The Portable Pike and Shot Wargame

The Portable Pike and Shot Wargame PDF Author: Alan Saunders
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 120

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Book Description
The contributors - Antoine Bourguilleau, Alan Saunders, Arthur Harman, and Bob Cordery - are all very experienced wargamers, and have collaborated to produce a book of wargame rules for fighting battles set during the Pike and Shot period. The Portable Pike & Shot Wargame book contains four different sets of grid-based wargame rules and covers late sixteenth century warfare in Japan and seventeenth century warfare in Europe. The book includes eleven chapters as well as an appendix and a bibliography.

The Portable Wargame

The Portable Wargame PDF Author: Bob Cordery
ISBN: 132690454X
Category : Games & Activities
Languages : en
Pages : 110

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Book Description
The Portable Wargame has been developed over the past ten years to meet the needs of wargamers who want a fast, easy to learn, simple to use set of wargames rules that don't require the player to purchase and paint a large collection of figures and that can be staged on a small dinner table, a large coffee table, or something even smaller. The rules are designed to be used with a gridded tabletop made up of squares or hexes.

The Portable Napoleonic Wargame

The Portable Napoleonic Wargame PDF Author: Bob Cordery
ISBN: 0244139105
Category : Games & Activities
Languages : en
Pages : 174

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Book Description
Although the author is a late convert to the joys of Napoleonic wargaming, he soon began to see why so many wargamers love the period. As a result, he set out to write several sets of rules that would use similar game mechanisms to those in his other PORTABLE WARGAME rules, and that would enable him to fight a range of small, medium, and large battles on a relatively small tabletop. This book is the result. Please note that all the rules have been designed to be used with a gridded tabletop made up of squares or hexes.

One-Hour Wargames

One-Hour Wargames PDF Author: Neil Thomas
Publisher: Pen and Sword
ISBN: 1473840937
Category : Games & Activities
Languages : en
Pages : 226

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A fun and practical new approach to wargaming that lets you complete a game in about an hour—includes rule sets and scenarios for most popular periods. One of the biggest problems facing wargamers is finding the time to actually play. Most commercially available games require several hours to set up and see to a conclusion; some can even take a whole day or weekend to complete. Apart from time, lack of space can also keep wargamers from enjoying their favorite pastime. In One-hour Wargames, veteran gamer and rule-writer Neil Thomas has addressed both problems. Now it is practical to play a satisfying game in around an hour on a normal dining table or living room floor. The book contains 8 all-new sets of very simple rules for various periods—from Ancient to WW2—and thirty stimulating scenarios which can be played using any of them. All the rules and scenarios are intended to be played on a 3ft x 3ft battlefield. The rules only require a small number of miniatures, so this really is an ideal way for new gamers, or veterans trying a new period, to get started with minimal investment of time and money. Also ideal for a quick game in the evening with a friend. Also included are sections on campaigns and solo games.

Developing The Portable Wargame

Developing The Portable Wargame PDF Author: Bob Cordery
ISBN: 024401101X
Category : Games & Activities
Languages : en
Pages : 130

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Book Description
This book has been written in direct response to the feedback from readers of 'The Portable Wargame', and includes three sets of rules - Ancient, enhanced Early and Mid Twentieth Century, and Air Combat - and chapters that look at Army Lists, Mini-campaigns, and Scenarios. All the rules have been designed to be used with a gridded tabletop made up of squares or hexes.

De Bellis Renationis

De Bellis Renationis PDF Author: Phil Barker
ISBN: 1326571168
Category : Games & Activities
Languages : en
Pages : 152

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"De Bellis Renationis" is a set of wargames rules for Renaissance battle, covering the period from 1491 AD to 1700 AD. It was first published in 1995 and later updated to version 2.0 published in 2004. It was accompanied by three books of Army Lists descr

Wargaming Campaigns

Wargaming Campaigns PDF Author: Henry Hyde
Publisher: Pen and Sword Military
ISBN: 1473855926
Category : Games & Activities
Languages : en
Pages : 584

