Towers of Deception

Towers of Deception PDF Author: Barrie Zwicker
Publisher: New Society Publishers
ISBN: 1550924222
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 417

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A dozen carefully researched books have exposed the official story of 9/11 to be a terror fraud. Yet the mainstream media have monolithically failed to ask elementary questions about anomalies in this story. So-called alternative media have been little better. Towers of Deception explains why and prescribes actions to break out the truth. Authored by a lifelong journalist who was for thirty-five years a media critic, Towers of Deception provides twenty-six “exhibits” of evidence proving “beyond a reasonable doubt” that 9/11 was an inside job. It then presents case histories of de facto censorship by mainstream media and examines the psychological phenomenon of denial. “False flag” operations and psychological warfare are dealt with in detail, as is the “invisible government”—the powers pulling strings behind the scenes. Following a profile of Dr. David Ray Griffin as an authentic prophet of the 9/11 truth movement, Towers of Deception urges people to speak truth to power and challenge all media. Interspersed with photographs, diary entries, and inspiring profiles of those who see 9/11 truth as the Achilles’ heel of the neocon agenda, Towers of Deception includes a professional-quality DVD produced by the author: The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw.

Solving 9-11

Solving 9-11 PDF Author: Christopher Bollyn
Publisher: Christopher Bollyn
ISBN: 9780985322588
Category : Conspiracy theories
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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An independent analysis of the events of September 11, 2001, that includes historical and geo-political background and examines the motivation of the people who played key roles in the destruction of the evidence and the obstruction of justice for the families of the victims.

9/11 Ten Years Later

9/11 Ten Years Later PDF Author: David Ray Griffin
Publisher: Interlink Publishing
ISBN: 1623710030
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 307

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On the tenth anniversary of the Septemer 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, David Ray Griffin reviews the troubling questions that remain unanswered 9/11 Ten Years Later is David Ray Griffin's tenth book about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Asking in the first chapter whether 9/11 justified the war in Afghanistan, he explains why it did not. In the following three chapters, devoted to the destruction of the World Trade Center, Griffin asks why otherwise rational journalists have endorsed miracles (understood as events that contradict laws of science). Also, introducing the book's theme, Griffin points out that 9/11 has been categorized by some social scientists as a state crime against democracy. Turning next to debates within the 9/11 Truth Movement, Griffin reinforces his claim that the reported phone calls from the airliners were faked, and argues that the intensely debated issue about the Pentagon—whether it was struck by a Boeing 757—is quite unimportant. Finally, Griffin suggests that the basic faith of Americans is not Christianity but "nationalist faith"—which most fundamentally prevents Americans from examining evidence that 9/11 was orchestrated by U.S. leaders—and argues that the success thus far of the 9/11 state crime against democracy need not be permanent.

The Madoffs Among Us

The Madoffs Among Us PDF Author: William M. Francavilla
Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
ISBN: 1632658798
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 226

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Each year Americans lose billions of dollars to fraudulent activity. The Madoffs Among Us shows you in graphic detail why and how people fall prey. Most important, it shows you how to easily identify the people who perpetrate these crimes and avoid their deceitful practices. Why do smart people fall for these cons? What are today’s most common scams? And how can you avoid becoming a victim? Many people abdicate their responsibility to participate in the investment process because they just don’t know much about financial planning, and they rely upon an advisor. The Madoffs Among Us arms you with tangible and simple actions to protect your wealth, no matter its size. From the very first chapter, you will appreciate why good advisors are worth their weight in gold and bad advisors could cost you a fortune. With uncertainty surrounding the potential repeal of some of the most important protections of the Dodd-Frank Act this book will become even more important. The real-life examples of fraud are numerous and alarming, but The Madoffs Among Us gives you the concrete measures you can take to minimize the possibility of being ripped off.

