Publisher: Living Stream Ministry
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 204
Book Description
This issue of The Ministry of the Word contains the first eight messages given during the spring 1998 term of the full-time training in Anaheim, California. The first two messages serve as an introduction to the general subject of this series, which is "The Overcomers." Message 1 speaks of our need to see a vision of Zion. According to Revelation 14:1, the overcomers, the firstfruits, stand on Mount Zion. In typology the city of Jerusalem signifies the church, but Mount Zion in the city of Jerusalem signifies the overcomers, who are the strength, the uplifting, and the supply of the church. The highest peak in God's economy is Zion, the reality of the Body of Christ, and we need to endeavor in the church life to reach this high peak. The Lord's recovery today is to build up Zion, the reality of the Body of Christ, by gaining the overcomers, who are the vital ones in all the churches. Message 2 shows that the work of the overcomers is to allow their self to remain in the place of death so that they can be channels of life to dispense life into others to meet God's need. The Lord's selection is not according to our concept. God has a way to gather a sufficient number of self-denying, idol-crushing followers to be one with Him as a blended barley loaf in resurrection to roll over the tents of His enemy. These overcomers are particularly selected to fight in one accord to defeat the enemy, with the result that the whole Body is revived. The remaining messages in this issue begin a detailed consideration of the epistles in Revelation 2 and 3 to the seven churches. These epistles issue a call for overcomers to respond to the speaking Spirit to overcome particular items of degradation in the churches. Messages 3 through 8 speak of the Lord's call for the overcomers in Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamos. The Reports and Announcements section at the end of this issue contains a report regarding the Lord's move in Brazil and the full-time training in Caacupe, Paraguay and a list of upcoming conferences and trainings sponsored by Living Stream Ministry.