The School Leader’s Guide to Restorative School Discipline

The School Leader’s Guide to Restorative School Discipline PDF Author: Luanna H. Meyer
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 145228377X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 185

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Book Description
A positive model for restorative discipline If you would like a more effective way to deal with discipline issues than "old school" punishment, this book is for you. The authors provide a research-based and field-tested model that gives school leaders more productive alternatives to reprimands, exclusion, and out-of-school suspension. This positive program helps improve behavior and keep students in school. This guide′s model covers school-wide prevention, restoration, and intervention needs for students with emotional, behavioral, and conduct disorders (such as bullying) as well as developmental disabilities and autism. Key topics include: The latest research on the effectiveness of restorative discipline How to implement a comprehensive, school-wide discipline plan Ways to support and sustain the plan with teacher teams Networking with community services such as child protection, child welfare, juvenile justice, and mental health professionals This program has high social validity and utility for actual school and classroom settings. In addition to content learning, students need to learn appropriate behavior and social skills to succeed in school and in life. This book offers a solid, proven, and humane program that benefits students and keeps the focus where it should be—on learning.

The School Leader’s Guide to Restorative School Discipline

The School Leader’s Guide to Restorative School Discipline PDF Author: Luanna H. Meyer
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 145228377X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 185

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Book Description
A positive model for restorative discipline If you would like a more effective way to deal with discipline issues than "old school" punishment, this book is for you. The authors provide a research-based and field-tested model that gives school leaders more productive alternatives to reprimands, exclusion, and out-of-school suspension. This positive program helps improve behavior and keep students in school. This guide′s model covers school-wide prevention, restoration, and intervention needs for students with emotional, behavioral, and conduct disorders (such as bullying) as well as developmental disabilities and autism. Key topics include: The latest research on the effectiveness of restorative discipline How to implement a comprehensive, school-wide discipline plan Ways to support and sustain the plan with teacher teams Networking with community services such as child protection, child welfare, juvenile justice, and mental health professionals This program has high social validity and utility for actual school and classroom settings. In addition to content learning, students need to learn appropriate behavior and social skills to succeed in school and in life. This book offers a solid, proven, and humane program that benefits students and keeps the focus where it should be—on learning.

The Caring Teacher's Guide to Discipline

The Caring Teacher's Guide to Discipline PDF Author: Marilyn E. Gootman
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 9780761976868
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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""""A delight to read. The book is thoughtful, practical, and extremely respectful of teachers and of the multiple judgments needed to educate young children well." "From the Foreword by Carl D. Glickman Chair, Program for School Improvement The University of Georgia This second edition of Marilyn E. Gootman's best-selling book is a comprehensive guide to teaching students to "do the right thing." With this insightful and important work, teachers can acquire the skills they need to help students practice self-control, solve problems, use good judgment, and correct their own misbehavior. You'll learn strategies to: Give students realistic expectations and establish rules for behavior Prevent and resolve misunderstandings using open communication Deal with anger (yours or your students') Communicate more effectively in order to prevent or resolve misunderstanding Develop and use problem-solving techniques Reach students with trauma-and dysfunction-associated behavioral problems Create effective partnerships with parentsWith updated insights, new research results and recommended programs, and a new chapter on "Bullying: Prevention and Intervention," this new edition of a powerful classic is a necessary resource for new and experienced teachers alike.Marilyn E. Gootman, Ed.D., is founder of Gootman Education Associates, an educational consulting company that provides workshops and seminars for parents and educators, focusing on successful strategies for raising and teaching children. She has been in the teaching profession for over 25 years, and her teaching experiences range from elementaryschool to the university level. She holds degrees from Simmons College and Brandeis University and a doctorate from the University of Georgia. She is the author of "The Loving Parents' Guide to Discipline "and" When a Friend

The Little Book of Restorative Discipline for Schools

The Little Book of Restorative Discipline for Schools PDF Author: Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1680990438
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 90

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Book Description
Can community-building begin in a classroom? The authors of this book believe that by applying restorative justice at school, we can build a healthier and more just society. With practical applications and models. Can an overworked teacher possibly turn an unruly incident with students into an "opportunity for learning, growth, and community-building"? If restorative justice has been able to salvage lives within the world of criminal behavior, why shouldn't its principles be applied in school classrooms and cafeterias? And if our children learn restorative practices early and daily, won't we be building a healthier, more just society? Two educators answer yes, yes, and yes in this new addition to The Little Books of Justice and Peacebuilding series. Amstutz and Mullet offer applications and models. "Discipline that restores is a process to make things as right as possible." This Little Book shows how to get there.

