The American Way to Prosperity

The American Way to Prosperity PDF Author: Gifford K. Simonds
Category : Industrial efficiency
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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The American Way to Prosperity

The American Way to Prosperity PDF Author: Gifford K. Simonds
Category : Industrial efficiency
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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The Betrayal of American Prosperity

The Betrayal of American Prosperity PDF Author: Clyde Prestowitz
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1439131473
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 354

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CONSIDER THIS SHOCKING FACT: while China’s number one export to the United States is $46 billion of computer equipment, the number one export from the U.S. to China is waste—$7.6 billion of waste paper and scrap metal. Bestselling author Clyde Prestowitz reveals the astonishing extent of the erosion of the fundamental pillars of American economic might—beginning well before the 2008 financial crisis—and the great challenge we face for the future in competing with the economic juggernaut of China and the other fast-rising economies. As the arresting facts he introduces show, the U.S. is rapidly losing the basis of its wealth and power, as well as its freedom of action and independence. If we do not make dramatic changes quickly, we will confront a painful permanent slide in our standard of living; the dollar will no longer be the world’s currency; our military strength will be whittled away; and we will be increasingly subject to the will of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and various malcontents. But it doesn’t have to be that way. As Prestowitz shows in a masterful account of how we’ve come to this fateful juncture, we have inflicted our economic decline on ourselves—we abandoned the extraordinary approach to growth that drove the country’s remarkable rise to superpower status from the early days of the republic up through World War II. For most of our history, we supported our home industries, protected our market against unfair trade, made the world’s finest products—leading the way in technological innovation—and we were strong savers. But in the post-WWII era, we reversed course as our leadership embraced a set of simplistically attractive but disastrously false ideas—that consumption rather than production should drive our economy; that free trade is always a win-win; that all globalization is good; that the market is always right and government regulation or intervention in the economy always causes more harm than good; and that it didn’t matter that our factories were fleeing overseas because we were moving to the "higher ground" of services. In a devastating account, Prestowitz shows just how flawed this orthodoxy is and how it has gutted the American economy. The 2008 financial crisis was only its most blatant and recent consequence. It is time to abandon these false doctrines and to get back to the American way of growth that brought us to world leadership; Prestowitz presents a deeply researched and powerful set of highly practical steps that we can begin implementing immediately to reverse course and restore our economic leadership and excellence. The Betrayal of American Prosperity is vital reading for all Americans concerned about the future of the economy and of our power in the coming era.

Endangering Prosperity

Endangering Prosperity PDF Author: Eric A. Hanushek
Publisher: Brookings Institution Press
ISBN: 0815703732
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 161

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"Compares the performance of American schools with that of other countries against the background of an increasingly globalizing world, introducing new competition for talent, markets, capital, and opportunity, and shows mixed results for U.S. students and recommends areas where American schools and education should be improved"-- Provided by publisher.

A Few Thousand Dollars

A Few Thousand Dollars PDF Author: Robert E. Friedman
Publisher: The New Press
ISBN: 1620974045
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 337

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A guide to making the U.S. economy work for everyone, by a leading advocate of asset development The majority of Americans do not have a few thousand dollars to weather an unexpected illness, job loss, or accident. Most Americans, including 80 percent of people of color, are locked out of the mainstream economy, unable to add their talents, work, and dreams, unable to share in the bounty of this economy. Without a nest egg most Americans cannot invest in their future—and the future of our country—through saving, entrepreneurship, education, and homeownership. We can—and we should—do better. Longtime leader in the field of asset-building Robert E. Friedman demonstrates how a few simple policy changes would address wealth inequality—and build a better economy and a stronger country for us all. In six sharp, compelling chapters, accented by sixteen original black-and-white illustrations by Rohan Eason that present the realities of income and asset inequality and explain the needed policy interventions, Friedman addresses savings, business, education, home, and prosperity to articulate a vision for making inclusive investments without spending an additional dollar, just by transforming tax subsidies for the wealthy few into seeds for prosperity for everyone. This is an investment with a huge return: the redemption of the American promise of prosperity for all.

