Author: Miha Milnar
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9610504876
Category : Excavations (Archaeology)
Languages : en
Pages : 336
Book Description
Most na Soči je ključno in najbolje raziskano arheološko najdišče v Zgornjem Posočju. Njegovo bogato preteklost že več kot poldrugo stoletje razkrivajo naključna odkritja in strokovna izkopavanja tako naselbinskih ostankov iz bronaste, železne in rimske dobe kot tudi pripadajočih grobišč. V tej knjigi so predstavljena novejša odkritja na levem bregu Idrijce, kjer je že od konca 19. stoletja znano obsežno grobišče iz železne dobe. Na njegovem severnem obrobju je bilo z izkopavanji Tolminskega muzeja v letih 2000–2016 na treh lokacijah – Pucarjev rob, Repelc in Lipičarjev vrt – odkritih skupaj 88 grobov. Največ jih je iz železne dobe, vmes je bilo tudi ducat grobov iz rimske dobe in en iz zgodnjega srednjega veka. V njihovi neposredni bližini so bili odkriti še sočasna žganinska jama in kamnit zidec, pod njimi pa naselbinski ostanki iz pozne bronaste dobe.
Most na Soči
Author: Miha Milnar
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9610504876
Category : Excavations (Archaeology)
Languages : en
Pages : 336
Book Description
Most na Soči je ključno in najbolje raziskano arheološko najdišče v Zgornjem Posočju. Njegovo bogato preteklost že več kot poldrugo stoletje razkrivajo naključna odkritja in strokovna izkopavanja tako naselbinskih ostankov iz bronaste, železne in rimske dobe kot tudi pripadajočih grobišč. V tej knjigi so predstavljena novejša odkritja na levem bregu Idrijce, kjer je že od konca 19. stoletja znano obsežno grobišče iz železne dobe. Na njegovem severnem obrobju je bilo z izkopavanji Tolminskega muzeja v letih 2000–2016 na treh lokacijah – Pucarjev rob, Repelc in Lipičarjev vrt – odkritih skupaj 88 grobov. Največ jih je iz železne dobe, vmes je bilo tudi ducat grobov iz rimske dobe in en iz zgodnjega srednjega veka. V njihovi neposredni bližini so bili odkriti še sočasna žganinska jama in kamnit zidec, pod njimi pa naselbinski ostanki iz pozne bronaste dobe.
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9610504876
Category : Excavations (Archaeology)
Languages : en
Pages : 336
Book Description
Most na Soči je ključno in najbolje raziskano arheološko najdišče v Zgornjem Posočju. Njegovo bogato preteklost že več kot poldrugo stoletje razkrivajo naključna odkritja in strokovna izkopavanja tako naselbinskih ostankov iz bronaste, železne in rimske dobe kot tudi pripadajočih grobišč. V tej knjigi so predstavljena novejša odkritja na levem bregu Idrijce, kjer je že od konca 19. stoletja znano obsežno grobišče iz železne dobe. Na njegovem severnem obrobju je bilo z izkopavanji Tolminskega muzeja v letih 2000–2016 na treh lokacijah – Pucarjev rob, Repelc in Lipičarjev vrt – odkritih skupaj 88 grobov. Največ jih je iz železne dobe, vmes je bilo tudi ducat grobov iz rimske dobe in en iz zgodnjega srednjega veka. V njihovi neposredni bližini so bili odkriti še sočasna žganinska jama in kamnit zidec, pod njimi pa naselbinski ostanki iz pozne bronaste dobe.
