The Libertarian Mind

The Libertarian Mind PDF Author: David Boaz
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1476752877
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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A revised, updated, and retitled edition of David Boaz’s classic book Libertarianism: A Primer, which was praised as uniting “history, philosophy, economics and law—spiced with just the right anecdotes—to bring alive a vital tradition of American political thought that deserves to be honored today” (Richard A. Epstein, University of Chicago). Libertarianism—the philosophy of personal and economic freedom—has deep roots in Western civilization and in American history, and it’s growing stronger. Two long wars, chronic deficits, the financial crisis, the costly drug war, the campaigns of Ron Paul and Rand Paul, the growth of executive power under Presidents Bush and Obama, and the revelations about NSA abuses have pushed millions more Americans in a libertarian direction. Libertarianism: A Primer, by David Boaz, the longtime executive vice president of the Cato Institute, continues to be the best available guide to the history, ideas, and growth of this increasingly important political movement—and now it has been updated throughout and with a new title: The Libertarian Mind. Boaz has updated the book with new information on the threat of government surveillance; the policies that led up to and stemmed from the 2008 financial crisis; corruption in Washington; and the unsustainable welfare state. The Libertarian Mind is the ultimate resource for the current, burgeoning libertarian movement.

The Libertarian Mind

The Libertarian Mind PDF Author: David Boaz
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1476752877
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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Book Description
A revised, updated, and retitled edition of David Boaz’s classic book Libertarianism: A Primer, which was praised as uniting “history, philosophy, economics and law—spiced with just the right anecdotes—to bring alive a vital tradition of American political thought that deserves to be honored today” (Richard A. Epstein, University of Chicago). Libertarianism—the philosophy of personal and economic freedom—has deep roots in Western civilization and in American history, and it’s growing stronger. Two long wars, chronic deficits, the financial crisis, the costly drug war, the campaigns of Ron Paul and Rand Paul, the growth of executive power under Presidents Bush and Obama, and the revelations about NSA abuses have pushed millions more Americans in a libertarian direction. Libertarianism: A Primer, by David Boaz, the longtime executive vice president of the Cato Institute, continues to be the best available guide to the history, ideas, and growth of this increasingly important political movement—and now it has been updated throughout and with a new title: The Libertarian Mind. Boaz has updated the book with new information on the threat of government surveillance; the policies that led up to and stemmed from the 2008 financial crisis; corruption in Washington; and the unsustainable welfare state. The Libertarian Mind is the ultimate resource for the current, burgeoning libertarian movement.


Libertarianism PDF Author: David Boaz
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1439195153
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 548

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Tens of millions of Americans, from Generation X-ers to baby boomers and beyond, are rediscovering libertarianism, a visionary alternative to the tired party orthodoxies of left and right. In 1995 a Gallup poll found that 52 percent of Americans said "the federal government has become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens." Later that year, The Wall Street Journal concurred, saying: "Because of their growing disdain for government, more and more Americans appear to be drifting—often unwittingly—toward a libertarian philosophy." Libertarianism is hardly new, but its framework for liberty under law and economic progress makes it especially suited for the dynamic new era we are now entering. In the United States, the bureaucratic leviathan is newly threatened by a resurgence of the libertarian ideas upon which the country was founded. We are witnessing a breakdown of all the cherished beliefs of the welfare-warfare state. Americans have seen the failure of big government. Now, in the 1990s, we are ready to apply the lessons of this century to make the next one the century not of the state but of the free individual. David Boaz presents the essential guidebook to the libertarian perspective, detailing its roots, central tenets, solutions to contemporary policy dilemmas, and future in American politics. He confronts head-on the tough questions frequently posed to libertarians: What about inequality? Who protects the environment? What ties people together if they are essentially self-interested? A concluding section, "Are You a Libertarian?" gives readers a chance to explore the substance of their own beliefs. Libertarianism is must reading for understanding one of the most exciting and hopeful movements of our time.


Libertarianism PDF Author: David Boaz
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 0684831988
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 548

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David Boaz presents the essential guidebook to the libertarian perspective, detailing its roots, its central tenets, its solutions to contemporary policy dilemmas, and its future in American politics. This book contains everything the independent thinker of the 21st century needs in order to understand the intellectual revolution sweeping America.

Don't Hurt People and Don't Take Their Stuff

Don't Hurt People and Don't Take Their Stuff PDF Author: Matt Kibbe
Publisher: Harper Collins
ISBN: 0062308289
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 166