From a to B

From a to B PDF Author: David Axe
Publisher: Potomac Books, Inc.
ISBN: 1612341306
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 325

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What America does best.

Prosperity Gospel Latinos and Their American Dream

Prosperity Gospel Latinos and Their American Dream PDF Author: Tony Tian-Ren Lin
Publisher: UNC Press Books
ISBN: 1469658968
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 219

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In this immersive ethnography, Tony Tian-Ren Lin explores the reasons that Latin American immigrants across the United States are increasingly drawn to Prosperity Gospel Pentecostalism, a strand of Protestantism gaining popularity around the world. Lin contends that Latinos embrace Prosperity Gospel, which teaches that believers may achieve both divine salvation and worldly success, because it helps them account for the contradictions of their lives as immigrants. Weaving together his informants' firsthand accounts of their religious experiences and everyday lives, Lin offers poignant insight into how they see their faith transforming them both as individuals and as communities. The theology fuses salvation with material goods so that as these immigrants pursue spiritual rewards they are also, perhaps paradoxically, striving for the American dream. But after all, Lin observes, prosperity is the gospel of the American dream. In this way, while becoming better Prosperity Gospel Pentecostals they are also adopting traditional white American norms. Yet this is not a story of smooth assimilation as most of these immigrants must deal with the immensity of the broader cultural and political resistance to their actually becoming Americans. Rather, Prosperity Gospel Pentecostalism gives Latinos the logic and understanding of themselves as those who belong in this country yet remain perpetual outsiders.

American Abundance

American Abundance PDF Author: Lawrence Kudlow
Publisher: Amer Heritage Custom Publishing Company
ISBN: 9780828111171
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 179

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Return to Prosperity

Return to Prosperity PDF Author: Arthur B. Laffer
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1439169381
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 338

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"WE CAN'T TAX AND SPEND OUR WAY BACK TO THE GOOD TIMES." -- Arthur B. Laffer and Stephen Moore When Arthur B. Laffer spearheaded the theory of supply-side economics and became a member of President Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board, he took his place as an economic icon. More recently, he joined with Stephen Moore and Peter J. Tanous to write The End of Prosperity -- a clarion call delineating what is wrong with current political approaches to America's present economic challenges. Steve Forbes himself described The End of Prosperity as "brilliantly insightful," saying "READ IT -- AND ACT!" Now Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore follow the rousing success of The End of Prosperity with a book even more vital to America and Americans, delivering a plan that shows how our country can regain its lost prosperity. With the economy flat on its back, unemployment at a twenty-five-year high, and the housing default crisis still worsening, is this even possible? But America can once again become the land of economic opportunity, and this brilliant new book tells us exactly how. While President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama may hail from different parties, their response to the crisis has been strikingly similar. The Bush-Obama plan is a failure that has produced nothing except a cascade of trillions of dollars of debt. Is the situation hopeless? No, say Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore resoundingly, the situation is not hopeless. A return to prosperity is still entirely possible...if the correct strategies are followed. In The End of Prosperity, the authors primarily discussed how lower taxes are essential to economic growth. Now, in Return to Prosperity, they detail the other essential components: putting government at all levels on a low-fat diet; emphasizing debt reduction and retirement; and bringing back the investor class in America, where every American can "own a piece of the rock." In a time where most of the proposed solutions are fraught with peril, the argument provides a refreshing counterbalance. The Return to Prosperity is a prescription that gives America the fundamental tools it needs in order to set about recovery. This book is an urgently needed road map to renewed prosperity, and it is vital reading for anyone who worries that the current economy is faltering, with no clear plan articulated for recovery.

