The Southern Garden Poetry Society

The Southern Garden Poetry Society PDF Author: David B Honey
Publisher: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
ISBN: 9629964678
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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What has traditionally been the main matter explored by Cantonese literati? From the earliest poets—oceanic elements and riparian scenes contrasted with stunning rock formations; a love for the exotic, especially local plants, products, and lore; Daoist transcendentalism; and, finally, a concern for pointing up local loyalty to the distant throne and a fierce pride in being culturally authentically Chinese. The Southern Garden Poetry Society in Guangzhou was the only major literary club in Chinese history to be periodically reconvened over the Ming, Qing, and Republican eras. Beginning with an examination of its five founding members during the Yuan / Ming transition period, in particular Sun Fen (1335–1393), David Honey traces the various elements of this Southern Muse that became embodied in later Cantonese poetry, and pursues the issue of social memory by focusing on later reconvenings of the society.

The Southern Garden Poetry Society

The Southern Garden Poetry Society PDF Author: David B Honey
Publisher: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
ISBN: 9629964678
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Book Description
What has traditionally been the main matter explored by Cantonese literati? From the earliest poets—oceanic elements and riparian scenes contrasted with stunning rock formations; a love for the exotic, especially local plants, products, and lore; Daoist transcendentalism; and, finally, a concern for pointing up local loyalty to the distant throne and a fierce pride in being culturally authentically Chinese. The Southern Garden Poetry Society in Guangzhou was the only major literary club in Chinese history to be periodically reconvened over the Ming, Qing, and Republican eras. Beginning with an examination of its five founding members during the Yuan / Ming transition period, in particular Sun Fen (1335–1393), David Honey traces the various elements of this Southern Muse that became embodied in later Cantonese poetry, and pursues the issue of social memory by focusing on later reconvenings of the society.

Cultural Transplantation: The Writing of Classical Chinese Poetry in Colonial Singapore (1887‒1945)

Cultural Transplantation: The Writing of Classical Chinese Poetry in Colonial Singapore (1887‒1945) PDF Author: Lap Lam
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004538925
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 436

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Classical-style poetry in modern China and other Sinitic-speaking localities is attracting greater attention with the recent upsurge in academic revision of modern Chinese literary history. Using the concept of cultural transplantation, this monograph attempts to illustrate the uniqueness, compatibility, and adaptability of classical Chinese poetry in colonial Singapore as well as its sustained connections with literary tradition and homeland. It demonstrates how the reading of classical Chinese poetry can better our understanding of Singapore’s political, social, and cultural history, deepen knowledge of the transregional relationship between China and Nanyang, and fine-tune, redress, and enrich our perception of Singapore Chinese literature, Sinophone literature, the Chinese diaspora, and global Chinese identity.

Dreams and Lives in Ottoman Istanbul

Dreams and Lives in Ottoman Istanbul PDF Author: Asli Niyazioglu
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317148118
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 171

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Dreams and Lives in Ottoman Istanbul explores biography writing and dream narratives in seventeenth-century Istanbul. It focuses on the prominent biographer ‘Aṭā’ī (d. 1637) and with his help shows how learned circles narrated dreams to assess their position in the Ottoman enterprise. This book demonstrates that dreams provided biographers not only with a means to form learned communities in a politically fragile landscape but also with a medium to debate the correct career paths and social networks in late sixteenth and early seventeenth-century Istanbul. By adopting a comparative approach, this book engages with current scholarly dialogues about life-writing, dreams, and practices of remembrance in Habsburg Spain, Safavid Iran, Mughal India and Ming China. Recent studies have shown the shared rhythms between these contemporaneous dynasties and the Ottomans, and there is now a strong interest in comparative approaches to examining cultural life. This first English-language monograph on Ottoman dreamscapes addresses this interest and introduces a world where dreams changed lives, the dead appeared in broad daylight, and biographers invited their readers to the gardens of remembrance.

Poetic Transformations

Poetic Transformations PDF Author: Claudine Ang
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 1684175976
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 308

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In the eighteenth century, multiple migratory groups with competing political ambitions converged on the Mekong plains. In the frontier region, literati‐officials of a territorially-expanding Vietnamese state crossed paths with a network of diasporic Chinese Ming loyalists closely affiliated with the coastal trading network. Drawing on vernacular Vietnamese and classical Chinese sources, Claudine Ang identifies the different ways two leading statesmen of the time employed literature to transform the frontier region. In their rival cultural projects, we see the clash between the aspirations of Vietnamese and Chinese migrants. Ang shows how a bawdy play, in which a lascivious monk turns his charms on an unsuspecting nun, acted as a vehicle for differentiating Vietnamese lowlanders from their neighbors, and she uncovers in a suite of landscape poems coded messages aimed at founding a new Ming loyalist stronghold on the Mekong delta. Through its close reading of satirical drama and landscape poetry, Poetic Transformations captures a historical moment of overlapping visions, frustrated schemes, and contested desires on the Mekong plains.

