Troubled Hearts, Troubled Minds

Troubled Hearts, Troubled Minds PDF Author: Peter Nelmes
Publisher: Crown House Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 1785834401
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 254

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Book Description
Offers a detailed insight into how children's emotions affect their learning and delivers key lessons on how we can better connect with both the head and the heart during the teaching and learning process. How are we to think of the disruptive or destructive child? Drawing on over 25 years of working with children with challenging behaviour, Peter Nelmes argues that such children are members of a community who are possibly the least recognised, understood and accepted in society whose problems are often met with condemnation rather than understanding and support. Drawing on a diverse range of case studies, he sets out to answer the question as to why emotional difficulties grief, trauma and abuse very often diminish a child's capacity for learning. By explaining this phenomenon he gives anyone who works with such children a framework for understanding how emotions play out in the classroom and a way of thinking about how the heart and the brain relate to each other in practice. If you have ever struggled to teach or even just connect with a troubled child, then this book is for you.

Troubled Hearts, Troubled Minds

Troubled Hearts, Troubled Minds PDF Author: Peter Nelmes
Publisher: Crown House Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 1785834401
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 254

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Book Description
Offers a detailed insight into how children's emotions affect their learning and delivers key lessons on how we can better connect with both the head and the heart during the teaching and learning process. How are we to think of the disruptive or destructive child? Drawing on over 25 years of working with children with challenging behaviour, Peter Nelmes argues that such children are members of a community who are possibly the least recognised, understood and accepted in society whose problems are often met with condemnation rather than understanding and support. Drawing on a diverse range of case studies, he sets out to answer the question as to why emotional difficulties grief, trauma and abuse very often diminish a child's capacity for learning. By explaining this phenomenon he gives anyone who works with such children a framework for understanding how emotions play out in the classroom and a way of thinking about how the heart and the brain relate to each other in practice. If you have ever struggled to teach or even just connect with a troubled child, then this book is for you.

Troubled Minds

Troubled Minds PDF Author: Amy Simpson
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
ISBN: 0830843043
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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Book Description
Reflecting on the confusion, shame and grief brought on by her mother's schizophrenia, Amy Simpson provides a bracing look at the social and physical realities of mental illness. Reminding us that people with mental illness are our neighbors and our brothers and sisters in Christ, she explores new possibilities for the church to minister to this stigmatized group.

Troubled Minds

Troubled Minds PDF Author: Amy Simpson
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
ISBN: 0830884327
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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Book Description
Reflecting on the confusion, shame and grief brought on by her mother's schizophrenia, Amy Simpson provides a bracing look at the social and physical realities of mental illness. Reminding us that people with mental illness are our neighbors and our brothers and sisters in Christ, she explores new possibilities for the church to minister to this stigmatized group.

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (Foreword by Elizabeth Catherwood and Ann Beatt)

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (Foreword by Elizabeth Catherwood and Ann Beatt) PDF Author: Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Publisher: Crossway
ISBN: 1433520869
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 141

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Book Description
In 1951, with the Second World War not long over and the menace of the Cold War generating anxiety in the West, Martyn Lloyd-Jones preached eight sermons on John 14:1-12 at Westminster Chapel in London. These sermons, presented in Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, were intended to comfort, strengthen, and build up Christians in their "most holy faith" and to bring unbelievers to a knowledge of the only way men and women can face matters of life and death. Lloyd-Jones went through these verses carefully, showing that the way to deal with our fears is first to recognize and confront them and then to realize that the answer is only to be found in the great and unchanging truths of the gospel. Pastors, Lloyd-Jones readers, and anyone needing encouragement will benefit from this work by one of the twentieth century's foremost preachers.

Be Not Troubled

Be Not Troubled PDF Author: Ronald A. Rasband
ISBN: 9781629728896
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Understanding Troubled Minds

Understanding Troubled Minds PDF Author: Sidney Bloch
Publisher: Melbourne Univ. Publishing
ISBN: 052286032X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 362

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Book Description
Many of us take our mental health for granted. But when confronted by mental illness in family members, friends or ourselves, even the most competent can become overwhelmed.Understanding Troubled Minds guides us calmly and authoritatively through the full range of mental illnesses and their treatment, and includes chapters dealing specifically with mental illnesses afflicting women, children and the elderly. It stresses the value of partnerships between psychiatrists, patients and their families.Balanced, humanistic and thoroughly readable, this fully revised edition of Understanding Troubled Minds serves as a practical guide to mental illness and its treatment.

Bridging Troubled Waters

Bridging Troubled Waters PDF Author: Michelle LeBaron
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0787966150
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 351

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Book Description
Bridging Troubled Waters is about a robust and holistic approach to resolving conflict. It begins where much of the currently accepted theory and practice in the field leaves off. Like a hand pulling back the curtain from parts of us that have been closeted away, this book reveals ways we can use more of ourselves in addressing conflict. Moving beyond the analytic and the intellectual, it situates our efforts at bridging conflict in the very places where conflict is born--relationships. From relationships come connection, meaning, and identity. It is through awareness of connection, shared meaning, and respect for identity that conflicts are transformed.

Packing Inferno

Packing Inferno PDF Author: Tyler E. Boudreau
Publisher: Feral House
ISBN: 1932595325
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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A Marine officer's inner struggle with truth after coming home from Iraq.

Mind Fixers: Psychiatry's Troubled Search for the Biology of Mental Illness

Mind Fixers: Psychiatry's Troubled Search for the Biology of Mental Illness PDF Author: Anne Harrington
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
ISBN: 1324001976
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 477

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Book Description
“Superb… a nuanced account of biological psychiatry.” —Richard J. McNally In Mind Fixers, “the preeminent historian of neuroscience” (Science magazine) Anne Harrington explores psychiatry’s repeatedly frustrated efforts to understand mental disorder. She shows that psychiatry’s waxing and waning theories have been shaped not just by developments in the clinic and lab, but also by a surprising range of social factors. Mind Fixers recounts the past and present struggle to make mental illness a biological problem in order to lay the groundwork for creating a better future.

For Times of Trouble

For Times of Trouble PDF Author: Jeffrey R. Holland
ISBN: 9781609072711
Category : Bible
Languages : en
Pages : 242

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Book Description
The author explores dozens of scriptural passages from the psalms, offering personal ideas and insights and sharing his testimony that "no matter what the trouble and trial of the day may be, we start and finish with the eternal truth that God is for us."--