The Teacher's Guide to Restorative Classroom Discipline

The Teacher's Guide to Restorative Classroom Discipline PDF Author: Luanna H. Meyer
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1412998611
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 217

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Book Description
This handbook for teachers complements The School Leader's Guide to Restorative School Discipline and shows teachers how to create a classroom of positive relationships, where every member of that classroom community feels a sense of belonging, is valued, and accepts responsibility for the well-being of others. The behavior expectations in this book apply to adults as well as students, and lead to positive learning outcomes. Included are interventions for challenging behaviors as well as alternatives to traditional models of punishment, such as in-school suspension, restorative conferencing, and safe crisis intervention. This book is: evidence-based, inclusive, practical, contextual, culturally responsive, and, user-friendly.

Classroom Discipline

Classroom Discipline PDF Author: Linda Crawford
Publisher: Origins Program
ISBN: 9780938541134
Category : Classroom management
Languages : en
Pages : 301

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Better Than Carrots Or Sticks

Better Than Carrots Or Sticks PDF Author: Dominique Smith
Publisher: ASCD
ISBN: 1416620648
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 170

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This book provide a practical blueprint for creating a cooperative and respectful classroom climate in which students and teachers work through behavioral issues together.

The Restorative Practices Handbook

The Restorative Practices Handbook PDF Author: Bob Costello
ISBN: 9781934355022
Category : Classroom management
Languages : en
Pages : 111

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Implementing Restorative Practices in Schools

Implementing Restorative Practices in Schools PDF Author: Margaret Thorsborne
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
ISBN: 0857007378
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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Book Description
Restorative practice is a proven approach to discipline in schools that favours relationships over retribution, and has been shown to improve behaviour and enhance teaching and learning outcomes. However, in order for it to work, restorative practice needs a relational school culture. Implementing Restorative Practice in Schools explains what has to happen in a school in order for it to become truly restorative. Section 1 explains the potential of restorative practice in schools, describing the positive outcomes for students and teachers. It also outlines the measures that need to be in place in order to embed restorative practice. Section 2 examines the process of understanding and managing change, providing realistic and pragmatic guidance on the practical and emotional barriers that may be encountered. Finally, Section 3 provides in eight practical steps, strategic guidance for achieving a restorative culture that sticks. Featuring useful pro formas and templates, this book will be an indispensable guide for educators, administrators and school leaders in mainstream and specialist settings.

Restorative Discipline Practices

Restorative Discipline Practices PDF Author: Gaye Lang
ISBN: 9780985252786
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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This book on Restorative Discipline Practices (RDP) will provide anecdotes and process stories by authors from diverse backgrounds including: classroom teachers, school administrators, campus coordinators, juvenile justice officials, community leaders and university professors.It will be an inspiration and reference for educators as they begin or continue to implement RDP in the schools.

A Real-World Guide to Restorative Justice in Schools

A Real-World Guide to Restorative Justice in Schools PDF Author: Nicholas Bradford
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
ISBN: 178775572X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 264

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Book Description
This book is designed to help you navigate the challenges and joys of building and maintaining a healthy restorative ecosystem in your school, while providing concrete tools and real-world stories to guide you through the process. Traditional methods of discipline are commonly found to be ineffective, and this book shows how restorative justice can benefit schools in a huge variety of ways, such as decreasing the need for suspensions, increasing academic outcomes, and improving the health of your whole school community. Written by the founder and the education director of the National Center for Restorative Justice, each and every chapter is packed with expertise on everything from carrying out the stages of a restorative circle to understanding the importance of conflict. The authors pull no punches in showing that this work is not always easy, but their passion for restorative justice shines out of every page, demonstrating just how valuable this approach can be in bringing the absolute best out of your students and school.