The Oxford Handbook of the European Iron Age
Author: Colin Haselgrove
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0191019488
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1425
Book Description
The Oxford Handbook of the European Iron Age presents a broad overview of current understanding of the archaeology of Europe from 1000 BC through to the early historic periods, exploiting the large quantities of new evidence yielded by the upsurge in archaeological research and excavation on this period over the last thirty years. Three introductory chapters situate the reader in the times and the environments of Iron Age Europe. Fourteen regional chapters provide accessible syntheses of developments in different parts of the continent, from Ireland and Spain in the west to the borders with Asia in the east, from Scandinavia in the north to the Mediterranean shores in the south. Twenty-six thematic chapters examine different aspects of Iron Age archaeology in greater depth, from lifeways, economy, and complexity to identity, ritual, and expression. Among the many topics explored are agricultural systems, settlements, landscape monuments, iron smelting and forging, production of textiles, politics, demography, gender, migration, funerary practices, social and religious rituals, coinage and literacy, and art and design.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0191019488
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1425
Book Description
The Oxford Handbook of the European Iron Age presents a broad overview of current understanding of the archaeology of Europe from 1000 BC through to the early historic periods, exploiting the large quantities of new evidence yielded by the upsurge in archaeological research and excavation on this period over the last thirty years. Three introductory chapters situate the reader in the times and the environments of Iron Age Europe. Fourteen regional chapters provide accessible syntheses of developments in different parts of the continent, from Ireland and Spain in the west to the borders with Asia in the east, from Scandinavia in the north to the Mediterranean shores in the south. Twenty-six thematic chapters examine different aspects of Iron Age archaeology in greater depth, from lifeways, economy, and complexity to identity, ritual, and expression. Among the many topics explored are agricultural systems, settlements, landscape monuments, iron smelting and forging, production of textiles, politics, demography, gender, migration, funerary practices, social and religious rituals, coinage and literacy, and art and design.
The Roman conquest beyond Aquileia (II-I centuries BC)
Author: Mateja Belak
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9610507093
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 185
Book Description
V knjigi devetnajst avtorjev iz štirih držav (Italije, Slovenije, Hrvaške in Avstrije) predstavlja zgodovinske, epigrafske in arheološke dokaze o prisotnosti rimske vojske in o sledovih spopadov na območju Caput Adriae ter na vzhodni obali Jadrana. Večina prispevkov je posvečena severnemu Jadranu in njegovemu zaledju v 2. in 1. stoletju pr. Kr. Topografija prvega leta histrske vojne (178–177 pr. Kr.) je analizirana s pomočjo zgodovinskih virov. Arheološki dokazi o zgodnji rimski vojaški prisotnosti so obravnavani v več poglavjih: o vojaških taborih Koromačnik in Mala Gročanica, o začetkih Tergesta na hribu Sv. Justa, o spopadih z avtohtonim prebivalstvom in o epigrafskih sledeh rimske vojske. Ostanki zgodnjerimskih taborov ponujajo nov vpogled tudi v pokrajino srednje Dalmacije. Rimska ofenzivna politika na južnem Jadranu, ob Jonskem morju in v notranjosti Balkana je analizirana na podlagi pisnih virov.
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9610507093
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 185
Book Description
V knjigi devetnajst avtorjev iz štirih držav (Italije, Slovenije, Hrvaške in Avstrije) predstavlja zgodovinske, epigrafske in arheološke dokaze o prisotnosti rimske vojske in o sledovih spopadov na območju Caput Adriae ter na vzhodni obali Jadrana. Večina prispevkov je posvečena severnemu Jadranu in njegovemu zaledju v 2. in 1. stoletju pr. Kr. Topografija prvega leta histrske vojne (178–177 pr. Kr.) je analizirana s pomočjo zgodovinskih virov. Arheološki dokazi o zgodnji rimski vojaški prisotnosti so obravnavani v več poglavjih: o vojaških taborih Koromačnik in Mala Gročanica, o začetkih Tergesta na hribu Sv. Justa, o spopadih z avtohtonim prebivalstvom in o epigrafskih sledeh rimske vojske. Ostanki zgodnjerimskih taborov ponujajo nov vpogled tudi v pokrajino srednje Dalmacije. Rimska ofenzivna politika na južnem Jadranu, ob Jonskem morju in v notranjosti Balkana je analizirana na podlagi pisnih virov.