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An authoritative reference guide to building wargaming campaigns, featuring a full set of campaign rules, tips on creating maps, and more. Most miniature wargames take the form of simulating a single battle with the opponents either winning or losing and that’s that until the next game. Such games can be a fun test of tactical skill, but it can be even more rewarding if they form part of a wider campaign. In a campaign, the players commanding the forces have to make the decisions at the strategic level that determine the context of any battles that occur. The outcome of these battles will, in turn, have strategic consequences for the ongoing campaign. Although campaigns can be very rewarding, many wargamers are deterred by the need to produce maps and devise mechanisms for strategic movement, Intelligence, logistics, recruiting reinforcements, keeping track of casualties etc. Henry Hyde’s excellent book greatly eases this task with masses of sound advice, concrete suggestions and even a full set of campaign rules useful for any period. Whatever historical or fantasy setting you prefer, Henry shows that even simple campaigns can add extra fun to your gaming. Praise for Wargaming Campaigns “This big, thick tome contains everything you’d ever want to know about creating and running a wargame campaign.” —Historical Miniatures Gaming Society

Dracula's America: Shadows of the West

Dracula's America: Shadows of the West PDF Author: Jonathan Haythornthwaite
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1472817796
Category : Games & Activities
Languages : en
Pages : 142

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Book Description
It is 1875, and Count Dracula is President of the United States of America. In the wake of the Civil War, with the country struggling to regain its balance, Dracula seized power. The Count's thralls assassinated President Lincoln and his entire administration in a single night and, in the ensuing chaos, their master made his move. Dominating the Senate, he declared himself President-for-Life, and now rules the Union with fear and an iron fist. His vampiric progeny, the Coven of the Red Hand, infest every strata of society, and enforce Dracula's will with ruthless efficiency. Drawn by the shadows gathering across the nation, secretive cults and evil creatures emerge from their lairs to thrive in the darkness of the new regime. Fleeing from the oppression and menace of the East, hordes of pioneers head to the West, hoping for a new life. Dracula's greed, however, knows no bounds, and his reach is long... Dracula's America: Shadows of the West is a skirmish game of gothic horror set in an alternate Old West. Secret wars rage across the country – from bustling boom-towns to the most remote wilderness – as cults and secret societies fight for power and survival. Players will throw their support behind one of these factions, and will lead a Posse in fast-paced, cinematic battles for dominance and survival.

Honours of War

Honours of War PDF Author: Keith Flint
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1472808118
Category : Games & Activities
Languages : en
Pages : 136

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The Seven Years' War was the pinnacle of 18th-century warfare, with dramatic campaigns and battles, famous leaders, and wide variety of colourful uniforms. Compared with the later Napoleonic Wars, tactics were simpler, armies more professional, and battles tended to be smaller. Using these quick-to-learn rules, players can bring this period to the tabletop, recreating anything from a small skirmish to a major pitched battle. Although simple, the rules allow for a wide range of tactics and reward historical play. That said, fog of war sometimes produces unexpected results and units don't always obey their orders! The game moves quickly, and players must be prepared to regroup and counterattack or to press home an advantage – a lot can happen in one move!

Ancient & Medieval Wargaming

Ancient & Medieval Wargaming PDF Author: Neil Thomas
Publisher: The History Press
ISBN: 0752496115
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 239

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Book Description
Re-fight some of the bloodiest battles of the ancient and medieval worlds! Seasoned wargamer and author Neil Thomas brings historical perspective to the hobby with a description and interpretation of significant military developments from 3,000BC to AD1500. Wargaming is the simulation of accurate historical battles using miniature figures to fight over three dimensional terrain, their movement and combat being regulated by clearly defined rules. Neil Thomas' new book provides specific coverage of ancient and medieval wargaming, thanks to its division into biblical, classical, Dark Age and medieval sections. Each section has its own set of rules and much expanded army lists. The wargamer gains additional perspective from data panels containing facts about weaponry, personalities and chroniclers, and quotations from original document sources. Useful suggestions for further reading are also included, while battle reports in each section provide tactical insights for both novice and veteran wargamers.