The Chinese Way to Wealth and Prosperity: 8 Timeless Strategies for Achieving Financial Success

The Chinese Way to Wealth and Prosperity: 8 Timeless Strategies for Achieving Financial Success PDF Author: Michael Justin Lee
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071788735
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 222

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"You will put down this insightful book with a much deeper understanding of two of the more indispensable topics of the twenty-first century: China and sound financial practices." -- Jon Huntsman, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to China, 2009–2011 "This is a timely, well-researched, and tremendously important book..." -- Maurice R. Greenberg, Chairman & CEO, C.V. Starr & Co., Inc. "Michael sets out a commonsense approach to wealth and prosperity. It's a must-read." -- Philip Bullen, CFA, Group Chief Investment Officer, Fidelity Investments "Lee brings a unique combination of cultural, business, and economic insights. In compelling and clear language, he shows how Americans can engage this new reality." -- Samuel Gregg, D.Phil., Director of Research, The Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty "The more that things change, the more that making money depends on understanding those things that never change. In an immensely readable volume and with a compelling story, The Chinese Way to Wealth and Prosperity provides precisely that." -- Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Author of Thou Shall Prosper: The 10 Commandments for Making Money "Lee provides a valuable handbook for anyone wishing to understand what drives Chinese attitudes toward money." -- Dong Tao, Ph.D., Chief China Economist, Credit Suisse For centuries, the Chinese have managed to survive and thrive in virtually every part of the world. From nineteenth-century emigrants to twenty-first-century "tiger moms," they have shown remarkable resilience and determination in achieving their goals even under the most challenging of circumstances. What is the secret behind their enduring success? It's The Chinese Way to Wealth and Prosperity--a timeless combination of ancient wisdom and modern strategy that anyone can apply: Learn, then earn. Get mobile and go global. Make connections and return favors. Reduce debt and release your capital. Play financial defense. Defer gratification. Love the land. Avoid unrewarded risks. This inspiring and eminently practical guide shows you how to enrich your life, as well as enhance your fortunes. You'll discover the Chinese philosophy of "Sow early, sow often,"--reaping the rewards of consistently saving year after year. You'll learn how to honor and practice the time-tested wisdom of previous generations, keeping your priorities in check, placing a value on what matters most, and bringing prosperity into all aspects of your life. You'll find helpful charts detailing how wealth is generated using basic money-building principles very well known to the Chinese people, as well as ancient proverbs and stories that you can apply to today's economic situation. Along the way, you’ll read how distinguished individuals and major companies have thrived all over the world employing these lessons. The Chinese Way to Wealth and Prosperity offers the wisdom of the past, the keys to the present, and the road map to a strong financial future.

The Road to Prosperity

The Road to Prosperity PDF Author: Patrick J. Toomey
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470543191
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 251

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Praise for The Road to Prosperity "With clarity, verve, and polish, Pat Toomey brilliantly propounds the principles and practical policies needed to make America—and the world—prosperous again. Ronald Reagan, Adam Smith, and Milton Friedman would vigorously applaud what Pat has put forth here." —STEVE FORBES "While many talking heads are tripping over each other to write the political obituary for conservatives, Pat Toomey illustrates how the limited government movement has the best policy answers for the challenges of the twenty-first century. This is a must-read book for any serious student of the limited government movement." —DICK ARMEY, author of the Contract with America, former House Majority Leader, 1995–2003, and Chairman of FreedomWorks "Like Ronald Reagan, Pat Toomey has found a way to breathe common sense and economic truth into public policy. Rather than allowing his political views to color his economics, Pat Toomey looks for truth first and only then does he take a political stance." —Brian Wesbury, Chief Economist, First Trust Portfolios LP "Anyone who cares about the future of our economy and our country should read Pat Toomey's The Road to Prosperity. If we as Americans want to return to a pro-growth and prosperous future, we will need to embrace the free-market, freedom-driven policies laid out in this book." —CHRIS CHOCOLA, President, The Club for Growth