Roman urban landscape
Author: Mateja Belak
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9610508278
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 521
Book Description
Knjiga predstavlja nove elemente urbanističnih vidikov rimskih mest in manjših naselij na območju Caput Adriae, Norika in Panonije. V 26 prispevkih 54 avtorjev iz osmih držav (Italije, Slovenije, Avstrije, Madžarske, Hrvaške, Srbije, Črne gore in Severne Makedonije) poskuša razširiti védenje o razvoju mest in nekaterih drugih pomembnih naselij. Prva dva članka predstavljata širše, a različne poglede na urbanizacijo. V naslednjem delu je obravnavanih 22 naselij. Skrajni severovzhod X. regije predstavljajo štiri naselja (Aquileja, Tergeste, Emona in Nauport). V knjigo je vključena večina avtonomnih mest v Noriku ter nekatera druga naselbinska območja (Celeja, Flavia Solva, Virunum, Štalenska gora, Teurnija, Aguntum, Iuvavum, Ovilava, Lauriacum, Stein). Iz provinc Panonija Superior (Vindobona, Carnuntum, Strebersdorf, Savarija, Poetovio, Aquae Iasae) in Panonija Inferior (Mursa, Bassiane) so predstavljena izbrana mesta in manjša naselja. Območje se nahaja na stičišču med vzhodno in zahodno polovico cesarstva in zajema dele treh geografskih enot (tj. sredozemskega, alpskega in celinskega sveta), zaradi česar bi lahko bila knjiga zanimiva za širše razumevanje delovanja rimskega imperija.
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9610508278
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 521
Book Description
Knjiga predstavlja nove elemente urbanističnih vidikov rimskih mest in manjših naselij na območju Caput Adriae, Norika in Panonije. V 26 prispevkih 54 avtorjev iz osmih držav (Italije, Slovenije, Avstrije, Madžarske, Hrvaške, Srbije, Črne gore in Severne Makedonije) poskuša razširiti védenje o razvoju mest in nekaterih drugih pomembnih naselij. Prva dva članka predstavljata širše, a različne poglede na urbanizacijo. V naslednjem delu je obravnavanih 22 naselij. Skrajni severovzhod X. regije predstavljajo štiri naselja (Aquileja, Tergeste, Emona in Nauport). V knjigo je vključena večina avtonomnih mest v Noriku ter nekatera druga naselbinska območja (Celeja, Flavia Solva, Virunum, Štalenska gora, Teurnija, Aguntum, Iuvavum, Ovilava, Lauriacum, Stein). Iz provinc Panonija Superior (Vindobona, Carnuntum, Strebersdorf, Savarija, Poetovio, Aquae Iasae) in Panonija Inferior (Mursa, Bassiane) so predstavljena izbrana mesta in manjša naselja. Območje se nahaja na stičišču med vzhodno in zahodno polovico cesarstva in zajema dele treh geografskih enot (tj. sredozemskega, alpskega in celinskega sveta), zaradi česar bi lahko bila knjiga zanimiva za širše razumevanje delovanja rimskega imperija.
Magdalenska gora
Author: Sneža Tecco Hvala
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 961254400X
Category : Archaeology
Languages : en
Pages : 441
Book Description
The finds and preserved grave groups from its tumulus cemeteries, which are kept in several museums in different countries (Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana~Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien~Peabody Museum of Harvard University in Cambridge, USA), give a good insight into the cultural and social processes of the time. Together with notes on the circumstances of find and contents of graves, they represent a valuable source for the study of social structure and differentiation, as well as cultural identity.
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 961254400X
Category : Archaeology
Languages : en
Pages : 441
Book Description
The finds and preserved grave groups from its tumulus cemeteries, which are kept in several museums in different countries (Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana~Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien~Peabody Museum of Harvard University in Cambridge, USA), give a good insight into the cultural and social processes of the time. Together with notes on the circumstances of find and contents of graves, they represent a valuable source for the study of social structure and differentiation, as well as cultural identity.