The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7

The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7 PDF Author: David Ray Griffin
Publisher: Interlink Publishing
ISBN: 162371026X
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 391

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At 5:20 in the afternoon on 9/11, Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapsed, even though it had not been struck by a plane and had fires on only a few floors. The reason for its collapse was considered a mystery. In August 2008, NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology) issued its report on WTC 7, declaring that "the reason for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 is no longer a mystery" and that “science is really behind what we have said.” Showing that neither of these claims is true, David Ray Griffin demonstrates that NIST is guilty of the most serious types of scientific fraud: fabricating, falsifying, and ignoring evidence. He also shows that NIST’s report left intact the central mystery: How could a building damaged by fire—not explosives—have come down in free fall?

The State of the American Mind: Stupor and Pathetic Docility

The State of the American Mind: Stupor and Pathetic Docility PDF Author: Amechi Okolo PhD
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1477179720
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 633

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This book, The State of the American Mind: Stupor and Pathetic Docility Volume One begins to unravel some of the most obvious, perplexing, embarrassing and enduring problems and contradictions of American history and sociology, viz., how could the American revolution that started with the most ringing and most inspiring Declarations of human equality in world history end up establishing the most vicious, exploitative society the world ever knew Black chattel slavery and only ten percent white enfranchisement, etc. Further, how could men of such great wisdom and intellect like George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and others who were Enlightenment scholars and clearly knew that slavery was despicable and evil, because they had variously experienced white servitude and slavery themselves, collude to establish and institutionalize the horrible system of Negro chattel slavery in America; and also disenfranchised over 90 percent of people of their own race actions that racism could not explain. The structural/institutional slavery system they established, and the resultant consequent racism hobbles America today as it did in the past, and forced Eric Holder, the Attorney General to declare that, America is a nation of cowards, when it comes to race discussions. Thus, this book starts with serious critical discussions of race in America and reveals what no textbook has ever done, viz., that most early American whites and Blacks were slaves an uncomfortable fact that would shock most Americans because it contradicts the orthodoxy or the dominant narrative that only Blacks were brought here in chains. Further, the book also shows the year Black slavery started something almost, all textbooks got wrong. It also shows who, was the fi rst Black slave in America something no textbook ever mentions. It also shows when and how racism started in America and many other very sensitive and embarrassing but necessary issues that America avoids but must be frankly discussed for America to move forward. This book therefore shatters the two dominant themes of Americas history and sociology that Blacks were brought into America in chains as slaves while whites came to America in search of freedom, as Obama famously told us in his race speech. Thus, the crowning lesson of this book, in addition to discussing some critical policy issues like education, health care, etc., is that it discovers the centripetal force of the American society that eluded contemporary Americans because American bosses have laboriously concealed the facts from the public the scary but clearly healthy uniting fact that most Americans are united by their common ancestry, their universal history and experience of servitude, bond-indentures and slavery. Nothing is more universal, more common and more shared in American history and sociology than the fact that most of our ancestors, black and white, were servants, bond-indentures and slaves who were dominated and super-exploited by few overlords. Colonial America was the preferred dumping ground for British, outcasts, rejects, criminals, masterless class, vagabonds, bond-indentures, slaves, etc., until 1776 when Australia replaced America as the British dump for its rejects and surplus citizens. Thus, that America was a nation founded by British rejects and losers is inherently more rational than the prevailing orthodoxy or the Obama theory of Americas founders that they were great honorable men who journeyed across the ocean for freedom because of the obvious reason that good, powerful achieving citizens do not normally emigrate to new uncharted lands.

The Deception

The Deception PDF Author: Laura Gallier
Publisher: Wander
ISBN: 1496433920
Category : Young Adult Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 303

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A year and a half after the horrific Masonville High mass shooting, Owen is determined to uncover why the Creepers have converged on his land and the school--a necessary step toward his ultimate mission to drive evil forces out of Masonville.


