The Pivot of Civilization in Historical Perspective

The Pivot of Civilization in Historical Perspective PDF Author: Margaret Sanger
Publisher: Inkling Books
ISBN: 9781587420085
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 436

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Today's heated debates over social issues such as abortion, birth control, ethnicity, immigration, race, religion, sexual behavior, and welfare did not begin in the 1960s. They began in the last years of the nineteenth century and reached their zenith in the 1920s, when this book sold over 200,000 copies. Here is all the text of Margaret Sanger's 1922 best-seller along with 31 chapters by her contemporaries to set what she advocated in historical perspective. This is not history told after the fire and passion have died out. These are words spoken in the heat of battle, at a time when Sanger and others believed that the fate of civilization depended on their ideas winning acceptance here and around the world.

The Pivot of Civilization in Historical Perspective

The Pivot of Civilization in Historical Perspective PDF Author: Margaret Sanger
Publisher: Inkling Books
ISBN: 9781587420085
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 436

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Book Description
Today's heated debates over social issues such as abortion, birth control, ethnicity, immigration, race, religion, sexual behavior, and welfare did not begin in the 1960s. They began in the last years of the nineteenth century and reached their zenith in the 1920s, when this book sold over 200,000 copies. Here is all the text of Margaret Sanger's 1922 best-seller along with 31 chapters by her contemporaries to set what she advocated in historical perspective. This is not history told after the fire and passion have died out. These are words spoken in the heat of battle, at a time when Sanger and others believed that the fate of civilization depended on their ideas winning acceptance here and around the world.

The Geographical Pivot of History

The Geographical Pivot of History PDF Author: Halford John Mackinder
Category : Geography
Languages : en
Pages : 32

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The Wobbling Pivot, China since 1800

The Wobbling Pivot, China since 1800 PDF Author: Pamela Kyle Crossley
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1444319965
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 328

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This comprehensive but concise narrative of China since the eighteenth century builds its story around the delicate relationship between central government and local communities. Rejects the traditional view of China as a wholly harmonious society based on principles of stability – the Unwobbling Pivot of Ezra Pound's translation of the Chinese classic Zhongyong Provides an original interpretation, arguing that developments can be explained through an understanding of China’s surprising swings between centralization and decentralization, between local initiative and central authoritarianism Serves as an introduction to the subject, while readers with a background in Chinese history will find the book offers a personal perspective and addresses long-standing interpretive issues Supported by a variety of timelines, maps, illustrations, and extensive notes for further reading Places China’s history within the context of global change

Energy and Civilization

Energy and Civilization PDF Author: Vaclav Smil
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 0262536161
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 564

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A comprehensive account of how energy has shaped society throughout history, from pre-agricultural foraging societies through today's fossil fuel–driven civilization. "I wait for new Smil books the way some people wait for the next 'Star Wars' movie. In his latest book, Energy and Civilization: A History, he goes deep and broad to explain how innovations in humans' ability to turn energy into heat, light, and motion have been a driving force behind our cultural and economic progress over the past 10,000 years. —Bill Gates, Gates Notes, Best Books of the Year Energy is the only universal currency; it is necessary for getting anything done. The conversion of energy on Earth ranges from terra-forming forces of plate tectonics to cumulative erosive effects of raindrops. Life on Earth depends on the photosynthetic conversion of solar energy into plant biomass. Humans have come to rely on many more energy flows—ranging from fossil fuels to photovoltaic generation of electricity—for their civilized existence. In this monumental history, Vaclav Smil provides a comprehensive account of how energy has shaped society, from pre-agricultural foraging societies through today's fossil fuel–driven civilization. Humans are the only species that can systematically harness energies outside their bodies, using the power of their intellect and an enormous variety of artifacts—from the simplest tools to internal combustion engines and nuclear reactors. The epochal transition to fossil fuels affected everything: agriculture, industry, transportation, weapons, communication, economics, urbanization, quality of life, politics, and the environment. Smil describes humanity's energy eras in panoramic and interdisciplinary fashion, offering readers a magisterial overview. This book is an extensively updated and expanded version of Smil's Energy in World History (1994). Smil has incorporated an enormous amount of new material, reflecting the dramatic developments in energy studies over the last two decades and his own research over that time.