Manjša rimska naselja na slovenskem prostoru / Minor Roman settlements in Slovenia
Author: Jana Horvat
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9610502571
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 425
Book Description
Monografija je posvečena manjšim rimskim naseljem, ki ležijo na območju današnje Slovenije, kamor so segale tri velike upravne enote rimske države: Italija ter provinci Norik in Zgornja Panonija. V samostojnih poglavjih je zgoščeno in po skupnem konceptu predstavljenih dvajset naselij različnega tipa in stopnje raziskanosti. Podatki so umeščeni v prostor, podprti s kartami in načrti, vsebinsko primerljivi in jasno ovrednoteni. Vsako poglavje vsebuje podatke o legi naselja in njegovem antičnem imenu, kratko zgodovino raziskav, morebitno obljudenost lokacije v prazgodovini, predstavitev antičnih literarnih virov in epigrafskih spomenikov. Osrednji del je usmerjen v pregled arheoloških ostankov rimske dobe: v topografijo, infrastrukturo, stavbe, grobišča in premične ostanke posebnega pomena. Sledijo podatki o statusu naselja, o družbenem položaju posameznih prebivalcev, njihovih administrativnih ali vojaških funkcijah, poklicih in etnični pripadnosti. Vsako poglavje zaokroža oris zgodovinskega razvoja naselja. Predstavljena so: Fluvio Frigido - Kastra, Ad Pirum, Longatik, Navport, Vipava, Gradišče nad Knežakom, Ulaka, Ig, Mengeš, Karnij, Šmartno pri Cerkljah, Blagovica, Atrans, Šempeter v Savinski dolini, Kolaciona, Zagrad, Slovenska Bistrica, Ančnikovo gradišče, Pretorij Latobikov in Romula. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The book discusses the minor settlements that dotted the territory of present-day Slovenia in the Roman period. This geographically diverse territory was crossed by important lines of communication and divided between three large administrative units of the Roman state: Italy and the provinces of Noricum and Upper Pannonia. Twenty-six authors wrote contributions on individual settlements in a comprehensive and clear manner roughly following a common concept. The presentation of each settlement opens with its location and name in Antiquity, possible habitation traces from prehistory, mentions in ancient literary texts and documents, and recovered epigraphic evidence. The next, main part offers an overview of the archaeological remains from the Roman period: topography, infrastructure, buildings, cemeteries and portable remains of particular significance. This is followed by the information on the status of a settlement, social standing of its inhabitants, their administrative or military functions, as well as professional or ethnical background. All is brought together in an outline of the historical development of each settlement.
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9610502571
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 425
Book Description
Monografija je posvečena manjšim rimskim naseljem, ki ležijo na območju današnje Slovenije, kamor so segale tri velike upravne enote rimske države: Italija ter provinci Norik in Zgornja Panonija. V samostojnih poglavjih je zgoščeno in po skupnem konceptu predstavljenih dvajset naselij različnega tipa in stopnje raziskanosti. Podatki so umeščeni v prostor, podprti s kartami in načrti, vsebinsko primerljivi in jasno ovrednoteni. Vsako poglavje vsebuje podatke o legi naselja in njegovem antičnem imenu, kratko zgodovino raziskav, morebitno obljudenost lokacije v prazgodovini, predstavitev antičnih literarnih virov in epigrafskih spomenikov. Osrednji del je usmerjen v pregled arheoloških ostankov rimske dobe: v topografijo, infrastrukturo, stavbe, grobišča in premične ostanke posebnega pomena. Sledijo podatki o statusu naselja, o družbenem položaju posameznih prebivalcev, njihovih administrativnih ali vojaških funkcijah, poklicih in etnični pripadnosti. Vsako poglavje zaokroža oris zgodovinskega razvoja naselja. Predstavljena so: Fluvio Frigido - Kastra, Ad Pirum, Longatik, Navport, Vipava, Gradišče nad Knežakom, Ulaka, Ig, Mengeš, Karnij, Šmartno pri Cerkljah, Blagovica, Atrans, Šempeter v Savinski dolini, Kolaciona, Zagrad, Slovenska Bistrica, Ančnikovo gradišče, Pretorij Latobikov in Romula. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The book discusses the minor settlements that dotted the territory of present-day Slovenia in the Roman period. This geographically diverse territory was crossed by important lines of communication and divided between three large administrative units of the Roman state: Italy and the provinces of Noricum and Upper Pannonia. Twenty-six authors wrote contributions on individual settlements in a comprehensive and clear manner roughly following a common concept. The presentation of each settlement opens with its location and name in Antiquity, possible habitation traces from prehistory, mentions in ancient literary texts and documents, and recovered epigraphic evidence. The next, main part offers an overview of the archaeological remains from the Roman period: topography, infrastructure, buildings, cemeteries and portable remains of particular significance. This is followed by the information on the status of a settlement, social standing of its inhabitants, their administrative or military functions, as well as professional or ethnical background. All is brought together in an outline of the historical development of each settlement.
