The life-book of a labourer, by a working clergyman [E. Neale].

The life-book of a labourer, by a working clergyman [E. Neale]. PDF Author: Erskine Neale
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 390

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The life-book of a labourer, by a working clergyman [E. Neale].

The life-book of a labourer, by a working clergyman [E. Neale]. PDF Author: Erskine Neale
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 390

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The Life-book of a Labourer; Or, the Curate with His Trials, Sorrows, Checks and Triumphs

The Life-book of a Labourer; Or, the Curate with His Trials, Sorrows, Checks and Triumphs PDF Author: Erskine Neale
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 390

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A Day in the Life of a Happy Worker

A Day in the Life of a Happy Worker PDF Author: Arnold B. Bakker
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1136158170
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 186

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This edited collection brings together some of the leading researchers in the study of the daily experience of work and daily well-being. The book covers both theoretical and methodological issues involved in studying workers’ well-being as it evolves on a daily basis. Interest in the topic of daily fluctuations in worker well-being has grown rapidly over the past ten years. This is partly because of advances in research and statistical methods, but also because researchers have found that the psychological processes that influence well-being play out from moment to moment, and from day to day. Topics covered in this book include: The theoretical basis of studying work as a series of daily episodes Assessment of different components of daily well-being Factors involved in the regulation of well-being at work Qualitative and quantitative diary experience sampling and event reconstruction methods Latent growth curve modelling of diary data The final chapter of the book includes a preview of how daily methods may evolve in the future. Intended as a guide for researchers with good knowledge of field research methods, the book will be particularly useful to researchers of work-related phenomena who seek to expand their knowledge of dynamic methods in field contexts, and those who want to start using these methods. It will also be of interest to students of work psychology and organisational behaviour, and related disciplines.

City of Workers, City of Struggle

City of Workers, City of Struggle PDF Author: Joshua B. Freeman
Publisher: Columbia University Press
ISBN: 023154958X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 560

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From the founding of New Amsterdam until today, working people have helped create and re-create the City of New York through their struggles. Starting with artisans and slaves in colonial New York and ranging all the way to twenty-first-century gig-economy workers, this book tells the story of New York’s labor history anew. City of Workers, City of Struggle brings together essays by leading historians of New York and a wealth of illustrations, offering rich descriptions of work, daily life, and political struggle. It recounts how workers have developed formal and informal groups not only to advance their own interests but also to pursue a vision of what the city should be like and whom it should be for. The book goes beyond the largely white, male wage workers in mainstream labor organizations who have dominated the history of labor movements to look at enslaved people, indentured servants, domestic workers, sex workers, day laborers, and others who have had to fight not only their masters and employers but also labor groups that often excluded them. Through their stories—how they fought for inclusion or developed their own ways to advance—it recenters labor history for contemporary struggles. City of Workers, City of Struggle offers the definitive account of the four-hundred-year history of efforts by New York workers to improve their lives and their communities. In association with the exhibition City of Workers, City of Struggle: How Labor Movements Changed New York at the Museum of the City of New York

Why I Am a Social Worker

Why I Am a Social Worker PDF Author: Diana S. Richmond Garland
ISBN: 9780989758109
Category : Social service
Languages : en
Pages : 269

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"'Why I am a social worker' describes the rich diversity and nature of the profession of social work through the 25 stories of daily lives and professional journeys chosen to represent the different people, groups and human situations where social workers serve. Many social workers of faith express that they feel 'called' to help people--sometimes a specific population of people such as abused children or people who live in poverty. Often they describe this calling as a way of living out their faith. 'Why I am a social worker' serves as a resource for Christians in social work as they reflect on their sense of calling, and provides direction to guide them in this process. 'Why I am a social worker' employs a narrative, descriptive approach, allowing the relationship between faith and practice to emerge through the professional life stories of social workers who are Christians. As such, it provides a way to explore integration on personal, emotional and practical levels."--Back cover.

Worker in the Cane

Worker in the Cane PDF Author: Sidney Wilfred Mintz
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
ISBN: 9780393007312
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 320

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Worker in the Cane is both a profound social document and a moving spiritual testimony. Don Taso portrays his harsh childhood, his courtship and early marriage, his grim struggle to provide for his family. He tells of his radical political beliefs and union activity during the Depression and describes his hardships when he was blacklisted because of his outspoken convictions. Embittered by his continuing poverty and by a serious illness, he undergoes a dramatic cure and becomes converted to a Protestant revivalist sect. In the concluding chapters the author interprets Don Taso's experience in the light of the changing patterns of life in rural Puerto Rico. This is the absorbing story of Don Taso, a Puerto Rican sugar cane worker, and of his family and the village in which he lives. Told largely in his own words, it is a vivid account of the drastic changes taking place in Puerto Rico, as he sees them.

The Great Work of Your Life

The Great Work of Your Life PDF Author: Stephen Cope
Publisher: Bantam
ISBN: 055380751X
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 306

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An inspiring meditation on living a purposeful life draws on the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita to present the spiritually relevant story of a young warrior in crisis and God in disguise.

Learning to Labor

Learning to Labor PDF Author: Paul E. Willis
Publisher: Columbia University Press
ISBN: 9780231053570
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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Claims the rebellion of poor and working class children against school authority prepares them for working class jobs.

This is the Construction Worker

This is the Construction Worker PDF Author: Laura Godwin
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
ISBN: 1368044476
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 28

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Young readers will delight in this step-by-step journey as a construction worker goes about her day on the job. With compelling details, vibrant color, and a driving rhythm, This is the Construction Worker builds up excitement as the high rise project in the illustrations grows taller and taller. Emphasizing teamwork and camaraderie, this story is a great read for home and the classroom, perfect for vehicle lovers and all young fans of busy activity!

The life of ... Edward, duke of Kent

The life of ... Edward, duke of Kent PDF Author: Erskine Neale
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 440

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