A History of the Birth Control Movement in America

A History of the Birth Control Movement in America PDF Author: Peter C. Engelman
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing USA
ISBN: 0313365105
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 257

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This narrative history of one of the most far-reaching social movements in the 20th century shows how it defied the law and made the use of contraception an acceptable social practice—and a necessary component of modern healthcare. A History of the Birth Control Movement in America tells the extraordinary story of a group of reformers dedicated to making contraception legal, accessible, and acceptable. The engrossing tale details how Margaret Sanger's campaign beginning in 1914 to challenge anti-obscenity laws criminalizing the distribution of contraceptive information grew into one of the most far-reaching social reform movements in American history. The book opens with a discussion of the history of birth control methods and the criminalization of contraception and abortion in the 19th century. Its core, however, is an exciting narrative of the campaign in the 20th century, vividly recalling the arrests and indictments, banned publications, imprisonments, confiscations, clinic raids, mass meetings, and courtroom dramas that publicized the cause across the nation. Attention is paid to the movement's thorny alliances with medicine and eugenics and especially to its success in precipitating a profound shift in sexual attitudes that turned the use of contraception into an acceptable social and medical practice. Finally, the birth control movement is linked to court-won privacy protections and the present-day movement for reproductive rights.

The Pivot of Civilization

The Pivot of Civilization PDF Author: Margaret Sanger
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 310

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The Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture

The Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture PDF Author: John R. Beard
Publisher: Inkling Books
ISBN: 9781587420108
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 164

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A newly typeset edition of the classic 1853 biography of Toussaint L'Ouverture, the brilliant military leader who defeated Napoleon's generals and liberated the slaves of Haiti.

Pivot Cities in the Rise and Fall of Civilizations

Pivot Cities in the Rise and Fall of Civilizations PDF Author: Ahmet Davutoğlu
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000458520
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 207

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Based on the author’s long experience in academic life and the public realm, especially in foreign policy, this book argues that a single categoric classification of cities is inadequate, and that cities have had different and varied impacts and positions throughout the history of civilization. The author examines how the formation, transformation, destruction or reestablishment of many civilizational cities reveals a clearer picture of the cornerstones of the course of human history. These cities, which play a decisive and pivotal role in the direction of the flow of history as well as providing us with a compass to guide our efforts to understand and interpret this flow, are conceptualized by the author as civilizations’ "pivot cities". This innovative book explores the role of great cities in political historical change, presenting an alternative view of these pivot cities from a culturalist perspective. Within this framework, the role played by pivot cities in the history of civilization may be considered under seven distinct headings: pioneering cities which founded civilizations; cities which were founded by civilizations; cities which were transplanted during the formation of civilizations; "ghost cities" which lost their importance through shifts in political power and civilizational transformation; "lost cities" which were destroyed by civilizations; cities on lines of geocultural/geoeconomic interaction; and cities which combine, transform or are transformed by different civilizations. The author’s concept of pivot cities explores the interplay between vital cities and civilizations, which bears on the future of globalization at a time of instability, as projected continuing de-Westernization becomes a theme in studies of global history. This book provides highly productive discussions relevant to the literature on city-civilization relationships and the historicity of pivot cities. Its clear language, rich content, deep and original perspective, interdisciplinary approach and rich bibliography will ensure that it appeals to students and scholars in a variety of disciplines, including cultural studies, political science, comparative urban studies, anthropology, history and civilizational studies.

Lady Eugenist

Lady Eugenist PDF Author: Victoria C. Woodhull
Publisher: Inkling Books
ISBN: 1587420422
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 332

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Francis Galton is said to have founded eugenics with an 1864 magazine article. But a single article does not make a movement and Galton, by his own admission, did little to promote the idea before 1901. This book demonstrates that eugenists have given us an inaccurate history of their movement, assigning credit to Galton, the eminent half-cousin of Charles Darwin, when the real credit belongs to a woman who was perhaps the most radical nineteenth-century American feminist.That woman was Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for U.S. President and, with her sister, the first woman stockbroker on Wall Street. This book contains all her major speeches and writings on eugenics, showing that she was the first of either sex to take to the road and, in hundreds of speeches across the U.S., champion the idea of creating a perfected humanity by breeding perfect children. She even beat Galton in his own land, moving to England in 1876 and introducing eugenics there.Woodhull was not a shy about her role. The title for this book comes from the headline of a 1912 London newspaper article proclaiming her Lady Eugenist. In 1927, shortly before she died, the New York Times would carry an article in which she praised eugenic sterilization and claimed to have advocated that fifty years ago in my book Marriage of the Unfit.

The Progressives' Century

The Progressives' Century PDF Author: Stephen Skowronek
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 0300225091
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 542

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A landmark work on how the Progressive Era redefined the playing field for conservatives and liberals alike. During the 1912 presidential campaign, Progressivism emerged as an alternative to what was then considered an outmoded system of government. A century later, a new generation of conservatives criticizes Progressivism as having abandoned America’s founding values and miring the government in institutional gridlock. In this paradigm-shifting book, renowned contributors examine a broad range of issues, including Progressives’ interpretation of the Constitution, their expansion and redistribution of individual rights, and reforms meant to shift power from political parties to ordinary citizens.