The Rough Guide to Slovenia (Travel Guide eBook)
Author: Rough Guides
Publisher: Rough Guides UK
ISBN: 0241314682
Category : Travel
Languages : en
Pages : 460
Book Description
The brand new The Rough Guide to Slovenia is the ultimate travel guide to one of Europe's smallest but most enchanting countries. Discover Slovenia's myriad charms with the help of stunning photography, colour-coded maps and smart recommendations of the best places to eat, drink and stay. Get the lowdown on Ljubljana, one of Europe's greenest and most beguiling capitals. Find detailed practical advice on making the most of Slovenia's extraordinary natural heritage, whether that's kayaking on the Soca river, swimming in Lake Bohinj, hiking through lush pine forests or even skiing. There's expert guidance, too, on exploring Slovenia's magnificent caves, its world-class wine regions and its wonderful spas. With handy itineraries, author favourites and Top 5 boxes picking out the unmissable highlights, The Rough Guide to Slovenia won't let you down. Make the most of your trip with The Rough Guide to Slovenia.
Publisher: Rough Guides UK
ISBN: 0241314682
Category : Travel
Languages : en
Pages : 460
Book Description
The brand new The Rough Guide to Slovenia is the ultimate travel guide to one of Europe's smallest but most enchanting countries. Discover Slovenia's myriad charms with the help of stunning photography, colour-coded maps and smart recommendations of the best places to eat, drink and stay. Get the lowdown on Ljubljana, one of Europe's greenest and most beguiling capitals. Find detailed practical advice on making the most of Slovenia's extraordinary natural heritage, whether that's kayaking on the Soca river, swimming in Lake Bohinj, hiking through lush pine forests or even skiing. There's expert guidance, too, on exploring Slovenia's magnificent caves, its world-class wine regions and its wonderful spas. With handy itineraries, author favourites and Top 5 boxes picking out the unmissable highlights, The Rough Guide to Slovenia won't let you down. Make the most of your trip with The Rough Guide to Slovenia.
DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Slovenia
Author: DK Travel
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 1465469443
Category : Travel
Languages : en
Pages : 254
Book Description
Your in-depth guide to the very best of Slovenia. Make the most of your trip to this beautiful destination with our DK Eyewitness Travel Guide. Packed with insider tips to make your trip a success, you'll find a guide to Slovenia's stunning architecture and its scenic drives that lets you experience the best hotels, bars, and shops that the country has to offer. Try local delicacies at fantastic restaurants, bars, and clubs, and enjoy the great views in spots that will take your breath away. We have the best hotels for every budget, plus fun activities for the solitary traveler or for families and children visiting Slovenia. Discover DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Slovenia: + Detailed itineraries and "don't-miss" destination highlights at a glance. + Illustrated cutaway 3-D drawings of important sights. + Floor plans and guided visitor information for major museums. + Guided walking tours, local drink and dining specialties to try, things to do, and places to eat, drink, and shop by area. + Area maps marked with sights. + Detailed city maps include street finder indexes for easy navigation. + Insights into history and culture to help you understand the stories behind the sights. + Hotel and restaurant listings highlight DK Choice special recommendations. With hundreds of full-color photographs, hand-drawn illustrations, and custom maps that illuminate every page, DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Slovenia truly shows you this place as no one else can. Recommended: For a pocket guidebook to Slovenia, check out DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Top 10 Slovenia, which is packed with dozens of top 10 lists, ensuring you make the most of your time and experience the best of everything.
