The Handbook of Glass Manufacture

The Handbook of Glass Manufacture PDF Author: Fay V. Tooley
Category : Glass manufacture
Languages : en
Pages : 850

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The Handbook of Glass Manufacture

The Handbook of Glass Manufacture PDF Author: Fay V. Tooley
Category : Glass manufacture
Languages : en
Pages : 850

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The Glass Artist's Studio Handbook

The Glass Artist's Studio Handbook PDF Author: Cecilia Cohen
Publisher: Fair Winds Press
ISBN: 1592536972
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 178

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The Glass Artist's Studio Handbook offers readers a comprehensive and accessible guide to not only the nuts and bolts of this perennially popular craft but insight into the artisan crafter's lifestyle.

Handbook of Glass in Construction

Handbook of Glass in Construction PDF Author: Joseph S. Amstock
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 9780070016194
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 594

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Here is the first comprehensive guide to the specification, installation, manufacture, and testing of glass units and windows for construction. Packed with data, descriptions, applications, and illustrations, the book examines all types of glass and insulating glass, including single and dual sealed systems, heat mirror materials, sealant compounds, and swiggle strip and metal edge compounds. You'll also find complete details on safety glass for hurricane-prone regions and for security purposesÑplus a glossary of terms and listings of trade organizations, suppliers, and manufacturers.

Mould Making for Glass

Mould Making for Glass PDF Author: Angela Thwaites
Publisher: Herbert Press
ISBN: 9781789940046
Category : Crafts & Hobbies
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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Nearly all glass makers (unless they are blowing glass) need moulds which can go in the kiln, as part of the process of creating their work. Currently glass students and makers get their expertise and recipes from lots of different sources, picking out the relevant bits and pieces which they need from other glass and ceramic books. This book aims to introduce all the mould-making techniques for casting glass, with detailed information on materials, recipes for mould mixes, methods and applications. It helps the student to learn which methods are appropriate for different types of work, and covers all the basics of how to make your mould. It also includes practical information on sourcing, storing, using and recycling materials, and how to develop your own recipes and methods for particular projects. It also covers where to start with writing programmes for kiln firings including annealing and cooling. It also contains images from well-known artists working in cast glass throughout.

A Handbook of Laboratory Glass-blowing

A Handbook of Laboratory Glass-blowing PDF Author: Bernard D. Bolas
Category : Glass blowing and working
Languages : en
Pages : 126

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Engineered Materials Handbook, Desk Edition

Engineered Materials Handbook, Desk Edition PDF Author: ASM International. Handbook Committee
Publisher: ASM International
ISBN: 0871702835
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1313

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A comprehensive reference on the properties, selection, processing, and applications of the most widely used nonmetallic engineering materials. Section 1, General Information and Data, contains information applicable both to polymers and to ceramics and glasses. It includes an illustrated glossary, a collection of engineering tables and data, and a guide to materials selection. Sections 2 through 7 focus on polymeric materials--plastics, elastomers, polymer-matrix composites, adhesives, and sealants--with the information largely updated and expanded from the first three volumes of the Engineered Materials Handbook. Ceramics and glasses are covered in Sections 8 through 12, also with updated and expanded information. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

The Handbook of Glass Manufacture

The Handbook of Glass Manufacture PDF Author: Fay V. Tooley
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Introduction to Glass Science and Technology

Introduction to Glass Science and Technology PDF Author: James E Shelby
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 1782625119
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 320

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This book provides a concise and inexpensive introduction for an undergraduate course in glass science and technology. The level of the book has deliberately been maintained at the introductory level to avoid confusion of the student by inclusion of more advanced material, and is unique in that its text is limited to the amount suitable for a one term course for students in materials science, ceramics or inorganic chemistry. The contents cover the fundamental topics of importance in glass science and technology, including glass formation, crystallization, phase separation and structure of glasses. Additional chapters discuss the most important properties of glasses, including discussion of physical, optical, electrical, chemical and mechanical properties. A final chapter provides an introduction to a number of methods used to form technical glasses, including glass sheet, bottles, insulation fibre, optical fibres and other common commercial products. In addition, the book contains discussion of the effects of phase separation and crystallization on the properties of glasses, which is neglected in other texts. Although intended primarily as a textbook, Introduction to Glass Science and Technology will also be invaluable to the engineer or scientist who desires more knowledge regarding the formation, properties and production of glass.

Fire Into Ice

Fire Into Ice PDF Author: James Houston
Publisher: Tundra Books (NY)
ISBN: 9780887764592
Category : Glass blowing and working
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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What could be more different than the icy arctic landscape and the hot blast of a glass furnace? James Houston, explorer, artist, and writer, draws the inspiring connection in this fascinating introduction to one of the world's most ancient - and most beautiful - arts. During the years that James Houston lived in the Arctic, he was above all impressed by the resourceful people. But he also fell in love with the rugged treeless land, the winter moonlight shining off the snow and ice, the majestic ever-changing shapes and great sighing of new-formed ice. When asked to design glass sculptures for Steuben, he, with some misgivings, left his isolated arctic home to move to the heat of a crowded New York summer. As he learned the art of glass sculpture, he found an affinity with life in the Far North. After all, glass is a liquid that hardens, much like ice. The jagged shapes reflect the arctic landscape. Glass making depends on small teams of cooperative craftspeople, much like the Inuit families as they hunt and create their art together. This very personal story is a stunning introduction to glass making, and to an extraordinary individual.

The American Cut Glass Industry

The American Cut Glass Industry PDF Author: Jane Shadel Spillman
Publisher: Antique Collectors Club Dist
Category : Antiques & Collectibles
Languages : en
Pages : 328

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The purpose of this book is to present new information about the late 19th & early 20th century cut glass industry in Corning, New York. The book focuses on T. G. Hawkes & Co because of the recent discovery of the latter's archival materials, 1880-1890.