Plant and Vegetation Mapping

Plant and Vegetation Mapping PDF Author: Franco Pedrotti
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642302351
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 303

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Book Description
The book is concerned principally with geobotanical mapping. Geobotany is a broad science that deals with the study of species and of vegetation communities in relation to the environment; it includes other, perhaps more familiar sciences, such as plant geography, plant ecology, and chorology, and phytosociology (plant sociology). Geobotanical cartography is a field of thematic cartography that deals with the interpretation and representation, in the form of maps, of those spatial and temporal phenomena that pertain to flora, vegetation, vegetated landscapes, vegetation zones, and phytogeographical units. The production of a geobotanical map represents the last stage in a cognitive process that begins with observations in the field and continues with the collection of sample data, interpretation of the phenomena observed, and their appropriate cartographic representation; geobotanical cartography is closely tied to the concepts and scope of geobotany in general

Plant and Vegetation Mapping

Plant and Vegetation Mapping PDF Author: Franco Pedrotti
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642302351
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 303

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Book Description
The book is concerned principally with geobotanical mapping. Geobotany is a broad science that deals with the study of species and of vegetation communities in relation to the environment; it includes other, perhaps more familiar sciences, such as plant geography, plant ecology, and chorology, and phytosociology (plant sociology). Geobotanical cartography is a field of thematic cartography that deals with the interpretation and representation, in the form of maps, of those spatial and temporal phenomena that pertain to flora, vegetation, vegetated landscapes, vegetation zones, and phytogeographical units. The production of a geobotanical map represents the last stage in a cognitive process that begins with observations in the field and continues with the collection of sample data, interpretation of the phenomena observed, and their appropriate cartographic representation; geobotanical cartography is closely tied to the concepts and scope of geobotany in general

Vegetation mapping

Vegetation mapping PDF Author: A.W. Küchler
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400930836
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 622

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A. W. KOCHLER The intimate intercourse between two or more 2. vegetation maps are scientific tools for ana fields of knowledge often bears interesting and lyzing the environment and the relation valuable fruit. Vegetation maps are such fruit, ships between vegetation and the site on resulting from the union of botany and geogra which it occurs. This helps to explain the phy. The work of botanists can be comprehen distribution of plant communities on the sive only if it includes a consideration of plants basis of the physical and chemical features in space, i. e. in different types of landscapes. At of the landscape. On the other hand, plant this point, the work of geographers becomes communities allow conclusions on the natu important through their development of maps re of the environment; as tools to determine and to analyze distribu 3. vegetation maps are valuable standards of tions in space. Our highly developed knowledge reference for observing and measuring of vegetation is matched by the refinement of changes in the vegetation, their direction cartographic techniques, and maps can now be and their speed, i. e. the rate of change. This is important because the character ofvegeta made that will show the extent and geographical distribution of vegetation anywhere on the sur tion is dynamic and is increasingly affected face of our planet with a remarkable degree of by man; accuracy. 4.

Vegetation Mapping

Vegetation Mapping PDF Author: Roy Alexander
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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This work offers a review of contemporary techniques in vegetation mapping and analysis with a snapshot of their applications. It deals with ground, air and space-based techniques applied at a range of spatial scales.

Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing PDF Author: J D Greer
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9781570830402
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 470

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Vegetation Map Accuracy Assessment: Fort Benning, Georgia

Vegetation Map Accuracy Assessment: Fort Benning, Georgia PDF Author:
Publisher: DIANE Publishing
ISBN: 1428912525
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 62

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A Manual of California Vegetation

A Manual of California Vegetation PDF Author: John Orvel Sawyer
Publisher: California Native Plant Society
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1316

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Oxford Bibliographies

Oxford Bibliographies PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Vegetation Ecology

Vegetation Ecology PDF Author: Eddy van der Maarel
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118452488
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 552

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Book Description
Additional resources for this book can be found at: Vegetation Ecology, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive, integrated account of plant communities and their environments. Written by leading experts in their field from four continents, the second edition of this book: covers the composition, structure, ecology, dynamics, diversity, biotic interactions and distribution of plant communities, with an emphasis on functional adaptations; reviews modern developments in vegetation ecology in a historical perspective; presents a coherent view on vegetation ecology while integrating population ecology, dispersal biology, soil biology, ecosystem ecology and global change studies; tackles applied aspects of vegetation ecology, including management of communities and invasive species; includes new chapters addressing the classification and mapping of vegetation, and the significance of plant functional types Vegetation Ecology, 2nd Edition is aimed at advanced undergraduates, graduates and researchers and teachers in plant ecology, geography, forestry and nature conservation. Vegetation Ecology takes an integrated, multidisciplinary approach and will be welcomed as an essential reference for plant ecologists the world over.

Guidelines for Surveying Soil and Land Resources

Guidelines for Surveying Soil and Land Resources PDF Author: Neil McKenzie
ISBN: 0643090916
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 572

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Provides guidelines to promote the development and implementation of consistent methods and standards for conducting soil and land resource surveys in Australia.

General Technical Report INT.

General Technical Report INT. PDF Author:
Category : Forests and forestry
Languages : en
Pages : 334

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