Firestorm PDF Author: Stephen Prince
Publisher: Columbia University Press
ISBN: 0231520085
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 401

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It was believed that September 11th would make certain kinds of films obsolete, such as action thrillers crackling with explosions or high-casualty blockbusters where the hero escapes unscathed. While the production of these films did ebb, the full impact of the attacks on Hollywood's creative output is still taking shape. Did 9/11 force filmmakers and screenwriters to find new methods of storytelling? What kinds of movies have been made in response to 9/11, and are they factual? Is it even possible to practice poetic license with such a devastating, broadly felt tragedy? Stephen Prince is the first scholar to trace the effect of 9/11 on the making of American film. From documentaries like Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) to zombie flicks, and from fictional narratives such as The Kingdom (2007) to Mike Nichols's Charlie Wilson's War (2007), Prince evaluates the extent to which filmmakers have exploited, explained, understood, or interpreted the attacks and the Iraq War that followed, including incidents at Abu Ghraib. He begins with pre-9/11 depictions of terrorism, such as Alfred Hitchcock's Sabotage (1936), and follows with studio and independent films that directly respond to 9/11. He considers documentary portraits and conspiracy films, as well as serial television shows (most notably Fox's 24) and made-for-TV movies that re-present the attacks in a broader, more intimate way. Ultimately Prince finds that in these triumphs and failures an exciting new era of American filmmaking has taken shape.


Madaraka PDF Author: Wanyee Kinuthia
Publisher: Wanyee Kinuthia
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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“Madaraka” is the Swahili word for self determination. Article 2 of the United Nations 1960 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples states: “all peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development." This book goes beyond the simplistic explanations that are routinely provided regarding the failure of corporate globalization, and draws attention to the political economy of this exploitative system, in order to effectively address it. The book is divided into four parts. The first part is comprised of the author’s Master’s thesis, which is accessible online through the University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Canada), as well as Library and Archives Canada. This section serves as the foundation of the book by providing a critique of the political economy of corporate globalization, as seen through the lens of the exploitative global corporate extractive industry, which is marked by increasing inequality, oppression, and the exploitation of both people and the natural environment, exclusively for the pursuit of profit. The second part of the book focuses on Africa, and provides an overview of the impact of corporate globalization on the continent. The African experience also demonstrates the contemporary relevance of “dependency theory,” and how the continent’s dependence on “export-led growth” is enforced via Africa’s illegitimate “debt burden.” This explains why African states have been unable to diversify from their dependence on natural resources and chart independent economic paths. The third part of the book discusses the securitization of U.S. foreign economic policy/corporate globalization via the U.S-led War on Terror, and explores a number of initiatives along the security/development nexus. These include the U.S.’s National Security Strategy (NSS) and the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA). This section also discusses the subject of fragile/failed states and explains the basic rationale behind U.S. foreign economic policy: that fragile/failed states need to embrace neoliberal economic/corporate globalization through market-led policies, in order to overcome poverty and cease being threats to the more ordered parts of the world. The final part of the book critiques The 9/11 Commission Report, which contains the “official account” of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and is used to justify the U.S-led War on Terror. However, this key document lacks sufficient evidence and cannot be used to support a prosecutable case in any court of law. The final part of the book goes a step further and explores the use of state terrorism by Northern countries, particularly the U.S., in its efforts to spread its foreign economic policy/corporate globalization worldwide. This section also discusses the historical use of false-flag terrorism by Northern countries, in order to further their foreign policy objectives, including well-known and documented examples such as “Operation Northwoods,” “Operation Gladio,” and “The Lavon Affair.” The book concludes by proposing a radical but necessary solution to the crisis of corporate globalization: that we challenge the authenticity of The 9/11 Commission Report, and therefore, the legitimacy of the U.S-led War on Terror. More specifically, that we demand a new and independent investigation into the events surrounding 9/11, as this is an indispensable prerequisite to de-securitizing U.S. foreign economic policy/corporate globalization. 9/11 is the Achilles Heel of the entire system of economic exploitation and oppression via neoliberal economic/corporate globalization – a system whose main objective is to open up the economies of developing countries to corporations, which are mostly based in Northern countries, so that these corporations can “increase their market share, and thereby the wealth of Northern elites." Website:

Solving 9-11

Solving 9-11 PDF Author: Christopher Lee Bollyn
ISBN: 9780985322533
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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A collection of the author's articles about the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, written between 2012 and 2019.