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 1465469443
Category : Travel
Languages : en
Pages : 254
Book Description
Your in-depth guide to the very best of Slovenia. Make the most of your trip to this beautiful destination with our DK Eyewitness Travel Guide. Packed with insider tips to make your trip a success, you'll find a guide to Slovenia's stunning architecture and its scenic drives that lets you experience the best hotels, bars, and shops that the country has to offer. Try local delicacies at fantastic restaurants, bars, and clubs, and enjoy the great views in spots that will take your breath away. We have the best hotels for every budget, plus fun activities for the solitary traveler or for families and children visiting Slovenia. Discover DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Slovenia: + Detailed itineraries and "don't-miss" destination highlights at a glance. + Illustrated cutaway 3-D drawings of important sights. + Floor plans and guided visitor information for major museums. + Guided walking tours, local drink and dining specialties to try, things to do, and places to eat, drink, and shop by area. + Area maps marked with sights. + Detailed city maps include street finder indexes for easy navigation. + Insights into history and culture to help you understand the stories behind the sights. + Hotel and restaurant listings highlight DK Choice special recommendations. With hundreds of full-color photographs, hand-drawn illustrations, and custom maps that illuminate every page, DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Slovenia truly shows you this place as no one else can. Recommended: For a pocket guidebook to Slovenia, check out DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Top 10 Slovenia, which is packed with dozens of top 10 lists, ensuring you make the most of your time and experience the best of everything.
The Rough Guide to Slovenia
Author: Darren (Norm) Longley
Publisher: Rough Guides UK
ISBN: 1405387386
Category : Travel
Languages : en
Pages : 475
Book Description
The Rough Guide to Slovenia is the ultimate travel companion to one of Europe's least discovered countries with detailed coverage of all the top attractions. From Ljubljana's vibrant nightlife to the stunning cave network at Postojnah and the Bled Castle Museum, discover Slovenia's highlights inspired by dozens of colour photos. You'll find practical advice on getting around the country and expanded information on driving in Slovenia whilst relying on up-to-date descriptions of the best hotels, bars, clubs, shops and restaurants for all budgets. The Rough Guide to Slovenia includes expert guidance on a host of outdoor activities, from mountain hikes to skiing and whitewater rafting and a crucial language section with basic words, phrases and handy tips for pronunciation. Explore every corner of Slovenia with clear maps and expert backgound on everything from the country's history, folklore, music and wildlife to the world's largest underground canyon at the Škocjan caves. Make the most of your holiday with The Rough Guide to Slovenia.
Publisher: Rough Guides UK
ISBN: 1405387386
Category : Travel
Languages : en
Pages : 475
Book Description
The Rough Guide to Slovenia is the ultimate travel companion to one of Europe's least discovered countries with detailed coverage of all the top attractions. From Ljubljana's vibrant nightlife to the stunning cave network at Postojnah and the Bled Castle Museum, discover Slovenia's highlights inspired by dozens of colour photos. You'll find practical advice on getting around the country and expanded information on driving in Slovenia whilst relying on up-to-date descriptions of the best hotels, bars, clubs, shops and restaurants for all budgets. The Rough Guide to Slovenia includes expert guidance on a host of outdoor activities, from mountain hikes to skiing and whitewater rafting and a crucial language section with basic words, phrases and handy tips for pronunciation. Explore every corner of Slovenia with clear maps and expert backgound on everything from the country's history, folklore, music and wildlife to the world's largest underground canyon at the Škocjan caves. Make the most of your holiday with The Rough Guide to Slovenia.
Encyclopedia of Archaeology
Author: Tim Murray
Publisher: ABC-CLIO
ISBN: 9781576071984
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 562
Book Description
Publisher: ABC-CLIO
ISBN: 9781576071984
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 562
Book Description