cartier

The Voyages of Jacques Cartier PDF Author: Ramsay Cook
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
ISBN: 1487516797
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 189

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Jacques Cartier's voyages of 1534, 1535, and 1541constitute the first record of European impressions of the St Lawrence region of northeastern North American and its peoples. The Voyages are rich in details about almost every aspect of the region's environment and the people who inhabited it. As Ramsay Cook points out in his introduction, Cartier was more than an explorer; he was also Canada's first ethnographer. His accounts provide a wealth of information about the native people of the region and their relations with each other. Indirectly, he also reveals much about himself and about sixteenth-century European attitudes and beliefs. These memoirs recount not only the French experience with the Iroquois, but alo the Iroquois' discovery of the French. In addition to Cartier's Voyages, a slightly amended version of H.P. Biggar's 1924 text, the volume includes a series of letters relating to Cartier and the Sieur de Roberval, who was in command of cartier on the last voyage. Many of these letters appear for the first time in English. Ramsay Cook's introduction, 'Donnacona Discovers Europe,' rereads the documents in the light of recent scholarship as well as from contemporary perspectives in order to understand better the viewpoints of Cartier and the native people with whom he came into contact.

A Voyage Long and Strange

A Voyage Long and Strange PDF Author: Tony Horwitz
Publisher: Henry Holt and Company
ISBN: 1429937734
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 468

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The bestselling author of Blue Latitudes takes us on a thrilling and eye-opening voyage to pre-Mayflower America On a chance visit to Plymouth Rock, Tony Horwitz realizes he's mislaid more than a century of American history, from Columbus's sail in 1492 to Jamestown's founding in 16-oh-something. Did nothing happen in between? Determined to find out, he embarks on a journey of rediscovery, following in the footsteps of the many Europeans who preceded the Pilgrims to America. An irresistible blend of history, myth, and misadventure, A Voyage Long and Strange captures the wonder and drama of first contact. Vikings, conquistadors, French voyageurs—these and many others roamed an unknown continent in quest of grapes, gold, converts, even a cure for syphilis. Though most failed, their remarkable exploits left an enduring mark on the land and people encountered by late-arriving English settlers. Tracing this legacy with his own epic trek—from Florida's Fountain of Youth to Plymouth's sacred Rock, from desert pueblos to subarctic sweat lodges—Tony Horwitz explores the revealing gap between what we enshrine and what we forget. Displaying his trademark talent for humor, narrative, and historical insight, A Voyage Long and Strange allows us to rediscover the New World for ourselves.

Divers Voyages Touching the Discovery of America and the Islands Adjacent

Divers Voyages Touching the Discovery of America and the Islands Adjacent PDF Author: Richard Hakluyt
Category : America
Languages : en
Pages : 312

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Outdoor Monuments of Manhattan

Outdoor Monuments of Manhattan PDF Author: Dianne L. Durante
Publisher: NYU Press
ISBN: 0814719872
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 312

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Stop, look, and discover—the streets and parks of Manhattan are filled with beautiful historic monuments that will entertain, stimulate, and inspire you. Among the 54 monuments in this volume are major figures in American history: Washington, Lincoln, Lafayette, Horace Greeley, and Gertrude Stein; more obscure figures: Daniel Butterfield, J. Marion Sims, and King Jagiello; as well as the icons of New York: Atlas, Prometheus, and the Firemen's Memorial. The monuments represent the work of some of America's best sculptors: Augustus Saint Gaudens’ Farragut and Sherman, Daniel Chester French’s Four Continents, and Anna Hyatt Huntington’s José Martí and Joan of Arc. Each monument, illustrated with black-and-white photographs, is located on a map of Manhattan and includes easy-to-follow directions. All the sculptures are considered both as historical mementos and as art. We learn of furious General Sherman court-martialing a civilian journalist, and also of exasperated Saint Gaudens’ proposing a hook-and-spring device for improving his assistants' artistic acuity as they help model Sherman. We discover how Lincoln dealt with a vociferous Confederate politician from Ohio, and why the Lincoln in Union Square doesn't rank as a top-notch Lincoln portrait. Sidebars reveal other aspects of the figure or event commemorated, using personal quotes, poems, excerpts from nineteenth-century periodicals (New York Times, Harper's Weekly), and writers ranging from Aeschylus, Washington Irving, and Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi to Mark Twain and Henryk Sienkiewicz. As a historical account, Outdoor Monuments of Manhattan: A Historical Guide is a fascinating look at figures and events that changed New York, the United States and the world. As an aesthetic handbook it provides a compact method for studying sculpture, inspired by Ayn Rand’s writings on art. For residents and tourists, and historians and students, who want to spend more time viewing and appreciating sculpture and New York history, this is the start of a unique voyage of discovery.

Explorers Who Got Lost

Explorers Who Got Lost PDF Author: Diane Sansevere-Dreher
Publisher: Macmillan
ISBN: 9780812520385
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 150

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Examines the adventures of such early explorers of America as Columbus, Dias, and Cabot. Includes information on the events, society, and superstitions of the times.

American Holocaust

American Holocaust PDF Author: David E. Stannard
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199838909
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 407

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For four hundred years--from the first Spanish assaults against the Arawak people of Hispaniola in the 1490s to the U.S. Army's massacre of Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee in the 1890s--the indigenous inhabitants of North and South America endured an unending firestorm of violence. During that time the native population of the Western Hemisphere declined by as many as 100 million people. Indeed, as historian David E. Stannard argues in this stunning new book, the European and white American destruction of the native peoples of the Americas was the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world. Stannard begins with a portrait of the enormous richness and diversity of life in the Americas prior to Columbus's fateful voyage in 1492. He then follows the path of genocide from the Indies to Mexico and Central and South America, then north to Florida, Virginia, and New England, and finally out across the Great Plains and Southwest to California and the North Pacific Coast. Stannard reveals that wherever Europeans or white Americans went, the native people were caught between imported plagues and barbarous atrocities, typically resulting in the annihilation of 95 percent of their populations. What kind of people, he asks, do such horrendous things to others? His highly provocative answer: Christians. Digging deeply into ancient European and Christian attitudes toward sex, race, and war, he finds the cultural ground well prepared by the end of the Middle Ages for the centuries-long genocide campaign that Europeans and their descendants launched--and in places continue to wage--against the New World's original inhabitants. Advancing a thesis that is sure to create much controversy, Stannard contends that the perpetrators of the American Holocaust drew on the same ideological wellspring as did the later architects of the Nazi Holocaust. It is an ideology that remains dangerously alive today, he adds, and one that in recent years has surfaced in American justifications for large-scale military intervention in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. At once sweeping in scope and meticulously detailed, American Holocaust is a work of impassioned scholarship that is certain to ignite intense historical and moral debate.

Sailors Narratives of Voyages Along the New England Coast, 1524-1624

Sailors Narratives of Voyages Along the New England Coast, 1524-1624 PDF Author: George Parker Winship
Category : America
Languages : en
Pages : 328

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The Voyage of Verrazzano

The Voyage of Verrazzano PDF Author: Henry Cruse Murphy
Publisher: New York : J. Munsell, 1875-[1876]
Category : America
Languages : en
Pages : 230

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