Wild Persistence

Wild Persistence PDF Author: Patricia Hooper
ISBN: 9781597321754
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 94

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The poems in Wild Persistence often involve moments when the human and natural worlds intersect: a Sandhill Crane dancing at the window of a grieving woman, a copperhead snake confronting a gardener, a billboard photo of a missing child slowly being eroded by weather and the passage of time. Although these poems mourn numerous losses, they celebrate the world in which such losses take place, turning for perspective to nature with its cyclical renewals and to the resilience of the human spirit.

Walking Toward Home

Walking Toward Home PDF Author: James Everett Kibler
Publisher: Pelican Publishing
ISBN: 9781455613748
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 296

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"James Kibler understands that traditional stories endure because they are always new; they furnish the joys both of discovery and of rediscovery." --Fred Chappell, North Carolina poet laureate Acutely aware of lifetimes of missed opportunities and mistakes, the characters in James Everett Kibler's new novel unconsciously hold on to a persistent hope. Walking Toward Home presents snapshots of small-town people as they continue to care for the living while mourning the dead in ways that are not uniquely Southern, but universal in purpose. The magnetism of the local country store attracts a diverse group of neighbors who tell stories and impart wisdom that was earned the hard way. Walking Toward Home is set on the banks of the Tyger River in South Carolina, an area the author himself calls home. The trials and triumphs of Chauncey Doolittle and his friends and family are intimately shared among the members of their close community. Chauncey engages in a symbiotic relationship with both the land and the people of his home. He and his neighbors--cousin Kildee, who owns the local country store; Triggerfoot Tinsley, an independent cuss who gets into hilarious scrapes; and the two widow cousins who fish all day--are Southern eccentrics with a flair for the philosophical. Kibler's humor and poignancy are enhanced by the novel's lyrical language, which evokes the rhythm and music of Southern speech. The characters' stories of faith and mystery become a celebration of the world that has knocked them down but not completely out.

台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 51)

台灣文學英譯叢刊(No. 51) PDF Author: Yeh Shih-t'ao
Publisher: 國立臺灣大學出版中心
ISBN: 9863507504
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 474

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Yeh Shih-t'ao (1925-2008) was an outstanding Taiwanese novelist, literary critic and historian of Taiwan literature. In the history of the development of contemporary Taiwan literature he occupies an incomparably important position. As a literary historian, Yeh's magnum opus is An Outline History of Taiwan Literature (hereafter Outline). It is a comprehensive account that treats the subject of Taiwan literature from the perspective of Taiwan. Although it is only an outline, the book has very special significance in the history of Taiwan literature. 葉石濤(1925-2008)是台灣傑出的小説家、文學批評家、和台灣文學史家,在近代台灣文學發展史上具有無比重要的地位。作爲文學史家,他的巨著當推《台灣文學史綱》。這是以台灣的觀點所闡述的第一本通史。雖然只是綱要,這本書在台灣文學史上,具有特殊的意義,主要在於以台灣人的觀點詮釋台灣文學的歷史發展。

The Outlook

The Outlook PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 854

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International Who's Who in Poetry 2005

International Who's Who in Poetry 2005 PDF Author: Europa Publications
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 185743269X
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 1787

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Provides up-to-date profiles on the careers of leading and emerging poets.

The Journal of Wu Yubi

The Journal of Wu Yubi PDF Author: Wu Yubi
Publisher: Hackett Publishing
ISBN: 1624660991
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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In this rare firsthand account of an individual's pursuit of sagehood, the early Ming dynasty scholar and teacher Wu Yubi chronicles his progress and his setbacks, as he strives to integrate the Neo-Confucian practices of self-examination and self-cultivation into everyday life. In more than three hundred entries, spanning much of his adult life, Wu paints a vivid picture, not only of the life of the mind, but also of the life of a teacher of modest means, struggling to make ends meet in a rural community. This volume features M. Theresa Kelleher's superb translation of Wu's journal, along with translations of more than a dozen letters from his personal correspondence. A general Introduction discusses Neo-Confucianism and the Ming dynasty, and includes biographical information that puts the main work in context. A substantial commentary on the journal discusses the obstacles and supports Wu encounters in pursuit of his goal, the conflict between discipline and restraint of the self and the nurturing and expanding of the self, Wu's successes and failures, and Wu’s role as a teacher. Also included are a map of the Ming dynasty, a pronunciation guide, a chronology of Chinese dynasties, a glossary of names, a glossary of book titles, and suggestions for further reading.