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Do you believe in the freedom of individuals to determine their own future and solve problems cooperatively? Don't hurt people, and don't take their stuff. Simple and straightforward, that's liberty in a nutshell—no assembly required. And yet it seems like, more and more, the decisions Washington makes about what to do for us, or to us, or even against us, are having an increasingly adverse impact on our lives. Young people can't find jobs, millions of Americans are losing the health care plans they were promised they could keep, and every one of us is somehow being targeted, monitored, snooped on, conscripted, induced, taxed, subsidized, regulated, or otherwise manipulated by someone else's agenda, based on someone else's decisions made in some secret meeting or closed-door legislative deal. What gives? Our government is out of control. But setting things right again requires that you step up and take your freedom back. From Matt Kibbe, the influential leader of FreedomWorks, Don't Hurt People and Don't Take Their Stuff is the first true manifesto of a new libertarian grassroots movement. As political powermongers and crony corporatists in Washington continue to consolidate their control and infringe on our most fundamental liberties, Kibbe makes the libertarian case for freer people, more voluntary cooperation, and solving problems from the bottom up. He calls out the tyranny of faceless bureaucrats with too much power and discretion, laying out a clear road map for restoring liberty. A witty yet piercing critique of government's expanding control over you and your future, Don't Hurt People and Don't Take Their Stuff is a vital read for all those who cherish personal liberty and the unalienable right to choose your own path in life.

Libertarian Free Will

Libertarian Free Will PDF Author: David Palmer (Professor)
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0199860084
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 246

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This book is a collection of new essays on the libertarian position on free will and related issues that focuses specifically on the views of philosopher Robert Kane. Written by a distinguished group of philosophers, the essays range from various areas of philosophy including metaphysics, ethics, and philosophy of mind.

Realizing Freedom

Realizing Freedom PDF Author: Tom G. Palmer
Publisher: Cato Institute
ISBN: 1939709261
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 705

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What is freedom? How is freedom related to justice, law, property, peace, and prosperity? Tom Palmer has spent a lifetime-as a scholar, teacher, journalist, and activist-asking and answering these questions. Since its publication in 2009, Realizing Freedom has been the recipient of wide acclaim, both in the United States and around the world. Now, this expanded edition adds even greater depth and dimension to the book, with newly added essays that confirm Palmer's role as one of liberty's most articulate advocates. A tireless educator, Palmer has traveled the world to bring the message of freedom to people on every continent. At home, he has been an incisive commentator on current affairs as well as an original and innovative thinker in political philosophy. The essays in this volume are drawn from his decades of work on the theory of justice, multiculturalism, democracy and limited government, globalization, the law and economics of patents and copyrights, among many other topics, and reflect the many levels on which Palmer has promoted individual liberty.

The Libertarian Reader

The Libertarian Reader PDF Author: David Boaz
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1476752923
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 624

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“The most magnificent collection of libertarian writings ever published” (Laissez Faire Books). An important collection of seminal writings on a movement that is rapidly changing the face of American politics, The Libertarian Reader links some of the most fertile minds of our time to a centuries-old commitment to freedom, self-determination, and opposition to intrusive government. This is the first comprehensive anthology of libertarian thought—from the Bible and Lao-Tzu to Hayek and Milton Friedman—to be published in one volume. The 68 selections from great libertarian writers are an intellectual feast, covering such key libertarian themes as skepticism about power, individual rights, spontaneous order, free markets, and peace. For all independent thinkers, this unique sourcebook will stand as a classic reference for years to come, and a reminder that libertarianism is one of our oldest and most venerable American traditions.

On Nabokov, Ayn Rand and the Libertarian Mind

On Nabokov, Ayn Rand and the Libertarian Mind PDF Author: Gene H. Bell-Villada
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1443863742
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 304

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On Nabokov, Ayn Rand and the Libertarian Mind not only conjoins two seemingly divergent authors but also takes on the larger picture of libertarian trends and ideologies. These timely topics further intermingle with Bell-Villada’s own conflicted relationship – personal, cultural, satirical, literary – to the “odd pair” and their ways of thinking. The inclusion of Louis Begley’s essay adds yet another dimension to this unique, wide-ranging meditation on art and politics, history and memory.

Government Gone Wild

Government Gone Wild PDF Author: Kristin Tate
Publisher: Center Street
ISBN: 1455566225
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 238

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With humor and a modern perspective, young conservative journalist Kristin Tate points out what's broken in our government and shows readers how they can fix it. Do you really think you're "free?" #LOL. D.C. politicians ship our friends and family overseas to fight in wars we shouldn't be fighting. They monitor our emails, record our phone calls, and peer into our snail mail. They spend our hard-earned cash on things no disciplined family would buy. They tell us who we can marry and what we can put in our bodies. They throw us in overcrowded prisons for smoking pot. They take lavish trips around the world, staying in five-star hotels. . . and it comes straight out of our paychecks. This isn't freedom. Government Gone Wild is a brash, bold ride through the carnival of absurdities that our broken system has become. This isn't about Democrats vs. Republicans. . . it's about inspiring hard working Americans to give a damn so we can take our country back. This is your wakeup call. You're not anywhere near as free as you think you are -- but you can be. We're not as prosperous as we once were -- but we can be.

Freedom and Virtue

Freedom and Virtue PDF Author: George W. Carey
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 188292696X
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 255

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The long-running debates between between conservatives and libertarians are vigorous and highly charged, dealing with ideas about the very nature of liberty and morality. Like no other single work, Freedom and Virtue explores what unites and divides the adherents of these two important American traditions—shedding much light on our current political landscape.